What sort of birth.............


Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
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Hi girls............

What sort have birth have you decided on or debating on?

Give as many details as possible to help us little 2nd trimesters look into this with an open mind :wink:

Thank you! xx
I'm planning a home birth. No water birth or anything - just a normal birth at home :D
Oh Wow...........What about pain relief Nat, are you having any?

I'm going to have a very easy birth.

I may go down the pub for a few swift halves :drunk: and then give the hospital a :telephone:.

If you are still moaning, then another few beers and then another :telephone:.

Ideally I would get there just before the bump arrives! Then go home, a few more :drunk: a cigar, then maybe......if you're lucky I may come get ya!!!!!
Of course i'll be having pain relief!!! :lol:

Not sure what yet though. Will ask my midwife at my 32 week appointment
im planning on a hospital birth... all the pain relief and everything they have to offer to be honest. im absolutely dreading the labour and everything .... i only hope that my dp doesnt try and take the mick out of me all the way thru it coz i can see that happening too lol.
I have your pain relief Tam

MummyNatEdwards said:
Of course i'll be having pain relief!!! :lol:

Not sure what yet though. Will ask my midwife at my 32 week appointment

I was just asking, it is amazing how many people say they are NOT having pain relief (first time round).

I think with a home birth, they can offer The gas and air and pethedine, but I believe that is about it...........although the gas and air is ace!! :wacko:

Let us know how you get on with your MW hun and what she says?! xx
Terrie said:
im planning on a hospital birth... all the pain relief and everything they have to offer to be honest. im absolutely dreading the labour and everything .... i only hope that my dp doesnt try and take the mick out of me all the way thru it coz i can see that happening too lol.

Terrie, you are a girl after my own heart.............I too want to be in hospital, I want to be able to raid the drugs cabinet and take EVERYTHING they wanna offer me!!

Your DP will be too concerned for your well being to be worrying about what you are doing or look like whilst doing it etc.......I bet he gets quite chocked and feels for you babe, so don't even worry about him!
I'm The Daddy said:

I'm going to have a very easy birth.

I may go down the pub for a few swift halves :drunk: and then give the hospital a :telephone:.

If you are still moaning, then another few beers and then another :telephone:.

Ideally I would get there just before the bump arrives! Then go home, a few more :drunk: a cigar, then maybe......if you're lucky I may come get ya!!!!!

Well in that case, I will take you to court for sole custody, and start as I MEAN to go on too :wink:
I'm The Daddy said:
I have your pain relief Tam



Will you promise to take that..................you know I would rather have that than nothing work for me?!?!? [-o< Please?!?!?
if the drugs are there why not use them hahaha
Corrr ain that the truth Terrie, I am no hero, I will take whatever they offer and beg for more :rofl:
i dont even know whats available i just realised lol... ill have to ask my midwife on wednesday!
hi i am planning on a hospital birth, possibly in the birthing tub there :D i would like that i think i wanted to use it with my daughter but she was c section so i couldn't. i want lots of pain relief, but no epidural...apparently two of my friends used it and only froze halfway, and one of my moms friends used it way back and has had back problems ever since....also am very scared of needles going into my back lol (was very hard getting the spinal for the c section) i am just hoping it goes fast and easy and there are no complications because i really really want a vaginal birth not another c section :D
does a birthing pool help with pain relief?
apparently it helps to ease the contractions i think you only can use it in the first part of labour like not when your puching? i dont really know :) i learnt about them last year in my prenatal classes for alexis but i dont remember much cuz i didn't use any of it lol but the birthing tubs are supposed to be great for easing the pain of contractions....i really hope so lol :lol:
I'll be having a c-section. I've had 1 with my daughter, after fully dilating and pushing for 2 hrs with no success of getting her out. With my son, I tried for a VBAC, but it failed because the epi guy messed it up, and I did not want anyone trying again. So I ended up with another c-section. Healing from the 2nd one was a lot easier than healing from the first.

With this one, if I make it to 35 weeks, my dr says we'll do a c-section at the hospital closest to me. If I go early again, like I did with my son, I'll be at st. vincent's again.. and I'll try for a VBAC again, and won't give up so easily. More than likely, however, it'll be a c-section for me.
lexis_mommy said:
hi i am planning on a hospital birth, possibly in the birthing tub there :D i would like that i think i wanted to use it with my daughter but she was c section so i couldn't. i want lots of pain relief, but no epidural...apparently two of my friends used it and only froze halfway, and one of my moms friends used it way back and has had back problems ever since....also am very scared of needles going into my back lol (was very hard getting the spinal for the c section) i am just hoping it goes fast and easy and there are no complications because i really really want a vaginal birth not another c section :D

Awwwww hun :hugs:

Epidurals are only meant to freeze you half way......that is the idea of them, so you are still able to hold baby and enjoy the moment.

I really hope you get to have a naturl birth hun [-o< xx
Terrie said:
i dont even know whats available i just realised lol... ill have to ask my midwife on wednesday!

Bless......usually there is the gas & air, pethedine and epidural........they are the main ones available hun, but you should talk it all thru with your MW and start doing a birthing plan soon xx

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