I figured I should get my FF chart up there too.. So I'm curious, why are my temps so low? Since I started temping this month, my temps are in the 96.6-97 degree range. Is this normal? Seems really low. This morning I was 96.17! The funny thing was that I felt warm, and comfortable. I was wrapped up in bed, and not cold at all. You'd think that if I was that cool I would want an extra blanket or something! Well not here in HOT sunny Florida, but how can I be that temp in the morning? Confused I am![/QUOTE]
Hi Ali! Silly girl
that is what your basal body temperatures are supposed to look like
Not laughing at you just laughing because I did the same thing when I started! Lol...see, when you rest your temp naturally goes down. Usually in the 96-97 range. You are supposed to be careful not to get up or anything when you temp as our bodies are very sensative and you will immediatly get a spikein temp
Anyway, you will notice a pattern, for instance - 97.1, 97.2, 97.0, 97.2, - then when you ovulate you may see a 96.9 or something to indicate a brief drop in temp. Then after ovulation temp goes uuuppp- say, 97.6, 97.7, etc. And when your eggy implants you notice your temp will spike further at basal body level to something like 97.9- 98.1 etc. Crazy huh?
But I have to tell you, when I started bbt'ing (basal body temping) I learned soooo much about how my body operates, I am so happy that I did this. Our temps give us for sure clues as to what's happening with our hormones. Pretty cool
So far your temps look perfect
In fact- I'd be using those opk's as I notice a temp dip today down to 96.2--possible Ov?
Maybe tell your doc and have it checked?? I'm not sure...there are very ocassional fluke temps too (sorry, lol)
THANKS!!! Yes I know I'm a newbie at testing, I guess I was just shocked to see my morning temps so low! As for the temp dip this morning, yes I was surprised about that too. I did an OPK this morning, but it was negative. I don't think it is my LH surge as it is pretty early in my cycle (CD8) and I usually don't O until closer to CD 15-17. Then again I am on clomid, so who knows what is going on down there?