Welcome to 'Trying To Conceive Over 35'

I heard that a luteal phase defect can be helped with inositol :thumbup: I just started taking it because my cycles started getting longer and longer and I was scared that my hormone system was too 'aged'. Just thought I'd throw that in!

:hugs: Hope we get our BFP's this year and they stick!

Hi there, Thought I'd chime in because I have the most unpredictable cycles as well as LH defect. I started taking Vitex, which really has seemed to help, along with acupuncture. I'm not sure what exactly worked for me, but I used to Ovulate very late, and very, very long. I had ridiculously long cycles. Last year was my first period in 3.5 years, then four months ago it was a 65 day cycle, two months ago it was 45 days, last month it was 35 and now it's 29! I'm so pleased that they are now "normal".
Congrats babydust! Long time no see!

SuziQ- Ali is right the CoQ10 should be taken along with Maca Root and Royal Jelly. I took the C0Q10 for about a year but only started taking the maca powder a month before I got the bfp. I didnt take the royal jelly only because I am allergic to bees but it is excellent. I also took primrose oil before ovulation and this increases egg white cervical mucus. This also helps you know when ovulation is near! Acupuncture is also awesome. Dh and I went weekly for 2 years :thumbup:

Ali- That is such a cute dream. A mini-you :happydance: I have been having non-pregnancy related dreams but no nightmares like I had the last 2 times so I am grateful for that.

Hello Melly and Isobel :dust:

Happy Friday and wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!
Sams- love your "chugga ..chugga..chugga" LOL! Please don't worry abour weight-- you are beautiful! Argh, the other day my 8 year old tried on a paior of "last years jeans" urg, and her face falls and she mumbles "guess I'm gaining TOO MUCH WEIGHT! LOL! I had to explain to her she is growing....now as women our weight will fluctuate, up and down, so stop weighing and measuring! You are perfect, don't worry :thumbup: :hugs: :friends:

Ali- love the pic :winkwink: keep'em comin'!! Happy sweet pea day!

Babydust!!!!!!!! That is an absolute :bfp: if ever I saw one! :wohoo: Congrats girl!

All ya'll :hi: :bunny: I am somewhat MIA lately.....so much going on at home, it's affecting my grades too :sad1: but my focus is totally fam at the moment :winkwink: I have an apology for my instructor all set, lol, omg last course I graduated with 99.5% out of 100 and right now I am dragging a miserable 76% around :nope: Better get my a$$ in gear, right?! I'm on it :bodyb:
Hey Ladies! Just popping in again and SOOOOOO excited to see that Ali is preggers!!!!!!!!!!! Are those twins????? Yay!

SO I did my first round of Clomid this month. I had one extremely emotional day but then felt great the rest of the month. So I'm 16 dpo and have been testing with frer daily for about a week. A few have had a faint line but after the test time. Then yesterday I took a frer with FMU and ya know when you pee really hard and a lot and it over saturates the test??? Please tell me I'm not the only one who has done this!! lol...but anyway, the test line did not even trigger so I figured it was a dud. I stuck it in the drawer and did not look at it until this morning. Today it is Totally an unquestionable :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I took another a few minutes ago and it looks negative. :shrug:

I really do not know what to think...I will post a pic if I can figure it out:)

Hey girl!! That looks like a bfp to me! It's light but it will get darker esp in 2 days. How are you feeling??
Btw Ali- no matter what happens first tri IS going to make every effort to kick your butt. You are going to be fatigued, wasted, worn out...you will be nauseas, sensitive to smells, irritable, anxious, and have to pee ALL the time. You will not be able to get comfortable while you sleep, feel like your hands are tied when you need to take medicine 'cause you really can't take much of anything :nope: You are going to forget all your basic knowledge :haha: You'll be headed to the bathroom to pee and forget why you are there...or worse, you'll go pee, forget about it, and go again :haha: :rofl:

Point is- yes, make your boss ease the load a little for he next few weeks, drink TONS of water, and try to dump your calendar :winkwink: :hugs:

So true!! The fatigue, nausea and the whole world stinks phase has already begun. Keeping the windows open and eating a little protein gives some temporary relief, ...carbs& sweets just make me want to hurl a few minutes after. I might fall back on the B6 and Unisom thing.

I'm finally getting my act together to call for an appointment. It'll be a new dr. so I'm nervous. We've moved since my last pg. I had the first ob/gyn for all 3 but she's a bit too far away. Not super-practical. sigh.
Hey Ladies! Just popping in again and SOOOOOO excited to see that Ali is preggers!!!!!!!!!!! Are those twins????? Yay!

