Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Thank you to bb0506. I really appreciate the input. I have irritable bowel. Like I said I won't be getting into my gastroenterologist until December 1st..which like I mentioned before is a mere month before we wanted to start trying. I am going to go into him with all my symptoms and talk to him about trying to conceive. While it would frustrate me if whe said we should wait I will follow his advice on the matter. It's just so nerve wracking to wait until December wondering what he will have to say about us trying to conceive.

And Riliye thank you as well!! I really appreciate the input ladies! I am going to try and calm myself down. We are starting to go to the gym on a regular basis and getting into eating healthier is helping as well. I have a hope that these attacks are brought on by stress, especially since we are getting serious about trying to conceive but because I have IBS-D I figure I better be checked out to go forward with it. I am VERY nervous about not knowing how to track my ovulation and I feel like I'm somehow a few steps behind most people at this point. I didn't want to track and be intense about it until if/when we might need to...yet it makes me feel like I'm not doing what I should be. As if just "trying" isn't good enough. Does that sound crazy?? LOL

Again, thank you guys!!! The idea of just talking it out is relaxing actually!!
hi i am new to this! i am in the navy and been married a year to my husband and we are ntnp to have a baby. now to my story: my last period was sept 15-sept 18. my cycle is normally 28 to 30 days long and regular. that puts me ovulating on or near the 30th and me and my husband had sex on the 30th until the 4th of OCT. real late on the 7th i started have a mixed discharge that was clear and light red brown...only when i wiped it was a slimy looking discharge and never really filled a tampon. that only last till late on the 8th. starting on the 5th i started getting really bad nausea at night. starting yesterday the day i calculated i was supposed to start i have had slight cramping and no bleeding and still feeling the nausea at night and now wanting to sleep more, and mild headaches?
was that my period or what? i am really lost on this one and me and my husband live in different places due to me being in the navy so i have no one to talk to about so please help if you can!
hi, im new to this sight and was just wondering if anyone can give me a little more insight to my body (if yours is similar to mine lol). my story is that i have a very irregular cycle and i have been clocking it ever since septemer last year (2010) when me and my partner stopped using protection (we had the thought of if it happend it happend you know but we wernt necessarily trying) anyway so my cycle ran at the better part of between 40-45 days mostly around the 43rd day and its only been the last couple of months that its decided to change when it feels like it, for example in june i had a 28-30 day cycle and last month (sep) it was 34 days so you can imagine my frustration, from september 2010 to february 2011 nothing happened and my partner did bring it up thinking there might have been a problem because we didnt just have intercourse every now again we had it every day and sometimes more than 2ce per day, he went away for a few months and things carried on as they did when he returned and in this period of him being away i managed to clock exactly when i ovulate and what my signs are. Higher body temperature, urinating more frequetly because i get thirsty and a watery disharge that starts about 2 weeks after my last cycle and turns to the white stretchy mucus that is connected with oulation over the course of aboout a week. Now as of yet nothing has happened still and we are trying a great deal more than what we were and its been close to a year if you count the time he was away, this month though has got me really confused; my last period was in the middle of september and i had my ovulation signs like clockwork 2 weeks before, (i know because it was my birthday) i predicted that i should have ovulated this month last week, at the latest this week (9-14 october) HOWEVER i havent had my usual signs, instead after a week of my last cycle ending my breasts got sore, now with me this never happens so soon..if and when i get sore breasts its right as im due on, they are still sore 3 weeks in and today i started spotting a very llight brown disharge and am getting wierd cramps i dont recognise and i am only 25 days into my cycle and not due on for another couple of weeks!!! As usual me and my partner have very regalar sex still.

has anyone got any ideas because my body is baffeling me now, i dont think i can get pregnant and i know its harder for irregualar women to get pregnant but this is a joke and my signs are all messed up and i just dont know what to do :wacko:
Hi ladies, I hope you don't mind me Joining your thread, I am new to this forum.

