Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hi everyone,
My husband and I have been trying to Conceive our first Child for about 3 years now. I had gotten checked and everything was normal. Just this week my husband had a SA and it came back abnormal. My biggest concern was the rapid progressive came back at 0%. We won't be able to see the urologist for another month and it's driving me crazy not knowing what we could be doing To try and improve it, if possible.

If anyone has any advice I would truly appreciate it! I need to ease my mind! Thanks!

Oh hun, so sorry. We recently found out that DH's sperm was the issue too. The only things I can suggest until you can see someone are:

1, get him on some fertility vitamins. Wellman Conception is what we are using and I have heard great things. Make sure it has Macca and other things other than just vits.

2, get him on some omega olis

3, look at diet, get him eating as much good stuff as possible

4, lots of exercise, but not biking and NO saunas or hot tubs

5, if he smokes he really needs to stop and if he drinks he needs to cut down

6, loose boxers and comfy looser trousers

Hopefully you will get to see someone soon to see what the next steps will be. We still have to be referred so I am waiting for that. There are some male factor boards on here with ladies who can offer more advice. This is the one I have been chatting on:

Been trying to conceive since the beginning of this year. I still have hope this cycle will end with a BFP! :bfp:

New to all this, we have been ttc for 18 months now, have had day 2 and 21 blood tests done, all ok, SA test ok done twice, had hospital app yesterday and have to go for laparoscopy and dye which I am very nervous about, has anyone had this done?? Have to wait around 3 months for this, already had wait 3 months to see her, hate the waiting :shrug:


we have been trying for 17 months now and i had laparoscopy done in November and the HSG test done in October. What surgery are you having done? When i had the dye (HSG) it wasn't bad at all i went back to work the same day..i just had alot of cramping due to my right tube being blocked. Good luck you will be just fine :thumbup:
hey ladies, my hubby and I have been TTC for 6 months now, I just got diagnosed with PCOS. My doctor has set me up with an x-ray test at the hosptial where they insert dye into my cervix and uterus...has anyone ever had this done before? I have heard horror stories about ttc while having pcos.

I have PCOS and endometriosis...it has been hard to get pregnant but it's not impossible..also the HSG test was not bad at all..i had one done in october and just took some ibuprofen after and had no problems...thats when they found out my right tube was blocked and i still went to work after..good luck on your journey:winkwink:
I am 22 years old and have been married going on 2 years. I have been pregnant once before 3 years ago with the guy I am married to know. The pregnancy was not carried to term and I have not gotten pregnant since. I have been to the doctor and everything is in working order. We havent been trying trying for the past 3 years but I figured it would have happened by now. It stresses me and and makes me kind of depressed and I dont know what to do. I want a baby more than anything. My cycle varies from 30-34 days so Im confused at when my best chance is. I feel alone sometimes. Any advice?
Hi im new to this all together...sum Info abt me..im 27 trying to start a family for me n my girlfriend...yes i am a lesbian...doctors started me on clomid in January..clomid gor five days got period on feb18..period lasted four days n was very light..started clomid again this time on 50mg from 24-28..started opk on the 2 got the two lines same day..i dnt bd of course so instead im using the instead cups..im due to ovulate on the 5th or 6th of this month..im doin the insemination again tomorrow and on Tuesday maybe on wed as an insurance..i hope tht im doin it right..ive read alot of info on using the instead cup and alot of women got preggo their first time using it...all I can do is pray n hope tht it works out..bein on clomid puts my cycles at 30-31 days and my luteal phase is 14 days...hopefully I get to communicate wit the women on ber n get insight n hope..i dnt have anybody to relate to so I hope I can on here :D
I am 22 years old and have been married going on 2 years. I have been pregnant once before 3 years ago with the guy I am married to know. The pregnancy was not carried to term and I have not gotten pregnant since. I have been to the doctor and everything is in working order. We havent been trying trying for the past 3 years but I figured it would have happened by now. It stresses me and and makes me kind of depressed and I dont know what to do. I want a baby more than anything. My cycle varies from 30-34 days so Im confused at when my best chance is. I feel alone sometimes. Any advice?


My advice for you would to chart your temperatures everyday in the morning before you get out of bed..i set an alarm on my phone to remind me..i also love the website fertility friend. It really helps you understand your body.
Good luck and baby dust:dust:
I am 22 years old and have been married going on 2 years. I have been pregnant once before 3 years ago with the guy I am married to know. The pregnancy was not carried to term and I have not gotten pregnant since. I have been to the doctor and everything is in working order. We havent been trying trying for the past 3 years but I figured it would have happened by now. It stresses me and and makes me kind of depressed and I dont know what to do. I want a baby more than anything. My cycle varies from 30-34 days so Im confused at when my best chance is. I feel alone sometimes. Any advice?

