Thanks Jennifer its just some times really hard to stay positvie when every one around me seems to get PG no problem, i think if i knew it was to happen and it was just a waiting game it would be ok, its the not knowing why.. Ive decided to skip this months clomid and try it next cycle just to give me a breaks from the headaches!
I agree i never thought it would be this hard, if i did i may have started TTC sooner! How old are you Jennifer if you dont mind me asking ?
Baby dust to us all xx
I dont mind at all, im 31. and i agree if i knew for a fact it would happen it would make it less hard. Im not going to take clomid this month either im going to use the OPK tests and im taking a spoonful of honey sprinkled with cinnamon each day (heard a lot of people have success with this, i joind a thread called honey and cinnamon babies, come join it if you like

and hopefuly this month will work for the both of us!!!!
So same age, i just worry i may have left it to late to TTC i hope i haven't though! wow never heard of that hun, but willing to give any thing a go! what time of day do you take ? Yeah i'll join have you got a link and i will join thanks hun!
So your taking a break from clomid too.. it stressed me out ovulating late this month, and like i said i thought for one moment it could be my month as AF was late.. but suppose thats the down side of clomid hey!
Well loads of baby dust for us both this month !