So, I'm just now becoming very familiar with this whole CD, ovulation, CM and all that other good jargan for TTC.
I have a regular 28 day cycle, but that's about all I know about myself. Last Thursday, CD 10, my husband and I BD'd. From my calculation, I was supposed to O two days ago which would have put me TTC five days from O, not the most ideal I know but we aren't technically really really trying. I am hoping it happens, but I didn't really "try" this month. I didn't know about the different types of CM and how it relates to fertility, so I hadn't been checking it. I started checking on Sunday, CD 13 and was pretty much dry, finger was a little wet when I checked, but not much. I have been dry ever since, which leads me to think that either I didnt O this month or my O happened sooner. I have no recollection of what my CM was like the day we BD'd. CP for the past few days has, or since Ive been checking feels high, closed and firm.
My CP is throwing me off. Dry CM after O from what I read is normal, but I really would like to know when I actually did O. Maybe someone can give me some clarity on how to check what my DPO is, but with a bunch of info lacking, I guess I have to just wait it out to see when/if AF comes around and start tracking my BBT and CM from here on out if I dont get my BFP this month.