Good afternoon,
This feels like my first day at school....I apologise if this is an ongoing thread that I am interrupting, I'm new just registered and not sure how to use this site so again I'm sorry.
My name is Emma and I am 31.....I have had a long battle with pcos, hormones all sorts and still I'm confused by it all but most importantly feel fed up and desperate. My journey starts 10 years ago I guess, I have already got the most handsome loving son in the world he is 10 (I did not conceive easily it was after nearly two years, but I didn't think anything was wrong then). After I gave birth I noticed weight starting to pile on from no where, was never a big eater but I had a beer like belly, and when I looked in the mirror I just looked pregnant, without the baby disappointingly! Then the periods were just all over the place. Repeatedley went to the doctors who put it down to stress.....offering me anti depressants on every visit. Then the periods become extremely heavy lasting approximately 9 days with a 2-3 day break imbetween so in other words, I was constantly on a period!

felt tired ratty, depressed and not knowing where to turn, again kept going to the doctors, finally they sent me for blood tests(don't know what they were checking for) but they kept saying results were fine and were trying to convince me to start the birth control pill. I refused, I wanted to know what was happening and even though I went back to work after maternity leave, I wanted to expand my family so this was not an option. Still no improvement or change happened over the next 5 years, couldn't loose weight, felt like I had nappy rash after constantly having an always nightie pad on! Then I noticed my hair becoming really thin, feel like I'm going to be bald at this rate....then the dreaded thick black coarse hairs on my neck, chin area (I was mortified my hair is blonde/brown so what was with the black hair??) so I was permanently in the mirror with my tweezers, wondering why my hair wouldn't grow as quick as these horrid ones! Then it was the hair on my face! All of my confidence is now in a dustbin somewhere, my stomach is disgusting, bulging from the top still look pregnant, and flabby at the bottom.......
Well after still battling with doctors and still being offered anti depressants even making me feel as though, there is nothing physically wrong with me except I'm crazy. I'm always crying, very low and desperate for a baby! And stupidly each month I still told myself this month will be the month. I was finally offered an ultrasound by my doctors, which was should say not helpful... The nurses words were "oh yea you have loads of cysts, yep you have pcos" part of me was thinking great help at last, but no the doctor told me to loose weight and it will go?
A friend recommend the most brilliant lady to me who specialised in reflexology.....apart from being the most relation thing ever and me always wanting to scream don't stop! This did in fact regulate my periods......bur yet still no baby? She then recommend me to go and see a lady privately, I did and yet she has put me on metformin, I'm on1700mg daily. I have been taking it just over 3 weeks hasn't been the nicest of tablet (side effects) but I'm sticking to it.
So after all my rambling (I must apologise, I don't get out much) I just wondered how metformin had worked for any of you. I am however a week late in my period but did negative pregnancy test yesterday so not sure why I'm late, I can't remember the last time this ever happened to me? Could it just be where I'm adjusting to metformin?? I'm waiting for my period as I'm due for blood test to check my FSH plus a couple other things.
Again I'm sorry if you logged out halfway through but this has really been a long battle!
Emma xxxx
Then a close friend recommended a fantastic lady who specialised in reflexology......apart from being so relaxing and me wanting to scream don't stop! This regulated my periods amazingly! But yet still no pregnancy! I finally we