Whats on the menu this evening?


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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We're having Chili Con Carne & rice with crusty roll :p
Are ya ready for this..............

Steak, with Mushrooms, peppercorn sauce and chips Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I cook a mean steak, even if i do say so myself :wink:

I can't wait :dance:
Hmmm.... ok I'm here on my own. OH is at work and isn't coming back for tea... what would you have?

Is it bad to order takeaway for one?
I miss my single ding dinners sometimes! Go for it H you deserve it :wink:

Mmmm @ steak! ALl sounds good but with some salad :p
Well im having a chinese take away tonight...Chicken fried rice :D
Think if my OH doesn't hurry up an get ready so we can get to shop he'll be straving all evening :evil:
well it was going to be fajitas....but think i will keep these for tomorrow...all this talk of takeaway has got my mouth watering...
oh is out watching the scotland game and i am soooooooo hungry i dont know if i could wait for him to cook....
I decided on campbells meatballs, yummy!

What time did the game start BB? Its been soo busy in town i had hell getting in and out and walking around the shops. very very busy!
Helen said:
Hmmm.... ok I'm here on my own. OH is at work and isn't coming back for tea... what would you have?

Is it bad to order takeaway for one?

You've got to have a take away and spoil yourself babe............Saturday night AND alone...get dialling :wink:
Jase cooked a chicken and butterbean stew, it was yummy!

beatlesbaby66 said:
well it was going to be fajitas....but think i will keep these for tomorrow...

Ooooooo think thats what we will have moro too I can't be bothered with a roast this week or maybe I'll do a little one :?
i just love fajitas...we have them quite a lot....i am going to cook tomorrow too cause oh has been so wonderful this week...might even get him a wee magners to go with them...
he thinks we scots are nuts "you think youd won the world cup, your all honking car horns and kissing each other..." haha, he doesnt get it cause hes from england and you lot usually win....its a long time since we beat a team like france.....woohoo
hee hee, i am just so pleased we beat a reputable team after so many years of being pumelled by rubbish.....i love watching england too honey....
We are having a pork roast! YUMM https://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/ernaehrung/food-smiley-016.gif

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