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Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Aww I am sorry to hear that you weren't able to go to the casino. It sounds like you still had a great time though!!Drinks, dinner, and a movie are always wonderful!! How sweet that you made your husband a birthday breakfast too!!! It sounds like you had some great quality time together with or without a casino! :winkwink:

Darn it, I was going to look for preseed when I was at Target earlier today and I forgot. I got a $5 giftcard for buying something though, so maybe I will put it towards the pressed :)

No new updates for me yet. :( AF still hasn't come yet, and I'm still getting BFNs. :cry: I am so impatient...I just want to know one way or the other, so I can gear up for next cycle! Lol. I'm on CD33, just sitting over here waiting for something. :coffee: My temps are still high and still no spotting, but I have still had off and on cramps (well mostly a lower back ache).

I know I'm a late ovulater too! That would make since that you would be calculated to have O around CD16. That's only a few days away!! :happydance: Yes, I think you will definitely have your bases covered!!! Woohoo, BD for that BFP!!!
We did have a great time together and it was much needed. I'm was happy he enjoyed his self.

lol you forgot to get preseed, sounds like us women go in for one thing and come our with other stuff and forget what we was suppose to get.

Ovulation is so confusing to me because the month I did get pregnant in sept last year I ovulated on CD 14, I'm for sure I did. But months after that I been ovulating CD 16 or so. But I did however take a one of my cheapies ovulation yesterday just to see if the hormone level was present and it is but I didn't have a strong line so I believe I will ovulate later in this cycle.

I think after we this cycle if we are not pregnant we are gonna be NTNP and let try more natural route the next few months with exercising and see what will happen. I think I've been stressing over it all so if I don't think about it I will happen for us.

CD33 uhmm and no signs of AF!! I really hope this may end up your month!! :happydance: or some relieve from the stress of not knowing.
I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves too!!

Lol yes, I forgot the preseed, but I remembered the pregnancy tests! I got some FRERs even though I have a billion wondfos on hand. :dohh: I'm :wacko:

I agree that ovulation can be so confusing!!! Your ovulation dates (CD 14 and CD 16) are luckily not too far apart. It seems like the clomid has at least made you pretty regular, and it at least gives you an idea of possible dates. It sounds like your O will be coming soon! Wouldn't it be SO much easier if our ovulation occurred on the exact same day every month, and AF showed at the same time every month too!!! Ugh, so frustrating. It's Ok though, I feel hopeful that you can conceive even if O happens a little later. You will have BD covered!

That makes sense that you are considering NTNP. It definitely causes so much stress to think about all of this! I try so hard to tell myself not to stress and not think about it, but then I still do. :dohh: You're much better at being more rational and stress-free than I am!:hugs: You're right, it will definitely happen. I am praying that you don't need to even consider next cycle, because I am feeling optimistic about you getting your bfp!!!

I just don't know what to think about this cycle for me anymore!! I was feeling hopeful that AF didn't come, but I am also discouraged about getting negative hpts. I know chances of getting a bfp after a late period aren't very high, but I also know I didn't get my bfp until CD38 last time. I probably ovulated really late, which would make AF later if she is going to come. I also had a really high basal body temp today, which is weird. I don't know...I have so many thoughts going through my head. I am trying to stay level-headed and rational, but I also have to laugh at how crazy I have been googling everything and staring at my tests for so long trying to see a shadow of a line. :haha: Only time will tell!!
I agree if only it was like clockwork with ovulation and AF!
For the most part it still sounds promising that since last time you got BFP on CD38 and today is only CD33 it makes sense that's why u are still getting negatives now.

I try to stay not stress out about it but in actuality I really do be. So I think if I stop trying stop testing and stop with all the pills and just allow my body to do its own thing. After all I don't have a cycle before I got pregnant with my son so I'll see how this route goes for a few months. I'm really ready but I know it's gods timing and gods plans and patience is the key. I keep reminding myself that my body can't do its natural thing if I'm all stressed out.

