Hi Everyone,
I am new to this site, and everything really...lol My husband and I just got married, and started TTC #1 as soon as we said our vows! I stopped BC two weeks before the wedding (it was my last pill for the month), and it worked out that it would be O time on our honeymoon. I took OPK's on the honeymoon, but never O'd. When we got home I felt the cramps and CM. I knew it was time (without the OPK), so we BD in the am. Later on that day we were out shopping and I felt a gush (sorry TMI) and thought AF showed up. I ran to the bathroom in the store only to find it was lots of CM, so I knew we had gotten the right O day!!
I have had a crazy tww. Some symptoms, but not bad. I tested (because I couldn't wait) at 7dpo, but got a BFN. I was still having symptoms so I tested again today at 10 dpo, and got a faint but there BFP (and it's fathers day)!! I am resisting telling DH, because I really want a strong BFP.
I am not getting too excited because I have had a chemical Pg before hubby, which ended at about 5 weeks. Somehow though this feels different...Symptoms are there but not crazy. We BD a day ago, and I thought I would bleed afterward (like before which is when the MC started), but had no issues at all. My cramps aren't strong, but come and go during the day ( not constant like when AF is coming).
Tell me if I am crazy, or just hoping this one is different. I am going to try to wait and test again on Tuesday morning...try is the key word! I just don't want to get my hopes up. What do you guys think???
I've looked at ttc threads before and felt very stupid!
My Husband and I got married in December and decided to ttc in May - schedules and road trips left us high and dry but June could be more fun.
I am a complete idiot when it comes to all of this stuff, I have a master's degree in administration & can teach the heck out of some middle school math, but know nothing about this baby thing. The hubby was engaged before us and they had a miscarriage, but he isn't a big talker... (and i don't want to look as dumb as I am with this)
SOO... We did the BD on the 12th (like I said - we don't see each other often due to current working conditions - will change soon i hope) but I was supposed to start on the 17th. Its the 22nd and no AF and 2 BFN's.
All the symptoms are probably just in my head I'm sure, but I had light odd cramping the other day most of the day - gone now. And was quite nauseous last night - but I haven't thrown up since 4th grade, so I'm not sure if that was what i felt of not.
ANY advice, tips or talking points are welcome! I"m not used to not knowing things.
OOH I have a dr. apt next Tuesday if AF doesn't arrive. Any advice on what to talk to him about? What to expect? THANKS!!
I've looked at ttc threads before and felt very stupid!
My Husband and I got married in December and decided to ttc in May - schedules and road trips left us high and dry but June could be more fun.
I am a complete idiot when it comes to all of this stuff, I have a master's degree in administration & can teach the heck out of some middle school math, but know nothing about this baby thing. The hubby was engaged before us and they had a miscarriage, but he isn't a big talker... (and i don't want to look as dumb as I am with this)
SOO... We did the BD on the 12th (like I said - we don't see each other often due to current working conditions - will change soon i hope) but I was supposed to start on the 17th. Its the 22nd and no AF and 2 BFN's.
All the symptoms are probably just in my head I'm sure, but I had light odd cramping the other day most of the day - gone now. And was quite nauseous last night - but I haven't thrown up since 4th grade, so I'm not sure if that was what i felt of not.
ANY advice, tips or talking points are welcome! I"m not used to not knowing things.
OOH I have a dr. apt next Tuesday if AF doesn't arrive. Any advice on what to talk to him about? What to expect? THANKS!!
I'm so glad you posted this! I was just as clueless as you when I was advised of this site and tbh I have'nt learnt that much due to me not having time to use it that often![]()
I will love to see the response/advise someone gives for this as AF was due 17th for me and still no sign of showing. I had a few light cramps that are more like pressure more than pain, I've been feeling quite nauseous lately, been really tired and really gassy(TMI, sorry) but I've had 3 BFN's
So I've booked an appointment with the doctor for next Wednesday. I would also like advice on what to say/ask, especially if AF hasn't started by then! If AF does start I will just be asking for ways to up our chances of getting a BFP and a sticky bean!
I've been told by the ladies on here that you're not out until AF shows up so I hope you get your BFP Tlo1256!!![]()
hey ladies i am new on here and was wondering if anyone can help me out cuz i hate going to the reg doc.... i do have a obgyn appt in 2 weeks tho... I dont really know how to start this but I am just gonna go ahead.... I got pregnant 3 months ago and had a misscarriage soon after i found out :'( since then i have had 2 periods the first one was pretty normal the second one not so much i was 5 days late for it then only had it for a day and half.... since then a lot has been going on with me and i am just going to list them first it was really bad mood swings then headaches and dizzyness... then it went to being nauseous and being constipated one sec and then get diarrhea... my boobs are now getting a little soar.... has anyone delt with all these things before a bfp? when all this first started happening i took a pregnancy test and it was a bfn but i am still waiting... and i really wish i could say all this is in my head but i am getting hit hard with these problems and i am very uncomfortable and I just would like at least a little bit of in put HELP!!