Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hi everyone, I haven't joined a group like this before but thought it is about time I try it out. I am extremely disappointed as dh and i have been ttc for over 2 yrs now. Our gyn and RE have mentioned that there is nothing wrong with either of us. we are both 33 and I am extremely anxious, depressed and scared at this point. I wanted to reach out and see if there were people on this forum who had tried IUI and if they had any success as that is the next step we are considering. I just want to know that things are going to work out and I truly wish there was a magic wand in life:) Would love to hear from all of you here and what your experiences have been.

First of all, WELCOME to this forum. You came to the right place. Wow, sorry it's taking you so long to conceive. I would have gone mad by now. I'm really sorry. I've never tried IUI but have known people to have much success with it. What usually happens is you get a fertility doctor and have a few appointments, and then BAM...pregnant. Maybe you need to make an appointment ASAP. :) If you could invent a magic wand, you'd be a seriously rich woman! Good luck sweetie and I'll [-o< for you.
Hi Guys,

Another newbie to the forum.

My husband and I have been TTC since I came off cerazette the first week in Jan 2012.

Had 2 AFs since Jan at 35 days, on day 40 at the moment :wacko:,

so far only had BFN but fingers crossed!!!

(Fingers Crossed for all of us xxxxxxxxxxx)
Hi Guys,

Another newbie to the forum.

My husband and I have been TTC since I came off cerazette the first week in Jan 2012.

Had 2 AFs since Jan at 35 days, on day 40 at the moment :wacko:,

so far only had BFN but fingers crossed!!!

(Fingers Crossed for all of us xxxxxxxxxxx)

welcome!!! My fingers are DOUBLE/TRIPLE crossed for you!
Thanks for the welcome :winkwink:
Nice to have some fellow newbies too.

Well I couldn't resist and took a test on 8dpo (i know its silly early) but I wondered if you could have a peek? I *think* I can see a line and it came up in the time but Im not sure as its super duper feint and pretty thin (maybe thicker but kind of ghost line, not all blue).

Any opinions appreciated!


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Thanks for the welcome :winkwink:
Nice to have some fellow newbies too.

Well I couldn't resist and took a test on 8dpo (i know its silly early) but I wondered if you could have a peek? I *think* I can see a line and it came up in the time but Im not sure as its super duper feint and pretty thin (maybe thicker but kind of ghost line, not all blue).

Any opinions appreciated!

i didn't see it at first but after clicking the picture to make it bigger, IT'S THERE! I hope it stays! Wow, exciting!!!
legend - are you temping? checking cm? doing OPKs? These are all things that can help optimize your chances and are worth a try. I'm sure you're doing NOTHING wrong! It's just such a small chance each month for those spermies to meet our egg. I have only been TTC since Jan so I'm not familiar with all the tests you can do but I know there is a wealth of knowledge on the boards here. GL and FX for you!!!

hpefrbest - Welcome :hi: I'm sorry to hear it's been such a struggle for you as well :hugs: You've definitely come to the right place as there are a lot of knowledgeable folks as well as so many different experiences being shared that I'm sure you'll find some tips and maybe even answers. GL to you and FX!

LJD - hope you get a :bfp: soon!!! GL and FX :hugs:

Zogglet - I see a line too! Retest again with FMU in two days and it should get darker! Hope this is it for you!!!! FX and sticky dust!
I am sitting here not knowing exactly how to say this. On saturday my water broke, went to the hospital and found out that there was no fluid with the baby. Went through ups and downs thinking that we might still be ok, but this morning (wednesday) I gave birth to a little girl, who is with God now. I was 19 weeks 6 days. She looked like a little sleeping angel. Thanks to everyone who has been there during this pregnancy, we will not give up!
I took a test today too and I am 8DPO....I had a BFN but I willl test again in a few days...

ttcreed, I am so sorry for what you went through. I wish you all the strength and courrage to continue. Know that you have an angel looking out for you now. Big hugs!
I am sitting here not knowing exactly how to say this. On saturday my water broke, went to the hospital and found out that there was no fluid with the baby. Went through ups and downs thinking that we might still be ok, but this morning (wednesday) I gave birth to a little girl, who is with God now. I was 19 weeks 6 days. She looked like a little sleeping angel. Thanks to everyone who has been there during this pregnancy, we will not give up!

