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Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

That's definitely crazy! I'm sure that is not what you needed at all after your miscarriage, in yet you have still been respectful to her throughout everything! I am glad you are at peace with it! Hopefully she comes around someday.

I'm hoping it's not an anovulatory cycle too. I have always worried about possibly having one, but then AF always came...just never this late. I'm on CD40! I guess I will try and pay attention to my CM in case I ovulate again later this month. My temp dropped a little today, so maybe just maybe AF will finally show! I just want to try again this month!! Lol.

I think that is a good plan to still test on the 20th! IF you get a bfn, then you will know it could still be too early, because I really think you will get that bfp this month! Good for you not even considering the days! Woohoo! I like the way you think ;) I have everything crossed for you!!

That is very cool about the app and website! I will have to look into it! I have a cheaper version of a kindle, and I really want to find something on there to read. I'll let you know if I find anything that would be of interest to you! :)

Keep staying strong! This is your month!:hugs::happydance:
Yes that was the last thing I needed. I just though she would be more understanding and just would be there because just August she had lost her son and we (hubby and I) was there by their sides the entire time. I was there at the beginning of her pregnacy and all. She even named me god mother of her son! I find that so strange that she calls me that and we use to talk everyday I mean everyday not a day goes by that we didn't chat! But now we haven't talked in months since December maybe! Owell life goes on!!

Well your temps dropping I'm hoping maybe she will show up for you so you can move on to the next cycle. I'm on CD 19 and you are on 40 wow well maybe you will have another ovulation happen this cycle! All positive thoughts!! I'm hoping something happens fast for you!

As for me like I said CD19 and we decided if this cycle is a bust but I pray it's not. But we will go ahead and go back to my ob then he will set up my appointment to see the RE! I'm not saying we are in a rush but we kinda are bc hubby possibly be going on another deployment in Feb idk yet but us knowing it could happen we are now trying to get pregnant ASAP!!!
Yeah, I can definitely see how you would think she would be more understanding of your situation when you were there for her so much! It sounds like you have been an amazing friend to her, and she obviously thought highly of you to call you the godfather of her son. It's really sad how much things and people can change in life. You are right though, all you can do is keep moving forward. You're an amazing person, don't forget it!

I was in class today and thought AF was coming, so I ran to the bathroom....nope she's still a no-show. Lol. Thank you for the positive thoughts. I hope something happens soon too!! !

Wow, that is crazy that your hubby could be going on another deployment! :( I can see why you would want to get pregnant as soon as possible (among other reasons). You will!!!! Like i've said before, I hope you don't need to go see the RE, because I am praying SOOOO much that you get your BFP this cycle! Woohoo CD19, it seems like that has gone by pretty fast! I have nothing but good thoughts and high hopes for you! :hugs:
Oh I know the feeling thinking AF is about to come then nothing happens :haha: AF is so tricky!! Guess we just keep waiting together!!! :hugs:

Yes CD19 I mean time as flew by. Before I know it I'll be testing! I'm really praying this is it. Today I was so tried I came home and took a long nap! I'm not gonna symptom spot either but I must admit I've been feeling pretty strange! I can't wait to see what the cycle makes for us!
Oh it's so late here it's like 12am! But I didn't know what to do or how to react! My hubby just told me they he might have to go on some orders (military) but it's here in the states but it's for 90 days. And if they pick him he will leave it two weeks maybe less. I not mad, bc it's providing for our family and our future.
But it changes everything, I hope this is the month of my BFP bc if not I gotta wait 3 months to try again and if they don't extend his orders to longer. He would be going to Maine.
Then I was telling you about the deployment that won't happen to next year if they pick him to go, the difference with that one he will be across seas tho, I think he told me Africa!

Oh geez I'm overwhelmed! Either way if I gotta wait I'll continue on with getting in better shape and by then I'll been started school already! I guess I'll keep myself busy! But good thing he will be in the states I can still contact him via cellphone, emails. The last deployment it's was rough we didn't talk as much, he had to buy calling cards and we talked most via internet (emails, yahoo messenger, sometimes face time) his internet connection sucked!!

