• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Lol. Yeah, it was kind of funny when he asked about it. It startled me! I turned bright red. Bahaha. But I was definitely glad that he was cool with it.

Is that how long your doctor suggested the birth control for? I can't remember how long they wanted to put you on it for. I think temping is a good next step though when you come off birth control! You'll have to keep me posted.

Haha I am glad I am not the only one surfing the internet like a wacko! I forgot you had previously mentioned "One Born Every Minute". I will have to search for that! I love watching YouTube videos and shows. It's my guilty pleasure when DH is at work all day. :haha: That sounds fun that you won't reveal the gender until later!! I have always loved when people do that, or wait until birth to find out even for themselves. I don't think I have enough self-control to contain my excitement though! Lol. That's also great that you plan on having alone time with your little one once he/she is born! I can see our families being the same way. I honestly haven't thought specifically about "giving birth" and all of that. That is the one part of pregnancy that I am a little scared about! I know the pain and energy will be worth it though. I do look forward to planning out a comfortable, positive birthing experience.

Ahhhh, I have so much anticipation about everything that is to come. I love thinking about it! :happydance:
Well my doctor suggested that this past month just take a break. So we now changed our minds again lol :wacko: but for good reasons. His mom has pkd (a kidney disease where cyst grows on her kidneys and her kidneys are shutting down on her) she also has fibromyalgia (which is when she is always in pain kinda like rheumatoid arthritis) but worst and there is no cure for this, she just take pain meds but she has had it soo long that now the meds doesn't work. Lately she has been feeling really bad but she pushes herself to go on when she is feeling bad. But long story short we are gonna try this cycle I still have my last dose of clomid 100mg that I'll use then if nothing happens I'll go to my doctor.

It's kinda all of a sudden but I would love for my MIL get to have her first grandchild, god forbid if anything happens to her but I wanna make sure she gets to see and bond with him or her.

I'm a little worried bc I don't have my wisdom teeth out then we are seeing what's going on with the house we are waiting to see if we get the house bc another buyer was trying to get the house as well. It's a lot but I'm not stressing bc God has the last say so and I know I will get pregnant this year and God will allow me to carry full term, give birth to a healthy happy baby. I'm praying and praying I believe and trust in him.

Now I can temp now I need to research all that. When do you start temps, I'm CD2 and I take clomid CD5-9 and I'll be using opks. So maybe you can explain how it all works.

Oh by the way I'm super happy your DH was cool about you testing. I know how it feels taking tests without them knowing. When I first started the testing it was awkward him walking in on me actually taking the test, now I make sure I lock doors so that won't happen again :haha:
Wow, that is great news that you and your husband are going to try again this cycle! I am so sorry to hear about your husband's mom though. I don't know much about pkd, but I know how debilitating fibromyalgia can be! :( I hope she gets through this rough patch and starts having some pain-free days ahead. I have heard that some days are better than others, so hopefully she has some of those better days!! I totally know what you mean about you wanting her to have a relationships with your kids. I want the same for my family- for them to have a good relationship and watch them grow up. Sending prayers her way.

I'm excited that you will be trying again though! Woohoo! How does it feel?! In terms of charting: you can get a regular thermometer and sign up for Fertility Friend or another similar website. Try and take your temperature first thing in the morning before you get up to do anything else. It should be your resting temperature after sleeping. It also works best if you take your temperature everyday at the same time (I have a hard time with this one, but it still works OK). Typically, you will find that your temps are lower before ovulation, then they will spike the day after ovulation. Fertility friend will actually draw crosshairs on your chart to see what day it suspects you ovulated. I have read that clomid can increase your temperatures on the days that you take it, but that it should even out afterwards. You can write notes on each day to keep track of this. The VIP membership is awesome, and it takes into consideration your temperatures and cervical mucous. I'm sure you know that you are looking for EWCM around ovulation. There is a ton of good information on fertility friend about additional questions you have. They also send "lessons" (about 22!) when you sign up on fertility friend. For now, I would say to just start inputing your temps every morning. You can also record your OPKs on there...it helps you kind of double-check when your ovulation is. Also...after you ovulate your temps stay in the higher range until AF comes. If you are pregnant, they stay in that high range (something to look for!). Some people also have triphastic(?) charts which show a temp rise with ovulation, then a slight temp dip with implantation, and then it rises and stays high with pregnancy. I don't know if that all makes sense... It starts making more sense as you go along, but I am happy to answer more questions or add more information as I remember it! Lol. You're early in your cycle, so it would be a great time to start charting! You should definitely be able to see your ovulation on there. I am on day three of charting again and I am at the end of my cycle, but it is still nice to start getting into the habit of tracking the changes for myself. :)