I'm so UNBELIEVABLY sorry for this loss. Words cannot express...we are all here for you.:cry:
Let me just say this...the TWW sucks!!! Blows really! Why can't the REST OF THE WORLD around us just stop and be on the wait too! Why is it just us women who have to wait and change everything in the meantime. For me, the day or day after i know i ovulated, i stop drinking my wine, cut my coffee/caffeine in half and whatever else is unhealthy, i stop doing. It's my way of cleansing myself and getting my body ready for baby if that is the case. Why can't the men in our lives DO THE SAME RIGHT ALONG WITH US? Ugh...so frustrating. NOTHING has to change for them. And WHY can't they drink and have their fun DURING our "fun week"...the two weeks starting with our period up until fertile time and ovulation again...that would be the prime time to get out and have our fun again with our guys and friends but NO, sometimes you don't get contacted at all during that period and then here comes the wait period again, and they come out of the woodwork. Sorry for the rant. I'm just severely annoyed tonight and i'm only on 2/3DPO. Geesh.
I am so sorry for your loss! Praying for your strength and comforting in this time.

The tww sucks! I am going insane! My cycle has been weird this month! I think I'm 8dpo! Waiting to test on Friday!!
I am sitting here not knowing exactly how to say this. On saturday my water broke, went to the hospital and found out that there was no fluid with the baby. Went through ups and downs thinking that we might still be ok, but this morning (wednesday) I gave birth to a little girl, who is with God now. I was 19 weeks 6 days. She looked like a little sleeping angel. Thanks to everyone who has been there during this pregnancy, we will not give up!

Such sad news! I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and yours. I know there's nothing any of us can say to heal your pain but know we're here for you. :hugs:
Let me just say this...the TWW sucks!!! Blows really! Why can't the REST OF THE WORLD around us just stop and be on the wait too! Why is it just us women who have to wait and change everything in the meantime. For me, the day or day after i know i ovulated, i stop drinking my wine, cut my coffee/caffeine in half and whatever else is unhealthy, i stop doing. It's my way of cleansing myself and getting my body ready for baby if that is the case. Why can't the men in our lives DO THE SAME RIGHT ALONG WITH US? Ugh...so frustrating. NOTHING has to change for them. And WHY can't they drink and have their fun DURING our "fun week"...the two weeks starting with our period up until fertile time and ovulation again...that would be the prime time to get out and have our fun again with our guys and friends but NO, sometimes you don't get contacted at all during that period and then here comes the wait period again, and they come out of the woodwork. Sorry for the rant. I'm just severely annoyed tonight and i'm only on 2/3DPO. Geesh.

AMEN!! It's so unfair that our whole life gets flipped upside down and put on hold while the men orgasm and call it a day. Totally unfair!!! And I hear you on the fun week lameness...I'm on CD4 and just had my first glass of wine tonight. Talk about uncool :growlmad:
Let me just say this...the TWW sucks!!! Blows really! Why can't the REST OF THE WORLD around us just stop and be on the wait too! Why is it just us women who have to wait and change everything in the meantime. For me, the day or day after i know i ovulated, i stop drinking my wine, cut my coffee/caffeine in half and whatever else is unhealthy, i stop doing. It's my way of cleansing myself and getting my body ready for baby if that is the case. Why can't the men in our lives DO THE SAME RIGHT ALONG WITH US? Ugh...so frustrating. NOTHING has to change for them. And WHY can't they drink and have their fun DURING our "fun week"...the two weeks starting with our period up until fertile time and ovulation again...that would be the prime time to get out and have our fun again with our guys and friends but NO, sometimes you don't get contacted at all during that period and then here comes the wait period again, and they come out of the woodwork. Sorry for the rant. I'm just severely annoyed tonight and i'm only on 2/3DPO. Geesh.

