Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

I'm back guys. Still trying to get our 1st baby! Just had our 5th loss last Tuesday. D&C was 3 days ago. Waiting on results from testing. We are still so sad and numb...worst feeling in the world.

I am praying for all of us to have our very happy endings SOON!!! We all deserve it so much. :hugs:
Hey ladies! So i just got a faint positive this morning st 19dpo!!!! FRER test! Does that mean i am? Im nervous to test tomorrow and it be negative! I had blood work done at 12dpo and it was negative and 3 or 4 hpt were negative to on the same day now today i have a positive, faint at that! Could i really be????????????????
Hey guys!
30 years old and from Sydney Australia..
Have been trying for 6 months but used the contraceptive pill for 3 years and blame it for the TTC delay 😔
Anyone else off a contraceptive and taking ages to get a normal cycle?
Looking for a friend at the moment.
Amanda x
TTC for 2 months, AF due the 5th, took a test today (8DPO) and it was a BFN. I knew i shouldnt test so early, but i swear i heard those tests yelling my name as i woke up! Going to retest on the 5th!
Hey everyone, I haven't been on a post since March 2014, I have been on a complete roller coaster since ttc#1....it all started last year in April 2014 we decided to try and in July i got pregnant. In September the dr. told me the baby wasn't growing and told me to get a dnc. After the DnC i was a mess (obvisouly lol) i was super depressed and gain some weight :( my AF wasn't showing so i went to my OBGYN and they referred me to a fertility specialist. I was on femera and did the ovideral shot...no luck..(as of May 2014 ), so I decided i needed to take a break to get myself back in order. I started having regular AF's from July til now. So my cycle is now about 37days. My last AF was 10/25/2014 and lasted til 10/29/2014. On CD37 (November 30,2014) I noticed EWCM but was shocked because I figured I Oed 11/13/14ish. My AF was due 12/1/2014 according to the app i use. So my question is can I have EWCM right before my expected AF? is that a sign of early pg? I'm now on CD40, I took 2 hpt's before noticing the EWCM and both were BFN! But i haven't tried again because I dont want the disappointment.
Hi Ladies!!

My husband and I are TTC our first! I had been on the pill for close to 10 years with some small breaks in between. I just got off officially again in August and have been trying every month since. We havent been charting but I do have an app on my phone that I keep track of my periods with. I do have a regular 28 day cycle and usually only get symtoms of sore breasts sometimes mild cramping a couple days before my period. This month I started getting all kinds of different symptoms the day after ovulation. Im trying not get get my hopes up too much but have any of you had this before?

Baby dust to all!! xoxo
First of all good luck to all those trying!

Just wanted to poke the thread and say hello as well. My guy and I are just starting our TTC journey after our planning period, so I am really excited to share with everyone my experience and hear everyone's tips and stories, too!
Hello Everyone!!
I first came to this site three years ago when my husband and I were trying heavily. I got so stressed and saddened by the constant trying with no results that we stopped for the last three years.
Now Im back. 30 years old and starting again! I do have Endomitriosis(which I had surgery for a couple of years ago, but I still get abdomen pain every now and then), but I won't give up! :) Im looking forward to hearing some great advice, some great tricks, and wonderful success stories from you ladies! I wish you all the best!
ive been away for some weeks but waiting for this cycle to be over so i can start some testing...the past two cycles i did not put in too much effort in ttc so we werent BDing when we should. This current cycle O was delayed by about 5 days later than average so this has been a long cycle that I am just impatiently waiting for it to be over. Testing will probably shine a new light on ttc and/or I hope will light that fire I once had :-/

I've been reading this forum for a while, and I wanted to pass on my condolences. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I've been so impressed by the way you have handled yourself online throughout this forum - always encouraging and supporting others, even when you must have been feeling brokenhearted. The very best wishes to you - I hope you get your 'take home child' very soon
Hi! I've been reading this forum for a while, and decided to join in. My husband and I have just started TTC, and we're feeling anxious and excited. We're in the TWW.

I wanted to share some of my back story though, in case it is helpful to the other Dr Google-ers! I came off bc in September 2013 after my body stopped reacting well to it. I had very regular cycles on bc, and for the first few months afterward - I was regular to the point of knowing what time it would arrive on a consistent 28 day cycle. While on holiday, I suddenly blew out to a 40 day cycle, along with mild nausea, fatigue, and sore breasts. HPT and blood tests came back as normal. This happened to me 3 times over the course of 9 months, and ultrasounds etc were normal. I was getting very cranky, because I knew it wasn't normal, and no one seemed to know what to do about it except "wait until your body sorts itself out". I was getting really frustrated because I knew my body, and that just "having a long cycle" was not a good enough answer!

