well i am not the type to have anything to hide, just didnt want to ruffle any feathers...
one of my biggest concerns is, i have searched for about 4 years for a donor that i felt comfortable with, i'd kind of like to know the person but not be too up close and personal with them...enough to know i can trust them...
well i finally found a donor but the only problem (otherwise, this gentleman is absolutely everything ive wanted in a donor, and more) is that this man is pretty up there in age...
now i dont mind so much the age because well, as long as the swimmers work, im fine with that...its not going to be done the old fashion way (me being a lesbian and all anti-penis as my friends call it lol) but i was told that as a guy ages, there is more chance of it causing harm to the baby if you get pregnant? like there is a possibility that there will be something wrong with the child? if i have a child and it has mental or physical difficulties, thats fine, but i dont want to purposefully cause it...should i keep looking?
another question, seeing as its my first time, what should i look for in the tests? from most of the forums, ive kinda figured that a woman ovulates about half way through her cycle? i just started my cycle yesterday so that gives me a few weeks or atleast until the middle of next cycle to figure this out.right? ..i want to do this pretty soon...
and i may not be the brightest crayon in the pack, but i honestly cannot figure out what "soft cups" are....thats what i see used in alot of the at home ai success stories...so whatever it is, i know i need it.....so urm...what is it?
ive held off for one reason or another (generally a partner that changed their mind on children half way through the relationship) and i now know im ready...im mentally, physically, emotionally (well as good as its gonna get lol), and even somewhat financially ready...i just dont want to do this blindly....
but if You could answer the mens age question, that'd be amazing as that is my biggest fear...
thanks in advance
Female fact: we´re born with a finite amount of eggs.
Male fact: they make new spermies each time they "get it on".
So, I would say it´s perfectly safe to use spermies from an older man.
I must say though, that I´m not an expert at these matters, this is just my understandings of what I´ve read about conception, eggs and sperms.
Ovulation usually happens 14 days before Auntie Flo shows up, so it depends on your cycle length when ovulation takes place.
If your cycle length is 28 days (start of flow, to start of next flow), then Ovulation supposedly happens on the 13th-14th day.
It can vary a day or two in either direction.
The only way to know for sure is to track your Basal Body Temperature (BBT), or use OPK´s (ovulation predictor kits). I have no idea how to BBT, so you´d have to ask someone else about that.
Soft cups, are just that. Soft cups that you insert into your vagina after intercourse to keep the sperms close to the cervix. Makes it easier for them to get to the egg.
Soft cups are used, I believe, also during periods to collect the menstrual blood, and can be discarded after each time. It is my understanding that they´re not very expensive.
Mooncup is the same thing. I think it´s just the european version of softcups.
Mooncup is slightly deeper than softcups, so it doesn´t keep the sperms as close as softcups do.
Hope this helps.