Summer - I'm sorry for no success for over 12yrs. has OBGYN confirmed reason for no success so far? FX for u, hope this time is ur time. keep us updated sweetie.
I have Endometriosis and DH has a low sperm count which jumps between 10millon and 20 million. I had my right ovary and tube removed in 2007 on my 8th wedding anniversary due to ruptured chocolate cyst and immense webbing. Everything was stuck together and could not be saved.

So I'm heavily relying on my left ovary and tube to do the job.
I'm due for my period tomorrow, (it's always been like clockwork) I'm getting severe heartburn, hungry after every hour, headache, tiredness, dull back pain, really bloated, sharp twinges on both sides and down below along with nausea. I'm trying to ignore the symptoms as I've never had them all together ans so severe in the past, but can't help my self googling "3 weeks preganant symptoms"

Normally my breasts start hurting up to a week before AF and this month nothing. Is it normal ?
I'm going insane but going to wait until I'm a few days over and see how frequent all the symptoms are.
Well, we have some answers, it looks like DH has low motility and is at the lower end of normal for several other factors. Pretty down in the dumps today. Does any one have any experience with this?
Same here sweetie, consultant told him not to have a hot bath, or wear tight underwear, stop drinking smoking (DH is a non smoker and doesn't touch alcohol either). Each test shows a different result in the count, but motility is very low. But that doesn't mean you can't get pregnant, as we both now it only takes one sperm to give us the baby
I have two friends, both husbands do not have any sperm, and the most they've had in a sample is 4-5. Thinking about them makes me feel how lucky I am with my DH's count and motility.