I don't know!! Guess I'll cuddle with him as much as I can in case he has to go!!!
WOW, your thoughts and emotions must be all over the place! How are you really doing?:hugs: Even though nothing is set in stone yet, that is still big news!!! And it sounds like this could all happen very soon if he gets picked! It would definitely be great if he was in the states vs. overseas, but I know that is still a really long time to be away from your husband. :cry: These orders are 90 days, how long are deployments typically? The time can vary, right? I'm sure it would feel safer to have him in the U.S too where you can talk to him more often. Wow, that is so soon though!! My mind is racing, so I can't imagine how you are feeling! I know you aren't mad, because you are right that he is providing for your future and family. I can definitely see why you are overwhelmed though. :hugs:

Hang in there and take things day by day. I believe it will all unfold for the best for you and your husband. I don't even know what to say, because I would probably be a mess. I have so much respect for you and your husband, as well as other military families; It doesn't sound easy, but it is certainly honorable and admirable. I know it is hard to be away from your husband for any length of time, but I know you both have the strength and love to get through whatever happens. I am praying for the best possible outcome!:hugs:

Crazy! When will he know if he is picked to go on these orders? Do you know what the likelihood is? Yes, definitely go cuddle with your husband as much as possible!!!!!! Spend some quality, relaxing time with him!:hugs:

I'll be thinking about you! I am praying for all the best! And yes, I am really praying for that BFP this month too!!! Definitely keep me informed about how this all unfolds! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
So we found out this morning!! Yayy they didn't pick him. I feel bad for saying that but I am filled with joy!! So now back to my original plans if this cycle is a bust we are going straight to RE no more waiting! It makes sense bc a lot jobs are opening for my hubby and deployments! However long story short he is staying home for now.

Yes the times vary for how long they are gone! I'm unsure how long this other deployment will be. If he gets picked for that one he will leave in February next year to go across seas!

I'm so excited! I'm really hope this is my cycle so we don't have to take it a step future but if we do then I'm more than ready! Thank you for your kind words about military families! When we first started dating he took me on the river and explain to me that he was in the military and if we were gonna be together he needed to know that I am strong enough to be okay if he had to leave and etc! We vow to each other it was gonna better out future and our babies!!!
Oh I love him, he is such a great man!!

So how CDs coming? No signs of AF?? For me CD 20 I got about 11days before AF suppose to show up!! Pray she stay away!!
Oh good!!!! I am SO glad he is staying. I am sure you are relieved. Honestly, I am so glad to hear that. YAYYYY! :happydance:

That makes sense about jobs opening up and different lengths of deployment. That is really sweet that you guys had that conversation ahead of time about the military- you are an incredibly strong couple! I love it, you two sound so perfect together. :cloud9: Well, I hope any information you receive about possible future deployments will be only good news!

Woohoo back to the original TTC plan! :) I have everything crossed that this is your cycle! I know you will be able to tackle the path of going to a RE IF you have to, but I'm hoping this is it! I'm praying for AF to stay away for you, and that you already have a sticky little bean traveling around to find somewhere to get comfortable for the next 9 months. :hugs:

I'm CD 41 today. I didn't take a test this morning, but I will likely take one later this afternoon. I don't know why I keep testing, but I don't know what else to do while I wait! My DH has been sweet. He knows by now that I am late for AF and that I'm stressing out about what is going on. I told him I keep squinting at tests, and now he keeps wanting to squint with me for a second opinion. Lol. I keep telling him that there is nothing there and that I am crazy for even staring at them for as long as I do, but he just sits down next to me and tells me he wants to be there for me and that I can talk to him about it whenever I need to. He's such a sweet man and never misses an opportunity to try and lift my spirits.

CD20 and counting down the days for you!!! I'm still so excited!! :happydance:

Ugh, well I have a dentist appointment today to get fillings. It was supposed to be next wednesday, but they had an opening and asked if I could come in....so of course I am having some anxiety about going back to the dentist. Lol.
Oh yes I was relief this morning! But this job has open up and the manager told him to apply so fingers crossed that he get it! I'm praying! It's a great paying job but I know him he will still assist on working two jobs!

