When Can You Get Baby's Ears Pierced?

For one, seeing a baby with pierced ears screams CHAV!!!! Babies should be allowed to be babies. Why woukd you do this to yr child!! Its not classy at all. Why not get them tattooed at the same time....I mean, whats the difference??
Yuk, not nice at all. Looks AWFUL! Don't do it.
My babies are born beautiful enough, I don't need to cosmetically enhance or change them :thumbup:
Threads like this make me laugh! So many bitchy comments its pathetic
This kind of thread was always going to turn sour though...
I personally want to wait until my daughter can ask to get them done as I think it will be more special.

But I do not understand why some people think its ok to form their own opinion on something and criticise someone who's opinion is different from theirs. Let everyone be the mother to their own children and act as they see fit. I'm not sure what it has to do with anyone else.
The level of maturity in this thread just keeps dropping with random rude comments I am thinking its going to be locked soon.
I caught a bit of 16 and Pregnant the other day where they all brought their kids in for an update, and was SO shocked to see some of the babies had pierced ears. Here in the UK, it's something that might have happened back in the 70s and 80s but now it's considered UBER tacky.

HOWEVER, I've since discovered it's quite the norm in some parts of the US and not perceived as tacky so, you know, it's up to people what they want to do to their children really and we need to remember, in some places, it's the done thing and isn't perceived as tacky or cruel.

Not that I'd ever do it but just cos some customs are different from ours, doesn't make them wrong. In Africa and so on, it's a big thing too, especially amongst the tribes there. Each to their own!
I caught a bit of 16 and Pregnant the other day where they all brought their kids in for an update, and was SO shocked to see some of the babies had pierced ears. Here in the UK, it's something that might have happened back in the 70s and 80s but now it's considered UBER tacky.

HOWEVER, I've since discovered it's quite the norm in some parts of the US and not perceived as tacky so, you know, it's up to people what they want to do to their children really and we need to remember, in some places, it's the done thing and isn't perceived as tacky or cruel.

Not that I'd ever do it but just cos some customs are different from ours, doesn't make them wrong. In Africa and so on, it's a big thing too, especially amongst the tribes there. Each to their own!

Yeah, here it is normal its tradition in my family and something celebrated my mothers ears were done with her mother and grandmother present as a baby, mine done the same, and my daughters done the same. People do not seem to care though that things differ from place to place and then there are people who do understand but still feel the need to come in and insult others. It is perfectly fine to not like or agree but some of the comments that get made just blow my mind with lack of respect for others feelings, cultures, traditions. :shrug: I like seeing posts like yours though because you are stating your opinion without sounding judgmental or rude. :flower:
Opinions are understandable out right rude and offensive is NOT ok. I suggest those who can't behave like adults leave the thread. If I need to access my work PC to come back to this thread bans will be issued... we have better things to be doing than babysitting a thread because people can't express themselves in a civilised manner.
Thanks, USAF_WIFE. I find it fascinating now I've looked into it. Love reading about different customs and stuff from around the world. Some really ancient and beautiful rituals associated with it if you read things like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_piercing#Ear_piercing
Hey ladies,
I was just wondering.. at what age does a baby girl usually get her ears pierced?
Im definatly getting my baby girls pierced, just occured to me that I don't even know when they usually get it done..
Is it traumatic to them? Like screaming etc..

I think where I am at they have to have their shots first. I worked at a store as a piercer an always refused to pierce the babies, they are so tiny it always freaked me out (I was a teenager at the time). But as far as it being traumatic- all the babies I saw pierced cried, more than someone older would when getting theirs pierced. Some things for you to consider with your baby and having this done:

1.sometimes the guns get jammed and it is hard to get the earrings out o the gun- this happens when the earring is halfway through, so, they would be tugging on the babies ear trying to detach the gun from the earring. I saw this happen all the time.

2. The guns aren't entirely sterilized. They use new jewelry, but the gun itself is reused- I personally would demand they at least do a cold sterilization on the gun before using it on anyone, especially a baby.

3. If you still decide you want this done, have them do both ears at once. Piercing your ears hurts whether you are a baby or not (not sure why some suggest the lack of remembering the pain justify doing it on babies...I got mine done for my 8th birthday- I wasn't a baby, and I don't remember the pain, only how excited I was to be getting them.

4. Piercings can result in infections whether they are taken care if it not. Most people will be okay with the metal used in a new piercing, but not everyone. Babies won't be able to express pain they are having in their piercings- which will be present before an infection gets worse. My daughter just turned 5- she begged to get her ears pierced as a gift- I explained that it hurt and she still wanted it done. It was an enjoyable experience for us both- she didn't cry because she was so happy. If I had my 1.5 year old daughters ears pierced there would have been no enjoyment in the experience for either one of us- this could be a reason to postpone the event if you are interested in it being an enjoyable experience/memory.