The main thing is that you have been pregnant before so you know you can get pregnant :) I never used anything for just over 3 years and got pregnant the first month I went on the pill! I also miscarried at 13 weeks but at least I know I am able to become pregnant which is the most important part. Maybe try the pill for a few months to regulate your cycle then start again once it's regular? Hope it happens for you soon! xx
hi again its been age's sins iv wrote on this forum so i tought id update, af has fially gone away and today i started using opks so im hoping il get my smily face soon, i to fell preg but lost but later found out that iv pcos, iv just finished my first cycle of clomid so maby with that and the opks ur chances mite be better, best of luck hun..ans baby dust ur way

New to all this, we have been ttc for 18 months now, have had day 2 and 21 blood tests done, all ok, SA test ok done twice, had hospital app yesterday and have to go for laparoscopy and dye which I am very nervous about, has anyone had this done?? Have to wait around 3 months for this, already had wait 3 months to see her, hate the waiting :shrug:


we have been trying for 17 months now and i had laparoscopy done in November and the HSG test done in October. What surgery are you having done? When i had the dye (HSG) it wasn't bad at all i went back to work the same day..i just had alot of cramping due to my right tube being blocked. Good luck you will be just fine :thumbup:

Thanks I've been reading others stories on lap and dye so am bit more relaxed now thank god. I've to go under to have a lap where they do keyhole surgery below the belybutton and blow gas into the abdomen and run the dye through the tubes (thats what gynae told me anyways). Its just the waiting that gets me too no date yet still.

Thanks for your reassurance and good luck in your journey :dust:
Hi, I'm new to this site and not sure where to start posting..... My husband and I have been TTC since June 2011. Started Clomid 50mg in december... no ovulation. January and Feb. took 100mg Ovulated, but cycles were 34-35 days long both months BFN. This month AF came on day 31, March 4th about 8:30 pm had normal period symptoms on the 5th, but today (the 6th) There has been little, almost no bleeding ( Sorry if TMI) So I'm pretty confuse now. I kow that compared to some we haven't been trying very long but I'm beginning to get pretty bummed out about the whole thing. Especially since a coworker announced 2 weeks ago that she is 12 weeks pregnant.
hi this is my very first post as im nw to b&b and have been looking through the formus as im on cycle day 10 using cbfm and cbdigital ov test also not understanding my cycle at the moment as i started monitor on cycle day 6 and have had low even todat 7/3/12 but this is the forst time i have used it but on the 3/3/12 i had low but my cm was egg white texture so i tested on the digi ov test and got a smiley face so dtd 3/3/12 4/3/12 as i am a 21/28 days cycle :cloud9: see im so confused so some friends and some advice would be great good luck to all thoses ttc:thumbup: lets hope this is our month or months to come xx
Hi, I'm new to this site and not sure where to start posting..... My husband and I have been TTC since June 2011. Started Clomid 50mg in december... no ovulation. January and Feb. took 100mg Ovulated, but cycles were 34-35 days long both months BFN. This month AF came on day 31, March 4th about 8:30 pm had normal period symptoms on the 5th, but today (the 6th) There has been little, almost no bleeding ( Sorry if TMI) So I'm pretty confuse now. I kow that compared to some we haven't been trying very long but I'm beginning to get pretty bummed out about the whole thing. Especially since a coworker announced 2 weeks ago that she is 12 weeks pregnant.

I really recommend to everyone trying to go to the dr. and get checked and have your husbands get sperm analysis done cause sometimes we spend all this time trying and its something that can be fixed or we need help with.. for me it was my husbands sperm the numbers were bad and now we are going to do IVF, but i think its better to know whats going on then to keep guessing, but since you were on clomid i see you went to the dr. already, that is the best thing to do when ttc, then you dont waste time. but its very impirtant for the guy to get checked too.
Hi Everyone, this is my first ever post on this site and i dont even know if ive done it right or whether i have just managed to interupt someone elses conversation. If so apologies. I am in my first month of trying to concieve my first baby and i am going completely mental! 6 days until AF is due :(
hi this is my very first post as im nw to b&b and have been looking through the formus as im on cycle day 10 using cbfm and cbdigital ov test also not understanding my cycle at the moment as i started monitor on cycle day 6 and have had low even todat 7/3/12 but this is the forst time i have used it but on the 3/3/12 i had low but my cm was egg white texture so i tested on the digi ov test and got a smiley face so dtd 3/3/12 4/3/12 as i am a 21/28 days cycle :cloud9: see im so confused so some friends and some advice would be great good luck to all thoses ttc:thumbup: lets hope this is our month or months to come xx

