Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Started taking Lupron 20u on June 1st and cut back to 10u on June 5th. :wacko: I then started with 2 vials of Bravelle and 2 vials on Menopur for a couple of days and then went to 1 vial of Menopur and continued taking the 2 vials of Bravelle and 10u of Lupron till June 15. I have had several Estradiol and Ultrasound checks. I have 15 follicles but as of yesterday my Estrogen level was only 528. My RE told me today if my E2 levels were not 1000+ that my IVF would be cancelled. :cry::cry: :hissy: I am patiently waiting for his call. I never thought I would have any trouble with IVF, but I guess I was wrong:nope: This process has been so emotionally draining and I don't feel like anyone understands this around me. My DH is wonderful, but his response is "it's no big deal, we will try again." I know we can try again, but I just want to scream....I'm desperately looking for positive vibes. :flower::hug::wine::wine::wine:
Hello all!

Been married to my DH for a little over a year now. I am 31 and he is 32, and we are in the 3rd month TTC #1. Not going to lie this has been such an emotional time for me. It seems everyone around me is able to pop up pregnant their first try. I worry bc I haven't been on any birth control since I was 25 and our main form of BC was the pullout method. We didn't actively start trying until three months ago, and the last two month I have used OPKs....So this is my question.

I have an average 30 day cycle, and I began using the OPKs on CD10. We had sex on the night of CD11, day of CD12, evening of CD13. Then late afternoon CD14 and CD15. I had a positive OPK on CD 14 in the late afternoon, which we followed with immediate BDing, and on CD15 it was negative again. Based on the positive OPK on the late afternoon of CD14, I should have ovulated about 24-36 hours after that which would be very late on CD15 or very early on CD16. I’m wondering how much more BDing we should do? :sex:

Any thoughts are completely welcomed and appreciated.
hi gal! i am 33 and we are ttc since 7 months now...at the begining we also tried to BD as much as possible arround fertile window and since we are both busy wokers it was really very stressing and not at all nice ;) so i did some research cos i could not believe that the Whole world makes babies because they have time to bd and we don't!! so it seems that the best sperm is atleast 2 days old, meaning instead of checking and hoping to catch ovulation you should simply bd every orther day from 7 days after AF for 3 weeks or at least till when AF is due..in this way you will definately nail O...and thats waht i did this month...only to find that all of a sudden my cycle has gotten longer !! i've Always had 28 days cycles since forever and this moths we bd every orther day from cd7 till 27...only to find out that i O'd on CD 31!!! is it me or O is avoiding us :)??
Anyway good luck tou you!

Me and my husband are trying to have sex regularly to get pregnant. but dont know how to do it right way.. My last cycle started on 5th July,2015. I have 25 days cycle and almost regular. Please help us in conceiving. I have never used any birth control pill only we used condoms for that. Needs your advice??
Hi Ladies!
Been a long time since i was last on here but the saga so far........i had a miscarriage in march this year but that hasn't kept me down! Me and my other half have been at it like rabbits every month but nothing so far this week Mother Nature is now 2 days late but i'm trying not to get my hopes up too much! We moved house 3 times in 4 weeks so were a little stressed but now back on the straight and narrow together again! The hospital are sending me for more tests as they believe i DONT have PCOS but possibly celiacs (joy) it would explain the rapid weight loss and the tiredness all the time even tho Mother Nature has been regular until now. Bit annoyed i have to have the HSG and bloods every month again but on the plus side this hospital is soooo much better than where we were! :thumbup: Lets just hope this month is our month!
Good luck ladies!!
Hi there ladies,
DH and I are currently TTC Baby #1 - while this is a very exciting time, as I believe most of you can understand its a terribly frustrating and 'questioning' time.

We have been TTC for 8 months now, we are both 27. Currently I am on CD38 - I have found since TTC my CD are getting longer and longer. I feel like my body is playing nasty games on me to get my hopes up. I have refrained from taking any tests this cycle.

