Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

panda - sounds like an awesome doctor! Are you and your husband in the states or deployed somewhere? I've seen some other couples who's spouses are in the military and some people were saying they were in areas where they didn't have access to things like OPK's etc. Sounds like you have a really nice setup, thats great!

Wondo and First Response. How do those work? The Clear Blue I have just does flashing smilies so nothing really for me to "interpret". I'm sure that's a good thing but I sometimes like to have the chance to "get my hopes up" by "assessing" the lines lol. I'm wondering if Wondo or First Response might be better than my Clear Blue. They are super expensive. I got a decent deal recently at Target. 2 months supply for $45. Still expensive since you only get 20 tests ...

My husband and I are going to a fertility dr in 2 weeks and I'm upset about it. I just don't want to go. I just still don't think there is anything wrong with us. I know its been a year and I know its my irregular cycles but I think we just have to BD more and be patient. Its hard though because sometimes (most times) I am just NOT patient anymore either. Doing things naturally is more important to me than anything though so for now we are just going to have this dr follow us naturally. Ugh ... I just still can't believe this. I try not to think about it because I get down, I try to keep busy, but obviously as we all know thats impossible!
6 days late according to my fertility app. But how the heck do I even know when I'm late if I have an irregular period? I have been asking myself this for 2 years now. I always get my hopes up but come to find out it's just my cycle being completely messed up. :\ My cycles can last between 32-50 days. Sigh. I am so sick of this. I tell myself I'm going to relax and just fix other things in my life but I keep coming back to this. I don't even want to waste the money buying yet another test.
6 days late according to my fertility app. But how the heck do I even know when I'm late if I have an irregular period? I have been asking myself this for 2 years now. I always get my hopes up but come to find out it's just my cycle being completely messed up. :\ My cycles can last between 32-50 days. Sigh. I am so sick of this. I tell myself I'm going to relax and just fix other things in my life but I keep coming back to this. I don't even want to waste the money buying yet another test.

Do you temp or use opks?

I wouldn't rely on a fertility app if you have irregular cycles, but I would track them using your temps, to figure out when you ov and then figure out your normal luteal phase after ov. Even with crazy cycles, your LP should be about the same every month. Once you figure that out, you'll finally know when you're actually late and won't just be hanging out in limbo every month....
I went to the ER in July of 2014 after we thought I was had a Pulmonary Embolism and other reactions to a birth control pill. I was on a pill that worked great for me and I loved it then stopped it when my husband and I wanted to get pregnant. I ended up needing some assistance and finally got pregnant after 3 rounds of Clomid. After I gave birth to my son I went back on a pill (not the same one I had been on as the company stopped making it) and had a horrible reaction to it and was given a different one which I was on for a few months until the same thing happened, which is when I went to the ER. While in the ER they did a CT scan to check my lungs for pulmonary embolism, which was clear, but they found a spot on my liver. From there I went to a Gastroenterologist who ordered an MRI, which came back saying that I had a 2.5cm adenoma on my right liver lobe posteriorly. I was instructed by my gynocologist, ER doctor, and gastroenterologist to stop taking the pill and haven't been on it since.

Fast forward to October when I had a 2nd MRI which came back saying that there was no change what so ever so my gastroenterologist ordered a biopsy that was supposed to be November 10th but after being sedated the doctor looked at the CT scan pictures and said that he couldn't see it and wouldn't be doing the procedure.

I have an appointment with a specialist but not until January 26th. My husband and I want to have another child and I am sick and tired of all of this and all of this waiting. I don't feel like I should be waiting.

I am extremely aggravated and angry as to why this all can't be figured out! Why couldn't they see it for the biopsy?

Is it possible that it is gone even though it was still there for both MRI's
which were 3 months apart and then now possibly gone after not even 2 weeks for the CT Scan for the Biopsy?

Is anyone in a similar situation? What did doctors tell you? Is it safe for hubby and I to get pregnant, we don't like using condoms at all and why should we have to when we are happily married and want another baby...? Anyone been pregnant or are you currently pregnant with a liver adenoma? Will I be able to use Clomid again with an adenoma?
Allicat I'm so sorry to hear your story. What pill were you on? I haven't had any experience with thus issue but I'm sure you are not alone.

