Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

CD 7 here....taking B6, Vitex, VitD, VitC and VitE. Going to start OPK's at CD 10...and going to give preseed a shot this cycle.

Anyone else start taking supplements and vitamins and then all of a sudden it FINALLY happens??

Just curious! I need a little motivational blast here lol

Thanks a million :hugs:

Hey little girl just a heads up on preseed, I wouldn't use as much as they recommend - I use it more as a lube for both of us. Without being grim if you use the amount they tell you to shortly after standing up everything leaves you. I've never had it quite so quickly before using preseed. But a small amount shouldn't do that. I find the swimmers stay in MUCH longer without putting it into the syringes - good luck xxxx

That is SUPER helpful!! Thank you so much!! I wouldn't have known what I was doing and would have read the directions lol...I have heard really good things about it though so I am hoping it helps....Im just overly ready for a bump :thumbup:
That is SUPER helpful!! Thank you so much!! I wouldn't have known what I was doing and would have read the directions lol...I have heard really good things about it though so I am hoping it helps....Im just overly ready for a bump :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

No probs, I've heard great things too that's why I followed instructions, but very quickly after I felt everything (or so it seemed) come back out.
I then reduced the amount and went for more of a lube and it's usually a good few hours before I get movement and it's gradual.

Good luck hun, I totally agree, I'm sooo ready now.

This month I got a + OPK cd13, the oh didn't manage to bd that day but we have bd cd14&15 then today I got bright red blood followed by brownish stuff. I've read it can be ovulation spotting so am a bit excited as it's the first month I've had a sign of ovulation with an OPK (this being the 2nd + OPK ever). I also had 2 days of odd cramping.

It's so our turn xxxx
I'm pretty sure you can get a BBT thermometer at pharmacies and places like Target and Walmart. I think it's definitely good to have, because it can help confirm if/when you're ovulating. :)

Here in the UK I have looked in the shops and in pharmacies and I think they are normal digital thermometers :dohh:

Although I have been looking on eBay for one and you can get accurate BBT thermometers with 50 pregnancy tests/ovulation tests for not a bad price, going have another look in the shops tomorrow, but seriously thinking to buy one off eBay....:shrug:
I got mine from Amazon uk fairly cheaply.
It works perfectly and the temp shifts are not huge so the bbt picks them up exactly as they should.

Good luck xx
I got mine from Amazon uk fairly cheaply.
It works perfectly and the temp shifts are not huge so the bbt picks them up exactly as they should.

Good luck xx

Hi there :hi:

I'm still deciding what steps to take, as my gynaecologist not willing to help until October!! So it's the natural approach for us. In currently taking pregnacare pre-natal vitamin supplement and a herbal store recommended wheat germ to put on my cereal. But I'm thinking on trying the temping method and in just trying to find a good quality thermometer for good value prices. I tried looking in boots stores but I don't think there BBT thermometers :dohh:

I'm struggling to get pregnant with my Pcos and in currently researching about diet on the internet and hearing some good things about the gi diet at the moment. But in currently on cycle day 46!!
Hi there :hi:

I'm still deciding what steps to take, as my gynaecologist not willing to help until October!! So it's the natural approach for us. In currently taking pregnacare pre-natal vitamin supplement and a herbal store recommended wheat germ to put on my cereal. But I'm thinking on trying the temping method and in just trying to find a good quality thermometer for good value prices. I tried looking in boots stores but I don't think there BBT thermometers :dohh:

I'm struggling to get pregnant with my Pcos and in currently researching about diet on the internet and hearing some good things about the gi diet at the moment. But in currently on cycle day 46!![/QUOTE]

Oh huni, if you've only been trying a little while they don't tend to help until a year. Rubbish I know but annoyingly it's just a matter of time.

I didn't realise pcos stopped you getting preggo but I don't really know anything much about it.

Well I've been ttc since June 13 and I got referred when I spoke to my doc a bit early. She's done some blood work to check ovulation hormones, I've had an ultrasound. My oh has had a sperm analysis and all appeared fine. I've got my referral in a June so we shall see.

Do you know when you ovulate?

I take preconception vits all month and evening primrose oil (but only until ovulation). We use preseed and I have a fertility monitor (using OPK sticks to confirm). Bbt doesn't really work for me but that's coz my temps are all over the place!

It's soo frustrating have you considered the smep? Instead of the usual 20% chance I've read it gives you more like 40% xxx
Hi there :hi:

I'm still deciding what steps to take, as my gynaecologist not willing to help until October!! So it's the natural approach for us. In currently taking pregnacare pre-natal vitamin supplement and a herbal store recommended wheat germ to put on my cereal. But I'm thinking on trying the temping method and in just trying to find a good quality thermometer for good value prices. I tried looking in boots stores but I don't think there BBT thermometers :dohh:

I'm struggling to get pregnant with my Pcos and in currently researching about diet on the internet and hearing some good things about the gi diet at the moment. But in currently on cycle day 46!!