As far as your wisdom teeth go, will they still take them out on the 17th if you haven't gotten pregnant yet? I know there are different kinds of ways to "put you under" for the procedure, but I haven't done much research on what is safe if you are pregnant or TTC. Ahh, crazy to hear there is another interested buyer for the house. I know everything will work out how it is supposed to. :hugs:

Yes, God is going to allow us to both carry full-term happy, healthy babies this year. I pray for that every day! I keep hoping that I will somehow fall pregnant this cycle, but I honestly don't think we BDd enough (or on the right days). I may have ovulated while I was out of town...I'm not sure. :( I can still hope though!!!!

Lol, yes I am happy that my DH was cool about my testing too. One of the reasons I kind of want to be secretive is because I would love it to be somewhat of a surprise when I do end up finally getting that positive hpt!

Ahhh, all we can do is take things day by day! :hugs::happydance:
:happydance: it feels so great to "officially start trying again" for the most part I'm looking forward and pray it happens this first cycle. That made sense about fertility friend and temping, I don't know if I can do the temps just thinking bout it makes me overwhelmed. I say that because the clomid makes me have hot flashes so I'll be freaking out thinking too much on it all. I think I'll stick with opks this cycle then if nothing happen we will go to my ob and he will send us to reproductive endocrinologist (fertility specialist)

In terms of my MIL, she does have better days than others but lately it seems like she has been having more bad days. She doesn't tell anyone but she opened up and told me, I'm assuming she felt like I could handle it better than her kids would. I mean they know but I don't think they realize how much pain she is in. I pray for her and thanks for your prayers. I really would love for her to see her grandchildren. She was so excited about our little boy and to see how hurt she when we lost him, I admit I blamed myself but I had to pray REALLY HARD, then the miscarriage ughh!!! But both times her and my mom beside my hubby stayed by my side the entire time. So I've been praying all day and reading my bible asking god to let his will be done and allow is to conceive a healthy physically, mentally, emotionally happy baby.

I start my prenatal in the morning and hubby does to and I already have opks, I'll get the digital one on Friday. I'm gonna stick to my workout DVDs everyday and yoga of course along with lots of praying and I have a app on my phone called bible, I have two reading plans going, one is to read the entire bible in a year and the other is everyday deviations read. So with God we shall conceive this cycle, I believe and trust in him whole heart.

I know it's seems like a lot I'm sorry, all that was on my mind whew I feel better. :hugs: oh yeah I think that would be a great surprise with your DH to show the hpt test I bet he would be so thrilled and happy and exited. How exciting I can't wait until either one or both of us get BFP!!!

THIS YEAR IS OUR YEAR OF OUR RAINBOW BABIES :baby: :cloud9: :happydance:
Ahhh yes, I bet it does feel great to start trying again! That definitely makes sense that you don't want to try temping right now; it seems like OPKs work well for you anyway! It's good to utilize the method that works best for you to ensure we don't add unnecessary stress to the whole TTC process. :) EEEk well I hope you don't need to start seeing a reproductive endocrinologist, because I have high hopes that you will conceive soon!! :)

I'm sorry to hear that your MIL has been having more days of pain that not. I think all parents seem to want to protect their kids from letting them know those kinds of things. I know my dad never tells me anything about his health until he knows for sure what is going on! He knows I would worry too much, but I always tell him he better tell me what's going on anyways! lol. I'm glad your MIL feels comfortable talking to you about it. That is probably a good thing for her, and also for you to have such a good relationship with her. :) I'll keep her in my prayers too. I'm so sorry that you felt so much guilt after losing your son and after the miscarriage. I know it hurts to know that it can affect so many people, but I hope you no longer blame yourself AT ALL. It sounds like you have a great support system with your family, your husband's family, and your hubby. It's going to be such a blessing for all of you when you finally get your BFP! I have no doubt it my mind that you will conceive a happy, healthy baby. :hugs:

I still haven't started my prenatals. :dohh: Every time I remember to take them, I usually haven't eaten. I don't like taking anything on an empty stomach...but I WILL start taking them soon. Heck, I will go do that after I submit my post! :) You're a rockstar- prenatals, yoga, working out, tons of praying! You are truly mentally and physically read to do this! I love that you are trying to read the entire bible in a year, and reading daily devotions. Very admirable. :)

Don't ever apologize for getting everything off your mind! I'm glad you feel better. :hugs:

I know, I am so excited for us to conceive our rainbow babies this year! I agree that it will be so amazing for either one or both of us to get our BFP. I'm cheering us both on, and praying for tons of sticky baby dust!!