Sam10- I have irregular cycles as well and it is frustrating. I never know when I O. I use OPK'S and this month I am temping for the first time as well. I found out about Smep this month and I'm also doing that. I feel like Smep is my safety so that if OPK'S and temping don't work then Smep is my fail safe since we will be bd'ing a lot and often.
I was on Loestrin 24FE before getting pregnant and then when I could go back on a pill after delivery I was on another one that I forgot the name of and then switched again to Lomedia.
I was on Loestrin 24fe too. It worked well for me and then they stopped producing it and I changed to minastrin 24fe. Is that what u switched to? Do they really think this is from the pill?
I was on Loestrin 24fe too. It worked well for me and then they stopped producing it and I changed to minastrin 24fe. Is that what u switched to? Do they really think this is from the pill?

Ooooo, yes it was Minastrin! Loestrin for a long time (years), then Lomedia and then lastly Minastrin. Yes, it is for sure from the hormones in birth control pills. Look up Hepatic Adenoma and that is the main cause.
Wow similar to me but I was on Loestrin for about 6 years and then last 2 months minestrin. Then off to TTC. I never did Lomedia. Which is the BC that they think you had a reaction to?
I will look it up.
I hope everything goes okay with you, I'm sure it will! Sometimes people seem to conceive even quicker after things like this!
6 days late according to my fertility app. But how the heck do I even know when I'm late if I have an irregular period? I have been asking myself this for 2 years now. I always get my hopes up but come to find out it's just my cycle being completely messed up. :\ My cycles can last between 32-50 days. Sigh. I am so sick of this. I tell myself I'm going to relax and just fix other things in my life but I keep coming back to this. I don't even want to waste the money buying yet another test.

Do you temp or use opks?

I wouldn't rely on a fertility app if you have irregular cycles, but I would track them using your temps, to figure out when you ov and then figure out your normal luteal phase after ov. Even with crazy cycles, your LP should be about the same every month. Once you figure that out, you'll finally know when you're actually late and won't just be hanging out in limbo every month....

I have so much going on right now in my life that I haven't gotten around to getting a thermometer yet. I did OPKs for awhile but then kind of got distracted and started missing days. I know watching the app is bad but it's all I've had for a few months now. I AM getting the thermometer this weekend though! I'll also order some more OPKs later today. Things have started calming down outside of ttc so I can devote more time to this now! :happydance:

Sam10- I have irregular cycles as well and it is frustrating. I never know when I O. I use OPK'S and this month I am temping for the first time as well. I found out about Smep this month and I'm also doing that. I feel like Smep is my safety so that if OPK'S and temping don't work then Smep is my fail safe since we will be bd'ing a lot and often.

Ugh, yes. The irregular cycles are beyond frustrating. I wish I could just have a normal period. :( I'm sure you feel the same! I just looked in SMEP. Yup! Going to try following that when AF gets here myself! Thank you for mentioning it!

Which actually I really should test in the next couple of days if she doesn't show her ugly self because I have some things going on with my body right now that I haven't experienced before. Fingers crossed!
Hi my husband and I have been trying for 8 months now. I'm 23 years old and come from an extremely fertile family, then there's me lol. My cousin just got her bfp on Christmas day after being married at the end of October!! I'm worried because I have heavy periods even hemorrhaged once. With such irregular AF and heavy bleeds I'm worried it'll never happen. People keep saying you're young it'll happen when you least expect it! I'm about to go crazy! Its really nice I'm not alone though.
Just checking in ... how is everyone doing!?!?

I am CD 16 and have had high fertility on my OPK for the last 3 days. I am hoping for peak fertility/O tomorrow!! We have been BD'ing quite a bit so my fingers are crossed!!

Excited to hear how everyone is doing ...
Wow similar to me but I was on Loestrin for about 6 years and then last 2 months minestrin. Then off to TTC. I never did Lomedia. Which is the BC that they think you had a reaction to?
I will look it up.
I hope everything goes okay with you, I'm sure it will! Sometimes people seem to conceive even quicker after things like this!