However, my wonderful GP noticed that while I was not anaemic, by iron levels were low. One month of iron supplements, and everything was back to normal. Lack of iron makes you feel tired, but because I was then not producing enough blood to have a period within the time frame, apparently my body got confused and started reacting as though it was pregnant (symptoms, but not a positive HPT or blood test). Now, I am feeling much better, and have regular cycles. Make sure you try and find out what's happening - and remember it could be something really small.

On the bright side, I now know my body is fine, and so we're very excited to start ttc. I'm looking forward to reading how everyone is going - my fingers are crossed for you all. Best of luck for 2015 little ones!
Dear All,

I got pregnant after TTC for 2+ years so just wanted to share what steps I took to get pregnant. I hope it helps somebody.

Medical history:
- Was Anaemic
- Had hypothyroid
- Had Endometriosis (grade 3) - Up to 30% to 50% of women with endometriosis may experience infertility
- Was underweight

All of the above can cause difficulty in TTC.

Steps I took to cure above problems:

1. Cured my Anaemia - Took iron supplements for 3 months, had raisins, dates, almonds, fruits and spinach regularly.
Had Carrot-Beetroot-Gooseberry juice everyday first thing in the morning for 8 months after Laparoscopy Endometriosis surgery (made this juice in blender instead of juicer to retain the fibre).

2. Got Hypothyroid under control - by taking supplements

3. Laparoscopy for Endometriosis - I got Laparoscopy surgery done for Endometriosis. My gynaecologist gave me Zoladex injection (10.8 mg) to suppress periods for 3 months after the surgery. However, unfortunately they stopped for 8 months. She suggested that once my periods start after this, I will have very high chances of conceiving.

4. Got my periods back - Since my periods had stopped due to Zoladex injection, I went to Naturopath doctor and she gave me supplements to start my periods. Also, she asked me to follow detox diet for 6 weeks. I followed this for a month and got my periods back. We TTC after my menses (first period after 8 months) and got lucky. I missed my menses next month as I got pregnant.

Detox diet summary:
Avoid - All forms of sugars, fruits, fruit juices, dairy, soy, gluten, sour foods except lemons, yeast, all tea, coffee, chocolate, soda, colas, alcohol, condiments, meat (ham, sausage, pork), fried foods, drugs, smoking
Eat list - Brown rice, quinoa, millet crackers, gluten free bread, all vegetables, All meat except Ham, sausages and pork, mercury free fish, organic eggs, beans, lentils, peas, Grapdeseed/ Bran oil, sea salt, herbs, rice milk, 3 litres of water

Please talk to Naturopath/ Nutritionist for Detox diet plan suitable for you, as she also suggested me few other diet changes based on my Endometriosis history.

5. Some points to take note:

I am still not sure whether it was right decision to stop periods by taking Zoladex injection (10.8 mg) after Laparoscopy surgery for Endometriosis. My periods were supposed to stop for 3 months but they stopped for 8 months instead and I had to take supplements to start them back again. Also, I had other known side effects due to this - like insomnia, vaginal itching, hot flashes, sweating, decreased interest in sex, bone pain, nausea, etc. I felt that many months got wasted due to this and I was under lot of stress as no one can predict when would my periods return back to normal as it varies from case to case basis.

6. All above info is specific to my medical history as anaemia, hypothyroid and Endometriosis - all can contribute to infertility. So, if you are TTC, please do complete body check-up including blood test, ultrasound etc. after consulting with your doctor. Cause of infertility can vary from case to case.

Good luck all and wish you a happy new year!:thumbup:
Hello Everyone! I am 28, a newlywed, I have been actively ttc for only 2 months, but been off birth control and not really trying to prevent for 9 months. Looking forward to this support group! I am currently in the TWW, 3dpo and feeling very antsy! I used preseed this month, softcups, and bedded every night during my fertile window, I really hope this is my month (as we all do). Baby dust to everyone!!!
WOW! That is crazy that is was something so simple, yet put your body through such an ordeal. Thank you for sharing! Good luck to you!
Hi ladies, I'm new to all this, hope you don't mind me joining in? My hubby and I are keen to start a family. (lost my dad and it really made us start thinking about the value of family and having one!)