I'm struggling to track my O. I've tried OKits, Sylvia testers and now I'm onto temping. I've so far not seemed to have found success in tracking. I just feel like I'm losing my marbles, and often find myself flopped on the shower floor thinking, "why...whats wrong with me" it seems that for everyone else around me it happens at a sneeze.

I'm generally a very positive person, but this situation is starting to take its toll. Is anyone else in a similar situation or any wise words of wisdom to keep this gal optimistic ! :kiss:
I'm in a similar boat hun, but I've been advised by a friend that if you stick to a 'two day rule' you're bound to catch an egg. I'll be using this method from next cycle onward. She has seemed to have great success in getting pregnant within a couple of month of TTC :) hope this helps

Me and my husband are trying to have sex regularly to get pregnant. but dont know how to do it right way.. My last cycle started on 5th July,2015. I have 25 days cycle and almost regular. Please help us in conceiving. I have never used any birth control pill only we used condoms for that. Needs your advice??

I'm in a similar boat hun, but I've been advised by a friend that if you stick to a 'two day rule' you're bound to catch an egg. I'll be using this method from next cycle onward. She has seemed to have great success in getting pregnant within a couple of month of TTC :) hope this helps
Hi all

Im really new here and i am ttc have been for the last 3 months but bc of my pcos im struggling last monday took and LH test came back positive i am now wondering where to from here. i made a point of BDing every day after the test until friday. so today i am not feeling so peachy im slightly nauseous, bloated, crampy, and fatigued and i dont know if i should be getting excited or if i should genuinely clam down
I'm a little worried now, i was 5 days late coming on this month (very unusual for me) but it only lasted 3 days and was no where near as horrendously heavy or painful as they usually are. I've had sore breasts nausea and constant weeing (too much info i know but worried!!) the thing is i feel rough tired and haven't got much energy at all at the mo but not sure if its worth me doing a pregnancy test as don't want to end up crying over it (as usual) when i see its only one line. The question is do i test or not?????:wacko::wacko:
Hi Everyone, I'm new to the forum. Ttc my first child, my husband and I have decided that it's the right time now, he's 30 I'm 29. I have a bit of a concern considering I've never taken birth control and have for the most part just used the pull out method since I first started having sex. Over the last couple of years I haven't been tracking anything and have just been having sex sometimes using pull out method sometimes not and I haven't gotten pregnant. I am trying not to freak out and start wondering what is wrong with me. I swear there are women that just sit next to a man and then they're pregnant. Wish me luck, and good luck to you all!
Hello all! I'm new to these forums, so go easy on me! My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a year and 3 months now. I had the implanon implant in 2012 and got it removed June of 2014. We have been trying since my first cycle of getting off of it. I don't use ovulation packs, I estimate my ovulation by my cervical mucus. I'm wondering if the aftermath of the implant is why I have not gotten pregnant yet. That's what my husband seems to think.

It has been a rough year. Two of my best friends got pregnant right when I started trying(they weren't trying, it just happened) and my husband's sons mother got pregnant (she was also not trying). My best friend just found out she is having anot her baby. And here I am, still with nothing.

Does anyone have any advice on what I should be doing to up my chances or any input on the implant? Anything reply would be appreciated.

Baby dust to you ladies!:kiss:
Okay so this is my first time on the site and trying to understand eveything. lol. Thanks for this type of post for first timers.

I am 34 newly married (less than 2 months yay!!). My Honey and I have been TTC for a year. We purchased our share of OPKs and sadly i was not ovulating. :( My OBGYn has now prescribed my first round of Clomid 50mg. I am a kind of scared to take it, i know this probably sounds crazy but after trying for so long and constantly getting hopes up.....i find my self hesitating on taking it. Not sure why. Of course my Honey is ready for a bun to be in HIS oven. lol. A quick history i was diagnosed with endometriosis in my early 20s, had surgery to remove it, then pregnant in 2007 had a miscarriage followed by a D&C, and now to be told your not ovulating and have to take medicine to help....i think im just overthinking it but.......IDK. sorry for rambling im just nervous. Today is to be day #1 for Clomid but every time i pick up the bottle i put it right back down. How can i have wanted this so bad for so many years and now when im told the next best step is this medicine and now i can't make myself take it?? Decision decisions decision lol
Hi! I'm new here to! TTC for 13 months & specialists say everything is good (were 28 & 29) its so hard when I feel like were doing everything right & its just not working.. My advice would be you've pin pointed the problem(the not ovulating) and this will probably be your miracle! don't be afraid :) good luck girl!
Hi all! This is my first post, though I've been reading forum posts by others for a few months now.

