Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hey ladies im ttc#1 Started taking fertilaid hoping it might help..ordered some Royal Jelly+Bee pollen..I read a lot of good things about it..and thinking about ordering Maca Root to try too..I just wanna :bfp:..Do or have any of you ladies tried any of those? Im a little skeptical but I mean hey..worth a shot..

Beebaby - maca is not without side affects.
Tummy aches, heart racing and feeling on edge - gave up after 2 weeks. The oh hated them too and we were only on a small dose.

I'm intrigued by fertilaid - might try that xxx
Hello, Ella and beebaby! Welcome! :flower:

Beebaby, I have not tried those, sorry! But I'm sure you can find someone here who has!

Ella, that's strange that my chart did not post. Let me try again...



Hopefully one of those worked! Maybe it's because I don't have the VIP version?

Thank you for the welcome!

The second link worked! I think it's because it's the link to your home page. :)

If you go to Sharing on your charting page, the links under bbCode, either the chart thumbnail or the simple link, will let us see your chart. And you can use those to put your chart in your siggy. ;)

At any rate, your chart does kind of look triphasic, but not in the preggo sense. There isn't enough of a difference between your temps for it to be triphasic...it's more of a slow rise. It does look like you've ovulated though. I think I would agree with FF on when you ov'd...there's a better rise at CD39. Holy long cycle though!
Hi all!

I have now been ttc for 3 months, and it is killing me. I'm trying to stay positive, but not really succeeding. Have been reading this forum a bit, and it helps to know I'm not the only one going crazy. I have been charting my cycles for over two years now, and my cycles seem to be doing weird things since we started ttc. It's like the universe is telling me to stop wanting to control it, but it's hard!

Right now, I'm on CD21, o on CD18. Last cycle, I was sure something was happening because my breasts were really sore - and I mean REALLY sore. Nausea comes and goes, but I think that's from being on iron supplements.

I just really want a baby! I never realised how emotional it could get.
Hey ladies im ttc#1 Started taking fertilaid hoping it might help..ordered some Royal Jelly+Bee pollen..I read a lot of good things about it..and thinking about ordering Maca Root to try too..I just wanna :bfp:..Do or have any of you ladies tried any of those? Im a little skeptical but I mean hey..worth a shot..

Beebaby - maca is not without side affects.
Tummy aches, heart racing and feeling on edge - gave up after 2 weeks. The oh hated them too and we were only on a small dose.

I'm intrigued by fertilaid - might try that xxx

Ohhhh I did read that too..a lot of people said they started off small then worked their way up and after a few weeks or so it settled in..But everyone is different. Most did say they got boosts from it of energy though and that they felt more focused..I guess everyone is differently though. But thank you for your side of it mam' =] And I have heard/read a lot of good things about Fertilaid..many claiming that they got pregnant the first month of using it..However some it took 2-3 months..and some it just did not work at all. I hope that kind of helps? It is rather expensive..$30 a bottle..but if it works it is well worth it..Some women claim they had pcos and endo and got pregnant with it after some time of ttc. I did have headaches upon taking it at first lasted maybe a few days to a week then it went away..Three pills a day..and l swear they taste horrible and smell nasty IMHO...and they are kinda big I guess. Kinda hard to swallow sometimes for me..Good luck though on you journey honey!:dust:
Ella, thank you so much for the insight and information! I really appreciate it. Yes, it has been a crazy long cycle for me, and not at all the norm. The last time I had a cycle this long was the month of my wedding/honeymoon, which I attributed to all the emotions and running around and the crazy trip, but even that was not as long as this one. Over the past year, my average has been about 33-34 days, and the past 3 before this one have all been exactly 32 days. This is our first cycle ttc, and I guess it seems to be pretty common to have one's first cycle of that be rather unusual!

Over the past year, the marker for me to have O'ed is to have gotten a temp jump past 97.5 or 97.6 (my temps tend to be a little on the lower side), so this cycle is definitely out of the norm for many reasons! The mid-cycle spotting and prolonged period of ewcm are also not normal for me.

Oh well, it's all in God's hands now! I just have to wait and see. :)

Lacanadienne, welcome to the board! It's definitely great to have other people with whom to share stories and support! Best wishes to you. :flower:
Karen, thanks for the welcome. Hang in there. I haven't had experience with that long a cycle, since stress seems to make mine shorter if anything, but it does look at least like you ovulated. Kind of confused by so many days of spotting in the middle too. I guess we're not meant to be able to control everything.

I love the charts because of the information they provide, but sometimes they just make it more stressful because they're hard to read or you had unusual circumstances. I'm not exactly sure when I ovulated this cycle because I wake up pretty frequently during the night, and I went to the bathroom only to realise it was pretty close to my temping time on the day I think I might have ovulated. I can narrow it down within two days, though, so at least that's good.

