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Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Oh my goodness!! It sounds like you have had A LOT going on in the last few weeks! I am so sorry I haven't been on here to be more supportive! :( I feel awful! To start with the positive: YAYYY I am so happy that you are done! You are an incredible woman, and I am not a bit surprised by all of the things you have accomplished! I know that is just one of the many goals that you will achieve! Woohoo graduation is this week! I would love to see pictures. Anyway, I bet you are over the moon and feeling great about being done. Congratulations again!!!!

Also, I am so glad that you had a wonderful birthday! You deserved it. I'm also glad that you and your hubby celebrated your son's birthday. I am glad that it was full of positive thoughts and love. I was thinking about all of you and sending my hugs and prayers.

As far as TTC- WHOA! It sounds like there has been a lot of new news there. My goodness. I am so sorry that all of this is happening; being unofficially diagnosed with PCOS and having to wait a bit longer to TTC. :( On the other hand, I am also glad that they are taking your entire medical history into consideration in order to provide you the best treatment possible. I still love your doctor for always looking into everything, especially because when it comes to OB/GYN stuff things get missed a lot. It took over 7 years for me to be diagnosed with endometriosis, so I am glad that they are doing the right tests and asking the right questions in order for you to finally be able to conceive and carry your sweet miracle baby. I know a little about PCOS from previous research, so everything you said makes sense. I do have to look more into metformin though. I know it was probably difficult news to hear, but I feel very hopeful about all the steps the doctor is having you take. It's just another bump in the road that I know you are taking with stride. I am honestly glad that you have some answers though, and that you know what has been going on with your body. Taking birth control, and waiting for your body to get back to normal will be well worth the wait. It may be a difficult wait, but as I've said before, the end result will be your dream come true. You're going to get through this. I have full faith in your doctor, your treatment, and your budding family. I am sorry again that I haven't been on here while you were going through all of this!!!:hugs::hugs: It's all going to work out :)

Sending hugs and prayers your way as always!!! It is so good to hear from you!:hugs:
:hugs: we both was busy with school. I wasn't getting on here updating either so I know I hit you with an overload whammy. But it's fine now, we have more free time to get on here. :hugs:

I got a new camera for my birthday so tons of pictures will be taken before during and at graduation and I'll post a few here and maybe make a small video to put on youtube. Speaking of youtube I have made quite a few videos since my first. That's why hubby got my camera lol. YESSSSSS Saturday will be here before I know it. I'm so excited.

TTC- oh yes I love my doctor. It's amazing that he doesn't make me go by "the texts books" we both agreed my body is doing its own thing and we just going with the flow. But I'm happy we are taking all the necessary steps in preparation to get "baby munchkin in the oven" lol "munchkin" comes from before we knew the gender of our son we would call him our munchkin bc I didn't like to say "he, she or IT!!" So now all future babies will be munchkin. :haha: Oh I forgot to mention another reason we agreed to wait was because we took a break back in July and August of 2013 and Sept we started trying and I did get BFP but I MC in Nov. Also in that time frame I was exercising and all was not stressed out. So we said let break, get levels normal, exercise and exercise a lot, stay relaxed then try again. So I'm overly positive that we will get pregnant our first cycle after the break.

I also read that if you exercise now that you should continue to exercise during pregnancy at a modified level, like walking and such. So my doctor agree that even though I'll be considered high risk in pregnancy that exercising is will be beneficial to both me and the baby. So of course I'm on board.
I know, it is no nice to finally have some free time, isn't it?! I do start one class here in a few weeks, but luckily it still won't be as hectic as my last semester has been.

How sweet of your husband to get you a camera! That's great! I need to use mine more often, because I love holding onto memories through pictures. :) I look forward to seeing some of yours from your wonderful graduation ceremony! It is definitely a day to be proud of. Woohoo! Also, I haven't checked Youtube in a while, so I will definitely get on there to check out your new videos!