I'm currently TTC and have been for 12 years. I have a Wonderful supportive Partner. without his support I wouldn't have gotten this far.
hi, im new to this sight and was just wondering if anyone can give me a little more insight to my body (if yours is similar to mine lol). my story is that i have a very irregular cycle and i have been clocking it ever since septemer last year (2010) when me and my partner stopped using protection (we had the thought of if it happend it happend you know but we wernt necessarily trying) anyway so my cycle ran at the better part of between 40-45 days mostly around the 43rd day and its only been the last couple of months that its decided to change when it feels like it, for example in june i had a 28-30 day cycle and last month (sep) it was 34 days so you can imagine my frustration, from september 2010 to february 2011 nothing happened and my partner did bring it up thinking there might have been a problem because we didnt just have intercourse every now again we had it every day and sometimes more than 2ce per day, he went away for a few months and things carried on as they did when he returned and in this period of him being away i managed to clock exactly when i ovulate and what my signs are. Higher body temperature, urinating more frequetly because i get thirsty and a watery disharge that starts about 2 weeks after my last cycle and turns to the white stretchy mucus that is connected with oulation over the course of aboout a week. Now as of yet nothing has happened still and we are trying a great deal more than what we were and its been close to a year if you count the time he was away, this month though has got me really confused; my last period was in the middle of september and i had my ovulation signs like clockwork 2 weeks before, (i know because it was my birthday) i predicted that i should have ovulated this month last week, at the latest this week (9-14 october) HOWEVER i havent had my usual signs, instead after a week of my last cycle ending my breasts got sore, now with me this never happens so soon..if and when i get sore breasts its right as im due on, they are still sore 3 weeks in and today i started spotting a very llight brown disharge and am getting wierd cramps i dont recognise and i am only 25 days into my cycle and not due on for another couple of weeks!!! As usual me and my partner have very regalar sex still.

has anyone got any ideas because my body is baffeling me now, i dont think i can get pregnant and i know its harder for irregualar women to get pregnant but this is a joke and my signs are all messed up and i just dont know what to do :wacko:

Dani, Don't fret, I know its easier said then done. My cycles were really screwed up for a while as well. You just need to relax, stress can affect or delay things.
In the 12 yrs I've been trying. I have now gotten to the point where I don't need to use OPK and I just know i'm ovulating, I've never tracked temps or cervix positions.
Hi everyone, im new here. Ive just switched to this site from another (Australian site, I live in Sydney). My husband found this site and suggested it to me in the hopes that i can finally find help and support as the people on the other site didnt seem to care and hardley responded to my questions.

DH and I have been TTC for 10 months (12 unprotected). We see a very good and popular FS. we saw her a few days ago. I have mild PCOS and DH is fine. all our hormone levels are fine and i know when i ovulate becuase they monitor me with blood tests. I start taking clomid in November and if nothing happens, we will start insemination in February.

I am getting very anxious, stressed, angry and emotional (which i hate) as well as horribly confused. Just found out yesterday that a friend of mine who was my infertility buddy is pregnant after 2 months of trying. Im trying to be happy for her but when i found out i was utterly devestated. I have 1 other friend who has struggled for 5 years (she lives about 3 hours away)but i cannot talk to her as she only recently found out that she cant have children. i feel who am i to complain to her. that would just be too unfair. Ive been rejected by friends who are mothers as i wouldnt understand nor am i in the same place as them. so the only person i have to talk to is DH and its unfair to put all that pressure on him and rely on him to pick me up.

Hoping for some support and help.
Hi everyone, im new here. Ive just switched to this site from another (Australian site, I live in Sydney). My husband found this site and suggested it to me in the hopes that i can finally find help and support as the people on the other site didnt seem to care and hardley responded to my questions.

DH and I have been TTC for 10 months (12 unprotected). We see a very good and popular FS. we saw her a few days ago. I have mild PCOS and DH is fine. all our hormone levels are fine and i know when i ovulate becuase they monitor me with blood tests. I start taking clomid in November and if nothing happens, we will start insemination in February.

I am getting very anxious, stressed, angry and emotional (which i hate) as well as horribly confused. Just found out yesterday that a friend of mine who was my infertility buddy is pregnant after 2 months of trying. Im trying to be happy for her but when i found out i was utterly devestated. I have 1 other friend who has struggled for 5 years (she lives about 3 hours away)but i cannot talk to her as she only recently found out that she cant have children. i feel who am i to complain to her. that would just be too unfair. Ive been rejected by friends who are mothers as i wouldnt understand nor am i in the same place as them. so the only person i have to talk to is DH and its unfair to put all that pressure on him and rely on him to pick me up.

