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Where are my October 2016 Testers! :)

So e people are saying the glare from plastic part is keeping them from seeing the line. It's above the test line. Not dark, quite faint, but it's pink. And I looked it up there are a few conditions that can cause false positives, but with out those conditions it's very very rare. With dd 3 years the line on an early response, when af was late, was not much darker than this. And this is not an early type test, and either 3 days or 6 days before af due


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False positives are super rare. I did read quite a bit about the new frers giving false positives but idk how true that is. If you see pink irl that's a great sign!
W8ing- it could be a good thing you were never on birth control. I was on birth control in the past and it took me about a year to regulate my cycles and 6 months of TTC to get preg with my DD. Here's to the lucky 1st time time :flower:.

W8ting i hope you catch the egg first cycle! Do you temp or do opk?

Blue thats great progress!! :yay:

Aliko sorry to hear you and hubby are sick, no fun! But swimmers hang around so you never know!

Afm, i haven't been as active on this thread as I would like being that work has been kicking my butt lately, but thankfully things are slowing down a bit freeing up more time.

Well I think I am officially 1dpo today which means I ovulated pretty early at cd19 (normally I O between cd20-22) which kinda messed up my BD timing. Then hubby and I fell sick with colds so we have not been BDing as much or at the right times (honestly we kinda gave up this month).

Then with me being sick I'm not sure if my high temps means I O'd or I'm just a bit warm from being sick. So I could still have not O'd but doesn't matter cuase I've not been BDing anyways (with hubby and I being under the weather). I'm still possibly in this race but can't help but feel out. GL everyone!

hope you start feeling better, i had a look at your chart, maybe u can try and squeeze in one more bd if you end up feeling a bit better later during the day i think you're still in it to win it:hugs:
Blue- thanks mama. I'll try my best to get one more BD session in if hubby will have it lol :haha:. And luckily you've found a pattern for O! Now you can really setup a good solid plan.

ALiKO, could you please put me down for testing on the 20th? Seems soooo far away!
Weebles- hello :wave:. You got it for the 20th! Which is also my bday! GL sweetie.

I think I got a bfp today 11dpo
Whoa congratulations mama! That would make you our 1st BFP! :happydance: what a way to ring in the new month. Let me know when you would like to make it official on the front page.
False positives are super rare. I did read quite a bit about the new frers giving false positives but idk how true that is. If you see pink irl that's a great sign!

Actually the new frer test gave me a false positive 3 times this past cycle. I will never buy them again. They have an indent line that shows up as soon as you pee and it actually has slight color.
So e people are saying the glare from plastic part is keeping them from seeing the line. It's above the test line. Not dark, quite faint, but it's pink. And I looked it up there are a few conditions that can cause false positives, but with out those conditions it's very very rare. With dd 3 years the line on an early response, when af was late, was not much darker than this. And this is not an early type test, and either 3 days or 6 days before af due

I definitely see that line! Didn't squint or anything :happydance:
W8ing- it could be a good thing you were never on birth control. I was on birth control in the past and it took me about a year to regulate my cycles and 6 months of TTC to get preg with my DD. Here's to the lucky 1st time time :flower:.

W8ting i hope you catch the egg first cycle! Do you temp or do opk?

Blue thats great progress!! :yay:

Aliko sorry to hear you and hubby are sick, no fun! But swimmers hang around so you never know!

Afm, i haven't been as active on this thread as I would like being that work has been kicking my butt lately, but thankfully things are slowing down a bit freeing up more time.

Well I think I am officially 1dpo today which means I ovulated pretty early at cd19 (normally I O between cd20-22) which kinda messed up my BD timing. Then hubby and I fell sick with colds so we have not been BDing as much or at the right times (honestly we kinda gave up this month).

Then with me being sick I'm not sure if my high temps means I O'd or I'm just a bit warm from being sick. So I could still have not O'd but doesn't matter cuase I've not been BDing anyways (with hubby and I being under the weather). I'm still possibly in this race but can't help but feel out. GL everyone!

hope you start feeling better, i had a look at your chart, maybe u can try and squeeze in one more bd if you end up feeling a bit better later during the day i think you're still in it to win it:hugs:
Blue- thanks mama. I'll try my best to get one more BD session in if hubby will have it lol :haha:. And luckily you've found a pattern for O! Now you can really setup a good solid plan.

ALiKO, could you please put me down for testing on the 20th? Seems soooo far away!
Weebles- hello :wave:. You got it for the 20th! Which is also my bday! GL sweetie.

I think I got a bfp today 11dpo
Whoa congratulations mama! That would make you our 1st BFP! :happydance: what a way to ring in the new month. Let me know when you would like to make it official on the front page.

I'd love to make official. I have bloods tuesday. But, I had planned to test on oct. 1st bc af due September 30. But, if I am not only one who sees it then yes official
I'd like to join!!! TTC #1, O date is coming in the next few days, and due for my CLOCKWORK af on October 12th, so that's when I'm planning to test! Been getting busy the past few days but my husband is out of town tomorrow for the next five days so I really hope yesterday (or today if we get a minute alone) was the day. Fingers crossed for everyone! Let's get some bfps, ladies!
peanutmomma- its ofticial! congrats again!

srrhbell- welcome! Got you for the 12th :)
W8ing- it could be a good thing you were never on birth control. I was on birth control in the past and it took me about a year to regulate my cycles and 6 months of TTC to get preg with my DD. Here's to the lucky 1st time time :flower:.