As I've said before, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much about this cycle. I did have some very very light spotting (pink creamy CM) yesterday and the day before. Today it is gone, and AF is not due for another 5 days or so. It's not anything to be too excited about, I know, but I am just trying to stay positive. If it doesn't happen this month, I will definitely BD a lot more next cycle! :happydance: I ordered some tests online, so they should be in on Thursday. I will probably test then. Fingers crossed!:happydance:
Some of those signs sounds very promising & AF due in 5 days. I understand not wanting to be excited. The two times I found out was when I least expected.

Thanks for your words and your listening ears about my MIL. We do have a great relationship. We was at their house all day and night yesterday. It's always joys and laughter with them.

Anywho I agree everyone has their own method of tracking ovulation and so far my OPKs have been great for me. Today is the day I start clomid! I'm very excited as well because we will be BD the week of hubby birthday. His birthday is June2 so that entire week. We are all set with vitamins and excerising. Well we blew it yesterday his mom grilled and we ate a lot lol..

Well I know this is our year and I'm gonna keep telling us so it leaves no room for doubt or discourage.

Something else new I've been thinking of applying to nursing school!! It's so exciting I'm really looking into it first!!
Well, I'm not sure those signs are as promising as I hoped they would be. I started getting AF cramps today. I also tested this morning with a BFN. I found one last hpt from awhile back, and I couldn't resist testing. :dohh: I know I'm not completely out yet, but I just don't know how good my chances are this month. :cry:

I'm glad you have a good relationship with your in-laws. I am really close with mine too- it is definitely a blessing to have our families be so close. I'm glad you got to spend some time with them! :) Yumm, it sounds like you had a good meal too!

Woohoo, day one of clomid and lots of birthday baby dancin' for your husband! ;) That is great!!!! I am praying for your bfp this cycle! Next month is our first-year wedding anniversary, so I will at least try to look forward to next month's cycle!

That is awesome that you are looking into nursing school!! Do you know how long it typically takes to complete the program? That would be amazing. I look forward to hearing what you find out. :hugs:
Oh yeah you are right about knowing your chances especially if you are getting AF cramps. I think we all kinda just know how our body is. Yayyy one year anniversary what a blessing. Our first year of marriage was apart because he was across seas so this past year I really consider that our 1 year if though it was our second year! Sounds like BD month and then turns into BFP!!!

I do have a pretty great relationship with my inlaws, especially my brother in law I always wanted a big brother and he the big brother I never had. It is also amazing that my family and his family can come together as one and have a great time!! It's wonderful that you have a good relationship with your inlaws, I know some people hate their inlaws but lucky us we are blessed to have great relationships with ours. :hugs: :happydance:

So I think I'm kinda use to the clomid now. Today is day two and I'm super excited to see what this cycle will become of, last night I was doing a T25 workout and I felt terrific afterwards. I always feel soo much better after a good workout I feel refreshed. And I already looked up the due date according to my cycle days and how long and the due date should be around Feb28 -March 2 how cool our 3 year anniversary is Feb 25! :happydance:

Oh yeah nursing school it's about 5 semesters of classes and clinicals so they say about 2-3 more years!! :wacko: Well I know I will do great in it because I wanna either be an ob nurse, pediatric nurse or nicu(neonatal intensive care unit) nurse (sick babies after birth) all areas dealing with babies and pregnant women! All this TTC stuff and my losses has made me wanna go in the area of career field!
Yeah, I am still aware of anything that could be out of the ordinary with my body this month, but mostly I am just looking forward to next cycle now :) I'm sure AF will show in the next few days. It would definitely be amazing to conceive next month for our anniversary. :happydance: Aww I'm sorry you were apart for your first year or marriage; I'm glad you were able to celebrate together this year though! We are definitely both blessed to have found true love so early in our lives. My husband still gives me butterflies after 8 years of being with him :)

Aww, that sounds exactly like me and my husband's family! Our moms have become best friends, and they still hang out every week even though we don't live there right now. When we lived there we would all go out for happy hour on fridays, and we would celebrate birthdays and holidays with both sides of the family. It was perfect. It truly is amazing that our families can be together as one. I love that you have had the same experience with you and your husband's family. It's also great that you inherited the big brother you never had! I can't remember if you have any siblings. I have several, but we are scattered across the country (one even lives in Africa). I hate being away from family! But yes, we really are lucky to be so blessed with our families and inlaws. I am thankful for that every day, because it is true that some people hate their inlaws. I am grateful that our situations are on the other extreme of that :hugs:

