some of these pro weed posts are absolutly pathetic imo especially with children involved!!
anyway . . .
it drives me isaine everytime somone says oh it just makes you lazy its harmless! does it?? is it?
because i personally nearly died from it and sufferd years of mental health problems whch ruined my teenage years and that is so sad
jumped from a second floor widow onto concrete and fell uconcious then woke up in hostpital because i had a very severe reaction that scared me so much i wanted to die and no it wasnt a whitey it was the most terrifying thing thats ever happennd to me and some of these comments are v offensive for that reason.
Me and dan talked for hours last night he said sorry and admitted he was wrong and he took the piss we agreed it will never enter the house he will smoke it every other weekend spending no more than a tenner and come home sober . . .
Wow you are so rude and narrow-minded. Do you drink? If you do then you are also a hypocrite. Why is being pro-marijuana pathetic? The weed you smoked was probably laced which is why it should be legalised and regulated! Educate yourself before being so judgemental.
some of these pro weed posts are absolutly pathetic imo especially with children involved!!
anyway . . .
it drives me isaine everytime somone says oh it just makes you lazy its harmless! does it?? is it?
because i personally nearly died from it and sufferd years of mental health problems whch ruined my teenage years and that is so sad
jumped from a second floor widow onto concrete and fell uconcious then woke up in hostpital because i had a very severe reaction that scared me so much i wanted to die and no it wasnt a whitey it was the most terrifying thing thats ever happennd to me and some of these comments are v offensive for that reason.
Me and dan talked for hours last night he said sorry and admitted he was wrong and he took the piss we agreed it will never enter the house he will smoke it every other weekend spending no more than a tenner and come home sober . . .
Wow you are so rude and narrow-minded. Do you drink? If you do then you are also a hypocrite. Why is being pro-marijuana pathetic? The weed you smoked was probably laced which is why it should be legalised and regulated! Educate yourself before being so judgemental.
The dope i smoked wasnt laced, we grew some ourselves for a while or always got it off really good mates who grew it, and it was still bad....i think any mind altering substance does damage to everyone, whether u see it or not, it has to
Hm well are u a scientist to know it does not? You dont need be so defensive (im not being rude) i was relaying my experience of it, it did agree with me thats why i smoked it for over 10 years. But im not blind to the fact that it does cause changes in the brain. Esp with long term use. I know so many people who have smoked it over an extended time to see the proof of what it can do. You may not realise it, but its a drug and it is doing damage.
One drink and u are still ok to drive, its legal to do so. Its not legal to drive on drugs. You can enjoy a glass of wine and social services isnt going to come knocking on your door. With dope thats not the case. I dont think any parent should be under the influence of anything whilst caring for a child.
Hey I have an idea here.... listen to this one ladies!
My brother is a Scientist! He has a masters degree in Science, majoring in biology.
He sees nothing wrong with marijuana, although he doesn't do it himself. He has read many medical journals and studies on the matter and has the intelligence to interpret it properly.
Oh and I spoke to SS yesterday as they are involved with Jacob to get him proper help with what we are going through, also a Psychiatrist as well and both know my OH smokes marijuana and are fine with it. Yes, in front of children and exposing them to the smoke isn't good and shouldn't be done, but just because someone is a parent and smokes it, doesn't make them any more dangerous than the next person.
Anyways, if not around the children SS and Scientists see nothing wrong with the general use...
I also found it hard to learn new things like at work etc (i was smoking everyday) It was like my mind was clouded and i couldnt take in info properly, this is when i was at work so wasnt stoned at the time. I dont get that so much anymore. It was from long term cannabis use
It so nice to be clear headed
Might I add I am making an assumption here but Canadians seem to be more laid back, understanding, non competitive, and open about a lot of things, including marijuana.
Not saying all are, but in general.
I really don't like feeling like I should include a disclaimer with my posts, so they aren't misunderstood or misread![]()