I love seeing the smiley faces on the cbdigi ov test :D They make me hopeful and excited even though it's not a BFP ;) As for the BD timing, we try to dtd every day I have EW or wet cm. That's what the fertility book says anyway :)

I'm soooo ready to see my doc but it won't be until the 22nd of march :( Pelvic scan on the 16th to make sure all parts are in their place and looking healthy i suppose.
It's been a long 15 months of ttc and I am READY to get some solutions to our obvious problem. I'm just trying not to get my hopes up too high otherwise I know if it's bad news, I will fall hard. SO nervous. Also waiting for DH to come back from his course so he can do his 3rd SA....
You know, I wish we all had ultrasound machines at home so we could see exactly what was going on so that we could time BD accurately. I hate doing this all so blindly! Even with the knowledge of CM, temps, CP, etc. it still seems like a giant game of roulette and I'm starting to get super pissed!!

Thanks for letting me rant ladies :wacko:
Hi, I'm new to this site. My husband and I have been TTC since December 2010. Unfortunately, we have had no luck. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and they have started Provera which will be followed by my first cycle of clomid. Other than PCOS, the doctor stated everything else is good. It has been a LONG journey, and it seems everyone else is pregnant. Although I'm extremely happy for them, I am also extremely jealous of them as well. Any advice for me since this will be my first cycle of clomid and provera? My doctor wrote out very specific instructions for the use, but I would like to hear personal stories if there are any.
Hi, I'm new to this site. My husband and I have been TTC since December 2010. Unfortunately, we have had no luck. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and they have started Provera which will be followed by my first cycle of clomid. Other than PCOS, the doctor stated everything else is good. It has been a LONG journey, and it seems everyone else is pregnant. Although I'm extremely happy for them, I am also extremely jealous of them as well. Any advice for me since this will be my first cycle of clomid and provera? My doctor wrote out very specific instructions for the use, but I would like to hear personal stories if there are any.

Hey! I am new to this site too! My husband and I have been trying since summer 2010. Just finished my first round of clomid (Feb) and I actually ovulated, which was uber exciting! Except, despite BD'ing every other day, I got a :bfn: but my hopes are high for round #2! Going to try doing it everyday around ovulation this time around and I ordered some preseed because don't have alot of CM. Lots of girls complain of alot of side effects on Clomid but I didn't really notice anything...maybe a little warmer (hot flashes) but that's about it! Hope you are one of the lucky "first rounders" with Clomid!! Lots of :dust: to you!!

Sorry if my signatures look funky, I haven't quite figured that out yet...
That is good to hear! I've heard so many different stories about the awful side effects, I was a little worried. I am really hoping I'm one of those very lucky ones who only need 1 round of Clomid. At least you ovulated last month, good luck to you this month!! Keep us updated, anxiously awaiting to hear your success story! :)
Hi, I'm new to this site and not sure where to start posting..... My husband and I have been TTC since June 2011. Started Clomid 50mg in december... no ovulation. January and Feb. took 100mg Ovulated, but cycles were 34-35 days long both months BFN. This month AF came on day 31, March 4th about 8:30 pm had normal period symptoms on the 5th, but today (the 6th) There has been little, almost no bleeding ( Sorry if TMI) So I'm pretty confuse now. I kow that compared to some we haven't been trying very long but I'm beginning to get pretty bummed out about the whole thing. Especially since a coworker announced 2 weeks ago that she is 12 weeks pregnant.

I really recommend to everyone trying to go to the dr. and get checked and have your husbands get sperm analysis done cause sometimes we spend all this time trying and its something that can be fixed or we need help with.. for me it was my husbands sperm the numbers were bad and now we are going to do IVF, but i think its better to know whats going on then to keep guessing, but since you were on clomid i see you went to the dr. already, that is the best thing to do when ttc, then you dont waste time. but its very impirtant for the guy to get checked too.

Yes I know it is important for him to get checked too. That is one of the next steps if Clomid doesn't work. He has a 13 yr old son from previous relationship. I had a MC about 6 years ago. My doctor has said that because of these 2 factors we know that we most likely CAN both "get pregnant" it's just a matter of when. I'm just starting to get discouraged... feel like it shouldn't take so long.
ok so hello, i have been married to my husband for almost 3 years and have wanted a baby whole time, then few months ago we thought ok time to really start trying. i bought fertibella online after reading some promising reviews. i am about 9/10 dpo and i took a opk few hours ago and it had 2 lines. it wasnt dark like a pos would be! so hopefully it gets darker seeing as it is said it can give off positive as a hpt would. i am gonna take a test tomorrow morning sat the 10th. my af is due friday the 16th! please cross your fingers for me, i am dying to be a mother!![-o<

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