First time posting here (and first time posting anywhere really) as we just decided at the weekend to have a quick go at TTC. We got married last year and are very 50/50 on the whole babies/childless thing, but we figure that if we do have them we want to do it while we're relatively young so might as well try it now!
We have a family occasion abroad next summer that would be impossible to go to if we conceived from August onwards (well August would be ok, September-November) so we decided last weekend to try for July, and if nothing happens leave it for a few months/until next year. However I think we might have decided to try too late in my cycle, a tracking app suggests that Ovulation was most likely around July 4th, we didn't ditch contraception until the weekend just gone. BUT I think the app could be way out and that I ovulated around the weekend just gone!
We have no health issues, I wasn't on the pill so didn't have to wait for that to leave my system, we don't smoke, don't drink too much, exercise quite a bit, I have regular cycles, so all of this has OF COURSE given me a totally false sense that it just has to happen the first time we have unprotected sex! In the 13 years I've been sexually active I have never once had sex without a condom, never forgot, never had one tear etc, have had two instances where my period was late but no real pregnancy scares, so I'm quietly hopeful that it might work first go, which I know is crazy really.
Sorry this is a really long post, I really want to talk to somebody while I'm on the two week wait but don't want to tell anyone in real life! If we were going to be consistently TTC from now on there are two friends that are like my sisters that I would tell, one just had a baby and the other is also trying/not preventing, but I don't want to tell them this month and then have the one with the baby asking me good naturedly every month if we had any luck yet! So I'm just pouring it all out here for now
So, the app says my period is due in 5 days, I don't think it is, I would say more like 8 days, so we'll see. I don't know how I'd feel either way, because we jumped headlong into this decision quite fast (literally chatted about it very late Saturday night and tried Sunday morning!) I have already said to my husband "what might we have just done??!", as we are so not ready for kids but as I said we should start now in terms of fertility and not wanting to be too old starting.
Thanks to anyone who read this far

Just need to figure out how to survive the next week waiting!