Hi everyone, this is not only my fist post but my first time on a forum altogether, so sorry if I don't do things quite right!
I'll just jump straight in lol!
I've been off the pill for nearly 4 years and have been TTC for 5 months now.
I'm finding the whole process really stressful as I want a baby soooooo badly!! I've wanted one for over 3 years but by partner wanted us to get married first, before trying. (We got married in May this year, but we've been together for over 13 years!)
I'm trying so hard not to think about it, but as I'm sure you'll all understand and perhaps find, it's all I can think about! I now dread a visit from aunt flow, knowing that I'll get that same gut wrenching feeling of disappointment!
I can't really talk to anyone about this and how it's making me feel as all I get is that, 'oh god she's gonna go on about that again is she' face from everyone!
And I hate the........'just stop thinking about it and then it will happen!!' How can I possibly make myself stop thinking about the one thing I want most in the world!??
People say to me the more you want it, the less likely it's going to happen! Well, if that's the case I'm never going to fall pregnant!
Me and my husband really are trying EVERY we can, from certain positions, to legs up the wall for an hour and having sex once every two days, (he's never been happier lol!)
I've been using the ovulation kits to find out when I'm ovulating, so I know we're doing at the right time every month! I'm just starting to get that feeling it's never going to happen!!
Can I ask how other people are finding the whole TTC for there first child experience??
Even though my husband has been so fantastic and so understanding to how I've been feeling, I still feel quite alone! I just really feel I need to talk to other women, who are going throught he same thing!
Sorry for going on a bit, once I start I find it hard to stop lol!
And good luck to everyone who's TTC!!! xxxxxx