When Can You Get Baby's Ears Pierced?

It's funny how some people view piercing baby's ears as traumatic.....5 seconds of pinching and everyone is comparing it to child abuse! It's like comparing a baby girl growing up in a very loving home, but having her ears pierced and a baby growing up in an abusive home (no piercing of ears though!). Both comparatively traumatic, no? Both will affect you negatively long term, right? Ugh.

I do not agree with piercing baby's ears, but will never compare it to a "traumatic event". It's just something I wouldn't do because I would want my child to decide if that's what she wants, and I also don't find it overly attractive, but I know some people love it, and honestly I would never get my panties in a bunch over someone else's opinion and decision. Asking "why would you want to do that?" is so offensive to me... to each their own, people, accept it already!
I was ten when I had mine done, and BOY did I have to beg my mom for years about it! I remember getting them done, and how my mom was pretty upset, lol:) Personally, I'd wait til they're old enough to ask, and take care of them. xx
So many judgemental mothers! I thought this was a supportive forum.
I would personally wait until she's had all her vaccinations because of the risk of infection. Same with circumsicion or any other similar procedure.

PS if you can't say something nice, try to refrain from saying anything at all. Calling the mom's choice "tacky", doesn't help answer her question.

Pot, kettle, much :shrug:
I love tattoos and piercings, but it doesn't mean I will go ahead and make those decisions for my baby.
I mean, I think as a teenager he'd look pretty cool with a funky tattoo and a lip ring- so may as well get it done now, eh? After all, he'll forget the pain... Never mind whether he wants it or not, I'm the parent, so I can choose to inflict pain on my child for purely cosmetic reasons. While I'm at it, I'll dock my dogs ears and tail as well so they look edgy. Same thing, in my book.
''Is it traumatic to them? Like screaming etc..''

OP specifically asked if having her baby's ears pierced would be traumatic, so she quite obviously wanted opinions, also she wrote etc so again, obviously wanted posters to elaborate on their opinion/experience. So goodness only knows why some of you are annoyed she's had the responses she's had. As someone else posted this is a public forum and if you ask a question you will get a response and opinion and things will turn into a discussion because that's how conversation works, either written or verbal...

It would be difficult for an adult to sit and have an area of their skin pierced with a hole without flinching let along a young baby, so yes I would say this would be traumatic to a baby. Would the baby be left traumatised long-term, probably not but it would definitely hurt at the time even if it is only a few seconds...if you really want to put your child through that pain for purely superficial reasons then that is your choice.
Giving your baby a smack on the bum would hurt more and the sting would last longer..
But I also think that you should not be commenting on this thread unless its for answering the question asked... you raise your baby the way you want to so leave others to do it there way. No one person will raise there baby the same everyone will always have there own opinion but its not yours to judge.
I have yet to meet someone that is traumatized by getting the ears done as a baby and I have meet a few and most loved that is was done then as they dont remember so get over it
What girl doesn't like her ears pierced
That is not what I am saying... a needed then for injection. What ever.
They fall over and hurt themselfs all the time.

I wouldnt smack a baby either - poor choice of example
That is not what I am saying... a needed then for injection. What ever.
They fall over and hurt themselfs all the time.

I wouldnt smack a baby either - poor choice of example

Not even worth trying hun trust me... I wasted my time today! :hugs:
I would imagine that the minimum age just has to do with the specific place that you're getting it done. I was 2 years old when my parents pierced my ears, and my sister was 2 weeks I think.

As to WHY some people do it, well really no one should have to defend that choice in the first place, but it can be a cultural thing. When I was 3 months old, my parents moved to a country where culturally, all little girls get their ears pieced soon after birth. They came back to the U.S. when my mom was going to have my sister, and then pierced both of our ears before we went back. DH and I plan to relocate to that country within a few years, and because of that I plan to pierce my daughter's ears if we have a girl (we are team yellow). I'm sure my sister's age made it much easier than mine did when we got it done. A toddler still won't understand but is more capable of pulling on it, or pulling it out and losing the earrings, etc. As far as metal allergies my parents only ever used real gold for us.
Ok, but if you chose to vaccinate/inject your child (that's another debate lol) then that would be for health benefits, not something superficial. And yes, you are right accidents happen all the time, but you will do your best as a Mum to prevent them from happening. Taking a baby to have their ears pierced against their will is not comparable at all IMO.

You said I shouldn't comment on the thread, why not? I answered OP's question with my own opinion :dohh:
why is everyone so high and mighty when it comes to ear piercing? we should be able to parent how we feel, without hearing the words "torture" etc.
i had mine done at 6 months old...

was it traumatic NO...

do i remember it NO

was it child abuse NO...

would i get my childs ears pierced .. NO

i dont care they got done but id rather it be her choice for the simple fact that what if she didnt want holes in her ears...

mine will never close up ... i left them 4 years and they still stay open... not that it bothers me but it is permanent

also... if u do chose to do it remember a lot of babies and adults have reactions to cheap earings... i could only wear gold as a child and even now ...

so be prepared to shell for expensive earings coz u dont want some cheap crappy plated things in your childs ear then getting infected ...

either way its your choice.... but i personally feel its not your body so dont mess with it
She only asked what a good age is not people opinions but we all have them and I think its her choice and see nothing wrong with it.

You wouldnt do it and that is fine to as that is how you feel and thats fair as well
why is everyone so high and mighty when it comes to ear piercing? we should be able to parent how we feel, without hearing the words "torture" etc.

Who said it was torture? And why do you have to say people are being high and mighty just because they don't agree doesn't mean they have a superfluous attitude. They just don't agree that's what happens in life :dohh:
i said that because she asked of people who had gotten it done on their babies, not for everybodies negative opinions on it. she asked if it was traumatic to the parents who had gotten it done, and not one response was yes. stop judging other parenting styles.
No, what you said was ''without hearing the word torture etc'' and you used speech marks as if you were making a direct quote i.e someone had said it was torture which they did not.

What a lot of posters have done is surmise that yes, it would indeed be traumatic to a degree if only for a few seconds. On the flip-side, other posters have given their own experience that they do not feel it is traumatic. Such is life and people with different opinions, OP can make up her own mind based on what people have said, as is her prerogative.

If you re-read the OP's original post it does not ask whether parents had pierced their children's ears and what their experience was. The tone OP took was of an open question on a public forum. Where many people will have a different take on it.

Just because I don't agree with you or OP doesn't make me judgmental it simply means I do not agree.
Just to also add that in the us judging by what people have said about docs etc is that you can get it done in drs office kinda thing...whereas in uk you have to go to claires or a hair salon....thus making it seem like a far more cosmetic procedure than in the US. The op has asked for peoples opinions and on a public forum you are going to have a debate about certain topics...thats the beauty of a forum like this...you can air your opinion...no one has personally slated someone...sure there have been strong worded opinions but even on those posts not one person has said omg you pierced her ears your awful your a child abuser your a terrible mother...no one has said that at all...theyve just expressed an opinion which the OP asked for and obv people will discuss their own personal experience.
The OP has asked when baby girls usually get their ears pierced.

The simple answer is...there is no "usual" for this sort of thing. There's no one age when parents suddenly decide to take their child to get their ears pierced. In fact, some never do.

Personally I hate, loathe, despise and abominate the thought of babies having their ears pierced. Therefore "usual" for me would not include the word "baby" at all. My daughter is 7 and her ears are not pierced.
"Usual" for someone else might be entirely different.

I hope this helped answer the OP's question.

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