What Would You Give Up?

Wow! :shock:

Dopey we do science communication, so it's event organization and things for science events for the public.
Wow! :shock:

Dopey we do science communication, so it's event organization and things for science events for the public.

What does that even mean? Why in hell do you believe that just because someone else is poor they deserve my money? I am poor FFS.
What you do with your money is your own business. But don't tell other people what they should be doing with their money. You have absolutely zero right to tell me what I should be doing with my money, or to look down on me for anything. You have no idea what I have been through or what I have worked through to be where I am now.
Again :shock: Don't recall saying anything about how you spend your money, just stunned at your attitude in these posts.
The 'every man for himself' attitude really upsets me. If society ever fails (which it will at some point, whether in our lifetime or not) we will need to rely on one another in order for our entire race to survive. I wasn't implying you were buying designer trainers justagirl, just giving an example. There are ways people could cut back to help others - i get all of A's clothes second hand. They look just as good as new ones, usually for a tenth of the cost. That enables me to give money to those who need it more than i do. It's sad you think poverty is caused by people not working to provide for their children. What about the 8yr old whose dad was murdered and his mum taken away to be raped? What do they do?

PB, that sounds really interesting. Is it location specific? It seems similar to my job but in a different sector.
We're national, I'm North. Branches are patchy so there aren't opportunities everywhere.
I suppose maybe a bottle of wine a month. So about £5 really

However I personally organise and host parties for Cancer research as that were my interests in Charity lies. Yes ive just put a bag of clothes together for a nspcc charity bag that came through the box. But if I am seeking to help a charity I dont normally choose other countires/children/animal. But everyone has a personal cause.

I dont mind giving up my time at all obvously ad between me and OH we do work for 4/5 charities. But i give very very litte money myself simply because I cant afford it. However by putting in alittle effort. WE have given/saved charities over £3k last year. So thats all good since I could never in a month of sunday give up what is half my anual salary.

I dont mind people who dont give money. Its up to them. Like i say i dont really give money from my own pocket directly. But I feel I do a lot better by 'doing'. Id fel better about that than say having a £10 DD come out of my bank every month.
I just thought about it more and I do always donate at the checkout while at the grocery store or walmart. They always have childrens hospital charities and they always ask if I'd like to donate so I always say yes. Just a dollar each time but I still feel good about it. We don't have a lot of money, I don't work so it's just DH's salary. We've had lots of struggles but a dollar here and there would go a long way to help others. I've also sponsored a friend who's son had cancer but he's in remission now. So I donated $200 to them last year for their cancer walk. I'll probably do the same this year as well. I don't really understand the every man for himself type of attitude. I really hope to raise my children to know it's good to help others and that even if we are low on money, we still have it so much better than some.
Justagirl- nobody is judging you or telling you what to do with your own money. I think I am just saddened that there are people who only think of themselves. Alot of the poor children we are talking about are orphans so they have no parents to fend for them. Its weird that some people tend to focus solely on their needs completely ignoring the fact that tragedy can strike them at any time and they will also be expecting help. You are blessed to be earning your money, wouldn't you feel good sharing it?
I already give my time to charity's, alot of it. I also donate what I can when I can.
Justagirl- nobody is judging you or telling you what to do with your own money. I think I am just saddened that there are people who only think of themselves. Alot of the poor children we are talking about are orphans so they have no parents to fend for them. Its weird that some people tend to focus solely on their needs completely ignoring the fact that tragedy can strike them at any time and they will also be expecting help. You are blessed to be earning your money, wouldn't you feel good sharing it?

This entire response is a total contradiction. You tell me no one is judging me or telling me what to do with my money and then spend 4 sentences guilt tripping me about it. Like I said previously I dont expect help from anyone. You cant spend your entire life relying on strangers for hand outs.
I think time is a lot more valuable than money in these situations. Think of all the money that was donated to haiti.. And where has it gone? It's as if it happened days ago not a year ago. All the money would of lined the pockets of the people at the top, and that's how it is usually nowadays. I say if you're going to do something for charity then give up your time. Anyone can set up a standing order to a charity and think they are doing the world of good, but you don't know where that money is going.. It's a lot better to actually be there doing something that really does make a difference x
Charity and donation should be a choice. I don't owe anyone anything nor does someone else deserve my money more than my own child just because they are poor. I hate the attitude that I get from people who guilt and presure others to donate money they don't even have. Like I said DH and I are working our asses off to give our child a better future to be able to put him through college. We do not have any extra money to donate at all. If you do that's great for you.
I dont have any money to give, and I work stupid amounts of time, so i rarely have that either. :shrug: Double edged sword.

If im gonna go overdrawn every month i want it to be because ive fed my child, clothed him, paid our rent. Not because i've spent money on all the other kids out there and not my own.
Justagirl- any guilt that you may feel eminate from your own conscience not from me. People are not asking for a free ride in life, they are asking for help, they in turn will make something of it and help their fellow human. Just a question, when you take your child to play with others, do you teach em to share, or to keep the toys for themselves, I am genuinely curious. If you are comfortable in your decision not to give, then thats up to you and nobody should judge you. Its just sad thats all.
strange question, for my children id give up anything and everything so they had what they needed, but on the other hand i live on a certain budget as it is so in order for my children to have what they need i wouldnt give anything up. as i dont have much for myself anyway.

the world would be a simple place if humans werent so
greedy and selfish, hence communisum (spelt it wrong i no lol) didnt work
Justagirl- any guilt that you may feel eminate from your own conscience not from me. People are not asking for a free ride in life, they are asking for help, they in turn will make something of it and help their fellow human. Just a question, when you take your child to play with others, do you teach em to share, or to keep the toys for themselves, I am genuinely curious. If you are comfortable in your decision not to give, then thats up to you and nobody should judge you. Its just sad thats all.

Hahahaha you are so ridiculously contradictory I can not take you seriously. Nobody should judge me but it's sooo sad I feel that way? :roll:

Why would I feel guilty about taking care of my own child? Believe me, I feel none. I was merely calling you out for trying to guilt trip me.
Justagirl- any guilt that you may feel eminate from your own conscience not from me. People are not asking for a free ride in life, they are asking for help, they in turn will make something of it and help their fellow human. Just a question, when you take your child to play with others, do you teach em to share, or to keep the toys for themselves, I am genuinely curious. If you are comfortable in your decision not to give, then thats up to you and nobody should judge you. Its just sad thats all.

Hahahaha you are so ridiculously contradictory I can not take you seriously. Nobody should judge me but it's sooo sad I feel that way? :roll:

Why would I feel guilty about taking care of my own child? Believe me, I feel none. I was merely calling you out for trying to guilt trip me.

i feel bad for those poor (litteraly) children but i wouldnt feel guilty about not giving them money as its not my personal fault they were born into their lives.

ive got too much in my life to worry about other children when im bringing up my own

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