I stopped BC in April last year, started trying in June a bit half heartedly assuming it would be easier! Im the last of my gf's to announce and they all told me that it only took 1 or two cycles to get their BFP.

This is my first month using OPK and got a positive on cd20 - which is really late on a 29-31day cycle? We DTD that day, the next and the two days before, hoping we had done enough and feeling like how can we fail this time?! However a slight complication is that for the last 5 cycles I have had brown spotting for 3 - 10 days before AF. This cycle I was convinced I wouldn't see it but right on cue cd23 it was very faint but it was there and now today cd25 there is a bit more, possibly tinged with red. I'm assuming its a long run in to AF and that I am out this month? What do you think... have any of you come across this before? Feeling pretty disappointed today tbh. Would love some advice / support?
Sorry for the long post : )
Testing Date 20.01.15
Hello all. I feel an introduction is in order. I am 24, my husband (31) and I have been married 2 years. We have been actively ttc for about a year. The year before we were not trying, but not preventing either. I have had blood work to confirm ovulation, and he has had his sperm analyzed. All that was normal. I had a really dark + opk today. Had a + yesterday too, but not as dark as today. Both were def darker than the control line. Today's sucked so much dye the control line was lighter than yesterday. I am fairly certain I felt some o pain or preparing to o pain too. I have an apt on the 26th for "further testing". It'll be 10 dpo and I'll insist on a pregnancy test before HSG. Oh we are using preseed this cycle too, for the hell of it. My husband is really into it too. Which is really great. He has been like do you feel pregnant? You must be pregnant I'm all lovey dovey thay has to be it. I'm fairly certain the bfn this month is going to be harder on him than me. After two years it feels like Jim Bob Dugger couldn't even knock me up
Oh yea, clock work period. Except when I found out I had thyroid problems. No period for 4 months.
Panda - thank you for sharing your story. Aww, it sounds like you have a very cute and supportive husband! I know you said you have an appt on 1/26, are you seeing an infertility dr? I am scheduled for the 27th to see one after TTC for 1 year now with no luck. I have irregular cycles but no other issues. I'm determined to try this last time and get pregnant before I see her! ah, can't believe I ever even have to say that I have to go to an infertility dr, never thought the would happen to me. My OB knows how bad I want to do everything naturally though so she told me they won't necessarily intervene but might be able to help us time how and when to do this naturally. So hopefully they can .. we shall see.
Anyway, what OPK do you use? I see everyone talking about "lines" but I use the Clear blue OPK and it just shows smilie faces - flashing smilies, no smilies or non flashing smilies with all mean different things such as "low fertility", "high fertility" and "peak fertility". Are these the ones you are referring to? I feel like I'm the only one using these? Maybe they aren't good?

BTW - Jim Duggar - you are funny. I'm going to use that line
Disney- she is my pcm, but she is capable of doing the infertility work ups and what not. She delivered my best friends baby. I absolutely love my dr. Um if I would have needed clomid she has to refer me to ob, but overall can handle everything and do all the procedures. My husband is in the Army. So it's a bit different than when seeing civilian providers, but I love her. She said that she is going to do everything in her power to make sure I get pregnant and when she runs out of ideas she find someone else with more ideas. I thought that I was going in for just a referral to ob, but I am guessing her specialty is obstetrics because she delivers lots of babies.

I use wondfo and first response. Digital cost too much. Unless you can find me a good deal lol. I don't have a problem with the opks. I am super excited because my LH surge has never ever made the test line darker than the control. I have had them be the same, but never darker. I showed her my last positive opk (with picture) and we did blood tests and confirmed my ovulation, so I do know when I ovulate. Which is good. It is definitely me. His sperm is great. I decided on preseed so if maybe I have a pH problem it will help. I worry so much that I am going to be messed up in there and surgery won't be able to fix me.

We do have a very supportive and great relationship ship. He actually came to me first and was like sooo, um you wanna try to have a baby? He comforts me when I cry. He tells me that I don't know what is wrong and to stop imagining the worst, and maybe we have had bad timing. He gives me a lot of hope. It is nice. He makes me laugh a lot. You know we're not without our problems, but I couldn't imagine a better person to be going through this with. It isn't driving a wedge between us like it does with some people, he tells me it isn't my fault. He acknowledges that this feeling of emptiness I have and doesn't act like I am crazy or irrational, just tries to help me through it.

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