Aww everything with TTC sounds like it is moving in the right direction. I know this has been a hurdle, but it sounds very encouraging moving forward. You are right about how taking a break last time led to your bfp! That is a great way to look at it, and I know that it will lead to your bfp this next time too with your happy, healthy little munchkin. ;) I think being able to relax and not stress, and all of the exercise is going to be extremely beneficial for your mind and body!! I could use the exercise too; I feel old and weak lately!:haha: Anyway, being a mental health counselor in training I always talk about the benefits of exercise (yet, I don't do it myself!). I think it will be a great thing for you, especially if it will help decrease some of the risk during your pregnancy :) You are going to have a healthy pregnancy soon after this break; I am overly positive along with you!:hugs:

As a side note, I love that you called your baby son munchkin before you knew his gender. Those weeks are always so funny, because you never know what to call the babies! lol I love munchkin; that is actually a very special name to me too! My mom and dad have called me that (and monkey) since I was a little girl. I love that you will use it with your future babies. :)

Anyway, I am glad to hear everything is going well with you and your husband! Me and my hubby still haven't decided when we will officially start TTC. I keep shooting for this month, but I don't know that that will happen. :shrug: I am trying hard to be patient! My husband got a second job, and we are finally on top of most of our debt (except my mounting student loans). I feel like we are finally moving toward financial stability, which was his biggest concern...I just want to start trying for our family now! He knows free time for me = a lot of time to be broody and think about TTC. Summer is going to be interesting :haha:
That is very interesting I didn't know you are going to be a mental health counselor. Well at least it's only one class and you won't be as stressed out. How much longer do you have??

I'll be sure to post pictures later that day after graduation, I have a lot of family and inlaws coming. I know it's kinda nonchalant but it's not that big of a deal to me, I guess because I expected that from myself to go to college. But my family is overly excited, I think more than me :haha: now I'll be excited getting my Masters and PhD, now that's a huge accomplishment in my eyes.

Now TTC - I'm more than confident it will happen this year and it will be a successful, stress free, happy, healthy pregnancy. I'm always praying over my body as well as my husband's. I must admit me starting back exercising has put me in a even better mood, more relaxed. That's funny you encourage excising but don't do a lot. Don't we all do that at some point encourage others but don't encourage ourselves. :haha: Well the official return of TTC for us is July, I think instead of talking about with DH, I will just simply go with the flow.

Great news that he found a second job. You are right financial stability is important, we have own on separate accounts then we a joint account and we just put money in both checking and savings. That's our way of saving for a rainy day funds or emergency. It's no where near as much as I would like it to be but it is a start. I do private duty nursing like a CNA (certified nursing assistant) it's part time like 25 hrs a week, I don't actually have my certification yet but my job is about to help me get them. Once I do I plan to get a second job at night as well at a hospital I just want to save as much as possible for the baby and such, after I get 12 weeks I'll go on leave at the hospital bc I'll be consider high risk and I'll have documentation or quit that one, then I'll keep the day job, it's much easier because I sit all day, so I can do that being pregnant..
Enough rambling on and on... Talk to you later!!
HAPPY GRADUATION DAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family an in-laws. How special that they all came to see you and celebrate your accomplishment. I felt the same way when I graduated...I was more excited about what was next. But you really should be proud of yourself, and it sounds like your family is too! Next stop, Masters and PhD...that sounds wonderful!!

Yep, my B.S was in Psychology with a concentration in counseling, and now I am half way done with my master's in clinical mental health counseling. I am hoping to get more additional training in counseling survivors of childhood abuse, because that is one of the populations I am passionate about working with...also couples and family counseling. :) I start officially seeing clients next semester, and then I do a year internship. So essentially, I can graduate (or walk) in next May, but I will have to finish up my hours at my internship site next summer.

TTC: I look forward to when you can start trying again in July. I know everything will be exactly as you mentioned; successful, happy, healthy, and stress free. I think going with the flow will help too, it will help your body and mind stay relaxed. I'm so excited for it to happen for you. :happydance: Maybe we will end up being bump buddies after all if my husband and I start trying around then! :) Well, anyway, I am just so happy and excited for everything that is to come. You and your husband are in good health, and will blessed with your little munchkin when you start trying again. You are inspiring in so many ways. I need to focus on getting healthier; eating better, exercising, and all of that. Your positive outlook on life is also always admirable.

