Whats going on


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2008
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Ok so i cant judge i was a teenage mum but i sure didn`t try to fall pregnant at all. So somebody want to explain to me whats with the trend of TTC at Such a young age like 14 come on girls is this realistic.
I know i might sound judgemental but i DO NOT agree with TRYING to fall pregnant at such a young age is there a good enough reason for it I DON`T think so.
Sorry for the rant but i just cant understand but i guess everyone is different.
I was 13 and TTC. But the reason was because I was a really messed up kid - doing drugs and drinking, and my BOYFRIEND was my life. The thing is you can't understand unless you're there. It was a stupid decision - I didn't have money, I was failing school, I was on drugs ALL of the time and just I just generally had a fucked up life. Looking back on it I pity myself, and thank God that I hadn't actually conceived a child. I was trying because it was like I would feel needed by another human being to survive - somebody would actually NEED me in their life! I would be the most important thing in my child's life, ME, the most important thing, and MAYBE, just maybe, me and my boyfriend would work money issues out and we would live happily ever after.
It doesn't work like that though.
Sadly, by the time any young teenager TTC realizes that it's far too late. Rather than judging them I try helping young people to understand that YOU aren't the most important thing in your baby's life, your baby is the most important thing in yours. It's hard for young people who are lost, sometimes they just need a little guidance to help them see the way.

P.S.-Don't worry, I straightened my life out and am actually mature enough to care for this child now. My son, though still unborn and an accident, is the best 'accident' that ever happened to me.
Oh yer i totallu understand what you are trying to say. fell pregnant at 16yrs with my first i thought it would be a sinch to my disgrace my first born daughter was born very very sick, i than spent the next 3-4 months sitting in hospital by my daughters side.
So my point is if they want to do it let them go but there is so much of it going on at the moment especially now in australia as women are given a large sum of money for having children PLEASE girls think about what you are doing before its to late.
I don't really understand why either. I'm on 20 and I feel pregnant at 17 with my son. He was a complete accident. Me and my mum discussed what I wanted to do. I have a serious eye condition that will more than likely leave me blind when I'm 30. So that's why I decided to keep him. So I could see him grow up. Shortly after me and my OH decided to try for another to complete our family and so that once again, I see some of the babies lives.

Alot see it as an escape from a bad life. Bad parent's.
I never tried to get pregnant and i talked to my mum, but she said since we'd been together so long it was the right thing. Though i always wanted to be fairly young mum like 21-22. But my child is going to get a lot really, i can send them to private school let them have horses etc. Obviously i have to rely on my mum and OH parents for help while i'm at uni obv but then what are families for, i hope that my children can rely on me. But no i dont think its very right to try to have a baby so young unless you are properly prepared which i dont think anyone is until they have children. I have nooooo idea what this is going to entail after my baby is born but i'm so lucky that i have a good family to support me :)
I don't get it either. I've ranted at enough people on here for everyone to know what I think about it.
I totally agree,I mean what is going on?

I see all those threads in the teen pregnancy section where 16year old girls are ttc,you have to think what's going on in their heads...

I'm 18 and my daughter(still unborn) was an accident,a complete accident.

Franky,I never wanted to have children,I just didn't.But now I'm so happy that I'm going to have this little girl in my life in a few months...Although I'm young,I still can offer a lot to her,I'll have an education and I'm financially pretty stable.

I guess since children were never on my mind,especially when I was 16,I cannot grasp the concept of wanting to have one so young...
They fall in love but I'm sure half of them doesn't have a strong relationship that can survive such responisibility.

Frankly,I think it's a sign of immaturity...
i dont get it either. bad eductaion is all I can assume.

it's rediculous...I mean, how can a 14 year old support themselves?? Without social support etc? An accident is an accident but purposely getting pregnant and relying on state support is rediculous and not something to be proud of. In fact it's 100% chavvy and stupid. And is the reason the UK has sooooooooo many social problems....there are too many idiots. (Dont get me wrong, I AM british and love the place¨!!)

It's children having children and i hold their own parents responsible.

Gosh I'm ranty today!! You can tell it's the end of the week.
Plus I'm hungry..best eat before I go on any more....:dohh:
14!!!! MY god at 14 I wasnt even sexually active!!! I was running riot about my school being cheeky to my teachers!!
I think this country makes it too easy for young girls to get into this position.... they know too well they get an easy ride!!!
Few months back I was in boots looking at the baby clothes I heard a young lad say to what I can only assume was his girlfriend!! "shall we have a baby?" "We will get a house and money"!!! I WAS SHOCKED!!! If this is the attitude of youngest then what is too come?!?
My god TCC at 14.... still cant get my head around it!!!!
I don't get it either. I still feel too young at 21 to be having a baby! Theres SO much I remember doing from being like 13 or 14 until now that theres no way I would have been able to do if I had a baby that young, and to be honest, I probably would have ended up resenting it!