We might be testing around the same time given your late ovulation. I'll try to wait until 12 DPO, so May 7th.
Hi ladies,

I'm so glad I found this site... I'm not alone!
A brief history on me... Was on bcp for about 13 years, and stopped in January. My cycles regulated pretty quick and I have been pretty regular at 28 days. We started ttc in March, I was hoping we would get a bfp since I regulated so fast (boy was i clueless:dohh:). Got bfn and started to do some research and realized how little I really knew and how hard it is to get bfp... Sigh

This month I used opk and I got a + and bd'd on those days but AF is supposed to show up this weekend and I think I feel her coming already :nope: I made sure to get a bbt so I can start temping this round and hopefully catch my egg!

I'm glad to have found you all! Especially since most of my family pop out babies like rabbits and everyone tells me it will be easy and to just relax and let it happen. That just makes it more stressful and worries me.

Here's to amazing things to come in May!
Hi ladies,

I'm so glad I found this site... I'm not alone!
A brief history on me... Was on bcp for about 13 years, and stopped in January. My cycles regulated pretty quick and I have been pretty regular at 28 days. We started ttc in March, I was hoping we would get a bfp since I regulated so fast (boy was i clueless:dohh:). Got bfn and started to do some research and realized how little I really knew and how hard it is to get bfp... Sigh

This month I used opk and I got a + and bd'd on those days but AF is supposed to show up this weekend and I think I feel her coming already :nope: I made sure to get a bbt so I can start temping this round and hopefully catch my egg!

I'm glad to have found you all! Especially since most of my family pop out babies like rabbits and everyone tells me it will be easy and to just relax and let it happen. That just makes it more stressful and worries me.

Here's to amazing things to come in May!

Hey sweetie

Yep there's A LOT to know about ttc, I underestimated the mine field that it is too, but you'll catch up pretty swiftly and if there's any questions you have these girls are very helpful.

The just relax thing REALLY annoys me as it doesn't work!!

Oh well we will get there it's just when lol xx
Welcome to the board, NewBeginning!! :flower:

Lacanadienne, thank you for the well wishes! Good luck to you, too!! Hopefully we will both get some good news in the near future. :)
Welcome Newbeginning. If you're in for an informative read, "The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant" is pretty packed with information, but entertaining at the same time. It basically says the "just relax" thing is nonsense.
Hi Ladies,
I'm new to the forum my main reason for joining is in hope that I can talk to some people who will understand how I'm feeling whilst ttc, Hubbie and I have only been trying for 3 months and when I say trying we have not got to the stage of charting or anything like that yet just hoping that nature will take its course and agreed to having a relaxed attitude towards it problem is I have not been able to relax about it at all and have secretly been driving myself mad with every little thing that seems different and taking tests before AF shows up. I think the problem is that I am now alot more aware of what is happening with my body than I was before so things that I thought were different probably have always been like that. The two week wait is so hard just wondering if this month might be our lucky month and then feeling the disappointment when the wicked af rears her ugly head :cry: I then feel positive knowing we have another month to try again. I know it is early days but I have wanted this for a long time before we started ttc as Hubbie is sensible we have waited till now but I would have started on Honeymoon back in November if it was all up to me. This month again I had convinced myself that I could be as we did the baby dance around the days I believed I was ovulating then I have has mild cramps and twinges for the last week or so and the last few days since Sunday the cramps feels like I'm about to get AF but not due till mid next week, I think I'm about 11- 13 dpo and took an extra sensitive test today but bfn and I know it was early to test but as time goes on I preparing myself that it is just AF on her way, also I think that last month I had cramps before AF although do not remember them starting so early. I really want to promise myself that next month I will try my hardest not to read into everything much and just wait till I miss AF. Anyone got any advise on how to get through the two weeks without losing the plot ??
Thank you for the warm welcome ladies!

lacanadienne- Thank you for mentioning that book. I purchased it this morning and have been reading it all day... It really is a great read & super informative! :thumbup:
So today I'm cd14 and soooo hacked off you wouldn't believe.
Last cycle my fm showed me ovulating cd20/21. This month it's only asked for one sample on cd6 so far. I used OPK sticks yesterday and got a + at 11 ish am and then in the afternoon neg. so I told the oh we should try so we don't miss out.

That was agreed but I was out for the evening yesterday so we said we'd rendezvous when I got home. Well my oh has some performance issues when he eats or has too much to drink as he has ed so what does he bloody do, oh yeah eats too much!!!!