Hoping for some support and help.

hang in there. in terms of TTC 10 months is not that long. If your concerned best off seeing a fertility specialists. There are some great ones out here in sydney (i'm from there too).
hi i am new to this! i am in the navy and been married a year to my husband and we are ntnp to have a baby. now to my story: my last period was sept 15-sept 18. my cycle is normally 28 to 30 days long and regular. that puts me ovulating on or near the 30th and me and my husband had sex on the 30th until the 4th of OCT. real late on the 7th i started have a mixed discharge that was clear and light red brown...only when i wiped it was a slimy looking discharge and never really filled a tampon. that only last till late on the 8th. starting on the 5th i started getting really bad nausea at night. starting yesterday the day i calculated i was supposed to start i have had slight cramping and no bleeding and still feeling the nausea at night and now wanting to sleep more, and mild headaches?
was that my period or what? i am really lost on this one and me and my husband live in different places due to me being in the navy so i have no one to talk to about so please help if you can!

Sounds to me like it might be implantation bleeding fingers crossed for you:baby:
Hi everyone!

I am new to this group. DF and I had been ntnp for a few months when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer earlier this summer. It was treated with by removing me thyroid at the end of August, and got the "all healthy" on September 28 (CD2).

Now I am 35 and back to ntnp, and driving myself crazy!:wacko:

Excited to join the group!

I am 10dpo (I think). Any one else?

So my cycles used to be irregular until I lost weight. They were about 35-45 days long. Now they have gone to about 31-32 days except this last month was 28 days. Is that too big of a change? Should i be worried that they are going to be irregular again? Is 28 days long enough for everything to happen?:confused:
So my cycles used to be irregular until I lost weight. They were about 35-45 days long. Now they have gone to about 31-32 days except this last month was 28 days. Is that too big of a change? Should i be worried that they are going to be irregular again? Is 28 days long enough for everything to happen?:confused:

Actually 28 days is the average cycle so it's perfect! :thumbup:
Hi I am new to this group. I have been ttc#3, I am 7 DPO today. I had an implantation dip on 6DPO. Looking forward to a BFP this cycle.
Happy Tuesday girls. Another day of no caffeine. Wishing I knew if I was prego or not:coffee:
I get to start testing on Saturday, 5 days before af is due...I had my days mixed up for a while, but now I got em down...maybe. I though I ovulated on the 12th but had a little bit of bleeding on the 14th for the first time ever in my life. Thought it could have been implantation bleeding, but from some of the nice girls on here found out it could have been ovulation bleeding. All this bleeding we have to deal with! :) I'm excited, nervous, and scared.
Sorry this wasn't really a question, more of a nervous rambling. It's our second month ttc #1. Both of my sisters already have kids and babies and I want to have mine sooner than later so he/she will have cousins its age to play with.

Ahhhh...all this waiting is horrible!
Good luck mod19 and jaailu! Keep us updated! Always great to hear about some bfp's!!
Hi I am new to this group. I have been ttc#3, I am 7 DPO today. I had an implantation dip on 6DPO. Looking forward to a BFP this cycle.

I hope you get your bfp! October has to be the month!
i have only just found this site! its amazing how many people are in the same boat.
Me and my fiance have been trying since march, i had all the signs of being pregnant i was 3 days late had all the signs tender boobs sickness tired. Woke up this morning to be on my period. Im gutted :(
i have only just found this site! its amazing how many people are in the same boat.
Me and my fiance have been trying since march, i had all the signs of being pregnant i was 3 days late had all the signs tender boobs sickness tired. Woke up this morning to be on my period. Im gutted :(

I've only just found this site too and am in virtually the same boat as you. Me and my fiancé have been trying since April, but I was working away a lot until September which didn't help, and I had loads of signs this week but came on today, I feel so disappointed.

Chin up, so this month isn't our day, have a good cry and a cup of tea, and try again in a couple of weeks time :)
i have only just found this site! its amazing how many people are in the same boat.
Me and my fiance have been trying since march, i had all the signs of being pregnant i was 3 days late had all the signs tender boobs sickness tired. Woke up this morning to be on my period. Im gutted :(

I've only just found this site too and am in virtually the same boat as you. Me and my fiancé have been trying since April, but I was working away a lot until September which didn't help, and I had loads of signs this week but came on today, I feel so disappointed.

Chin up, so this month isn't our day, have a good cry and a cup of tea, and try again in a couple of weeks time :)

Aww this has me feel better just to talk to someone who is going through the same none of my friends really understand as they've either fell pregnant by chance or not ready to have children so talking to them is like to a brick wall LOL my mum just keeps saying just having sex like rabbits! haha
Just like mostly everyone here I'm new to the forum...can someone help me out with acronyms lol. like dpo? and throw some common ones at me. Thanks!

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