Either way I'm excited for us both and our future. I'm anxious to see what this cycle turns out to be! I pray this is it and the stickiest little bean get all snuggle in tight! :hugs:
Lol, it's just ironic that the one time I am late for AF is when I have too much time on my hands to obsess about it!! :dohh: I will take another test tomorrow with FMU, but I don't want to get my hopes up. I wish I had the willpower to wait a few more days...but knowing me I will probably test everyday until AF or BFP. lol

Yes, it sounds good in theory to convince ourselves that we won't stress...but we are human after all. :) You are right though that there will likely be better outcomes when our bodies aren't stressed. You are also make a good point that you were able to get pregnant with your son after not having a regular cycle, so there is SO much hope for what is ahead for you!!! God has a plan for us, and I know it will be wonderful!!!:hugs:

Sticky little beans are definitely part of that plan! I'm praying for us, and incredibly excited for our futures as well! :hugs:
I am very excited too. Have you tested yet or are you still waiting??

Well for me its CD14 and bd every other day hasn't happen it's been more like everyday lol. Well I think we will keep at it at least til CD 17 maybe 18 in case I ovulate later in cycle. I've actually been keeping busy with my workouts they are intense but I feel great afterwards and so sore. But I've verb faithful to working out everyday :happydance: I've been having headaches off and on since maybe CD12. Wonder if that's good signs that maybe my hormones are gearing up for ovulation.

Oh how I wish we knew right at ovulation if we are pregnant or not how cool would that be? It'll make things for sure less stressful.
I tested this morning with a FRER...BFN. I'm not surprised. However, I did get my hopes up for a minute or so because the indentation line was SO visible. It turned white/gray immediately like the control line, but then it never turned pink when the control line did. Anyway, I know it doesn't mean anything. Boo. FRERs never used to have such deep, visible indentation lines when they are still inside their case! AF's not here yet either though, so I'll try again tomorrow. :coffee: I don't like having late AF, because I want to get on with next cycle! lol.

Good for you and DH being so on top of the BD ;) Woohoo! You're almost in the TWW with me! Your body is healthy and stress-free, and its ready to bring on that BFP this cycle! :happydance:

I think having a headache is definitely a good sign of your hormones changing! I always get headaches with hormone changes. I think you will definitely O soon! But yes, it would definitely be way better if we could know when we ovulated if we were pregnant or not!:haha:

Well, I finally started doing some Yoga yesterday! I'm still not as active as you are, but it's a good start for me. My lower back has been killing me; I feel like I pulled it. Doing yoga felt great...I'm a little sore today from it, but it's a "good" sore.

I'm glad to hear you are doing well and keeping busy! You definitely seem relaxed going into the second half of this cycle! I hope there is great news ahead for us this month! :hugs:
Oh mane I was hoping BFP news!! DARN FR tests ughh I hate when those little tricky things come up. One cycle it got me so good, it had color and everything I was so excited and a hour later AF showed. I was highly pissed off and was in a very b...y mood :wacko: :haha:

Yayy you started yoga. I'm gonna do some yoga tonight to because I'm super sore but I know because I haven't workout so hard like this since I use to run track years ago. But anywho it is a great start and I hope you enjoyed and felt so much better afterwards.

I'll be thrilled when I get in the TWW. I haven't test with anyone since that one time I wanna test again to see if it's any dark so I will know I am near ovulation. I'm certain we will be BD all on the right days and we are taking our vitamins and such! Let's hope this is my cycle. I'm really praying and hoping it is!

Here's to our sticky little beans :baby:
I was hoping for BFP news too :( I don't like the new FRERs as much, because those indent lines can look so much like a faint positive when they show up within the time period! I know it is different though, because with my first real bfp there was definitely pink color. Aww I am sorry that those indent lines have gotten you before too! :growlmad: It's definitely frustrating! I keep trying to tell myself that I'm not out until AF shows, but I feel like if I was going to get a bfp I would have gotten it by now. AF needs to stop playing with my emotions! lol.