However, each to their own.

Im with you Linzi Im 22 and still feel young!!! So excited tho :) xxxx
i dont get it either. bad eductaion is all I can assume.

it's rediculous...I mean, how can a 14 year old support themselves?? Without social support etc? An accident is an accident but purposely getting pregnant and relying on state support is rediculous and not something to be proud of. In fact it's 100% chavvy and stupid. And is the reason the UK has sooooooooo many social problems....there are too many idiots. (Dont get me wrong, I AM british and love the place¨!!)

It's children having children and i hold their own parents responsible.

Gosh I'm ranty today!! You can tell it's the end of the week.
Plus I'm hungry..best eat before I go on any more....:dohh:

100% chavvy and stupid!! You've got it spot on!!
Christ when I was 14 I was too busy being a kid to think about having my own! I wasn't sexually active until I was 18, and then I was too excited about doing things like getting my own flat and going off to University!

I'll be 24 in a week, and I still feel young to be having a baby. I was in the middle of joining up to the Armed Forces and I feel like I've had to put my whole life on hold.

I watched a program on teenage Mums the other week, and one of them was very vocal in saying that anyone can be a good Mum, whether they are 14 or 40. That's all very well and good, but YOU aren't the one providing for YOUR child.
Yeah, I don't understand. I wasn't sexually active either until 20. And my parents were always really upfront about it. When the topic of teens getting preggo would come up, they would say "We love you. We've raised our children, you will raise yours. So don't think you can can get preggo and expect us to raise the child. We will emotionally support you and help you find ways of doing it yourself, but you ARE doing it yourself." So I was too terrified to even have sex, and risk an "accident," before I felt somewhat confident about my ability to support the child.
i was a virgin till i was 16 then got married and had 2 kids then got divorced at 19 but have no regrets only that he was a knob but bloody 14 all thats mental parents need to teach there kids propper
I've watched a few shows such as Maury and Oprah where there have been young teens trying to have a baby. In turn, these teens have to take care of a baby for a day and after they have, they all have said that they no longer want one.

But in the end, what the teens were craving were attention and love from their parents.

I think this is what happens in the majority of cases. They are craving unconditional love and are not getting it from parents so they think a baby will give them this feeling.
I agree with Leanne!!

I am forever watching young girls on Maury who once are given a baby to look after for a while, buck up their ideas and realise its best to wait.

I must admit i wanted a baby when i was about 14 but the thing about wanting love is right, i was so hurt by not having a dad around i felt a baby would compensate, now i thank my lucky stars that i threw myself into a career and waited until i was at least a bit older
, each to their own.


i dont get that one bit...each to their own? They cant even legally have sex! arrest them I say! .:rofl:

hand them one of those crying weeing fake babies and scare them. silly children they can have had no life experience - what can they teach a baby? This is a daft discussion, clearly they're children who dont know what they are doing.

....oooh looks like my rantyness hasnt dispursed yet!
TTC at 14 is utterly rediculous. I knew what it was about at 14 watching my sister struggle with her son that she had at 16 and I knew I wanted children but not at that age. Like others have said about feeling young now, I'm 22 married and feel like even people I know look down on me because of my age (I look quite young for my age aswell). This annoys me so much because you have all these stupid little girls going out trying to get pregnant and not being able to look after that child or themselves when its born and then you see people on here that have been trying for months or even years to conceive who are perfectly able to care for themselves and give a child the best life. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:hissy:
God help me....this thread :-$
Stop talking about it lol, my daughter is coming up 11 soon and to think in 2 or 3 more years she would even contemplate trying to get pregnant doesn't bear thinking about. These are CHILDREN themselves, I got pregnant at 19 and thought I was too young to handle that responsibility, I had to grow up pretty fast though. If only they knew how drastically their lives were going to change. I think you have to be a pretty un-selfish person to have children because once they come along THEY are the priority not you, your whole life changes and your time is no longer your own, I don't know about you ladies but even going to the toilet when mine were toddlers was a task worthy of Army intervention.
In a way I feel for these girls because they can't really have any clue about what lies in store for them.

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