Yes, I am so pleased that he found another job, but I really didn't want him to have to work two jobs. I don't want him to feel overworked, but he really wanted to do it. He's had a difficult time finding a job in the field, so he has two restaurant jobs (one as a supervisor)...and if he can start waiting tables he may be able to bring in enough money to only work one. In the meantime he will continue to try to find something that he is qualified to do with his bachelor's degree. I'm still trying to find a job on campus, because it would give me a tuition waiver. I've applied for several research assistantships and teaching assistantships, so hopefully summer will bring me something good! :) Either way, we have worked really hard in the last few months to pay off all our debt, and it feels good to not be as worried about finances.

Your plan sounds great! You both definitely have things figured out. How do you like being a CNA? Is that the same kind of work you would be doing at the hospital? I didn't know you would have to go on leave at 12 weeks, but it definitely makes sense. When did the complications start in your first pregnancy? I know you mentioned that there are a lot of things the doctor can do to prevent complications with your cervix this next pregnancy. You may be high-risk, but I feel comfortable knowing you are in good hands with your doctor! I pray that everything will progress smoothly with absolutely no problems. :hugs: I am very optimistic.

Anyway, enjoy your time with your family celebrating! Congratulations again!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Aww you made m day even more. You remembered and took time to congratulate me! THANK YOU :hugs: Today was perfect and everything I could have ever want! I was filled with joy and overwhelmed of happiness! Just to hear my parents express how proud they are of me and my husband! It's was absolutely wonderful! That had me teary eyed, they said "the past two years you have been through a lot , getting married, having/losing our son, hubby was over seas all of 2012- a few months of 2013, the miscarriage and trying times! But you still maintain and never gave up!!" They are right and I look back and say how did I do that and keep my mental health? My answer is with the Grace of God, he kept me and guided me!! Oh what a blessing it is!!

About the CNA, it's pretty cool because I don't do anything at the site I'm at but basically sit all day and make sure the lady doesn't fall that's all. I know at the hospital I'll be doing more than that but my goal is if I do get in a hospital I wanna work labor and delivery floor.

TTC- We have a plan and I'm sticking with it. I didn't do my workout today but I'll double up tomorrow. I looking into buying a bike, I want to enjoy the whether and exercise as well and talk the hubby into getting us bike so we can ride together when he is off. My goal is to lose 30 by July. :wacko: if I don't reach that goal if I lose any is great for me. I'm really sure that we will get pregnant this year, it's like a change has happen, maybe bc I don't feel so stress, I'm more relax over all. Hopefully we can be bump buddies, oh how I'll love that or even if aren't ill still be here whenever the time is right for you all!

I understand I don't want DH to work two jobs but when we first met he was working two jobs and I know he not gonna change that, I asked if he gets a really good job that will he quit the other, the answer is no, lol typical but I love that about him he works so hard for us and our future family! We have such great men in our lives!!

I'll try to post a picture here and I will create a little video for you tube that will have more pictures, I'll let you know when that is up!
I'm in the middle of course!!


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I have so much to tell you, well not a lot but great news but kinda bad news to.
So we are gonna buy my mom's old house, we lived in that house since I was in the 3rd grade so for like 16 or17 years we lived there but she moved into an apartment when my sister and I left home. She said it was too much house for just her and my little sister. The maintenance and yard work was a bit much for her, she is a nurse and never at home.

So we decided yesterday that we would buy it, the mortgage is actually cheaper than our rent at the apartments we live in now. I'm so thrilled, we will have a backyard so the Gizmo and Diamond can run freely. Also it's a 3 bedroom 2full baths, huge living room, and a second smaller living room. I'm over joyed because now we will actually have a nursery for whenever we get pregnant. We can paint it and do the room how we really want to do. Although we have a lot of renovation to do and upgrades, luckily my granny is a contractor/ and she build and renovates homes and buildings. So yayy how exciting.