Yes, the yoga was nice. Yesterday I did flow yoga, and today I think I am going to do Hatha yoga. To me they feel very different, and I like to switch it up :) That's cool that you ran track! I used to run a few miles everyday, and now I can barely jog to the end of the block and back. :blush: I think it's good to feel a little sore after working out, it means you are pushing your body! I mean its uncomfortable...but good too. lol.

Let me know how your OPK goes! I hope you are even closer to O now! Woohoo, I'm hoping and praying that this is your cycle too. From what it sounds like, your body is more ready than it has been in a long time! You sound healthy and ready for a happy, healthy 9 months of pregnancy! Do you take any vitamins other than prenatals? I can't remember. I did start taking my prenatals again last week. I'm also taking b-complex. I don't really know what the b-complex is for to be honest, but my sister told me it was good to take. :haha:
Yeah I like doing different yoga so your body doesnt get use to it. Sounds like we are ready for our up coming BFPs.

Yeah I ran track from age 8-16ish and then I stop. I should've kept running I was really good we broke a couple of records and won many championships! However I am also so out of shape I can't jog down the street without running out of breathe either :haha: that's funny but at least we are on the path to fix that.

Yeah this tricksters FR tests. But I'll test when I get off work and make it home. I've read I think on here that use later in the day urine for ovulation test bc fmu isn't as accurate. Idk but I have compared my tests before and the evening tests always were darker than fmu..

I am only taking prenatals. That's crazy my sister told me the same thing I just haven't went and gotten any. But for the most part I guess it's the waiting game now, and the more I look at my calendars I'm thinking i do ovulate much later than I think so that's probably why I haven't got any BFPs bc we normally stop BD after CD 15. So this time I'm gonna stretch it out as long as we can then perhaps after Cd 17 we just bd every other day! Lucky him :haha:
Oops I somehow didn't realize that you had already responded...or I thought I already responded! :dohh: My bad.

Another day, another BFN. I had another temp spike today, so I don't expect AF to come yet either. She definitely doesn't feel like she is coming anymore! Ugh, I can't help but to be frustrated. I so badly want to see a bfp or be able to move on to next cycle. The longer it takes for AF to come, the longer I have to wait to try again. I have moments when I am hopeful (probably TOO hopeful) and feel like I am pregnant, and then I see those bfns and it crushes my spirit. Now I'm wondering if I had an anovulatory cycle. If that is the case, I would have no idea when to even BD on the right days for my next O, or how to track any of it. I'm just confused and obsessing too much over trying to find an answer. I really need to find something to take my mind off of things, but I somehow keep ending up back on my computer searching for answers again. Sorry for ranting...I'm just having a bit of an off day.

Anyway, how are you?! Did you test with an OPK yesterday afternoon?! That makes sense that afternoon urine would be better at pinpointing your LH surge; I think I have heard that before too! I think it is definitely a good idea to keep BDing if you think you are going to ovulate later. Yes, I am sure your DH won't mind one bit. :winkwink:

It sounds like you were quite the track star; that is awesome!! It's funny how out of shape we can feel after only a few short years of not doing something. The joys of again. :haha: I was a dancer for many years, and also did a lot more yoga. I was flexible, muscular, and in shape. Now I can barely touch my toes, and I get winded walking up a flight of stairs. I am fine with my weight, but I wish I FELT healthy. That is the most important thing. You sound like you are definitely getting healthy, so I hope to join you in that venture!

Lol, that is funny that your sister recommended b-complex too! I think it is supposed to help with metabolizing food into energy? I don't know. lol.

Anyway, sorry again for being a downer about my own cycle. I hope you have high hopes moving towards your O-day, because I am definitely feeling good for you!!:hugs:
I understand I've had many cycles like this waiting on AF and she never showed. But for the most part you have had regular cycles so that makes me wonder BFP soon maybe it's too early. Don't apologize that why I'm here, it's okay let it all out!! I hope you feel better after wards.

For me I forgot to take the test and I'm kinda happy I did bc I'm not stress about it at all. I've been having ovary pains yesterday and today so maybe ovulation has or will take place tonight. We have BD yesterday and today and will tomorrow and I think we may be covered. I wanna count today as ovulation day or maybe tomorrow ummmm :wacko: I'm confused when should I count my dpo days??