Oh huni, if you've only been trying a little while they don't tend to help until a year. Rubbish I know but annoyingly it's just a matter of time.

I didn't realise pcos stopped you getting preggo but I don't really know anything much about it.

Well I've been ttc since June 13 and I got referred when I spoke to my doc a bit early. She's done some blood work to check ovulation hormones, I've had an ultrasound. My oh has had a sperm analysis and all appeared fine. I've got my referral in a June so we shall see.

Do you know when you ovulate?

I take preconception vits all month and evening primrose oil (but only until ovulation). We use preseed and I have a fertility monitor (using OPK sticks to confirm). Bbt doesn't really work for me but that's coz my temps are all over the place!

It's soo frustrating have you considered the smep? Instead of the usual 20% chance I've read it gives you more like 40% xxx[/QUOTE]

Hi there :hi:

Yes PCOS can affect fertility, as it does for me, I don't know when im ovulating and the trouble is if im ovulating at all as I don't have af on my own so it never starts over :dohh:

Im using OPK'S and up to now no luck... What is smep?? Where could I find this?? :shrug:
Hi there :hi:

I'm still deciding what steps to take, as my gynaecologist not willing to help until October!! So it's the natural approach for us. In currently taking pregnacare pre-natal vitamin supplement and a herbal store recommended wheat germ to put on my cereal. But I'm thinking on trying the temping method and in just trying to find a good quality thermometer for good value prices. I tried looking in boots stores but I don't think there BBT thermometers :dohh:

I'm struggling to get pregnant with my Pcos and in currently researching about diet on the internet and hearing some good things about the gi diet at the moment. But in currently on cycle day 46!!

Best thing i've found so far with PCOS is loosing weight it's helped a lot with my cycles now around 32 days as they used to be so erratic for years. I used to weigh 15st 13lbs and now weigh 13st 10lbs so it helps to loose some!! I still have really heavy ones but can at least plan to not do anything fro that whole week! Lol! I've also found that taking Metformin has helped with insulin resistance and feel less crappy whilst taking them! Highly recommend them!!! What ever you do don't loose hope we are going thro ivf as we have tried for 3 years and had no luck so my fingers are very much crossed for you Phoenix82!!!!!!!! :flower:
Hi there :hi:

Yes PCOS can affect fertility, as it does for me, I don't know when im ovulating and the trouble is if im ovulating at all as I don't have af on my own so it never starts over :dohh:

Im using OPK'S and up to now no luck... What is smep?? Where could I find this?? :shrug:[/QUOTE]


Well I never got +OPKs so I got a fertility monitor which said it takes a few months to regulate, I was like "really I NEED to get preggo now!!"

The first month using it I got the egg symbol!! So pleased, obvs I didn't get a BFP but I knew when it was going to happen, I ovulated cd21.

This month I got a +OPK (I was v excited) cd13 so my cycles are pretty screwed. What that does mean is no wonder I'm not preggo, my body is all over the shop.

The monitor was the best thing for me, calmed me down. But this month it didn't ask me for a sample early enough so won't of picked up the egg, nightmare!!!

I really wanted to smep which means sperm meets egg plan.
Basically once you get an idea of when you ovulate ie cd13 then you bd every other day starting cd10, then once you get you + OPK you bd that day and the next 2 days, leave a day then bd again one last time.

I myself would want to bd 2 days before, the day of + OPK then 2 more days. Just got to get my body into a rhythm so I know when to bd!!

It's sooo confusing and really makes me render how everyone I know says "ohh I don't know how I fell preggo" they must be the luckiest people ever!!!!! Xxx
Actually, for the SMEP, it's better to start BDing on Day 8 of your cycle, every other day. That way, it's less likely that you'll miss the egg, even if you don't get a positive opk.

