LOL! Men! My
came in a vial. It was super sperm!
It was also super expensive! Still, I'm glad I found a good donor, and now I have 4 embryos just waiting for me. March cannot come soon enough! AHHHHHH.. I just want to get the FET going!
I noticed this post because I'm dealing with a DH who has sad sperm..thanks to TWO hernia surgeries and testicular cancer two years ago! What a hot mess he is! Hah! That said, we've been considering donor sperm, and my DH is actually open to the idea (especially since cancer is so pervasive in his family). Did you find yours at a sperm bank? Did you do IUI with it or IVF? Thanks in advance for the feedback...ya'll have been a lifesaver for me!
I was in a situation where I was 39 and not in a relationship, and felt that if I wanted to have kids I needed to do so now, and the idea of trying to get into a relationship and tell the guy.. do me I need a kid
was not what I wanted to do. Nor was the idea of going out and finding some random guy in a bar
EEK! So I opted for donor sperm. I looked at a few different sites and settled on Xytex for my needs. I did look at California Cryro, and Fairfax (these are the 3 my Dr suggested for quality and reliability reasons). California Cryro was mostly models/actors, great looking but not too much going on up top. Fairfax was more intellectual, lots of MBA's, JD's, MD's etc, but they wouldn't reveal the donor's age. I wanted to make sure I was using a youthful person so that I would get better sperm, and they wouldn't reveal the age of their donors, nor did they have grownup photos. Xytex gave me the age of the donor, had a wide range of professions, and for some donors, had baby, child, and adult photos. Plus Xytex's costs were reasonable, and the 3 month package I bought gave me all the access I needed to get photos, bios, medical history etc on the donors. So I went with them.
I did 3 IUI and 1 IVF with one donor, and while I really liked him, we didn't have any luck. After the first IVF, my FS said, well I think your issue was that your donor sperm quality was not great. So he suggested I switch to another one. Well we had much better results with his sperm, and got 6 great embryos in my last IVF.
So when you use donor sperm, you have 3 options:
ICI - intra-cervical insemination: you can have the sperm shipped to your home, and do the insemination in your home. Plus - relatively inexpensive, can do it in your home. Minus - if you have a hostile cervix, or you don't time the ICI correctly, it won't work.
IUI - intra-uterine insemination: sperm is washed and then placed into your uterus, your physician will monitor you and determine when to do the IUI, sometimes people do 2 IUIs to up your chances. Plus - still relatively inexpensive, can be used in conjunction with fertility meds, sperm are placed directly into the uterus thus bypassing the cervix. Minus - if you have blocked tubes, poor eggs, or unknown infertility, this still may not work
IVF - in-vitro fertilization: fertility drugs are used to create multiple follicles, you are monitored through the stim cycle so that the eggs are harvested at their optimum fertilization time. Then ICSI (recommended for donor sperm) is done to fertilize the eggs in a petrie dish. The embryos are incubated for 3-6 days and then placed back in the uterus. Plus - better understanding of egg/sperm quality, optional genetic screening can be done, embryos are transferred during most optimal window for implantation. Minus - stim meds are hard on the body, very expensive, risks of OHSS, still no guarantee of pregnancy.
If I were in your shoes I would have a full fertility workup: check the tubes, get your day 3 (2-4) hormone testing done, and AMH. See what if any issues you may have in addition to your DH. Then research the supplements we've suggested for both you and your DH, and then have your tests done again (3 months later) get a new SA for your DH too. See if there is any improvement, then decide whether you want to try meds, IUI or jump to IVF. I think the answer will become clearer once you see what hurdles are in front of you.
What drives me bonkers is that I'm not so sure I had to jump to IVF since my issues stemmed more from poor donor sperm quality, and possible implantation issues. So if I had the good sperm, and we resolved the implantation issues, I think that an IUI would work. Thing is that I had to go through IVF to determine this!
So my plan is this:
1) Finish the trial cycle to see if I have implantation issues beyond the NK cells killing my embryos.
2) Complete the FET(s), I have 4 embryos frozen in 2's so providing that both embryos survive the thaw, I can do 2 more FET(s)
3) Possibly do IUIs in the future using the recommended meds determined in trial cycle
BTW.. Xytex is about $750 a vial, and my FS always insists on 2 vials per cycle, just in case one of them is bad.
I hope all of this helps!