Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this site, nice to meet you all. DH and I decided to start TTC and I came off the pill at the beginning of May. I've been charting - on CD 17 at the mo and still no sign of O. Sorry if this is TMI but just a little unsure about something - We BD last night and this morning I have a really strong odor from down there. I have noticed this before, and it only ever happens the day after we BD. I read somewhere that this can be something to do with a clash in our PH levels. Does anyone know anything about this/if it will cause us a problem with getting pregnant?
Baby dust to all

Welcome to this forum. You are in good hands here. So you're charting your temp then too? I have the same thing...i can't remember what it's called...something like bacterial vaginosis...also HPV...ask your doctor about those things. They are treatable but I don't think every go away. You can still get pregnant with these...good luck!
Hi Im Piper and Im 29 and ttc for the first time also,as of now Im 11 days late. My longest cycle is 33 days and my last period started on april 7 it was light for two days,third day medium, 4th day spotting, 5th day it was gone, 6th day spotting and then it was gone for good. In april I was getting head aches for two weeks straight, lower back pain, and until this day my breast are sore(at first it was just my nipplies) it feels like my cycle is going to start sometimes but then it goes away. I took a first response test on my 4th day but it was negative but as of today I took another one today and there was a faint line. Im going to test again in a few days so I will keep you ladies posted. Good luck everyone.

Wow, 11 days late is an obvious sign to me and a line is a line so i'd say you're pregnant. CONGRATS!!!:happydance:
How's the best way to track ovulation? I've tried reading temps sticks and many other ways including personal examinations. I've jus started yet another period so no chance this month!Any suggerstions would be good! Keepin my fingers crossed for everyone else ttc your time will be soon!

sounds like you're doing everything right, not sure what else to tell you...hhhmmm...sorry!
Thanks for your reply TTCbabisom! Ive got my cervical screening test in 2 weeks so i'll ask the doc then. It's weird coz we BD again last night and it wasn't the same today, just normal. Yeah, i'm charting too. It's quite exciting at the moment, but i'm sure it gets pretty annoying after a few cycles. Do you know how i attach my ff chart to show on these links? Just had a stalk at yours, i reckon you could still be okay - especially coz you said your BBT showed 2 different temps so soon after each other (very odd). Wait and see tomorrow's temp before you give up. Lots of baby dust and fx for you!
Thanks for your reply TTCbabisom! Ive got my cervical screening test in 2 weeks so i'll ask the doc then. It's weird coz we BD again last night and it wasn't the same today, just normal. Yeah, i'm charting too. It's quite exciting at the moment, but i'm sure it gets pretty annoying after a few cycles. Do you know how i attach my ff chart to show on these links? Just had a stalk at yours, i reckon you could still be okay - especially coz you said your BBT showed 2 different temps so soon after each other (very odd). Wait and see tomorrow's temp before you give up. Lots of baby dust and fx for you!

Oh good, i hope they give you some answers then LozC! Yeah, mine doesn't always smell either. I don't really understand it all. Charting was exciting when i first started this month but i'm at the point now where it's depressing. But i know once i get all the tears out from BFN and AF, i will be back to excited about charting because it is kind of fun...just gets a little nervewracking at the end of the cycle. To get your code, go to the top right of ff and there's a share drop down menu and you choose which one you want to share. If you still have trouble finding it, let me know. :)
Yeah, i can imagine it gets pretty nerveracking at the end of your cycle. I'm excited for my first TWW but i'm not going to get my hopes up coz i know it can sometimes take ages till it finally happens. Just going to take each cycle as it comes i suppose. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow. Good luck! Think i've figured out the ff thing. I got the link code but when i tried to post, it said i have to have posted at least 10 times to be able to post links. Never mind, i'll try again once i have :)
I am new to forums as well. My husband is a computer tech and is all about these, raves about all the insight and support he gets (for his computer fix lol) and I figured that since TTC is on my mind most of the time I'm both conscious and asleep maybe this would be a good outlet.

I'm already on the verge of tears here... I am 23 years old and my husband is 28. I have one child that is about to be five years old in July. He is my everything, obviously.

We have been trying to conceive for over three years now... I have not had a normal period since my son was born. I have not used any type of birth control since I was 18 years old. I have been using general ovulation calculators every month for at least the last two years and then decided to start testing for ovulation for a couple of months. I realized that I wasn't ovulating and realized that I have gained a significant amount of weight and googled up some theories that suggested that losing weight would be a healthy choice toward getting pregnant. While my periods did regulate themselves a little more, I still was not ovulating.