Any who yes working out sounds great for us both. Hopefully it leads to BFPs sooner than later!!
Thank you! It honestly always makes me feel so much better when I talk to you! :hugs: I am now officially saying that this is NOT usual for me. I've had some wacky cycles, but I have always gotten AF and have never been this late. Aside from the crazy months on depo, I've never actually missed a period. Part of me really wants to believe that it will turn into a BFP. All day yesterday I had this feeling that I was pregnant, and was just disregarding the BFN because I thought for sure I would start seeing lines soon. Then this morning, I still got a BFN. I thought maybe I saw a shadow of a line on my wondfo, but I think it might be in my head. All I can do is wait, but it's so weird because it really doesn't feel like AF is coming anymore!!:shrug: The wait continues. Luckily I have a lot of homework today to keep my mind occupied!

I'm glad you aren't feeling stressed about O! If you had ovary pains two days ago and yesterday, maybe consider this as 1dpo? Definitely BD some more for good measure though in case you felt your O pains earlier than you actually ovulated :) Woohoo! I think you have it covered! I am so happy for you. I so badly want to see you get your BFP this cycle! It's time for you to get that miracle baby!:baby:

Thank you again for being here to listen to my rants! You're the best!:hugs:

:dust: to both of us!!!
Oh yes it is always a pleasure to get on here and chat with you. It's crazy people don't truly understand. Well I guess not because they never been in this position before. Some people just pop out babies like its nothing but then we have me it's takes forever just to have one! Ughh sorry in the funk today cause I'm suppose to be due June 20. Then my use to be best friend is having her baby Tuesday. It's crazy I found out a week before her and everything was cool between us until after I had my miscarriage. I tried reaching out to her several times bc I did care and she was a dear friend to me. But the conversations we had via text clearly spelled out our friendship has long sailed away! Anywho it's always nice to talk to someone like you who genuinely cares..

I guess I will count today is 1dpo I guess AF is due around or between June 20-27 some where in between there idk!! I've been kinda really laid back this cycle and I'm hoping my method being this way leads to my BFP.

Now I can say this is very interesting that you don't feel like AF is coming. And still BFNs ughh!!!! :wacko: I can't wait to see what makes of this cycle either BFP of CD1 whichever is good so stress can be relieved. How exciting we could possibly be bump buddies!!! :hugs:

Hope you get your work done and not be soo stressed out!! I'm actually ready to start back school I don't start until late August!!
It is so true! I wish your journey TTC had not been so difficult. You have been through so much, especially with your losses. Other people may get pregnant more easily, but your long journey will be well worth the wait when you get your miracle babies. You are definitely due for a bfp soon! I have all the faith in the world that you will get pregnant soon, and you are going to be an AMAZING mom. You already are.

I am sorry to hear that you are in a funk. I didn't realize we were close to your due date. :( I'm sure that brings up a whirldwind of emotions. I know I would be in a funk too. Take some time to reflect and relax. It's always good to be able to express all of those emotions and not let them bottle up too much. You have always been such a strong woman, and it is not a sign of weakness AT ALL to grieve your losses.

I am sorry to hear about your old friend too. The situations sounds difficult in many ways for you. That is incredibly odd that she has been so distant since your miscarriage. I know you have talked about her a few times...and you don't really know what happened between you two? :( Obviously it is nothing you did, because I know you well enough to know that you are sweet, caring, and a great friend. I'm sure it still hurts though to know that such a good friendship has faded in such a way. :(

On a more positive note, woohoo for being 1dpo! Let the TWW commence. I'm very impressed with how laid back you have been! I think that is great! AF may be due for you around the end of June, but I forbid her from coming because you are going to get your BFP! :haha: But in all seriousness, I really do hope that your stress-free cycle is just the thing that your body needs to conceive your little one. :hugs: I can't wait! I will literally be just as happy for you as if it was me. Stick baby stick!!!!:happydance:

Well after I said I didn't feel like AF was coming, it *kinda* feels like she might again?! I don't know...I can't tell if I have really dull cramps, or a backache, or an upset stomach. I can't even pinpoint it anymore! At this point I would be scared of getting a BFP because I feel like it is so late in my cycle. I kind of want AF to come. I mean I don't, but you know what I mean. Yes, I will be relieved when I can at least move on from this limbo!