My husband and I have been married for 2 years and have been TTC since September. We are relatively young (both 23) and I've been off the pill since December of 2010. I'm currently on CD6 of what will be our third month trying. I'm trying to determine when I ovulate and I'm not sure if I'm right. I've tried temping (started back in March just to get used to it) and found that my temp is all over the place! I just started again a few days ago and already I had a huge jump.. I started at 97.87 on Friday, yesterday I was at 97.58, and then today it went up to 97.81. I've also been tracking symptoms and CM using the Ovia app which I've been doing since January. I'm going to start tracking my cervix position as well. Last month I used the digital OPK by Clear Blue and got my first flashing smiley on CD12. For the next week and 2 days I had flashing smileys and never got a solid smiley, so I'm not sure it worked... I have a very regular cycle - 27 days every time. The past two cycles I had slight spotting on CD17, but that had never happened before September.

I know I'm probably way ahead of myself here since we have only tried twice, I just want to figure out when I ovulate. Any advice or thoughts regarding how to tell when ovulation happens? Thank for reading and showing support! :)
New to the forum. TTC, both DH and I are 26. I have been on bc for the past 8 years and just recently came off the pill in October. I'm nervous, because I'm not sure how my cycle is going to be, but we BD 3 days before my O and the day after. DH is sure we are pregnant (he says he's got strong swimmers), but I am skeptical. He wanted to see if one time would do it so we didn't BD very frequently. But if this month I get AF then next month I'm going to be more serious about TTC. Need to get a basal body thermometer and ovulation tests.
Good morning everyone,

This is my first time on a forum, so I hope I am posting in the right place.
I was told a little more than a year ago that I have PCOS and that I would never be able to menstruate or ovulate without hormonal help, and that it would be very difficult to get pregnant. However, because of side effects I decided to stop taking the birth control, and since then, I have been having somewhat regular cycles (30 - 32 days)

I have been TTC for about 5 months now but no results so far.
Except that this month, I have been feeling nauseous for about a week. I got cramps in my lower abdomen and lower back as if I would get my period but that would have meant that I would menstruate early.
The nausea and dizziness came back, not especially in the morning, I have experienced hot flashes too, I feel bloated as well, certain smells bother me and the smell of seafood makes me sick. I couldn't eat the tuna salad I ordered.

I was going to do a test but I am not late. My period is due in 4 days, so I am not sure when is a good time to test? I heard you can have a false negative.

I was wondering if anyone was ever diagnosed with PCOS but managed to conceive without hormonal help?
This is wonderful!!
So I'm so new to this ... would I now reply with my questions/concerns around challenges with conceiving our first?
Just want to make sure I'm doing this right :)
I would suggest posting on active threads or start your own thread. This one isn't active.
My boyfriend an I are trying to conceive. We did have sex during my ovulation period (Dec 3- Dec 6), daily. My period is due on the 17th. I have been having bad cramps and bloating and lower back pain for about a week now. (I have NEVER had this before my period; never PMS or cramping). My breast are slightly sore. I am EXTREMLY emotional; going from crying to super angry. Today my ovaries started hurting and even my inner thighs along with back pain. I think this is just a really bad period coming. I want to be preggo so bad, but I really don't think I am. Oh, I took an EPT early pregnancy test this morning....it was negative. :cry: Also, and this is going to sound silly, but I go to a life coach and she used her pendulum and it said NO I was not preggo, just wanted to be really badly. =/

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