I finally went in to my OBGYN and filled him in on my internal struggles with trying to get pregnant for so long and just feeling like I'm not working properly. He ran some tests and found that I had a growth on my left ovary and suggested that me not ovulating could be a side effect of this growth. I just had a dermoid cyst removed along with a third of my left ovary on the 20th of April and have an appointment to see my Doctor again this Friday, but I just don't want to hear "wait and see". It's all I've been doing!

I want to cry every single time my girlfriends get pregnant, because at our age, it's usually unplanned and sometimes unwanted. I have one girlfriend that is almost six months pregnant and I see on an almost daily basis. So far, I'm living through her because she is just so detached from her child... to the point to where I've picked out the baby name and have had to toss out multiple cigarette boxes and wine bottles because she takes such poor care of herself and the baby. It breaks my heart everytime a mom has a complaint about their child because I just pray to God daily that he'll give me just one more little miracle.

My husband just feels like maybe I'm too stressed and overthinking to the point to where I'm sabotaging myself. And while I know that it's a fact that stress directly affects fertility... I can't help it. I dream about children, am constantly tossing up baby names, and always window shopping for baby supplies that I may never use again. It's a rough place to be, and I moved 2200 miles away from my closest family members in 2009 so I have very little support nearby.

We are about to buy another set of fertility strips soon but I just want to run into my Doctor's office on Friday and bawl myself into Clomid or something that will just help our odds of conceiving. But the one tiny bit of silver lining I do have is that I had this surgery on the 20th of April, and am already on my first (ON TIME!!!!) period. I don't know why I'm so set on getting pregnant now now now after waiting for so long.... after all what is another three months when you've been trying for three years?

This is also a not-so-easy topic to share with friends and family because they just don't really know what to say, I guess. I get the generic "it'll happen when God wants it to happen" response, which is better than a lot of other responses, I suppose... But not exactly the most helpful, in the end. I just want to stop bawling everytime my friends get pregnant; and not feeling like a fruitcake when I mention ovulation and treatment would also be a plus.

So with all that said. Hi. My name is Mari. And I'm a baby-holic.
@ _mari Hi and thanks for joining. I am 22 an kinda of in the same boat as you. I am getting married in August and been with bf going on 7 yrs. At first we were just not preventing and then have been trying on and off for 3 years. I have never been pregnant at all I have a 28 day cycle. I feel just like you when you say you want to get pregnant now. I have recently last cycle thought of baby names and also purchased (3) unisex colored blankets i saw on sale. I have a friend who gave birth last week and one yesterday and one that's 7 months and I feel left out at times to. But what gives me strength now is that I had the courage to seek medical help which at first I was to ashamed to do. I always thought It would just happen. I also am the only girl In my family besides teens who doesn't have a child and my younger brother has one to she is 3 and he is 18, so constantly I get asked when are you two going to have a child. So me and bf came up with just telling people we weren't ready even though deep down we are. I have kinda been throwing hints to my mom and his mom about us now wanting children to kinda get it off my chest little by little. I am finally on clomid and I hope this works for me. Just know that your not alone God hears you and sometimes you have to take your steps for him to walk you though it so maybe your surgery will benefit in your bfp soon
I am very happy that I know what my issues are now and I hope clomid works for me. My bf is kinda afraid of the chance of having twins lol. I am taking 50mg cd 3-7 and today is cd 6 and so far I have no SE when I take at night before bed. Not fully sure but I think I have a few hot flashes not many. I am taking a prenatal vitamin and low dose aspirin and that's all so hopefully I will have my first :bfp: this cycle also I will start opk's on 5/20 and I go for cd 21 bloodwork to see if i ovulated so wish me luck. Has anyone else tried clomid for not ovulating ?
Yeah, i can imagine it gets pretty nerveracking at the end of your cycle. I'm excited for my first TWW but i'm not going to get my hopes up coz i know it can sometimes take ages till it finally happens. Just going to take each cycle as it comes i suppose. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow. Good luck! Think i've figured out the ff thing. I got the link code but when i tried to post, it said i have to have posted at least 10 times to be able to post links. Never mind, i'll try again once i have :)

Yeah, the first TWW is pretty exciting...nervewracking but exciting. I told myself i was going to get my hopes up either and I did every time. It's hard not to. Especially if you're charting and temping, etc. and you look at your stat and know you did EVERYTHING right and then it gets to the last few days before you can test and/or get AF, and you really think "this is the month" and then BFN after BFN...it's just disheartening. I hope this doesn't happen to you but try to keep your mindset the way you have it right now, just knowing it might take awhile and not to get your hopes up. I pray it happens quickly for you because this can be an excruciating cycle. I'm going on cycle #4 now...praying every day. GOOD LUCK!!!
Oh yes, GET posting more too so you can get your signature block up! :)
Hi TTCbabyisom - how many time do you need to post before you get your signature block?

