Hi there , i'm first timer trying to use an opk. I've got a lot of questions i wanted to ask. Tried searching for answer on the net but still confused.
1- When should i be using if my af starts on 22 may 12 (28 days cycle)
2- can i test at 2pm and then test again later at 11pm? ( due to work)
3-After getting a positive opk when is the best time to BD? If i tested positive at 2pm that day and by the time i reached home its already 11pm will it still be useful if BD that night?
4-when should i stop opk after a positive
Pls Pls ans to my questions im in alot of doubts. Thanks all and lots of

to all
1 - you can usually find this information on the OPK packs, they tell you when to test, but here´s a rule of thumb for ya: 28day cycle=about 14day luteal phase (time from ovulation until AF arrives), 28-14= 14 days from AF day until Ovulation. Start testing from about 3 days before that, so start testing on CD11 (cycle day).
2- Yes, testing twice is always a good idea. 2 and 11 should cover your bases fairly well
3 - After getting a positive OPK, there can be between 12-36 hours until your egg is released. Getting a + at 2pm, gives you a window from 2am that night, up to 2am the night after that. So, yes, it´s definitely useful to BD that night

It´s best to BD 3 days before, the day before, the day of, and the day after the OPK to make sure. (the method I used was a bit more thorough. I used SMEP, basically every other day from CD4, until +OPK, then 3 days in a row, one day off and then every other day for about a week). Worked for me.
4 - After a positive, you can stop peeing on them. Then it´s just a matter of having fun with the BD
I hope this helps.
Good luck and fx for ya.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for the TMI to begin with, I have elastic-like clear cm like i do when i ovulate but my ovulation tests say I am not ovulating. It is also about a week early for ovulation. Has anyone else ever had anything like this before? Could I be ovulating even tho my tests say no?
It´s possible that you´re missing your surge.
The tests definitely aren´t foolproof, I´d get to the bedding, at least every other day for now

Fx. :dust.