Now the bad part we will push TTC back again and once we renovate and upgrade the kitchen and bathrooms and do new carpeting we will start TTC. Once we find out the gender then we will paint his/her room. Hubby said we didn't have to wait, we can start in July like plan, but I think Im over thinking it and well maybe we will be NTNP but still taking fertility pills to help me ovulate. Ughh sounds confusing, I just want us to not spend all our savings upgrading the house then not have any savings for the baby. I know we will be fine, Im always a worrier. :haha:

So many blessings are coming down and many praises are going up. I'm just thankful we that we will have a house/home in a nice area with great schools for us to start raising our child. Although I know we won't live here forever but at least we will buy it and can rent it out whenever we move.

Enough rambling!! Oh yeah Happy belated Mother's Day!! Once a mom always a mom no matter if you was 6weeks, 8 months or child pass away, your still a Mom :hugs:
Aww I am so glad that your graduation went well! I'm glad I can be here to celebrate from afar. :happydance: Thank you for sharing the picture! You look like you are glowing with happiness! I cried at the graduation I went to on Monday :haha: It's always a happy cry, but I just love seeing everyone feel so accomplished. Graduation signifies a new chapter, and I just think it's such a special time. (Lol. I'm a nerd.) Of course your family is proud of you, because you're an incredible woman! They are right, you have been through SO much and you always keep going with so much grace and optimism. It's inspiring. I know that about you just from talking to you on here, so I can only imagine the high praise you would receive from family and friends. :hugs:

As far as the house goes, AHHHHH that is AMAZING! :happydance: Congratulations! That is honestly so exciting!!!!! It sounds like a beautiful place full of fond memories. That is so great that you can buy your old house, and start a family there (with your fur babies too). Awww, that sounds so fun to be able to start renovations, do some painting, and get a nursery ready. :cloud9: I look forward to the day when we are ready to settle down in a house, but it definitely won't be here in Arizona! Haha. Anyway, that is wonderful news. I am sure you and your hubby are on top of the world! Even better that the mortgage will be less expensive than paying rent at your apartment. How soon will all of this be happening?

I am glad you enjoy your current job! Working at the hospital and moving up to labor and delivery sounds great too. I would love seeing all those beautiful babies. :) I am so happy that you are doing so well, and that everything is falling into place. I totally understand about debating whether or not to push TTC back. My guess is that as the time gets closer to being done with the birth control and such that the decision will be more clear. Sometimes we just have to take it day-by-day or week-by-week to see what feels right for the given situation. So far, you have a good plan in place to get your body ready for whenever that time is. I know you will be successful in losing weight and feeling healthier. :) It sounds like you have a lot of exciting changes coming up in these next few months, and I look forward to seeing where this new chapter takes you are your hubby! I'll be here every step of the way.

As far as my TTC journey, we *might* start NTNP this month. Well, I told DH he should NTNP, and I would do more trying and leave the details out of it. Haha. So far he hasn't been pulling out this cycle (sorry if TMI). But he also knows that I recently got done with AF, so it is a "safer" time to do that...I guess I will see what he does around ovulation time. :shrug: We are still kind of in limbo, but he is seemingly more interested in starting to try. He used to give me a clear "not yet"...but now he keeps saying "I'm not saying no, but I'm not saying yes" and then he smiles every time like he wants to say yes. How deceptive! Lol who knows with him!? I think I will start tracking my BBT and taking prenatal vitamins again just in case he gives me a clearer green light.

Aww and thank you SO much for wishing me a happy mother's day. I didn't quite know how to feel on Sunday. Part of me wanted to consider myself a mother, but part of me still felt silly because I miscarried so much earlier than other women. I don't know; I was actually really emotional all day Sunday. All those thoughts about how I would have been a mother in October came flooding back. Thank you though...I think I really needed to hear that from someone. :hugs: I really do appreciate it. Happy Belated Mother's Day to you too! When I consider your situation, there is no doubt in my mind that I consider you a mother, and a wonderful one at that. I was thinking about you all day and so badly wanted to wish you a happy mother's day. I couldn't get myself to get on here though for some reason, because I knew it would make me sad to look at the forums. Anyway, enough of me being a downer. Yes, Happy Mother's Day to both of us. I hope by this time next year we will be able to have some babies to hold in our arms on Mother's Day! :hugs:

Sorry for rambling again! I am leaving to go out of town Friday-Sunday for a weeding. I will be on here tomorrow sometime, and then again on Monday if I don't talk to you! Have a great rest of your week, and congratulations again on all of the exciting news!
Thank you, it is always a joy talking to you. Yes, graduation was everything plus more!

