Who's your fave comedian


Proud dad
Sep 17, 2006
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Mine's Harry Hill

followed closely by Lee Evans & Bill Bailey
I wouldnt call harry hill a comedian , especially as he reads it all of cue cards

Lee evans is definetly good though:happydance:
I could sit for hours watching Rowen Atkinson as Mr Bean. Does he count?
I dont really know of any others- I saw a show on TV where Mike Reid was doing stand up. That was quite amusing.
lee evans for me hes that ugly hes flipping stunning :rofl: a just wanna grab his lugs and cuddle him :blush:
Mr and Mrs Pob lmfao!!!

Mine cubby brown ... finks he's halarious!!

I love Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy. I love the Blue Collered Comedy Tour......GET'ER DOOOONE
i looooove(and cant believe none of u have sed him!!!!) billy connelly!!!!!
Eddie Izzard, Bill Hicks, Jack Dee
i looooove(and cant believe none of u have sed him!!!!) billy connelly!!!!!
Yeah, that's who I was going to say. I love him!

Had a major thing for Ben Elton when he was cool *cough* years ago and used to do Saturday Night Live in his black sparkly suit. Anyone remember that?
lee evans for me hes that ugly hes flipping stunning :rofl: a just wanna grab his lugs and cuddle him :blush:

hahahaha pmsl i completely agree!!! ive got all his dvds and ive been to see him live
is lee evans the sweaty short guy lol!!
Eddie Izzard is like the male exqivalent of me, very much the same random humour and manorisms, I just do my make up better lol!

Also Ido love Ben Elton, the man is a genius, just the the immortal line when talking about woman, he said 'never trusts someone that bleeds for 7 days and doesnt die!'

Love Jack Dee, Billy Conolly and Bill Baiey too.
Peter kay and Lee Evans although Lee Evans can do my head in running around so much :headspin:
V75 does like Billy too, must have forgotten to mention him.

Mine are Billy Connoly and Lee evans
i hate billy conoly with a passion i mean he satnds and almost pisses himself laughing at his own jokes :dohh: soz i just hate him so much :lol:

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