When did you first have sex?

We did it about 3 weeks after. I was pretty much butchered when I had Evelyn because her shoulders got stuck and my stitches were really bad so it did hurt a lot at first and the first few times but it did get better quite quickly. I was surprised that it didn't take longer to feel okay!
Im waiting for the bleeding to stop before I attempt it... although I really, really want to try soon! My husband being such a good daddy to our little boy has made me fall in love with him all over again.

Aww that's so nice :')
I haven't even wanted to try.. I had an episiotomy, 2nd degree tear and quite a few grazes etc (that's what a nearly 10lb baby does for you :lol:). ALL my stitches burst on day 2 and then got infected, and I'm still in a lot of pain from that..
I dtd last night 8 weeks pp. I was crapping myself as I had stitches. If pulled a bit and was a little uncomfy but once we got warmed up it was sooo good. I'm truley amazed that all is good down there :) x x
Id probably try but i havnt got a fella, im jealous of you guys lol.
i had a 3rd degree tear and 2hours of stitching, mainly internal we had sex 2weeks after he was born, i wasnt in pain or bleeding and OH was gagging LOL
:o I am even more jealous you lucky lady,Wheres my sex life goneeeeeee :haha: No fella so no sex life! I need a blow up penis :haha:
i had a 3rd degree tear and 2hours of stitching, mainly internal we had sex 2weeks after he was born, i wasnt in pain or bleeding and OH was gagging LOL

Holy Moly!!! I was totally horny a few days after I gave birth....but I waited until last Friday and even then I was cacking my pants!! :rofl: I was scared to spread my legs wide enough for DH to actually get between them, let alone actually allow him to move once he was in :blush::haha:

He got so far and I yelled "Don't move! Just stay there!"....Best sex of my life!! :rofl:

It was better once I relaxed a bit!! :D

think it was 2 weeks and 6 days and every few days since then. If i'd have had my way it would have been after just a few days tho! Lol :) x
I personally wouldn't risk it, because your body needs time to heal. My doc told me to wait six weeks, and it's almost been six weeks & I haven't had sex just yet. In no rush either, lol kind of scared do NOT want to get pregnant again! :flower:
My doctor was very specific in saying absolutely no intercourse until 6 weeks pp. I think that's the standard in the U.S. Making sure everything heals and all that.
i really think if your in no pain and not bleeding stitches or not if you take it slow theres no problem, you can always stop if its uncomfortable x
I wont be getting any in a hurry anyway so not to worry here ;) haha !
I wont be getting any in a hurry anyway so not to worry here ;) haha !

At least with a dildo, you don't have to worry about the risk of insemination :haha:

I posted on FB a comment about wanting sex, that was less than 2 weeks after I'd given birth and one of my MW's sent me a message saying 'go ahead if you feel ready!!' :lol: The MW who sewed me up said something about waiting at least 2 weeks (that's supposedly when dissolvable stitches dissolve) before having sex too... A lot of Drs wil say 6 weeks, simply because that's when your check up is. :)

I just think...it's my body...I don't need a Dr to tell me whether I'm ready for sex or not :shrug: If something feels off, I'm gonna know!! :lol: And I waited until almost 4 weeks (despite wanting to earlier) because that's just what felt right to me :)

I didn't have sex until about 4 months after. I was scared it would hurt and kept putting it off. Luckily OH was very understanding.
We waited till we were both ready, which happened to be at 10 weeks.
OK, then I am a total bitch to my husband because we didnt DTD till 6 months 2 days after having our son :dohh: And we haven't done it since then either :blush: I have ZERO sex drive what-so-ever & feel wholly unsexy... if someone wants to send some sex fairy dust my way, I am sure hubby would appreciate it very much before his balls fall off!
I was ready sooner than what I had anticipated, I think we did it about 3 or 4 weeks after dd's birth. Had to rush out and get the morning after pill the next day as we didn't have any protection sorted as I thought it would be awhile longer before we dtd. :dohh:

Eta: Oh yes and I had 2nd degree tears and stitches and luckily it wasn't sore, just felt a bit cavernous down there!

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