My husband hasn't suggested anything ridiculous -- thank goodness. If he did I would most likely just block him out...
But when my sister was expecting her first son years ago -- Her last name Keyes.. I suggested she name her son Donald.. and he would be called Don for short. She just gave me a funny look..
I was like Don Keyes.. Get it.. Donkeys.. mehehehehe... Yeh, stupid I know..
But it would of been so funny, everytime someone called his name
My hubby wanted Fenchurch as a name! It was from a book he read and the name has always stayed with him. needless to say I shot that down fro the start! lol
With DD1 dh had his heart set on calling her cordelia!! i hate it, its from a tv program called Angel, his other suggestion was Drusilla, from the same programme. Needless to say he was not aloud to make any more suggestions.
My OH kept on saying he wanted to call ours Optimus Prime if it was a boy(or girl :S). I think he was half joking/half serious but I don't think he'd actually go through with it.
He even made a facebook group!/group.php?gid=35945395352&ref=ts
I'm the one who suggests weird names, not my OH! I'm very into ancient Greece etc and love names like Zeus, Leonidas, Lucius, Xerxes. I admit it could be a bit cruel though, so I'm not pushing them!
my OH wanted to give ours the middle name 'Danger' if we'd have been having a boy, so that he would have been actually been able to say the line 'danger is my middle name'!!!! OMG - we're having a girl - phewww!!!!! lol
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