My mum mentioned Bruce also, even though it was my dogs name. Then she said Stephan which isnt a bad name but she said it wasnt a common name despite several family members called Stephen in myu family. She then suggested my dads name Johan then went one worse and went for his middle name Krijn which is pronounced Kerine. wtf? then got offended when I said I didnt like them. I told her once to wind her up that I would call my child Constantine and she hit the roof! was funny. she seems to think she had some sort of say in what I call my child,. if she had of had her way my son would have been called
Ruddolf Ruppert Johan Krijn and
she wanted her maiden and surname in there to and not my other halfs!
I hate my name and she choose it and its caused me so much bullying and to stand out, people get translators to talk to me because they think I am an immigrant and dont believe who I am on the phone and wont speak to me because I speak English! so careful, what you call your child. It may stand out but names that stand out so much arnt always a good thing. especially when no one can spell them and they loose your file everywhere you go! Including mortgage deeds and even x rays because no one can dam well read. Names spelled on birthday cakes wrong and you never get a keyring or a mug with your name on it , well I can but I have to go on holidays to get it.