Woohoo, I am glad you are starting to get used to the clomid! I'm glad you are able to feel so refreshed after working out too! It really is SO good for our bodies to get our heart pumping and muscles moving. Good for you!!! I am feeling so good about your cycle this month. I know that bfp is right around the corner for you! I love that you calculate your due date, because i've been doing the exact same thing! Last night I was talking to my mom on the phone for over 2 1/2 hours. The last two times she has called she keeps asking if I'm pregnant! She is planning to go to Italy next year, and she wants to make sure she is in the states when the baby is due. She has been one of the people who keeps saying I should wait until I'm done with school, but last night we had a really good talk and she was incredibly supportive about whatever we decided to do. She said "You know I'm ready to be a Grandma". She has other grandkids, but I am her only baby (my brother and sisters had a different mom). I don't know, the whole conversation was great. She didn't lecture me at all, and she was very accepting of the fact that I have clearly thought this out. Anyway, we were laughing and trying to figure out potential months that baby would arrive (not that it necessarily works like that).

I'm blabbing...I'm just excited about finally feeling like people trust our decision and know that we are ready (including DH). :happydance: Life is good!

You would do so well in nursing school! 5 semesters and clinicals isn't too much more school, and it would definitely be worth it. It's interesting how our life experiences shape what we want to do with our careers. I believe when we listen to that calling, we will be the most fulfilled and passionate in our careers. My life experiences are definitely what have made me so passionate about the field I am, and I know the same would be true for you to be working with pregnant women and babies. I think it all sounds lovely!
Oh yes family :hugs: but I do have a older sister (a year older) then a baby sister I am 10 years older than her, all from my mom! My Dad side I have two little brothers they have different moms but one is 18 the other is 17!
Oh I love that your mom and mom inlaw hang out a all the time. Wow Africa, how delightful I would love to travel outside of the country.

You are right we are so blessed to find true love so early on. I tell my hubby I wished we met in high school lol so we could be high school sweethearts. Lol well I love that we got married young bc we got more years to spend together. I just see my marriage growing everyday and improving!

That's great that you and your mom was able to talk about TTC and she understand and supports you! It makes it easier when your family and friends are supportive. I'm happy everything is going good with you and your mom is looking forward to this and trying to figure out possible due dates! I really hope this is my cycle and I continue to pray and workout and stay in good spirits! And I hope next cycle will be your cycle if not this one!!

I'm thinking this cycle I won't take a hpt until after AF is due which would be around June 21! Today is CD 7 and I got two more days of clomid!! I'm really excited and ready for this, I haven't been more ready then now!

The dreams of bring our babies home. Able to do a nursery and baby showers, and just the thought of being a Mom is incredible. I pray God will allow his will be done and allow us to conceive a healthy happy baby and enjoy my pregnancy with all the risks and know everything is going to be alright!! :hugs:
Awww yeah, it sounds like you have a pretty big family too! :hugs: It is definitely wonderful :) I wish we were all closer though! I haven't been to visit my brother in Africa, because tickets are usually over $1500 dollars. I just can't afford it! I miss them all though. The only place I have traveled outside of the country is Mexico a few times.

Well that is definitely a great feeling to be able to see your love grow everyday. :cloud9: You may not be high school sweethearts, but you will definitely have a long, happy life together. Love is a beautiful thing. I am SUCH a sap, and enjoy every second talking about love and relationships. :haha:

Yes, it was nice to have my mom finally come around! It was surprising that she didn't tell me to wait like she usually does; I'm glad she trusts me to make good decisions. :)

Woohoo, I am so happy and optimistic about this cycle for you. I am so glad that you are in good spirits! :hugs: Wow, only two more days of clomid and then you get to start BDing for O time! Haha I always try to wait until after AF is due to test, but sometimes I just get too anxious to test!! I wish I could wait sometimes, because seeing a bfn is definitely disappointing. I am supposed to get my hpts delivered today, but they still aren't here yet. AF hasn't showed up yet, and I am still trying to hold on to a little bit of hope for a bfp this cycle. I'm being realistic, but hopeful. I am symptom spotting, but trying not to make something out of nothing. Regardless, if AF gets here I am ready to give it my all next cycle! :)

AH, it is so dreamy to think of all of that (baby showers, nursery, and best of all being able to bring out babies home). I just feel so good about how everything is going in our lives! I look forward to taking steps in this new journey, and I am happy to have you to talk to on the way! :hugs:
Wow those are expensive for tickets. I do however wanna take a trip to a pretty island with a beach. Oh I will love and enjoy that time together! Well his birthday is Monday and we gonna go stay at the casino Sunday Monday and part of Tuesday! It's about two hours away and he just wanna get away so I'm all for it. I hate leaving my dogs with anyone but my brothers law will come stay at our apartment for the time we are gone so I feel much better!