I'm so happy to hear your DH see squinting with you! :haha: that's great! We had incredible men in our lives and we are so blessed!! It's so funny DH said last night we can't miss any "days" I said we didn't we are on the TWW! But that was his slick way of trying to bd lol I laughed at him!!

Ive got high hopes this cycle and I know I shouldn't let them be so high but I'm excited!! I'm ready to see what this cycle comes of for us!
Yes, I bet! So happy that you can continue to have all the cuddles you want! That is great that a job may be opening up for you husband! My fingers are crossed that he gets it too! :happydance:

Lol, our husbands really are amazing, aren't they?!? That is so funny that your husband said that. When I told my husband I didn't want to turn TTC into a job, he just kind of laughed because he would never consider BD a job! Hahaha sounds like they are similar in that thought!

I didn't end up testing this afternoon, because it didn't look concentrated enough. I figured I would skip it and try again later tonight or tomorrow morning.

I don't think you are getting your hopes up too high! I think it is good to stay positive! All we can do is take things day by day, and as of today, things are all in order for you! :hugs: EEE I'm so ready to see what this cycle brings for both of us too!
Oh yes we do have awesome husbands!! And I can understand you saying you didn't want to make TTC like a job. It's so easy to get so into it and obsess with TTC. I must admit in the beginning I did make our experience with clomid the second month back in June, it was horrible !! But I got all of that in check!

Well it's okay you didn't test just test in the morning. I'm really anxious to know what this cycle will be for you! It really has me stomped. Well I guess we will just wait together! :happydance:
I started spotting this morning, CD42!! It's still not officially full-blown AF, but that usually means that she will be arriving soon! I never thought I would be so excited to start spotting, but I feel like this wait will finally be over soon!! Woohoo, then I can get on with next month!! I am definitely really relieved. I am really hoping that I ovulated after all and that it was just really late. AHHH I finally have something happening! :happydance:

Yes, it is so easy to obsess and make TTC a job. I think part of it is to be expected. I just know how I am, so I am just hoping that it can happen somewhat naturally and with my sanity intact. I want it to be fun. :haha: To me, you have always seemed to have yourself in check! You always have such a positive outlook on everything! I hope this next cycle I can follow your lead with taking a stress-free approach! :)

YAY, anyway...I'm feeling good that I have SOMETHING to update you with. :haha: I'm praying for you BFP this month, and hopefully I will be right behind you! :happydance::happydance::happydance::hugs:
Yayy finally some relief and you can start on with the next cycle. I'm sure she will start full force soon I hope not so bad though. Maybe you did ovulate much later than you expected and let's get ready for next cycle.

CD21 for me and I'm a little convince that this may be the month. I'm having headaches, extremely tired & I felt a little sick this morning after breakfast. I've been having this fullness feeling in my uterus area. But I'm not gonna get my hopes up high but yet just pray that God will allow his will be done and this finally be our month. I can't help but be excited and trust in God and I'm just ready to have morning sickness, get all big and fat and all the pregnacy hormones!!!
I look forward to completing a nursery and baby shopping and baby showers and just over all happiness and our family be completed!!! :happydance:

Yes, I am definitely feeling relieved to finally know one way or the other! I am definitely starting to feel crampy, so I'm thinking either today or tomorrow I will get to count as CD1 whenever she decide to comes full force. Yes, hopefully she treats me well after playing with my emotions for the last two weeks! :haha: I will definitely be tracking my BBT, CM, and CP for the entire cycle so I can have a better idea of O. Hopefully I won't O so late this month!!

I am also thinking about buying some cheap internet OPKs. I don't really want to spend a lot of money on them, so I guess we'll see :)

That sounds good that you have already been feeling a little differently! Sounds like it could be some hormone changes going on! I'm praying that your body is gearing up for pregnancy! Awww, it's so fun to think about getting a baby bump and all the crazy cravings and hormones! Morning sickness won't be fun, but it's something to look forward to because it will be part of our beautiful, healthy pregnancies! :cloud9: I am praying that God has it in his plan for you to get pregnant this month! It is your time!!:hugs:

The whole thing sounds amazing! I can't wait to do all those baby-related things too! Ah, what a blessing! :cloud9:
Yes what a blessing!!!

