When to give up....



9 months and 2 early MC later, I'm not sure I want to put myself through this anymore. I never imagined it hurting as much as it does, and I never understood why people in this section were so fed up and upset, but it is the most horrible thing in the world wanting something so much and watching other people walk away with it really easily. I almost resent myself for having Caitlyn so easily. I know there are people who have had more MC, and are having more problems, and possibley want it more than I do, but I'm just not sure I can hack it.

I just wish someone could promise me it would be worth it, but no one I know can see into the future. Anyone know any psychics?

So sorry to hear you have another angel......xx hope it happens for you soon x
Awwww hunny really sorry u are having to go through this again. You are a very strong willed young lady and you have delt with so much lately. Fingers crossed firmly for you hunny :hugs: xxx
Toria, am so sorry you are going through this again so soon - it's really not fair on anyone. You are young, healthy, have a beautiful daughter and time on your side. Why don't you take a break over the New Year, relax and come back to it in early 2010, alternately, contact Hedgewitch to try one of her fertility spells. She'll cast one for you if you give her some specific details.

I really hope you get your sticky bean, and soon - Caitlyn deserves her baby brother or sister - chin up sweetie - you'll get there.
Oh hunni, you know it will be worth it. I know it's probably hard to see at the moment but it will happen and caitlyn will be a wonderfull big sister. Maybe a break would do you good just to give you time to recover both physically and emotionally. I agree with Caterpiller about maybe starting again early in the new year xx
I really understand what you are saying hun. When you want something so much, and it is snatched away, it is natural to resent people that have it all so easy (or we percieve it to be easy) - my heart goes out to you it really does, I understand your hurting. We had to get back to the stage where the fear of it going wrong was less that the desire to try again. You will know when you are there hun, but in the meantime give that gorgeous bubba girl a squeeze and give yourself time to heal :hugs:
I don't have any idea why this happens or even how to make you feel any better about it but I can tell you a story of a lady I know who got pg with her daughter on the first cycle. She then ttc when she was 1 and nothing for 12 months, she then went on to have 3 mc in a row and was so so down but finally she got one that stuck and went on to have a lovely little boy, so no matter how hopeless it seems, there is always a chance the next one is for keeps!

Secondly I can tell you that your not alone! I have been ttc for 15 months now and nothing except a poss early mc in sept. I have a 3 year old little boy who was concieved quite by suprise so this journey has been really really tough. I'm now having investigations and feeling positive that it may not be now but at some point i'll get to be a mum again.

I'm so so sorry for what you have been thru and hope coming on here will help you through this tough time. I'm around if you need a friend to talk to! I know how isolating it is to go through this

Jo xx
Thank you ladies. It's lovely to know there are people who understand. No one has even asked me how I feel. My mum suggested the tests are wrong and the bleeding is nothing and I could still be pregnant. That didn't help, but she was trying.

I don't want to give up, but I don't want to feel like this again :(
I am so so sorry - We have been trying for number 2 for almost a year with one MC at 10+ weeks and have a 4 year old - and he is what keeps me going - for me knowing that he WILL be a big brother one day -

You have such a rough time, all i can say i so hope it happens for you soon and while your felling like thin maybe a bit if a break maybe NTNP might be the way to go ??

Either way huge hugs
We were NTNP this time, I didn't think it would happen for ages x
I'm sorry you've had to go through this again, maybe do what Caterpiller suggested and take a break? I can't imagine how you feel as I've never had to go through a mc but I really feel for you and I hope you do get a sticky one :hugs:
I had 2 children with no problems then we decided to try for number 3 i had 3 miscarriages in a year and it destroyed me emotionally i just couldn't take the emotional rollercoaster of getting a bfp and then loosing the baby over and over. It was also starting to take its toll on my marriage as everything was about trying to get pregnant and stay pregnant. So i took a year off ttc to recover then just before we started ttc again i got pregnant by accident and now have a 12 week old son that i thought i'd never have, so my advice is take time to step back and recover emotionally. Don't start trying again to soon and make sure you talk to your oh about how you both feel as its so easy to block each other out and drift apart. Big hugs hun i'm sure that when things are right you will have a brother or sister for your gorgeous daughter.
I'm so sorry about m/c's, i know exactly how you feel, i'm on cycle 6 so abit behind you but have had a tough journey here.... my son was concieved after 2 cycles and i just cant understand how it can go from so easy to so damn difficult.

Dont give up, i know it sometimes feels like it's too hard to go on but you'll get there xxxxxxxx BIG HUGS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
:hugs: I'm so sorry hun, i cant really undertsand what you're going through as i'm just starting but i do think its kinda harder as you (and me) never 'tried' first time around so ina way it makes it worse as it was easy... dont know if that makes sense. But i think if it happened to me i'd find something like a course to study and take my mind of TTC for a while and it will happen. Also on whether it will be worth it, look at your girly and think whether it would be worth it if you'd had to go through this for her??
I had 2 children with no problems then we decided to try for number 3 i had 3 miscarriages in a year and it destroyed me emotionally i just couldn't take the emotional rollercoaster of getting a bfp and then loosing the baby over and over. It was also starting to take its toll on my marriage as everything was about trying to get pregnant and stay pregnant. So i took a year off ttc to recover then just before we started ttc again i got pregnant by accident and now have a 12 week old son that i thought i'd never have, so my advice is take time to step back and recover emotionally. Don't start trying again to soon and make sure you talk to your oh about how you both feel as its so easy to block each other out and drift apart. Big hugs hun i'm sure that when things are right you will have a brother or sister for your gorgeous daughter.

Faun - it's really nice you hear that if you keep trying you can still get what you want eventually, thanks for sharing.... just what i needed to read xxx
sorry you are feeling this way.I had 6 miscs before we had our firsr daughter. pure bloody mindedness kept me going.

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