Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Welcome Indi Ocean!
This is a great place to start. Everyone is really helpful and uplifting. I'm waiting to test till af is super late. I'm suppose to start af today so well see what happens.
Good luck to you and lots of baby dust to you all!:hugs:
ready4babies - Everyone certainly has been helpful!

Ooooh you're due today! I can't wait until I'm finally due so I can just find out already! You'll have to let us know how you go...I am sending BFP vibes your way!!

Has anyone associated lower back cramps with implantation? I have been getting waves of lower back cramps. I know it's more than likely due to my crap office chair than my uterus haha but thought I'd throw it out there in case someone else had a similar experience!
Good luck, ready4babies! I hope AF stays away and that you will get your BFP really soon!!! :thumbup:

littlegirl87, when do you think you might test?

Indi Ocean, I did have some lower back... discomfort? I don't know if I'd call it full-out pain, but it definitely wasn't feeling its best. Other signs I had of implantation (or at least I assume they were related to implantation, based on the timing) were a terrible headache, and increased cervical mucus.

Good luck!!
I have decided that if temps stay up tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday morning then I will test on Saturday morning if my temps are still up that morning. By Saturday (6/28/14) I will be 15 DPO and my longest LP has ever only been 13 days. So if I made it to Saturday I feel id have a good chance at getting a positive test! I am not going to test unless I am late as I don't feel like dealing with the disappointment.

Everything seems pretty much normal right now. The only thing I have had this cycle that has been different from any other cycle was 8DPO and 9DPO I had some really bad dizziness (also had it during O time) and then from 9DPO until today 12DPO I have had this weird nauseous feeling on and off. Its hard to explain though because its not like I feel when I have to stomach flu its not that bad, its just like I feel kind of sick to my stomach and if I thought about it long enough I could probably get sick. Almost like reflux with nausea. Its strange and not all the time. But I don't want to read anything into it as I don't want to get my hopes up!

Hope all is well with everyone!

:dust: to all!
Just celebrated our 1 year anniversary and are ready to start a family. I feel like there is so much to learn! It's a bit overwhelming. Glad to have stumbled upon this forum. Seems to be very helpful.

Do I need to wait until I get pregnant to find an OB? My family doctor has been doing my yearly exams.
Indi Ocean, Karen af showed up. On to the next cycle. I was pretty sad yesterday but I went out with some friends and that cheered me up. I'm going to try taking evening primrose oil and eating pineapple core at 1-5 dpo. My husband is going to make an appt. To see if everything is good with him. Fxed that next month is our month. Anyone know of anything else that could help?
Indi Ocean and little girl I hope you get you bfp!
Baby dust for all!
Karen - Yeah my lower back definitely isn't painful but it twinges and cramps and no matter what stretches I do..it doesn't help! I suppose it could be a sign AF is coming, as I do sometimes get an achy lower back but that's usually while I have AF not several days before. I've been getting lots of twinges and very light cramping in my ovaries too which I don't normally get.

ready4babies - Gaaaahhh damn that AF! Good on you for going out with friends to lift your spirits! I plan on doing the same thing if AF shows up. I'm a positive person and I don't want to let the whirlwind of trying to conceive change that..as it so easily can. Best luck and positive energy for your next cycle (hope you get some relaxing in before then)!
Indi Ocean, thank you! Yes I'm an living by "positivity is key" I know that I was meant to be a mother so I'm keeping the faith.
I hope those back cramps are a good sign and stay positive!:hugs:
Baby dust for all!
Indi Ocean, thank you! Yes I'm an living by "positivity is key" I know that I was meant to be a mother so I'm keeping the faith.
I hope those back cramps are a good sign and stay positive!:hugs:
Baby dust for all!

Aw that is beautiful hun...a kind soul like yours can't miss out on getting that chance. All that positive energy will bring great things...infinite baby dust to you! :flower::dust:
Indi Ocean, thank you! Yes I'm an living by "positivity is key" I know that I was meant to be a mother so I'm keeping the faith.
I hope those back cramps are a good sign and stay positive!:hugs:
Baby dust for all!

Aw that is beautiful hun...a kind soul like yours can't miss out on getting that chance. All that positive energy will bring great things...infinite baby dust to you! :flower::dust:

Thank you and same to you infinite baby dust! :hugs:
Today I decided I would test tomorrow morning since I've been having some symptoms. However, since deciding that I lost all will power :dohh: and tested today (even though it's the afternoon & I have drunk liters of water, not exactly ideal)! There is the faintest of faintest :bfp: !! It's definitely there but because it's so light I feel like I shouldn't get too excited yet! I just used an IC but followed up with a second one to make sure & it's exactly the same.

Can not wait to test tomorrow morning! Anyone else feeling anymore symptoms?
Indi Ocean, congrats!!!!!! That is amazing!!! :happydance:

If I may make a recommendation, the digital tests that say "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant" are my favourite because they take the guesswork out of deciphering the lines.

ready4babies, so sorry about AF! But I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and more positive. Your time will come soon, I'm sure! :hugs:

littlegirl87, your chart is looking good! Seems like BBT is staying steady! I am feeling really positive for you!

Welcome to the board, Wishin83! Congrats on your anniversary! I just had my one-year as well. What was your wedding date? Ours must be pretty close!

I started ttc before seeing the OB because there was a 5 month wait between when I called to make the appointment and the first appointment they could offer me, and we didn't want to wait that long. I'm finally going to see her July 23... hopefully I will already be pregnant by then, but we'll see!