When I got in he said we couldn't but maybe this morning instead and what happened he went to work without bothering. I'm utterly livid!!!!is there any point bding tonight? As you usually ovulate 12/36 hours after the latest would be tonight at 11pm but I've been having pains on one side so looks like I'm out without even trying. He can't see how we've missed the boat but we didn't even start this month as I ovulated so late last month.

Another wasted month and we agreed we weren't trying next month as we are away - I don't know what to do. He knows I'm cross because he caused this by eating a big dinner knowing he shouldn't. What do you think? Xx
Aww, sorry to hear that, Phoenix. That must be very frustrating. :(

I would still keep BDing anyway, just in case this is a case where your body is gearing up to ovulate, but then it gets delayed a bit. That often happens to me. You never know!

Dolly, welcome to our group! I think you will find it to be a very wonderful and supportive environment.

I originally thought I could take a relaxed approach to ttc, "whatever happens, happens", but I should have realized it's not in my nature to do that, lol. I'm with you on that one!

I do recommend doing the BBT charting, because it will give you a truer sense of when you ovulated. Then, you will know when will be the best time to test. Having that bit of knowledge can cut down a bit on the stress, worry, and wondering, I think!

Good luck to both of you ladies! :flower:
Sorry to hear that, Phoenix. As Karen said, I would still try tonight just in case.

Dolly, welcome! It's extremely common to start "symptom spotting" the second you start ttc. I've never really been able to say "whatever happens happens", and since I'd already been charting for birth control, and had all the information anyway, it kind of had to be a conscious decision and a timed one. In some ways, I'm envious of those who can do that and not go crazy. The charting helps you pinpoint your ovulation date so there's less guessing involved. I liked it even before ttc because it helped me predict when AF was coming.

So ladies, 7DPO now and the sore breasts are back, but that might not mean anything. I'm hopeful that this could be our month, but trying not to get my hopes up too high so that it is not so devastating if it is not.
Thank you for your warm welcome Karen and lacanadinne I'm glad I decided to join,It's nice to be able to talk with people going through the same emotions and so far not really had anyone to confide in. Unfortunately I do not think it is in my nature to have a laid back attitude towards it as much as I would like too and as much as i belive my husband wants this as much as I do I don't expect him to understand where Im coming from with it all and he is very laid back. I felt so sad yesterday when I took a test and bfn and was very tearful normally I can just shrug it off and think maybe next month, my hubbie says nature will eventually take its course and I really hope he is right, I am very inexperienced and not sure where to start with charting ect have you ladies got any suggestions of where I can find some good info to get me started? I think that maybe it would be good to start charting so I can get a bit more control over knowing when im ovulating.
You can use https://www.fertilityfriend.com for charting your BBT! It lets you put in your waking temperature, as well as track the texture of your cervical mucus, and some other things, too. There is a free or paid version; the paid has more features, but I'm using the free one and it's fine for me.

There's also great FAQs with information about BBT, cervical mucus, timing, etc. which I have found to be very helpful! :thumbup:

A little bit that I know:

The key to BBT charting is consistency; it's best to take it at roughly the same time every day, before getting up out of bed (I keep mine right next to me on the nightstand within quick and easy reach). It's good to have a thermometer that measures to at least a tenth of a degree, because even small increments can be important.

After you have ovulated, your temperature will jump (the amount varies) and remain elevated until AF is on its way, at which time it usually declines.

Sites like Fertility Friend look for 3 elevated temperatures in a row before suggesting your ovulation date.

Hope this helps! :)
Yes, FertilityFriend is a good place to start - they have an online crash course on charting - basically electronic documents you go through.

If you want to go really into depth, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is the ultimate reference book.

The thermometers are usually called basal thermometers, and are sensitive to 1/100 of a degree. You might be able to find one at your local drugstore. If not, there are plenty online. If you're in the States, I'm sure Amazon has some.
CD 7 here....taking B6, Vitex, VitD, VitC and VitE. Going to start OPK's at CD 10...and going to give preseed a shot this cycle.

Anyone else start taking supplements and vitamins and then all of a sudden it FINALLY happens??

Just curious! I need a little motivational blast here lol

Thanks a million :hugs:
CD 7 here....taking B6, Vitex, VitD, VitC and VitE. Going to start OPK's at CD 10...and going to give preseed a shot this cycle.

Anyone else start taking supplements and vitamins and then all of a sudden it FINALLY happens??

Just curious! I need a little motivational blast here lol

Thanks a million :hugs:

Hey little girl just a heads up on preseed, I wouldn't use as much as they recommend - I use it more as a lube for both of us. Without being grim if you use the amount they tell you to shortly after standing up everything leaves you. I've never had it quite so quickly before using preseed. But a small amount shouldn't do that. I find the swimmers stay in MUCH longer without putting it into the syringes - good luck xxxx

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