I think even if we don't get pregnant in the same month, we will still get to be bump buddies! I have a feeling we are both going to get pregnant sooner than later! :happydance: Sticky baby dust *check*, positive attitude *check*, good health *check*, good vibes *check*, tons of prayers *check*. We are ready to make some babies!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I got most of my work done, but I am going to go finish it. I know what you mean about missing school when you aren't in it. :haha: August will be here soon enough! Enjoy the R&R while you can! :hugs:
:hugs: aww I love getting on here! You made me feel so much better! I do realize I am much stronger than I think. But my old friend it's crazy her birthday was in May and I texted her wishing her a happy birthday even though she didn't wish me one. I asked how her and baby was and she asked who is this??! I was confused and I assumed she deleted my number out her phone. However I ignore that still asking how they were because she had a miscarriage before and a stillborn last year at 38 weeks. I asked bc I was concerned. But she was being very short. Then it's crazy bc our husbands are very close friends!!!

Enough of that... Yayy two week wait I'm excited and I'm impressed myself how good I have been and relaxed!! And you are right we have all those things checks and we are ready to get our BFPs and I'm sure we will be bump buddies. I'm really looking forward to it!! I went on this website and it said bc my cycle is 31 days that I'm due to ovulate Monday???!!! I don't know how to feel about that or what to think bc I'm still feeling ovary pains today, either way I'm gonna BD tonight and tomorrow and I think we will have it covered!! And I will test on June 20th!! I'm EXCITED!!'
:happydance: :happydance: :cloud9: :baby: let's get our miracle babies!!
:hugs: Well I am glad you are feeling a bit better! I'm always here for you! :) Goodness, that is crazy about your friend. It was really nice of you to text her happy birthday and also to check on her pregnancy! It's weird that she would be so short and dismissive to someone who clearly cares! :nope: That is really interesting that your husbands are close too...that adds a whole other dynamic. Do either of them know what is going on between you two? Ugh, I'm sorry! Good for you for being a big person about all of it! Maybe someday she will come around.

Yayyy TWW time! That is interesting that an ovulation predictor told you that you may O today?! I would say that *could* be accurate, however I think the clomid would have made you O slightly earlier than today?! I would say not to worry about it too much, because I hear a lot of women that use different apps and websites and they often get different predicted dates. Hmm, but you are still having ovary pains too? Ahh, so confusing. I really don't know! With that said, it definitely doesn't hurt to keep BDing!! You will have it covered! ;)

Still no news here. Lol. I used a wondfo this morning and it looked like another BFN. I was going to go back and squint at it, but I put it under a piece of paper and it got smudged. :dohh: Woke up with a few light cramps, but my temp is still high. Where in the world is AF? The wait continues.:coffee:

Yayyy, I am excited for you to test on the 20th!! :happydance: I can't wait!!:hugs::happydance::flower::cloud9::dust:
Yes our husbands know, well my DH knows full details I showed him every message and told him everything. They are in the Navy together so they are pretty close. It does make the situation very hard. But I told my husband I'm a big girl and I'll be a bigger person and leave the whole thing alone I won't make any attempt to contact her no longer. I want to be a woman about it and told hubby that I don't want what's going on between her and I to jeopardize their friendship bc they have been friend many years. It's not my character to make him choose between him and myself. I have no problem with neither of them. :shrug: It's crazy he was at out house last month.. Idk that whole thing is crazy :wacko:

Oh no still BFN!!!! Wow this is a pretty tricky cycle and I don't know what to make of it or think so I can only wonder how it's making you feel. :hugs:
But for me I woke up super late today and I've been having those pains in my ovaries and I assume ovulation pains as well. I went to sleep last night without BD ughhh!!! :dohh: It's okay it's just one day I will BD tonight tho I know for sure so far we BD on CDs 11,12,13,15,16. So I skipped CD14,17 I think that's okay bc I still BD the day before and after on those days. I'm pretty sure I'm covered and you right I shouldn't think to much on it. I'm gonna finish this cycle off strong and relaxed..