W8ting i hope you catch the egg first cycle! Do you temp or do opk

ALiKO: Thanks so much! I'm hoping that it might give me a boost up and maybe it'll stick (u w u)
I don't want to jinx it, especially since it's still so early, but I've been feeling a little nauseous lately and I feel like maybe I could be psyching myself up but...who knows?! Maybe it's a good sign! (> U <)

StillWaiting: I hope so! I would be so happy and hubs would be over the moon! He's crossing his fingers for a little girl (n w n)
I'm not sure what "temp" or "opk" mean, I'm sorry! I've been using a period tracker app since January to try and get my cycles on track, and when my husband brought up trying at the beginning of September I just made sure we BDed two days up to ovulation and on the day of ovulation and we've been hoping and praying!! Unfortunately our jobs don't leave us with a lot of time for trying (u n u);;
Well, I can officially consider myself in the TWW. Don't temp anymore so either O'd today or I'm 1 dpo today. Went for my second acupuncture appointment (going weekly now). If anything it is definitely relaxing lol. I look forward to the appointments.

I really hope this is it. This is my 13th cycle (and 12th TWW since I didn't ovulate one month). If it doesn't work out for us this month I'm just going to put it in the hands of the doc. Will have my HSG next cycle so hopefully will get some good news from that if I don't get good news this cycle.
W8ing- it could be a good thing you were never on birth control. I was on birth control in the past and it took me about a year to regulate my cycles and 6 months of TTC to get preg with my DD. Here's to the lucky 1st time time :flower:.

W8ting i hope you catch the egg first cycle! Do you temp or do opk

ALiKO: Thanks so much! I'm hoping that it might give me a boost up and maybe it'll stick (u w u)
I don't want to jinx it, especially since it's still so early, but I've been feeling a little nauseous lately and I feel like maybe I could be psyching myself up but...who knows?! Maybe it's a good sign! (> U <)

StillWaiting: I hope so! I would be so happy and hubs would be over the moon! He's crossing his fingers for a little girl (n w n)
I'm not sure what "temp" or "opk" mean, I'm sorry! I've been using a period tracker app since January to try and get my cycles on track, and when my husband brought up trying at the beginning of September I just made sure we BDed two days up to ovulation and on the day of ovulation and we've been hoping and praying!! Unfortunately our jobs don't leave us with a lot of time for trying (u n u);;
Temp is checking your basal body temperature. Opk is ovulation predictor kit. To verify you ovulated.
Well ladies im out for October. DH doesnt want to ttc right now. Good luck and baby dust to all of you :dust:
Yeah it is I just want to o already. The first two were real faint but the last 3 r brighter but I know its not positive yet.

when do you usually O?

i just realised that all this time i was O'ing at CD 14-15 rather than CD12 and not bd'ing after CD 12, maybe that's why its taking so long to get a flippin bfp:wacko:

Before my two girls I was clockwork. 28 day cycle n o on CD 14. But haven't had a period since march 2012 n birth control. So I have no clue now
Hi ladies, I've spent some time reading through all your posts, and wanting to wish yous all the best of luck on your October BFP :dust:.

I'm hoping to join yous in the wait. This is my 1st cycle Back TTC after my MC @ 10+5 on Sept 17th, bleeding stopped on Friday & got 2 negative test Friday & Saturday. So I'm hoping all my hormones levels are back to normal. I'm due to Ov around 1st October(all being well hormone wise?) will only be temping & checking CM this cycle.

All going well I'll be hopingto test around 15th October & get my BFP.xx
Just read through all this thread phew!
First of all I see that many of us have birthdays in october (Im 24th) so I hope this will be our lucky month. When TTC my older boy I got pos OPK october 6th and got a bfp about 2ö3 days before my birthday :) So I am hoping this will be my lucky month again.
About OPK and lines disaearing. when ttc both my boys i used OPK the month I got pg. Both times I started about 5 days or so before I should O and I started with faint line then nothing then good pos 2 days later or something. So dont worry to much, keep testing.

So. I havent come over yet cause I thought if I wont be in a new testing group I might be less obsessive :)
So far so good but now I am geting excited again about the whole thing so I want to join you :)
You can put me down for october 16th, might test the 17th cause DH wont be home untill later the 16th and I am not sure If I want to test if he isnt home. We will see.
So Im on cd 11 today and will start using OPK on wednesday at cd 14 think I might either O or get pos OPK on october 1st.
well I'm well into CD16 (its 11:42pm here so I'll be CD17 soon) and still not pos opk :shrug: i always get a positive opk around the CD 12-14 mark and ive never not ovulated, not sure whats going on.

I tested this morning- neg stark white

tested afternoon- clear line but not quite positive

tested evening- line is there but lighter than noon

tested a few mins ago- line darker than afternoon but still not positive,

i have tugging pains on my left ovary, i spotted a bit today (red not brown and mixed with ewcm)

i still have wet slippery ewcm when I'm supposed to have lotiony/dry cm by now

i realised my chart was erratic and im hoping for a temp rise tomorrow to confirm ovulation, i don't want to miss my chance :(

BlueMama I occasionally O later than usual (maybe 1-2x a year). Happened last cycle. My OPK is usually positive CD 10-11 with O on CD 12-13. Last cycle OPK wasn't positive till CD 13 and I O'd CD 15.

It's pretty normal to have a couple longer cycles like that a couole times a year. Your probably just gearing up to O now! That one OPK is starting to look pretty dark!

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