Now Mother's Day, geez seems like we both was in a little funk, I kept thinking my son would be 2 years old and he probably would've made me pasta necklaces and colorful cards. Then I though I would be 34 weeks 1day pregnant if I didn't miscarry. It would be almost time to meet my bundle of joy. Oh how much I long to see that day and wish it was here. I want more than anything is to be a mom and actually take my baby home with me. Sorry.... Just the thoughts and feelings can get overwhelming at time, I know you understand.

Well the moving will take place soon, maybe at the end of this month or the 1st of June. Hubby birthday is June 2! I have to think of something great to get him. And I think you are right we will just have a clearer plan when July approaches about TTC. I understand you guys about NTNP we was like that before the first pregnancy. And on these sites I don't think nothing is TMI, I have read and seen things worst than what we say. :wacko: :haha:

You have a safe trip, I'll be sure to check on those days you will check in. Oh yeah a wedding, oh I love weddings! We will renew our vow once we hit 5 years that like 3 years away. Lol but that is something I can do as well plan and budget ahead for our future renewal.
Finally getting on again! You know me - I tend to go MIA when things get crazy or busy. The wedding was wonderful this weekend. It was a joy to see my sister, dad, and all of my cousins. There were also several infants and toddlers, so I got plenty of baby snuggles. :cloud9: I got back into town late Sunday night, and then started school again Monday and Tuesday. Otherwise, things are going well here!

I know what you mean about Mother's Day being hard. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you to think about your babies up in heaven. Don't ever apologize for needing to get out those emotions. I definitely understand how overwhelming and emotional it can all be. I just keep holding on to the thought that I know we will both be mom's again and be able to watch our kids grow up. :hugs:

DH and I had another talk about TTC. I think it went well. He seems to be leaning much more heavily on NTNP rather than WTT. It used to be that my heart was telling me that it was the right time TTC and my mind was being more rational and wanting to wait...but now I feel like my heart and mind are both ready to do this thing. I know our parents want me to wait until I am done with school next year, but I honestly think that there are a lot of logical reasons for trying right now! I felt like I was finally able to make an "argument" for these reasons when I was talking to my DH, and he totally understood. I just feel that our lives are much more flexible right now. By the time I had the baby, I would be close to being done with school. Either way, I know my professors would be more than willing to work with me around my due date etc. They are wonderful! It would also be easier because I am not working right now. If I waited to be done with school, the next step would be finding a career...then I would feel like I needed to be in the position for a while before we started trying. Pretty soon we would just keep waiting until we were 30 years-old! So I just think there is no time like the present. I am confident that I can handle finishing my master's even with a pregnancy in the mix. Anyway, I am ranting, and I am sure I've said all of this before. I just can't help but be so excited to start a family with the love of my life!

That is exciting that moving into your new place is right around the corner! Keep me posted when you know for sure. EEEK, I'm still so excited for you! Aww that is exciting that your husband's birthday is coming up! My hubby's is in July. What kind of things does he like? I think shopping for men is so hard sometimes! Lol.

Yes, I definitely think things will start coming together for you in the next few months (as it already has!). I am looking forward to seeing when you decide to TTC again. :)

I hope you are enjoying your first official weeks of summer! It's been hot here, but I just got the key to our neighborhood pool so I definitely need to utilize that this summer!

I am glad that the wedding went great and you saw your sister and dad was awesome. I bet it was great getting those hugs from the infants and toddlers. I know how exciting that is.

NTNP sounds like a great plan it actually less stressful in my eyes. before you know it you wll be preggers. I am happy that your mind and heart is made up and on the same page. I can totally understand that. Its great that your DH and you had a great successful conversation, I know sometimes those types of talks are hard at times especially when your not on the same page. Sounds like you both agree and have a plan. I can't wait until you tell me you are pregnant how exciting.