So I completed my two devotional reading plans. One was called "God,Sex, and Your Marriage" and the other was called "The Confident Woman Devotional". Now I'm on two new reading plan they are a little longer this time but they are called " A seed of hope during infertility" and the other is "Habit of Happiness". I'm also reading this book called "Happy Wives Club". All that sounds like a lot but it's not it's just something to keep me busy until school starts and also help me through my two week wait. :coffee:

I'm super excited I pray that God allow is will be done and I pray that this is the perfect timing for us both to conceive and this will turn into healthy happy pregnancies for us both. :happydance: :baby:

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Well, you are definitely being the bigger person in the relationship you have with your old friend. The ball is is her court to make amends if she ever decides to do so. I bet that can definitely be awkward to see her husband, but it is good that you are not bothered by your husband and her husband being such good friends still. Ugh, that is still unfortunate though that she has acted like that towards you. :nope: I have gotten to the point in my life where I don't like to waste my time and energy on people that do not respect me in return, so I try not to let them get under my skin. Sounds like we are both able to recognize our true friends and the relationships that are worth it. :hugs:

Sheesh, I know this has been such a weird cycle for me! I just don't even know what do do other than keep waiting. Lol. It is making me crazy, but there isn't a whole lot I can do. It has gotten to the point where I just laugh and say "whatever will be will be". My body is just doing its own thing I guess. :shrug: I just hope if I had an anovulatory cycle that I will be able to recognize when I O next. I would hate to miss out on the chance to get pregnant this next cycle...if I can even consider it a "next" cycle. :dohh:

Well, I bet it was nice to sleep in a little though (unless of course you were late for something?). So have you decided when you are going to count 1DPO since you have continued have O pains, or are you still going with yesterday's date?

It's OK that you didn't BD last night! I have heard that it is good to take some breaks, so the sperm can regenerate. :haha: Dang, you definitely have it covered!! I'm going to have to amp up my BDing, because I fall asleep ALL the time before we get the chance to. :blush: That's going to make it hard for me to catch that egg, so I should probably work on that. lol. You should definitely be good for this month though! EEEK bring on the 20th! I'm so happy that you have been so strong and relaxed - it will be the perfect way to bring in that BFP!

All of your reading material sounds so interesting!!! Where do you get your devotional readings? They sound great! I need to look into some new books; I always enjoy reading. It is definitely a great way to pass the time . I have been reading a book for my class on Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. It is really intense and heartbreaking to read at times, but it is also incredibly uplifting to read about peoples' strength and individuals talking about their journey of healing. It's also way better than a 'regular' textbook. Although, I think I now to read something a little more upbeat...

I'm excited too! I know I keep saying that, but I know God will grand us our healthy pregnancies and miracle babies. I look forward to it everyday!

Yes is is very strange to see her husband but it's been crazier that we go to the same ob! But I like yourself had to learn to not let people upset me and not waste time or engery on it. After the miscarriage I was a mess then had to deal with her flip flopping and attitudes was crazy! Any how I'm happy I'm at peace with it all!!

I'm hoping it's not anovulatory cycle cause sometimes next cycle takes forever to come. I've had many of those :wacko: it sucks!! But for the most part it's good that you are more like what it will be it shall be. As for me I'm not sure when I should count dpo so I'm gonna stick with test on June 20th and leave it at that! Seems to be a more relax method not to think about it and count days!

Oh my readings is off this app on my phone called Bible and in the settings on the app you can find many different reads. The other book im actually just listening to it on this thing called audible.com I had a pass to get a free book so I got that, however once I finish I may go try to find more books to read!!

I'm happy for us both and I'm waiting on our BFPs!!!! Let's get them!!!

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