AMEN!! It's so unfair that our whole life gets flipped upside down and put on hold while the men orgasm and call it a day. Totally unfair!!! And I hear you on the fun week lameness...I'm on CD4 and just had my first glass of wine tonight. Talk about uncool :growlmad:

AMEN back sister. Geesh.
Hi, I am first timer too. i am 24, my husband 26 ... we have been married a year, last week was our 1st anniversary. sadly last month i had a natural misscarriage and the doctor said it was okay to try again... So yeaah i was really excited and things were fine, until this afternoon. I started having my periods just like last tym, all wierd. M really not sure if its my period or if history is repeating itself .... i would love to talk to TTC's everyone here to encourage me to move on and guide me and talk me through it ... My doctor told me to meet her if i miss my period, or even if i hv my period. Since tomorrows friday, and its her day off ... i cnt see her until saturday morning .... So either way I jsut need to talk to ppl who are first times, and TTCs and evryone else who would me nice! :) Coz am at a point, here we are nt ready to tell our families that we are trying for a baby, coz that would be a lot of mental pressure to take, given that we hv been trying for 2 months and ........ Soo yes, i would like some advice and girly company .... looking forward to it .... <3
I am sitting here not knowing exactly how to say this. On saturday my water broke, went to the hospital and found out that there was no fluid with the baby. Went through ups and downs thinking that we might still be ok, but this morning (wednesday) I gave birth to a little girl, who is with God now. I was 19 weeks 6 days. She looked like a little sleeping angel. Thanks to everyone who has been there during this pregnancy, we will not give up!

First of all i woul dlike to say, I am really sorry for your loss .... I deeply feel your pain, as I had a still born little brother after 5yrs of tryin.... i was mature enough to know theen... I was there for my mom and i knw how bad it was for her ....and the rest of us ... I really doo hope you can get over it soon and ht the re-start button ... coz you rlfie doesnt end here .... All our blessings and prayers are with yooou ...... :)
Thanks for the welcome :winkwink:
Nice to have some fellow newbies too.

Well I couldn't resist and took a test on 8dpo (i know its silly early) but I wondered if you could have a peek? I *think* I can see a line and it came up in the time but Im not sure as its super duper feint and pretty thin (maybe thicker but kind of ghost line, not all blue).

Any opinions appreciated!

And Heey Zogglet, I can see the line tooo !!! I hope htis is it for yooy and that things really work out.... and May you find a beating heart in your arms soon...... We hope to hear more good news from yooou........
its soo good tooo see fveyrone beign there for each other through thick and thin here.... :hugs:
My fertility chart does not seem very promising to me. This is, however, the first month of charting so not sure what to compare it to but my DPO temps are barely above the coverline. That's not right, is it? I want to blame it on the cheapie BBT i bought from CVS. I don't know. Just feeling super anxious about it. Plus it's strange, yesterday i took it like usual (immediately upon wakening before talking or anything) and it said 97.57, then thought that seemed too low, so put it underneath the other side of my tongue and after the 60 seconds it read 97.97...WTH? So unsure which one to use, i just picked the first one. Same thing happened this morning but not as big of a difference. Originally 97.52, second reading was 97.57 or a little higher i think. So i just marked the first one. This is driving me bonkers. I just want a good high chart and my chart is making me nervous. Any insight please???
My fertility chart does not seem very promising to me. This is, however, the first month of charting so not sure what to compare it to but my DPO temps are barely above the coverline. That's not right, is it? I want to blame it on the cheapie BBT i bought from CVS. I don't know. Just feeling super anxious about it. Plus it's strange, yesterday i took it like usual (immediately upon wakening before talking or anything) and it said 97.57, then thought that seemed too low, so put it underneath the other side of my tongue and after the 60 seconds it read 97.97...WTH? So unsure which one to use, i just picked the first one. Same thing happened this morning but not as big of a difference. Originally 97.52, second reading was 97.57 or a little higher i think. So i just marked the first one. This is driving me bonkers. I just want a good high chart and my chart is making me nervous. Any insight please???

Let me start this off with I don't know much as I just started charting myself but your chart looks good to me! Your temps dip before and spike after O and your EWCM is at the same time frame which is comforting. I am not sure it has to be a big spike...just go from a dip to a spike which you have!

Also, as far as temping goes. I know you're supposed to pick a pocket and always temp in the same one - no switching from left to right as each pocket has a different temp. Also, make sure to temp around the same time each morning - I was temping in a 2 hour window last time and that seemed to matter. I also just realized that temping at the same time didn't work for me though because I wake up several times in the morning before I actually get up - I'm a restless sleeper and that would increase my temps so now I temp the min I first find myself gain any consciousness in the night...ranges from 5-6am. I have an alarm set for 6:30am just in case I don't wake up beforehand on my own. Anyway, lots of blabbing but it's just some info I've gained from reading, reading boards here and my own experience. HTH!!!

But I think you're looking good...FX and sticky dust!!!

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