Hm, well,currently I am cd8 so I figure I should ovulate within the next 5 days or so? I always start testing with opk's sooner than that, just the cheap internet brands. then as I get closer I shift to either First Response digi or Clearblue Easy digi...I found that the First Response gave me a heads up sooner but CBE gave me the exact day- I liked the combination as it gave me a little bit of time. Had I not used the cbe and only used the FR I think I might have missed my exact peak in LH. Do you opk?
Yes I opk and I use the first response but not the digital ones. I thought about getting them this last time but they were way more expensive and there were 20 in the box. Being the optimist that I am I decided I wouldn't need 20 as I hope for my BFP this cycle
Today the test line was almost as dark and as I have found this means that it will be pos tomorrow which means I will o Sunday or so. I guess I better get busy
This is the first month I have used the opk since the mc. I was just temping for a few months to make sure I was o'ing. Do you do bbt as well?
No, I think I would drive myself insane temping
LOL! I mc'd in November
and immediately bought some opk's just to make sure I was "normal" (if we are ever normal...
) Oh, also I think I messed up in my earlier post
- the First Response opk's were not digital but the cbe were. I tried to catch the surge with the FR (match and compare line color) and then confirm with the pricier cbe's. Now that you mention it I can't really tell if I am ovulating with just the opk's ..I suppose if I temped at least one month it could confirm?? Is it difficult? from what I have read you are supposed to temp first thing a.m., same time a.m., and "try not to move to much when reaching for the thermometer"--that sounds tough to me lol!
I never really had trouble conceiving, I just never paid any attention to my cycles or anything. Shame on me, huh?! Here I am almost in my 40's and suddenly realize I have a pattern!lol!
Just as a side note I did notice that the FR opk's show positive for about 2 days but they do catch your upsurge and down is difficult to twll if you are peaking or not. I loved that the cbe gave me a peak and I could use the FR for a heads up..