I don't know why I do this to myself, :haha: but I looked online and it said I could be feeling like this because the high levels of progesterone and that implantation probably has happen yet. I believe this is very true. To be realistic I've never had a great response of clomid or gotten pregnant off it so I don't feel very confident in it. :dohh: I'm much more confident in the femara. So I think I'll just wait to see, but I'm gonna make an appointment with my ob on June 23, so we can go ahead and set up the appointment for the RE and get things rolling. I just feel like its a bust. Idk why but I pray God has different plans than I do and allow me to conceive this cycle!! :baby:

On the flip side I've been able to work from home these past two days because I'm doing some "training work" online. I have like 79 lessons to complete by Sept. I can do it by then well before then!! Anyways at least I'll be certified afterwards and I can go work at a hospital now. Next step after that is to tackle nursing school head on!!

Hope your day is going great and sounds like you are totally prepared for next cycle and ready to get that BFP I'm cheering for you all the way!! :happydance:
But high levels or progesterone are good for preparing our bodies for pregnancy, aren't they?!? Aww, don't lose hope! Wait, didn't you get pregnant on your first cycle of clomid....or was that femara? I know you hadn't had a normal cycle before your bfp last year, but now I'm forgetting the details. I'll look back at previous posts. :dohh: Either way, I think your body has been responding very well to the medication! You have been having normal ovulation recently, so I feel like you have a great chance this cycle!! I'm staying optimistic! :hugs:

Well, I think it is good that you have an appointment with your ob soon! You may even have your bfp by then! It's hard to be in the TWW, because one minute we feel completely optimistic and the next minute we get down on ourselves. Hang in there! I'll be here to chat during those good days and not so good days! :hugs: It's definitely a roller coaster, but I'm here for you! I am praying so hard for this to be your cycle though!!!

That is nice that you have been able to work from home the last few days! Is this the CNA certification, or are you already done with that? Woohoo, you will definitely be able to get it done, and then on to nursing school! Good for you; that is amazing!!! :happydance:

Yes, I am SO ready to get going on this next cycle! AF will probably show up in the middle of the night. That always seems to happen, and then I don't get much sleep. :nope: Oh well, I will still be happy to have a fresh start!

We are going to get those BFPs!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Yeah that's right high progesterone levels means possible pregnancy. And I got pregnant the first time using Femara. I haven't had any success rates with clomid but it is making me ovulated and I saw that from the last monitored cycle when I took ovidrel and had all those ultrasounds. But at any rate I kinda on and off, one point I'm sure this is my cycle then the next min I'm like no its not.

I feel like hypocrite bc I say trust in God but then I'm allowing myself to feel doubtful. Like I'm not trusting him, but I truly do and I pray God gives me more strength to get through this process!

DH and I talk last night about the RE. I'm happy he is very supportive and say whatever it takes to get the baby here I'm in. I just wish it wasn't as hard as it is. I know God has a plan and I just have to wait patiently and trust him!!

Yeah today I'm not myself and feeling a little discourage but in due time God will make a way out of no way! :hugs:
Awesome, well high progesterone is good then! You may not have gotten pregnant on clomid in the past, but I still have hopes that it is working for you. If it can help you ovulate, then it can help you get pregnant too! Hopefully this will be the month that you can say clomid was successful for you! ;)

Aww don't feel like a hypocrite - You aren't!! You can trust in God and still have have good and bad days where you wonder if your prayers have been answered yet. I can see your patience, strength, and trust, and I am sure God can too! I think it is normal to have days where you may feel doubtful, and others where you are more optimistic. Hang in there!