You start doing opks on Day 10 and do it twice a day to try to pick up the LH surge. You should to do your opks between 10am and 8 pm, because the LH builds up later in the day. Don't use your first morning urine to test. Then, like Phoenix says, you BD the day of the pos opk, two days after that, skip a day and then do one more the next one.
I'm pretty sure you can get a BBT thermometer at pharmacies and places like Target and Walmart. I think it's definitely good to have, because it can help confirm if/when you're ovulating. :)

Here in the UK I have looked in the shops and in pharmacies and I think they are normal digital thermometers :dohh:

Although I have been looking on eBay for one and you can get accurate BBT thermometers with 50 pregnancy tests/ovulation tests for not a bad price, going have another look in the shops tomorrow, but seriously thinking to buy one off eBay....:shrug:

I got my BBT from Boots, they sold it in a little kit that came with a temp tracking book and the thermometer. Not sure if they still have it though, it was a while ago that I got it.
Many thanks to you both your suggestions will definitely will be checking out the website , I will be looking into getting a thermometer soon but think I will start next month as we are off on holiday in two weeks. I actually found out that a friend has been trying also and has been doing the charting for a couple of months and she finds it really helps to feel in control and have better understanding of whats going on in your body, we had really good chat and it was nice to share it with someone who knows what your going through, also found out more about how charting works, I think this is what I really need as I am a worrier so I need to feel like I'm doing all I can possibly do, I decided also that I'm going to go on a bit of health kick when I get back from holiday although I am not un healthy I think I could be doing more to increase my chances. I have also had a chat with Hubbie and said that I don't feel like I can take a really relaxed attitude to it and want to try the charting ect and explained to him a bit about how it all works and think he's on board as long as I don't become to irrational about it all !
That's great, Dolly!

Wow - there certainly has been a lot of activity this weekend. I feel like I'm behind. I admire all of you who are ttc with pcos - I find it hard enough without - and am sending you all the positive energy I can for it to work out for you.

I'm entering the most nerve-racking part of my cycle. I'm on day 28, 10 DPO, and my LP usually lasts 11 days - sometimes 12. I'm willing myself to not test before day 12 if I can, unless AF shows up, but it's hard to be patient. I've been having some mild cramping for the past day or so so I'm hoping it's not the witch coming. Fingers crossed.
Afternoon ladies, just wondering if anyone experiencs spotting before their actual af arrives? Since trying to conceive I have noticed this for anything from 3-5 days before I can't remember if I always have had this every month and I didn't notice and now im more aware of my cycle since ttc I definitely know I have had it some cycles. ive done a bit of internet research and it tends to say normally its nothing to worry about in most cases but mixed information, just starting to stress thinking it may be a issue. Just wondering if anyone else has any experience with this?
Hi Dolly, for the past 2 years or so, I have had 3 days of light spotting pretty much every month before AF arrives. I don't have any issues that I know of, so it's just been normal for me. My luteal phase is a little longer than average (16-18 days) so maybe it's related to that? I don't know. How long does your LP tend to be?

Good luck! :flower:
Hey ladies

I've had it on and off since ttc, my doc thinks it's fine, it's probably hormones regulating since coming off bc. I would just mention it to your doc they may want to ask more questions but I wouldn't worry xxx
Hello Ladies,
I just finished this book Making Babies and I enjoyed it. It is a three month baby program (which I will let you know if it works lol) What I like about the book is it shares both Chinese medicine and conventional medicine to assit with various infertility issues and most are quite fixable by using both! (Like I said, we'll see) Anyway, here is a quiz that is within the book to help you determine your "type" and then you can eat and take meds to fix the issues which arise based on it. I found it helpful so I figured I would pass it along. :flower: https://www.makingbabiesprogram.com/questionnaire/
As for me, my dog ate my BBT thermometer and it is not possible to locate one where I am, :dohh: so I am taking it as a sign to hold off for a bit and take a break from charts for time being until I am back stateside again... :shrug:
Hello everyone! I hope it's okay to post this here; I thought I should give an update to the ladies in this thread who have been supporting me and listening to me vent about my crazy cycle! Well, it looks like this twist-and-turn cycle all led to my dream come true! :happydance: I am so happy and grateful to God!!!

Best wishes to everyone! I hope we will see lots more BFPs in the month to come! You are in my prayers! :hugs:
Hello everyone! I hope it's okay to post this here; I thought I should give an update to the ladies in this thread who have been supporting me and listening to me vent about my crazy cycle! Well, it looks like this twist-and-turn cycle all led to my dream come true! :happydance: I am so happy and grateful to God!!!

Best wishes to everyone! I hope we will see lots more BFPs in the month to come! You are in my prayers! :hugs:

Congrats, Karen! I'm still waiting for mine. BFN this morning, but AF hasn't shown up yet, so I'm still cautiously hopeful.
Thank you so much!!! I'm in such shock that I don't know if it's fully sunken in yet, lol.

I am sorry about your BFN, but hopefully it will still come! When is your AF due?

I had some BFNs before today as well as a couple that I couldn't tell if they were positive or just evaps, but today I used a digital one with the words, and I am so glad I made that switch.

Sending you best wishes for good luck! :hugs:

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