I've been TTC for about 8 months now and nothing seems to be happening. Help me!!
me and my boyfriend have sex 3-4 times a week, and even more around the time I am ovulating.
We've tried everything, all different kinds of positions. I have read these are suposed to help with baby making!!
I've been taking folic acid for about 2 months, and not been drinking alcohol. I have a good diet and I'm young.
I had a good feeling about this month when I felt queasy all day everyday about a week after I ovulated...
I was due on my period on the 28th august, and I know it's only 2 days late, I'm normally very regular (35 day cycle) my last period was on the 23rd July and lasted about 4 days
My breasts are very sore- my nipples hurt when touched and the top of my breasts hurt and feel heavy.. Especially in the morning.
The last few days I've been constipated.
I don't feel pregnant, and fed up of getting my hopes up!!

starting to think I'm not meant to be a mum!

What am I doing wrong?