SO I did my first round of Clomid this month. I had one extremely emotional day but then felt great the rest of the month. So I'm 16 dpo and have been testing with frer daily for about a week. A few have had a faint line but after the test time. Then yesterday I took a frer with FMU and ya know when you pee really hard and a lot and it over saturates the test??? Please tell me I'm not the only one who has done this!! lol...but anyway, the test line did not even trigger so I figured it was a dud. I stuck it in the drawer and did not look at it until this morning. Today it is Totally an unquestionable :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I took another a few minutes ago and it looks negative. :shrug:

I really do not know what to think...I will post a pic if I can figure it
Sams- love your "chugga ..chugga..chugga" LOL! Please don't worry abour weight-- you are beautiful! Argh, the other day my 8 year old tried on a paior of "last years jeans" urg, and her face falls and she mumbles "guess I'm gaining TOO MUCH WEIGHT! LOL! I had to explain to her she is growing....now as women our weight will fluctuate, up and down, so stop weighing and measuring! You are perfect, don't worry :thumbup: :hugs: :friends:

Ali- love the pic :winkwink: keep'em comin'!! Happy sweet pea day!

Babydust!!!!!!!! That is an absolute :bfp: if ever I saw one! :wohoo: Congrats girl!

All ya'll :hi: :bunny: I am somewhat MIA lately.....so much going on at home, it's affecting my grades too :sad1: but my focus is totally fam at the moment :winkwink: I have an apology for my instructor all set, lol, omg last course I graduated with 99.5% out of 100 and right now I am dragging a miserable 76% around :nope: Better get my a$$ in gear, right?! I'm on it :bodyb:

Thinking of you!!
Sams- love your "chugga ..chugga..chugga" LOL! Please don't worry abour weight-- you are beautiful! Argh, the other day my 8 year old tried on a paior of "last years jeans" urg, and her face falls and she mumbles "guess I'm gaining TOO MUCH WEIGHT! LOL! I had to explain to her she is growing....now as women our weight will fluctuate, up and down, so stop weighing and measuring! You are perfect, don't worry :thumbup: :hugs: :friends:

Ali- love the pic :winkwink: keep'em comin'!! Happy sweet pea day!

Babydust!!!!!!!! That is an absolute :bfp: if ever I saw one! :wohoo: Congrats girl!

All ya'll :hi: :bunny: I am somewhat MIA lately.....so much going on at home, it's affecting my grades too :sad1: but my focus is totally fam at the moment :winkwink: I have an apology for my instructor all set, lol, omg last course I graduated with 99.5% out of 100 and right now I am dragging a miserable 76% around :nope: Better get my a$$ in gear, right?! I'm on it :bodyb:

Don't you worry at all, we know you have a lot on your plate! :hug: I'm sure you'll get those grades up once things settle down a little!
Hey Ladies! Just popping in again and SOOOOOO excited to see that Ali is preggers!!!!!!!!!!! Are those twins????? Yay!

SO I did my first round of Clomid this month. I had one extremely emotional day but then felt great the rest of the month. So I'm 16 dpo and have been testing with frer daily for about a week. A few have had a faint line but after the test time. Then yesterday I took a frer with FMU and ya know when you pee really hard and a lot and it over saturates the test??? Please tell me I'm not the only one who has done this!! lol...but anyway, the test line did not even trigger so I figured it was a dud. I stuck it in the drawer and did not look at it until this morning. Today it is Totally an unquestionable :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I took another a few minutes ago and it looks negative. :shrug:

I really do not know what to think...I will post a pic if I can figure it out:)

Hey girl!! That looks like a bfp to me! It's light but it will get darker esp in 2 days. How are you feeling??

I feel fine which I think is actually more of a pregnancy sign than actual pregnancy signs! lol. Usually I have tons of pregnancy signs before AF...this month really nothing except I have had heart palpitations for the last week or so. Which is very unusual for me so it really stuck out to me. then I started googling and found out that heart palpitations are actually a sign of pregnancy...who knew!? We will see. I'm not ready to start thinking I'm pregnant yet. I will keep testing. I would like to get a regular old strong positive before I start thinking that I'm pregnant :wacko:
Babydust can you get a beta? I asked for my beta. I know getting mine (well 3 betas lol ) helped put my mind at ease.
Babydust can you get a beta? I asked for my beta. I know getting mine (well 3 betas lol ) helped put my mind at ease.

