Usagi - I agree, it's very comforting to communicate to others who are going through the same thing. You've found a great forum for just that. Fx'd for you and truly hope you see your bfp sooner than later!
hey, i've just joined this forum, and just thought i'd post to introduce myself.
I'm 28 (almost 29) and hubby has just turned 31. We've been together for just over 11 years, and married just over 1 year. I'm getting a bit fed up now, it's only been 6 months since we first started ttc, but in that time, 14 of our friends have fallen pregnant, and 3 of those were accidents!! What doesn't help is because we've been together so long people 'expect' us to be trying, and if one more person says to me...when are you going to have a baby? I swear i will slap them!!!
Oh and me have desperately wanted a lo for a long time....pretty much about 6 months into our relationship!! But with both of us being annoyingly practical, we decided to wait, and i guess because we did 'the right thing' i thought i'd fall straight away
My family history isn't great as far as ttc is concerned, my mum took 4 years to fall for my older sister, and my sister took almost 7 years before admitting there was a problem and being put onto clomid.
We've already decided that we'll give it the full 12 months and if still no bfp, we'll seek medical advice.
I've found it comforting to read about so many people who are in the same boat as me.
Sending you all (and me) lots of babydust!![]()
Quick questions, where did you get the Preseed from?I was able to purchase it from CVS for $20..HTH
Hi All!
I am happy to find a thread that seems to be active, I was pointed here from the "Lesbian couples TTC" site.
My Wife and I have been TTC for almost a year. We have been together for a total of 14 years and married for 1.
We are using the home method and after reading alot of the success stories today, will probably start the instead cups. I have been reading since about 9am and it seems to be more success in couples to use the cups. We have tried the clinic method with an anonymous donor but the cost of the failed attempts weighs heavy. So we are using a known donor (again) and will inbetween (if we haven't with him) use the bank sperm to the home (finances into play as well). Quick questions, where did you get the Preseed from?
We are wondering if there are any tips? As well, where you all have been successful finding appropriate donors? We live in MD and besides the Tadpole site which is based in the UK, we can only find the spermbank sites. Any Suggestions???
Ya va ser casi dos meses que no me viene mi periodo, y hoy 27/04/2011 siento adormecido o entumecido mi vientre y ayer 26/04/2011 y hoy tengo vinagrera.. creen q este en cinta.. alguien ayudenme...!!!!????¡¡¡¡¿¿¿ help please
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