The bleeding is tapering off. i saw the accupunturist today and she gave me some herbs to stop it and I have another appointment with her tomorrow. Im thinking that bean is gonna stick around
Yeah for another April bfp! Nice beta too. I'm so happy to have someone to go thru all the anxiety of early pregnancy with!
Afm, work is beyond aggravating. Guys I work with are trying to box me out of situations and it sucks. They are still trying to get past my production level so it's professional jealousy. Nothing I can do but hope it improves. I heard from my trader, he figured I'd suffer the brunt of his exit and be feels bad. He might have another opportunity for me if this bs continues. He and I trust each other and conduct ourselves like good Christians. The rest of them are scummy greedy tools.
I went for acupuncture and she put a needle in each wrist about 4 inches from my hand. I got a pins and needles feeling but it instantly called me down. She said I had the pulse she feels on most wall st and attorney women. She also said I had a nice and strong pregnancy pulse so that makes me happy. She said her cramping stopped at 6-7 weeks and she said not to go by my symptoms since the hormones fluctuate and come in spurts instead of a steady flow. Acupuncture really helps calm me down and makes me relax. I'm now on the train and over the bs at work that had me on the verge of tears.
I hope if I start showing and it's obvious I'm pregnant the work shenanigans stop. I don't think these guys want people around us bully a prego woman. It would be a bad move as everyone around us really cares about me and thinks these guys are arrogant douches. Which they are. No one wanted to hire these guys but my manager was desperate to show he could build out a group.
It's a beautiful night in NYC but with beautiful weather comes protestors. Union Sq is a zoo of protesters, drum circles, cops, helicopters, traffic, it's gridlock all over. In NYC first it's protestor/ occupy whatever weather, then comes the serious heat and humidity which we refer to as cockaroach on the sidewalk in daylight season. They try to cross the road in Times Sq like in the old video game Frogger. It's gross.