Oh my goodness! I didn't see that you are pregnant too!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the info. If AF isn't here by Monday I will call...and of course keep testing in the mean time! :winkwink:
Hey Ladies,

Its been ages since I popped on. Ali told me a couple of weeks of the good news that seems to be spreading on here. I can't believe it, I am so happy for all of you with the BFPs

We are NTNP at the moment, just trying to get my weight down and make some big decisions. Its getting there, but very slowly, just plodding along with every day life.

Well, I hope you are all really happy and healthy and looking after yourselves. I will pop on here every now and then to check on everyone's progress.

:hugs: :dust: :hugs:
Hey Ladies,

Its been ages since I popped on. Ali told me a couple of weeks of the good news that seems to be spreading on here. I can't believe it, I am so happy for all of you with the BFPs

We are NTNP at the moment, just trying to get my weight down and make some big decisions. Its getting there, but very slowly, just plodding along with every day life.

Well, I hope you are all really happy and healthy and looking after yourselves. I will pop on here every now and then to check on everyone's progress.

:hugs: :dust: :hugs:

Hey Tracey! Good to hear from you :thumbup: Congrats on working on your weight, it is not an easy feat. That will be my primary focus (besides baby) once he or she is here. I'm actually looking forward to getting the green light to do some exercise sooner than later. My FS is supposed to let me know if I can start swimming and doing yoga at my first U/S next week.
I hope you are doing well too! Please do check in and let us know your progress too! :hug:
Congrats babydust! Long time no see!

SuziQ- Ali is right the CoQ10 should be taken along with Maca Root and Royal Jelly. I took the C0Q10 for about a year but only started taking the maca powder a month before I got the bfp. I didnt take the royal jelly only because I am allergic to bees but it is excellent. I also took primrose oil before ovulation and this increases egg white cervical mucus. This also helps you know when ovulation is near! Acupuncture is also awesome. Dh and I went weekly for 2 years :thumbup:

Ali- That is such a cute dream. A mini-you :happydance: I have been having non-pregnancy related dreams but no nightmares like I had the last 2 times so I am grateful for that.

Hello Melly and Isobel :dust:

Happy Friday and wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!

Chantal: I did add Royal Jelly. I have some Maca in my cabinet but I heard it can mess with your cycle. What exactly does the Maca do to help with fertility?

I iust read up on the Maca and it says it helps regulate hormones. Now which should I take, the Maca, EPO or both????
Congrats babydust! Long time no see!

SuziQ- Ali is right the CoQ10 should be taken along with Maca Root and Royal Jelly. I took the C0Q10 for about a year but only started taking the maca powder a month before I got the bfp. I didnt take the royal jelly only because I am allergic to bees but it is excellent. I also took primrose oil before ovulation and this increases egg white cervical mucus. This also helps you know when ovulation is near! Acupuncture is also awesome. Dh and I went weekly for 2 years :thumbup:

Ali- That is such a cute dream. A mini-you :happydance: I have been having non-pregnancy related dreams but no nightmares like I had the last 2 times so I am grateful for that.

Hello Melly and Isobel :dust:

Happy Friday and wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!

Chantal: I did add Royal Jelly. I have some Maca in my cabinet but I heard it can mess with your cycle. What exactly does the Maca do to help with fertility?

I iust read up on the Maca and it says it helps regulate hormones. Now which should I take, the Maca, EPO or both????

Royal Jelly improves egg quality.
Maca Root helps normalize hormones.
EPO helps with your uterine lining.
They all do different things.
Well BFN today. I really do not know what is going on. Still no sign of AF, TONS of creamy CM, and very bloated. I keep looking at the BFP from the other day...it is definitely a BFP. Maybe it's another mis. Or maybe I just got an odd ball sensitive test? I don't know. I hate the limbo game. 17 dpo...:wacko:
Well BFN today. I really do not know what is going on. Still no sign of AF, TONS of creamy CM, and very bloated. I keep looking at the BFP from the other day...it is definitely a BFP. Maybe it's another mis. Or maybe I just got an odd ball sensitive test? I don't know. I hate the limbo game. 17 dpo...:wacko:

Maybe it was a chemical? That would explain your BFP and your current symptoms. I would get a beta to see if your hCG is slightly elevated, above 2. Then you'll know for sure. Plus it will be documented so your Dr can step in and help if you have another. I would also ask for progesterone and see if your Dr would recommend baby aspirin. Both can help reduce your chances of miscarriage.

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