As for me, we have agreed to TTC in August because we are moving in June and the remodeling we are doing. Also my wisdom teeth are in but they are grown in sideways and pushing the teeth in front of them. So now I have an appointment on June 17 to get the right side done first then I go back to do the left side. Ughh I hate the dentist so much because I think they all are mean but this new dentist I go to is very nice and I feel better about going. So of course I research and I learned that oral care is so important and can effect you and the baby while pregnant. It can cause you to have a miscarriage and or have you to go into preterm labor. :wacko: All this is new to me. So of course I am getting that taken care of!! I need my body in perfect health from head to toes.

Well I hope school is going great. I know you are getting it done. Take to you later!! :hugs:
Yes, it was a wonderful weekend. Short, but I loved every minute of it (I did miss DH though!). I am such a family person, so I just soak up every ounce of love when we are all together. Yes, one of my cousins has a two month old and 2 year-old, and another cousin has a 4-year-old,2-year-old, and 1 month old. They were all SO precious. I loved bouncing and rocking the babies! :)

Yes, I think NTNP is a good plan for us right now! I would love to be actively TTC, but I am trying to meet my husband where he is at. I want him to know that even though I am anxious to start REALLY trying, I respect his opinion to NTNP and throw caution to the wind. It's definitely a step for us, so I am feeling good about everything. I think you are right about it being less stress too. I have a feeling that I am still going to be obsessing over possible ovulation dates and everything though. :haha: I like feeling like I have some sort of control! I'm already hoping that we BDd on the right days this month. I guess we'll see. :shrug:

TTC in August sounds like a great plan! It really isn't too far off either if you think about it! It will definitely fly by with moving into a new house, remodeling, etc. Ahhh I can't wait for both of us to get pregnant! It really is exciting. It's going to happen for both of us before we know it!:happydance:

That is so funny that you mention the dentist. I had a dentist appointment last week. I HATE the dentist. I have always liked my dentists, but in general I am just terrified of going to the dentist! I literally did not sleep last week because I had so much anxiety about going in!:haha: I do know how important oral health is, so I try really hard to engage in good oral health behaviors. I didn't know that it impacted preterm labor and miscarriages so much though! Scary. Unfortunately, I genetically have poor enamel and have had a lot of cavities in my life. I have to go back in a few weeks to get some cavities filled (on June 17th too actually!). :( Regardless, I am going to have to do some extra research too about what additional things I can do to help out my teeth (diet, less coffee, more water, etc.). We will have to share our findings. :) That is good that you are getting your wisdom teeth out!! The procedure will hopefully be less painful for you since you are getting it done in two sessions. I didn't find it TOO awful...just make sure you stay on top of pain meds/ibprophen etc. As always, it sounds like you are doing everything right in terms of prepping your body for pregnancy!! I need to do more, and you are always my inspiration.

This is going to be a great year for us. I can feel it! :hugs:
I am a family person to so I can totally understand. I didn't realize that your DH didn't go with you. I know I can't spend a night without mines lol :haha: the only time was when he was crossed seas it was awful for me bc I was preggers and super emotional.

Aww yes oral care. I knew how important but I ran across something and realize how dangerous it can be while pregnant. That's so scary. I didn't know that my wisdom teeth where in only because they aren't sticking out they are turn sideways in my gums. Umphh I hate the dentist as well. I was freaking out when I went. My DH called me a big baby but I was freaking out my hands shaking and sweating my heart was racing but the only thing that kept me going was I want our child so whatever it takes!!!