4. You asked if it was traumatic- I believe your baby will survive the piercing a with no ill- long term effects, my guess is that it would be more traumatic for you. If comparing the experience to immunizations, the babies seemed to be in discomfort a bit longer with ear piercing. I would likely treat the event the same way (I'd give my baby Tylenol for pain 15 minutes before the procedure after getting the okay from my pediatrician).

Anyway, those are my thoughts, this is a subject that people often have strong opinions on, in the grand scheme of things this is a small issue- as parents we face much bigger issues with our babies. You love your child more than anyone else will- so take in what is helpful for you as a mother and disregard the rest.
...whether you decide to pierce your daughters ears or not doesnt indicate what kind of mother you will be- so don't beat yourself up with the judgements others make.

Best of luck and congrats on your baby! :flower:
Thanks, USAF_WIFE. I find it fascinating now I've looked into it. Love reading about different customs and stuff from around the world. Some really ancient and beautiful rituals associated with it if you read things like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_piercing#Ear_piercing

Thanks, the lip piercing has always fascinated me because they have to slowly stretch the lip to get to the largest plate to fit in the hole.
Hey ladies,
I was just wondering.. at what age does a baby girl usually get her ears pierced?
Im definatly getting my baby girls pierced, just occured to me that I don't even know when they usually get it done..
Is it traumatic to them? Like screaming etc..

I think where I am at they have to have their shots first. I worked at a store as a piercer an always refused to pierce the babies, they are so tiny it always freaked me out (I was a teenager at the time). But as far as it being traumatic- all the babies I saw pierced cried, more than someone older would when getting theirs pierced. Some things for you to consider with your baby and having this done:

1.sometimes the guns get jammed and it is hard to get the earrings out o the gun- this happens when the earring is halfway through, so, they would be tugging on the babies ear trying to detach the gun from the earring. I saw this happen all the time.

2. The guns aren't entirely sterilized. They use new jewelry, but the gun itself is reused- I personally would demand they at least do a cold sterilization on the gun before using it on anyone, especially a baby.

3. If you still decide you want this done, have them do both ears at once. Piercing your ears hurts whether you are a baby or not (not sure why some suggest the lack of remembering the pain justify doing it on babies...I got mine done for my 8th birthday- I wasn't a baby, and I don't remember the pain, only how excited I was to be getting them.

4. Piercings can result in infections whether they are taken care if it not. Most people will be okay with the metal used in a new piercing, but not everyone. Babies won't be able to express pain they are having in their piercings- which will be present before an infection gets worse. My daughter just turned 5- she begged to get her ears pierced as a gift- I explained that it hurt and she still wanted it done. It was an enjoyable experience for us both- she didn't cry because she was so happy. If I had my 1.5 year old daughters ears pierced there would have been no enjoyment in the experience for either one of us- this could be a reason to postpone the event if you are interested in it being an enjoyable experience/memory.

4. You asked if it was traumatic- I believe your baby will survive the piercing a with no ill- long term effects, my guess is that it would be more traumatic for you. If comparing the experience to immunizations, the babies seemed to be in discomfort a bit longer with ear piercing. I would likely treat the event the same way (I'd give my baby Tylenol for pain 15 minutes before the procedure after getting the okay from my pediatrician).

Anyway, those are my thoughts, this is a subject that people often have strong opinions on, in the grand scheme of things this is a small issue- as parents we face much bigger issues with our babies. You love your child more than anyone else will- so take in what is helpful for you as a mother and disregard the rest.
...whether you decide to pierce your daughters ears or not doesnt indicate what kind of mother you will be- so don't beat yourself up with the judgements others make.

Best of luck and congrats on your baby! :flower:

Sorry quick question about the gun being stuck. I was wondering what type that happens with? All? I am quite curious about the diff types of guns we had one that used cartridges for my daughter quite different then when mine were done as a baby.
My friend had her both her daughters ears done at a very early age - probably less than 2 months. She had it done for cultural reasons along with shaving off all their hair (it gets weighed and money equivalent amount offered to the gods).

I had to wait til 13 for my ear piercing and I hated that. I vowed to levy daughters get their ears pierced when they asked and when I felt they were responsible enough. The oldest asked when she was 8 and the second got it done at 7.
I think the age at which a salon will pierce ears various. I met a baby that had hers done at two months. I've met a few others that got them done at 6-7 months. For my family it is a cultural/tradition to get ears pierced. Body modification are very important in some cultures with deep roots. More so in some than others so we should be careful w our words, even if you personally dont agree w it. Anyways, I think most wait until they have their jabs. ...do all US salons make te child have their shots? What if you don't vaccinate your child? :shrug: then when can it be done?

