Who has 2 close together?


Mum to 1 little girl
Jan 27, 2009
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Since I had Lyra I've been broody, I thought it would go away but it's just getting worse and worse! You'll all probably think I'm mad but I had textbook pregnancy and the most wonderful birth, I really want another baby! The only thing that's stopping me is thinking how hard it would be to be pregnant while Lyra is in the toddler stage. If I got pregnant right now she would be 15 months when I had another but it took me 13 months to get pregnant with her, plus breastfeeding, plus less sex :wacko:

Am I being stupid!? Has anyone had babies so close together? Please be brutally honest about the experience!
I'm having my 2nd in August and had Stephen in October :) It's easier in the early stages of pregnancy, but now in the 3rd tri it's getting a bit difficult! But, I'm guessing that will be the same with a toddler! In a way I am glad I'm having them so close together... gets the baby stage done in one go (even though we will have a third lol)
Well...... i had twins if that counts, and it was hard work, having two to occupy instead of one, my sister had a baby and another right after, she wanted their ages close together, she coped with her pregnancy fine though she did go through some emotional hormones, her second birth was more painful as they say, no two are the same, and as a baby it was all fine the other little one helped and got involved, its when he started to walk that she found difficult most, but now she returned to work and put both in nursery so she gets sometime to her self, be sure its what you want andnot just broody stage you can go through after having a baby, if so enjoy and gl on your next pregnancy, you'l probably find it won't take aslong to get pregnant this time.
pixxie, it took us 18 months to conceive bella with a lot of charting, etc. we decided to just let what happens happen this time round & conceived first cycle without even bothering to time bding!

i'm finding it harder this time round, but mainly because my morning sickness has been horrendous.

We are just starting to NTNP (welll technically have been since LO was born, but since we weren't :sex: it didnt really count :rofl:)
I want them close, it took us 3 yrs to conceive LO and hey, its its meant to happen it will - if not we'll end up with a bigger age gap anyway :lol:
TBH after the 3 years and many many fertility issues NTNP doesn't really happen, I'm so aware of my cycles and such. Who knows.
katie and ben there's 11 months between them:wacko: , and if i didn't already have 4, i would do it now too:haha: i love babies:blush::haha: i say go for it pix:thumbup: x
my daughter was 17 months when i had twins! hard work but worth it! x
There is about 14 months between the boys and I'm so glad I have had them close together, I don't haven't found it difficult but I hi kit depends on how your older child is, my eldest is especially clingy and is happy to play while I feed mikey and is patient when I'm busy I guess it may have been harder if William awas clingy and jealous.
I enjoy having the two of them, pregnancy was more tiring having William to around after but once your pregnant you just cope , good luck if decide to go for it x
My age gap was a bit bigger - 23 months, but I don't think I could of coped with another one even just a few month sooner. Im lucky that my toddler is quite independant, can happily play alone if im busy etc.
As for pregnancy I was deffo more tired, I had boarderline hyperemisis first preg, I wasn't as bad this time round, I just struggled with tiredness and SPD. I found the best way was just to get on with it, you have to when you already have a LO.
Thanks girls!

Malpal that's another thing to consider, twins do run in the family :shock:

Do you normally get pregnant easier after the first baby?
lol I did! Took me 3 weeks after having Stephen to conceive.... but that was because we didn't listen to the midwife when she said you're extra-fertile once you've just had a baby so we were a bit naughty! oops!

But hte other ladies are right, although it can be difficult with another small child and being pregnant, you do just adapt because you can't let your LO go without anything or get neglected. It's like when you're ill and have your LO, you just get on with it :)
I love the age gap between mine, but hated the second pregnancy. I was so tired, and honestly felt like I was shortchanging Imogen a lot of the time.

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