I'm so excited to see what lies the month ahead for us. The only I will be doing is tracking ovulation and taking femara to induce ovulation. That is it, so hopefully less stressful for us too. We will be great MOMS, with all the patience we have in this process of TTC and NTNP... Oh the joys we gonna end up bump buddies. Are you gonna track ovulation? Do you know if you actually ovulate each month?
Lol, my husband and I are the same way- We have such a hard time spending any amount of nights away from each other. We've lived together for 7 years, and in the last few years we almost always travel together so we are rarely apart. This trip was quick and I couldn't afford to pay for two plane tickets, so he was sad and lonely staying home with the dog. Poor Hubby. Lol. Awww I couldn't imagine being away from my husband while he was overseas, especially being pregnant! I bet it was awful! Luckily you both got through it with flying colors! ;)

That sounds like an stressful trip to the dentist! I don't think you're a baby at all, because I do the exact same thing! :haha: Yes, so scary that oral health can affect pregnancy so much. That worries me! That's good that you didn't notice your wisdom teeth coming in, because I think that should make it easier and less painful to get them out! Then it won't push your other teeth sideways too! You're right, it will be worth it to do what it takes to be healthy! :)

I'm excited for the next months ahead too. :happydance: Are you going to track ovulation with OPKs again? I know you don't usually do BBT. Are you going to wait until August to start the femara, or are you going to start it a month earlier to start preparing your body for ovulation? I would like to start tracking ovulation through BBT again...I'm worried about how much money I would spend on OPKs. Tracking my BBT worked pretty well...I only did it in December, January (when I miscarried), and part of February. When I tracked it, I always seemed to have ovulation. It is typically a little later in my cycle though, so I need to do research on lengthening my leutal phase (I have heard short leutal phases can lead to miscarriages). I'm not sure....maybe I should get OPKs online now that I am thinking about it?! I am on CD21 right now, and I felt like I had O pain yesterday (which I guess seems normal for my body?). Lol, I already think I am going to be a crazy person and want to test this month. See, I am already driving myself crazy not being in control and not tracking my body! :haha:

Anyway, I agree that we are going to be great moms. Our husbands are going to be great dads too! :happydance: So exciting. I think that it is definitely possible we could end up being bump buddies for at least part of our pregnancies! Hopeful thinking anyway :hugs:
Okay I understand, it was a quick trip, well worth it to relax too. I bet your DH had a blast alone. I know we can't stay apart but I know my DH plays his video games and may have a cup or two of his favorite alcoholic drink. :haha:

Well at least I know I'm not alone about the dentist. I don't know why it stresses me out so much, I've always been afraid since I was a little girl. But I'll be happy when it's all over with.

I wish I could track with with BBT. I never tried and I honestly don't know how :oops: I'll look it up now and see how. I would love your input on how you do yours. But I am going to use opks for sure I still have some from last time I ordered them. I will order another batch of them to have extra and maybe some pregnancy tests too. I think will have still make my appt for July to get the rest of my testing done well just the hsg testing done and I think they want to do a SA(semen analysis) on DH. Then take femara but I will actively try with opks in August. I will start Monday again with my vitamins. I stopped because I got a sinus infection last week and I was taking all kinds of med this pass week so now that I got everything under control I can get back on my normal schedule.

I agree they will be great DADS!! Eeek I'm soo excited and hopeful that God will bless us with our forever take home babies. I've actually started a daily bible reading to read the entire bible in a year. I don't go to church every Sunday, I did when I was a little but I found a church that my DH likes and we both can attend whenever he is off but I feel comfortable enough to go alone when he can't go with me. It's important to be to keep God first in everything because after all it's his plan and I pray it's in his plan for us to conceive this year.

Here's to our babies!!! 1 Samuel:27-28 I prayed for this child, and The Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to The Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to The Lord. ( I prayed and prayed before I got pregnant last year, then I miscarried but I still thank God because I can conceive, I continue to pray for you and me and I know God give his strongest soldiers the toughest task because when finish our battle we will be thankful with our bundles of joys in our arms! :hugs: :cloud9: :baby:
Lol, yes I have been afraid of the dentist since I was little too. Lol, oh well, what can we do?!