Best of luck to you, and to all!:thumbup:
Thank you Karen!

I am still having the weird nauseous/heartburn/I'm just not really sure how to describe it feeling. and still some cramping and a few headaches that always seem to start in the afternoon, but I am just absolutely terrified that AF will come tomorrow or Saturday! I know my temps look good and I am happy they are staying up but the next few days are going to be hard ones. I just really keep praying this is my cycle. I haven't ever felt like this before or had any symptoms that are like this, but every time I feel a cramp or my lower back twinges I just keep thinking that I am getting ready to start. AF was supposed to come today, but with temp still up it could be tomorrow. I have had a 13 day LP before so this is not out of the ordinary that she didn't show today, but if temp remains up tomorrow I will start to actually feel excited!

just don't think I can stand the pain of being let down again....and of course other than the nauseous feeling everything I am feeling just reminds me of af...I am feeling doubtful but praying I am wrong...hopefully these next few days go by quickly and my temps stay up and I can test Saturday morning like planned and maybe, just maybe, finally get to see my :bfp:


:dust: to all!
Hi everyone...
I am TTC for a year now.. for last 2 months, on no medication after taking 5 rounds of clomid(in a batch of 3-break-2)..
Got my ovulation test positive on 7th of this month and hopefully ovulated on my own. I have been regular in my cycle only since last june..exact 34 days.. but this time i am a week late...
Have taken 2 HPT and both negative..
I am still being hopeful (barely though)..
Is there still a chance to get a beautiful BFP? or is it just not really gonna happen?? I read in some forums that If you get a negative even after a week of missed period, the chances of actually being pregnant are just 1-2%..
Has any of you got a positive after 7-10 days of missed period?
I can use any good news right now...
Indi Ocean congrats! Those are good signs! Fxed you get another BFP!:happydance:

Wishin83 welcome! This is a great board with lots of great people!

Littlegirl I feel your pain, stay positive and fxed for your BFP very soon. Try to take your mind off of it. Try focusing on something else go for a walk listen to some up beat music helps me. Try not to stress. :hugs:

Soontobema that sounds really stressful. I hope it means your bfp. Sending positive thoughts your way! :hugs:

Baby dust for all!
Hi everyone...
I am TTC for a year now.. for last 2 months, on no medication after taking 5 rounds of clomid(in a batch of 3-break-2)..
Got my ovulation test positive on 7th of this month and hopefully ovulated on my own. I have been regular in my cycle only since last june..exact 34 days.. but this time i am a week late...
Have taken 2 HPT and both negative..
I am still being hopeful (barely though)..
Is there still a chance to get a beautiful BFP? or is it just not really gonna happen?? I read in some forums that If you get a negative even after a week of missed period, the chances of actually being pregnant are just 1-2%..
Has any of you got a positive after 7-10 days of missed period?
I can use any good news right now...

It does seem like a stretch but I have seen people get their :bfp: 2 weeks after their AF was due, so their is still some hope for this cycle! However, I would start mentally preparing yourself for your next cycle in case you don't get the news you want. Have you had any symptoms recently?

Thank you for the well wishes ladies. My :bfp: is darker today, no squinting needed! Doesn't feel real though I must say, even though my body feels pregnant, my mind is still trying to catch up! I definitely agree with you Karen...I think I need 'you're pregnant' spelled out, just so I can get my head around it if anything! The lower back cramps were my very first symptom and looking back on it, they actually started last Sunday when I was around 4dpo-5dpo but the cramps started to change as I progressed.

I think staying positive truly helps (easier said than done of course), so share the love and good vibes ladies & lets make this a lucky thread!! Going to spread some of this stuff around :dust::dust::dust:
Welcome to the thread, soontbema! What kind of HPT are you using? Some are more sensitive than others. Another possibility could be that your body geared up to ovulate, but then it was delayed for some reason. That happens to me sometimes: I have the fertile signs, but I don't get the temperature jump. Then my body quickly goes through the process again and I ovulate a little while later. Do you track your basal body temperature? That is very helpful for confirming ovulation for sure.

Best of luck to you! And I always say you're never out until AF shows!

Indi, that is so great that your lines are getting darker! :thumbup:
Wow - there sure has been a lot of action on the boards since I was last here. I was on holidays, had a bfn during my holidays so have been waiting to ovulate again before I came back. I am currently 5dpo, so we'll see. I have been surprisingly symptom-free, actually. The last four cycles, I had really sore breasts very shortly after ovulation. This time, none of that, no nausea as far as I can tell, but I know all that stuff doesn't mean much anyway.

Karen and Phoenix, great to see you back. Wishing you the best of luck. Welcome to all the newcomers. And :dust: to all!
Thanks ready4babies.. Really need all the positive energy!!

Indi Ocean: Thanks a lot..I am hoping the same that somehow I test positive soon. and unfortunately I am not having any symptoms..except slight pain in breasts..which i get even when AF is about to come..so really cant say...

Also ladies, some weird thing happened today..Started getting ovulation pains in the morning..something I totally did Not expect...used a OPK and got a big positive...went to the doc, got a scan done and she confirmed ovulation is NOT about to happen..no follicles developed at all. She has asked me to take a blood pregnancy test...

This has never happened before as I get that peculiar ovulation pain only at mid cycle and it has always proven correct...even my doc is not sure why i got the pains today with no ovulation in sight..also, OPK can be positive in pregnancy..So keeping my fingers crossed....
Tomorrow will know the result!!

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