Ive been trying to conceive over 2yrs, Im finally ovulated i think between 13th -day 15th i had sex yesterday, so im hoping i could conceive
I will try my best to keep my current mindset. I can imagine it must be hard after a few BFNs though to stay positive. But i guess we've just gotta keep remembering that even for completely healthy couples there is only a 20-30% chance i think of conceiving in each cycle. I'll keep posting so i can get my chart on the signature thing (tinky_82 i think it's 5 posts to set up a signature and 10 to set up a link in your signature). I'm currently on CD19 and have been having EWCM for the past 2 days but not had a temp shift yet. We BDd on CD16 and 17 so hoping that might be close enough. Unfortunately DH is on night shifts until thurs so if i O before then, we won't get another chance. Anyway, we'll see. I'll get my chart up on here asap.
I see the witch has flown in for you- so sorry hun! Maybe this month will be the one - if so, you will have a spring baby which would be lovely :) try to keep that positive attitude, it will happen sooner or later!! Baby dust.
It's coming up to the end ofmy first 2ww. My af is due tomorrow and think she is going to come. Me and my partner r trying self insemination with donor sperm and due to diary constraints we only managed to inseminate once this month which according to my cbfm was the day before ovulation. So far all hpt,s have said no so just waiting to be proved right now and try again. Feel v strange and not sure if I am in denial or not about it. I just hate all the waiting around. My OH doesn't know what to say to me really ha! Good luck to everyone else trying at the moment.
Relax it wil happen, dont stress too much

Oh no you didn´t...!

Not a good thing to say on BnB... all of us here, hear this from everybody we talk to.
Except on BnB. Here is where I go for advice, not for the abovementioned forbidden phrase.
Even my OH uses that one, and it irritates the buggers out of me...

Sorry for ranting,
But this is not the place I want to hear this.
@ _mari Hi and thanks for joining. I am 22 an kinda of in the same boat as you. I am getting married in August and been with bf going on 7 yrs. At first we were just not preventing and then have been trying on and off for 3 years. I have never been pregnant at all I have a 28 day cycle. I feel just like you when you say you want to get pregnant now. I have recently last cycle thought of baby names and also purchased (3) unisex colored blankets i saw on sale. I have a friend who gave birth last week and one yesterday and one that's 7 months and I feel left out at times to. But what gives me strength now is that I had the courage to seek medical help which at first I was to ashamed to do. I always thought It would just happen. I also am the only girl In my family besides teens who doesn't have a child and my younger brother has one to she is 3 and he is 18, so constantly I get asked when are you two going to have a child. So me and bf came up with just telling people we weren't ready even though deep down we are. I have kinda been throwing hints to my mom and his mom about us now wanting children to kinda get it off my chest little by little. I am finally on clomid and I hope this works for me. Just know that your not alone God hears you and sometimes you have to take your steps for him to walk you though it so maybe your surgery will benefit in your bfp soon

Thanks so much for relating. I just have felt like I'm the only one in the world that can't accidentally make a baby without any effort or thought. I finally started talking to my mom about my issues with having a child and she just has a lot of superstitious advice for me lol But I'm definitely no longer ashamed to ask for help from my Doctors now, which was also a big step for me. I felt like coming to them in the first place meant that I had to admit that I was somehow dysfunctional... thanks to this forum I'm starting to feel a lot more sane/normal already.

Let's just keep the faith and think positive thoughts and try having a little bit of fun trying to conceive together :happydance:

Hopefully we are both just one day closer to our BFP, because I don't know how many more BFNs I can take. Every single time I get one I feel like I've lost a child... it's very depressing. Especially when I've already started estimating due dates before I've even pee'd on the stick :T

And again, thanks for the support... It's really helped me already lol
Hey this is my first time on this and also TTC.. ive been TTC for 1yr and 1/2 but nothing yet ..how bout you?:flower::flower:
I have to agree with you there preg pilot!! I've heard that phrase so many times in the last 2 years I'm bout ready to belt the next person who says that! Lol!! Another one that winds me up is "your time will be soon" well when? This makes me upset as usually it's people who have kids and jus happened to get pregnant the first time they has sex with a new partner. Altho goodish news goin to try these soy isoflavones not sure if they are any good or not yet but keepin my fingers crossed!!!!!

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