Tracking BBT is actually pretty easy! I'd be happy to share whatever input I have if you decide to try it! All you need is a thermometer. Keeping a thermometer is the hard part for me, because my dog loves to get on my nightstand and chew them up! :dohh: Otherwise, you can sign up on fertility friend for free. You get a VIP membership for 30 days, and if you choose to pay for the VIP after the 30 days you can. Otherwise, you can use the basic charting still for free. It's pretty easy and informative though! You can track BD, OPKs, CM, and other symptoms on there as well. It helped me a lot to be more in tune with my body by keeping track of all the fluctuations and changes in my cycle. Let me know if you decide to give it a go! :)

I'm going to need your input with OPKS; I decided to start using them next cycle. Actually, I bought some yesterday. I used one to test, even though I am sure I already ovulated. I thought maybe if I saw a faint line that it would mean I may have had some of the hormone from a recent surge?! I'm pretty sure that's not how it works though. :haha: I don't know. I know it is only considered positive when the line is as dark or darker than the control line...but is there always going to be a faint line?! I can't remember- do you get your pregnancy tests and OPKs online?

I think that will be good for you and your husband to get testing done in July! Has your hubby ever done a SA? Woohoo, August isn't far off!! :happydance: I will probably do an hpt this month, but I don't know that we BDd enough. :shrug:

t I got everything under control I can get back on my normal schedule.

Thank you for the verse and prayers! I like what you said about God giving his strongest soldiers the toughest tasks. I've always found that to be true. :) I'm always praying for you and your hubby's health too. :hugs: That's nice that you feel comfortable at your church. I unfortunately haven't gone in so long! I grew up going to church every Sunday too. I agree that there is a plan for us. I'm very hopeful about what is ahead. :)

I get the warm fuzzies thinking about our pregnancies, our babies, and having happy, healthy families. :cloud9::happydance::hugs:

I'm sorry to hear about your sinus infection! I hope you are feeling better. My allergies have been crazy, so I know the feeling. :nope: Feel better! :flower:
I actually been feeling better from the sinus infection thank god!!

Opks- yes it will always be a faint like because our bodies produce that hormone naturally. And yes you are correct when the surge is detected then the line is darker or darker than control line. I use to buy my opks from the store, I would buy then literally days before ovulation. But now I see they are cheaper online I order them online ahead of time. I still have quite a few from the last time so I will order more later. Also no he has never did a SA before but I honestly think it's just me and not him. We will see sooner than later!! :happydance:

Okay I might just track my Temps this cycle well I don't think it will work if I'm taking bc. Ump I need to look that up! But when I'm ready I'll ask you and I'll get that app as well.

Glad you enjoyed the versus, it just gives me hope and keeping my faith!!
Oh good, I'm glad you're feeling better! :)

That is good to know about the OPKs. I jumped the gun and was interested in trying them out, but I didn't figure it would be very informative this late in my cycle. :haha: I was washing dishes yesterday and DH asked how my test went. I was confused, and then I saw that he was holding the wrapper of the ovulation test. Hahahaha I'm not very good at hiding things. He didn't care though. That is good that you found your tests online. I need to look into that, so I don't spend so much money! Well I am praying that all of your tests go well in July! I bet they will. You have everything being taken care of, so come August you are going to be ready to TTC! :happydance:

Oh yeah, you're right that tracking BBT while on birth control probably wouldn't work. BBT shows ovulation by seeing a spike in temperature, but if you are on birth control you typically aren't ovulating. Lol well, maybe give it a shot in July then! The app is cool, because you can access it on your phone and on your computer....when and if you decide to try it. :)

Oh goodness, time off from school always means I spend hours upon hours surfing the internet about TTC, pregnancy, and babies. I spent a long time yesterday watching pregnancy announcement reveals on youtube. I love those. :haha: I'm :wacko:.
Lol that's funny your DH saying how did your test go. Lol :haha: but that is also great that he was okay with it good signs...

I did look that up and birth control stop ovulation so tracking temps would be pointless. So I will just start next cycle today I'm CD4 so next cycle I'm considering stopping birth control to track temps.

Seems like we've been doing the same thing. Since I'm finish with school I been surfing the internet like crazy and always on YouTube. I watch all kinds of pregnancy related stuff. Then I watch this show called one born every minute, it comes on LRW lifetime real women. It about babies being born every minute its pretty cool. My DH and I talk bout how we won't reveal the gender until the baby shower or when the baby is born. And we won't tell them the baby is born until after I deliver and we have our alone with the baby before family comes to the hospital because they all are baby hogs , lol so don't think you're :wacko: because I'm doing the same over here lol.

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