I will probably wait until my child asks for pierced ears (if she does) but I'm not against getting them done as a baby as long as mom/dad is well informed and knows all of the risks and benefits, than who am I to judge? Besides that I realize my opinion doesn't mean much. OP, I say, if you are informed and take into consideration the risks and benefits then follow your gut hon

PS if you do decide to go though with it, please please please do not go to any place that uses a gun. There are various bad things about that. Def go somewhere that uses needles and not guns. And I know it sounds a little nutty but a reputable tattoo/piercing salon (and I mean highly reputable) is best IMO. Don't go to a place in the mall like Clair's or the piercing bogota. Go somewhere w true professionals and good references. Sometimes ear piercings get downplayed. But in all reality it's a body part like all other piercing sites and its important to get it done properly to avoid issues later on. You might spend more money and you might have issues finding someone to do it but it is very worth it if you want to get hers done.
i had a really bad infections over the years, its not worth the risk
at 6 weeks if you was to go to claires baby could be ill
In the country I'm originally from girls get their ears pierced pretty much right after birth. It is usually done by the midwife before discharging the baby and mother to go home. If you decide to do it later, you go to a pharmacy and they do it there. You have to wear a hypoallergenic earring for a moth before changing to other types of earrings (usually the ones you will wear at your baptism).

I had my ears pierced when I was a baby. I don't feel traumatized by it nor I resent my parents for allowing it to happen. It never got infected and it didn't require any special care either. I would just recommend using good jewelry.

I don't feel I have the right to judge what another mother is going to do and comparing piercing your ears to mutilating the baby's body and being tacky is passing on judgement.

If people minded their own business more, this world would be a very different place.
Hey ladies,
I was just wondering.. at what age does a baby girl usually get her ears pierced?
Im definatly getting my baby girls pierced, just occured to me that I don't even know when they usually get it done..
Is it traumatic to them? Like screaming etc..

I think where I am at they have to have their shots first. I worked at a store as a piercer an always refused to pierce the babies, they are so tiny it always freaked me out (I was a teenager at the time). But as far as it being traumatic- all the babies I saw pierced cried, more than someone older would when getting theirs pierced. Some things for you to consider with your baby and having this done:

1.sometimes the guns get jammed and it is hard to get the earrings out o the gun- this happens when the earring is halfway through, so, they would be tugging on the babies ear trying to detach the gun from the earring. I saw this happen all the time.

2. The guns aren't entirely sterilized. They use new jewelry, but the gun itself is reused- I personally would demand they at least do a cold sterilization on the gun before using it on anyone, especially a baby.

3. If you still decide you want this done, have them do both ears at once. Piercing your ears hurts whether you are a baby or not (not sure why some suggest the lack of remembering the pain justify doing it on babies...I got mine done for my 8th birthday- I wasn't a baby, and I don't remember the pain, only how excited I was to be getting them.

4. Piercings can result in infections whether they are taken care if it not. Most people will be okay with the metal used in a new piercing, but not everyone. Babies won't be able to express pain they are having in their piercings- which will be present before an infection gets worse. My daughter just turned 5- she begged to get her ears pierced as a gift- I explained that it hurt and she still wanted it done. It was an enjoyable experience for us both- she didn't cry because she was so happy. If I had my 1.5 year old daughters ears pierced there would have been no enjoyment in the experience for either one of us- this could be a reason to postpone the event if you are interested in it being an enjoyable experience/memory.

4. You asked if it was traumatic- I believe your baby will survive the piercing a with no ill- long term effects, my guess is that it would be more traumatic for you. If comparing the experience to immunizations, the babies seemed to be in discomfort a bit longer with ear piercing. I would likely treat the event the same way (I'd give my baby Tylenol for pain 15 minutes before the procedure after getting the okay from my pediatrician).

Anyway, those are my thoughts, this is a subject that people often have strong opinions on, in the grand scheme of things this is a small issue- as parents we face much bigger issues with our babies. You love your child more than anyone else will- so take in what is helpful for you as a mother and disregard the rest.
...whether you decide to pierce your daughters ears or not doesnt indicate what kind of mother you will be- so don't beat yourself up with the judgements others make.

Best of luck and congrats on your baby! :flower:

Sorry quick question about the gun being stuck. I was wondering what type that happens with? All? I am quite curious about the diff types of guns we had one that used cartridges for my daughter quite different then when mine were done as a baby.

I'm not sure honestly, I never paid attention to the brands- I used to get mine pierced all the time at different places and have had it happen to me, it hurts- and I've seen it happen to others where I used to work. Maybe they've improved them over the years? I don't know. I was really, really worried about them jamming on my daughter and let her know it would hurtand kept asking her if she was sure she wanted it done- so she was prepared and it went really smoothly. She complained about her ears being sore for about 2 days after that but didn't seem bothered by it.

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