Hi outdoorgirl,
I am so sorry to hear about your MC. How heartbreaking.

I hope things will get better for you!
I am thinking that I may try another brand, and likely FR. I used it in the summer when I thought I might have been pregnant, when we were still TTA (we weren't), and I liked the test. I just wish it weren't so expensive!
Well, my temperature was still up today, the same cycle-high temp that it was yesterday! No spotting has begun, either. Also, the AF-like cramps that I was having earlier in the week have subsided, and now I mostly feel slightly queasy, with a pretty pronounced headache. Hmm...
I have a question about BBT... On Thursday, I had to wake up an hour earlier than usual to do the test, and my BBT was 97.6, down a bit. I went back to sleep after, and woke up at my usual time, and it was 97.9. I wasn't sure which temp to log in, but I'm figuring the 97.6, since I was up, moving around, and talking after that. Do you agree?
I would record the temp which is an average between the two. 97.7 would seem logical. Because, as you said, it was questionable time.