I am always so happy to hear that your husband is so supportive of you. I think going to the RE is a good next step if that is what you need to do. I wish it was all easier for you too, but look at how much your body (and mind) have made such positive changes while TTC; you are healthy, you are ovulating more consistently than you did in the past, and you are motivated, strong, and determined to do whatever it takes for your future and family. Trust yourself and the process, because you will undoubtedly achieve the goals you set out for yourself! :hugs:

Every day I am praying that this is your month to conceive and that you will have a healthy, amazing pregnancy! :hugs: How are you feeling about everything today? You are getting closer and closer to the end of your TWW!

As for me, I started AF yesterday! She finally came in the middle of the day. I've had terrible cramps, so I have been watching netflix and lounging on the couch. CD2 now though! I am also watching a friend's dog, so I have had my hands full with two dogs that have way more energy than I have had because of AF! :haha:

Anyway, I hope you are feeling better today!!:hugs:
Yes I feel much better! I cried yesterday, when expressing how I felt to DH! He was so sweet and said hang in there we are okay! :happydance: he always makes me feel better and then I get on here and I feel even better! :hugs:

Yayy finally she came! But AF could've kept those cramps! Oh I hate cramps! I get the worst cramps ever when I come on. But a fresh cycle for you and on to good things!! I'm praying it happens for you this cycle!!!! :dust: :dust:

As for me, CD23 for me! Of course POAS kicked in and I tested this morning and it was negative as I knew already!! Also I sometime have little acne breakouts when AF is going to show soon, and yep I got two little bumps :haha: I'm not really sure about this cycle. But good news I get to make my appointment Monday for this week so I can schedule the appointment with my RE next week. I'm trying to time it perfectly. From me watching youtube, usually it goes like this, first appointment is like interview type (get all your info and past history of pregnancies) then they wanna do blood work and hsg testing and all that testing stuff. Then they want to see you CD 1or 2 to get base line ultrasound of the ovaries and stuff. Then we go from there either clomid or femara (of course I'm picking femara) and maybe ovidrel shots and ultrasounds to pinpoint ovulation. Whew we a mouth full I know! But I'm excited to see what next week holds for me and this cycle for you!!

I'm overly excited I've already printed out the forms from the RE my OB is going to send me to, and I have done my papers and my husband's papers lol :haha:

Well baby :dust: :dust: :dust: :happydance:
Aw, Brittany, I am sorry to hear yesterday was so rough for you! Sometimes it feels good to have a good cry though, especially when your husband can be there to make you feel better afterwards! :hugs: He is right though, you guys are definitely okay, and I have a feeling it will only get better! It sounds like things are moving in a great direction!:hugs:

YAY CD23, you are definitely moving along! Lol, it's kind of fun to be a POAS addict. I loved having cheap tests, because I literally tested at least twice a day! :haha: I have everything crossed that your tests start showing lines here really soon!!! :happydance::happydance:

Last cycle I thought acne was a sign of AF coming, but I got a little acne that came and went two weeks before AF came. I think in general it can be from changing hormones, so it could still be a sign of a little one snuggling in too! *Fingers crossed!* Your cycle is far from being over- there is still plenty of time to get that BFP. It sounds like you are making great steps for a backup plan though! You are so on top of things; it really does sound like you are planning the timing perfectly!!! YAY, all of that sounds like such a great plan IF you do in fact need to take those next steps! I look forward to hearing how all the appointments go! Is your ob/gyn appointment still on the 23rd, or I thought I read it was maybe on a monday somewhere in your post, but now I can't find it. Lol.

I am so happy to hear you are good spirits today; it sounds like you have great things coming up with either having a bfp soon or starting to work with your RE and OB. I SOOOO hope it's the BFP! I'm sending the stickiest of baby dust your way!!

Yes, I wish AF would have kept the cramps too! :dohh: I get terrible, painful cramps too! I always have - darn my endometriosis! Either way, I am feeling really good about moving into this new cycle. I am going to temp and check my CM everyday, and this will be the first full cycle that my DH is ready to at least fully commit to not preventing...(and me doing a little bit of the "trying" by tracking O, but he on board with this!!) AHHH I hope wonderful things are just around the corner for us both this time! :happydance::hugs:

:dust: !!!!!!!

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