I was on Loestrin for about 7 years and loved it, never a bad reaction. They can't say which BC it was or even if I had it during my pregnancy with my now 1 year old. Did you find any info when you tried to look anything up? I am a bit worried as I needed Clomid to get pregnant with my son and with adenomas being hormone based I might not be able to take it again. Hubby and I haven't been using any protection since the start of all of this (july 2014) and haven't fallen pregnant, despite being warned not to attempt a pregnancy at this point... I see a liver specialist this coming monday the 26th so will hopefully get good news and the go ahead to use Clomid since it hasn't happened naturally.
Hello Ladies! I am officially 19 dpo!! and AF was due 6 days ago.. have been TTC for a few months and now I feel.. GOOD. I have this "Full" feeling down there... Almost a tingly sensation. For the past 2 weeks I would say.. I have felt like there is something pulling "like a string" from my lower abdomen.. I have had cramps.. but not nearly as bad as a period cramp. I do have back pain but it comes and goes.

I have felt nauseous but barely. and ive been checking my cervix but I really cant tell a change, I just know I have a lot of discharge and I almost feel like im going to start but I haven't .. My cycle is usually 25 days and right on time.. But here we are 31 days out and nothing!

My boobs are not sore. I don't really feel any more tired.
The only thing I feel is the tingly sensation almost in my lower abdomen.

What do you guys think? I don't want to be disappointed by a BFN Send baby dust this way!
Allicat - you will have to keep me updated on what the liver specialist says. I'm so sorry for what u r going through. You will get your bfp!!! And we will all be here for u! It's so nice to have you all to talk to during this hard/stressful/exciting time for a of us!!
im a single 21 year old girl trying to get pregnant with a baby girl and i have irregular periods i want to get pregnant really really badly does anyone have any tips for me for my pregnancy journey:baby:
Allicat - you will have to keep me updated on what the liver specialist says. I'm so sorry for what u r going through. You will get your bfp!!! And we will all be here for u! It's so nice to have you all to talk to during this hard/stressful/exciting time for a of us!!

Specialist didn't even look at the images or papers I had from the local ER or hospital visits. He is saying at this point that they don't even want to call it an adenoma till the Radiologist looks at the images and tells him what he sees. I have to try calling on friday to see what the Specialist's radiologist thinks the next step should be. They might want images taken in there facility or they could want me in for surgery. Either way I am not getting any younger and if they want images from there facility hopefully it will be scheduled for soon and or if they want me in surgery who knows when it will be scheduled for and recovery is at the most 6 months. All I keep thinking about is my internal clock ticking and surgery and recovery from said surgery and the fact that I needed Clomid just to get pregnant with my son. I have been off of birth control since July when all of this started and I was told to never take it again, since we have not been trying but have also not been preventing. Hoping when I am able to actually try to conceive that my gyno will go off of when I stopped in July and not make us try for the usual amount of time with no success when we have been having intercourse without protection and nothing has happened even though I have been instructed to not get pregnant. Everything that I have read online says as long as the "tumor" is less than 5 cm, mine is/was 2.5cm, that pregnancy is "ok". I am so pissed that my life has been put on hold for as long as it has been and was supposed to get answers today and got absolutely nothing!! Sorry.... I am ranting and raving...
Allicat- I am so sorry for what you are going through. I don't blame you for ranting, I would be frustrated too! Thats what these boards are for. I hope you have more information soon so you can have peace of mind and move onto ttc. Hang in there and rant and rave anytime... Thats what we are all here for :)
Hello ladies,

Me and my OH have recently decided we are going to try for baby #1. I would love to hear everyone's experiences! Any do's and don'ts would be great too. I'm the only one out of my group of friends trying, so feel pretty lonely!

thanks xx
Allicat- I am so sorry for what you are going through. I don't blame you for ranting, I would be frustrated too! Thats what these boards are for. I hope you have more information soon so you can have peace of mind and move onto ttc. Hang in there and rant and rave anytime... Thats what we are all here for :)

Specialist said to call Monday which I did and the radiologist hadn't looked at my images and that their nurse would call me with the news on tuesday (today), which they haven't so I called and had to leave a message and I set up the e-mail/messaging system with them and sent a message. I got a message back saying they are still waiting for the radiologist to view them and give them the report. How can they do this to patients!?!?!

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