I'm super excited tomorrow the last day of clomid and BD we will do :happydance: I'm very hopeful this cycle. I'm still exercising, reading my daily devotionals, and lots of praying. I think in wanna opt out on testing for ovulation bc we confirm I do ovulate while taking clomid or Femara but it's just my chances of getting pregnant each cycle is about 40% not very high according my ob but he said it's still possible bc I've been pregnant twice! However I may not use them and I will just trust God and our bodies that this is our cycle!!

I'm so excited we will have each other through this journey and help each other out. I'll be so excited for your baby shower I love to send you gifts and such I love shopping for babies! Lol I'm a sucker I can't help it!! But I'm still praying that this may actually be your cycle if not I'm cheering for you on next cycle :happydance: LETS GET THOSE BABIES :baby: :cloud9: :hugs:
Yes, an Island vacation would be wonderful! Some day it will happen!!! Ohhhh that sounds like a fun getaway you have coming up! I'm not a big gambler, but I still enjoy having fun in a casino. We never spent much the times we went; we usually just played the penny slots :haha: Casino's always have excellent buffets, so I'm sure you will have great good on your trip! ;) Aww it's just fun that you guys get some time together away from home!! I understand how difficult it is leaving the dogs (I have such a difficult time with that too!). It sounds like they will be in great care though!! Did you decide what you were going to get your hubby for his birthday?

Woohoo, congrats on almost being done with the climid. It sounds like everything is going great with TTC this cycle! I'm sending tons of prayers and sticky baby dust your way!! You are right that you know you are ovulating now, so if you decide not to use opks you will at least have an idea of when to expect your ovulation. :happydance: That is interesting that your ob said you only have a 40% chance of getting pregnant each cycle. What all influences that percentage, do you know? Either way, 40% probability of conceiving is still plenty enough of a chance for you to conceive your miracle baby!!! I have high hopes, and I know you do too!!!! :happydance:

I feel blessed to have you through this journey as well. :hugs: We have so much to look forward to; it's going to amazing!!! Aww I love shopping for baby gifts too. I would love to get better at knitting and sewing, so I could make some hats, socks, and baby blankets :) Wooohoo :dust: I can't wait for us to conceive our miracle babies!:happydance::cloud9::crib:

I'm still not sure what is going on with me this cycle. I had some cramps last night and thought AF would be here, then I just started having some cramps again, but she still hasn't made her appearance. Still bfn too (of course). I'm anxious for AF to show so I can get on with trying harder next cycle! I'm ready to do this thing! :haha:
We don't gamble either this will be my second time going in life and a first with him. But still looking forward to it just to get away and relax and enjoy each other's company. And I'm pretty set in my decision I will not take opks lol I won't pack them so I won't be tempted. I'm excited.... :happydance:

Honestly I don't know why it's a 40%chance each cycle of getting pregnant. Well what I think is because I have irregular cycles which means no ovulation sometimes... I say sometimes bc when I got pregnant with my son I haven't had a cycle in the last 6 months but around that time I was doing kickboxing class and yoga class so I feel that plays a major part in my cycles and with my body to help ovulation. But with the clomid I do ovulate but the first time taking femara I got pregnant. So I guess when he takes all that in consideration I see why he say that. Before we got married we tried for 8 months before we finally got pregnant then after that last year it took 7 months so right now it's been 6 months of trying since Dec 2013 after the mc.

Oh it's funny you take about knitting and sewing I was saying I want to get a sewing machine and try making baby things. I took textile and apparel in high school so that's been years since I have but I we do it for my little one.

Ummm this sounds like a strange cycle well I admit myself I've had few cycles of strange things then I stopped thinking about it and AF showed. But let's keep hope that it may be your cycle if not come on AF so we can move on to next cycle lol that's me cheering for you :haha:
Yes, you will both have a great time!! It will definitely be more relaxing if you leave the opks at home, too. And you know what happens when our bodies are the most relaxed!! :winkwink::happydance:

The 40% chance makes sense given your history. It's crazy to think about how many months are spent trying. I wish it was easy and quick for EVERYONE trying to conceive! I think your body is getting the hang of it all now though, so it should definitely happen soon! I have also heard that some people are more fertile immediately coming off birth control. I read that somewhere on this forum, so I am praying that is true for you!!!

That is awesome that you took a textile and apparel class in high school! We never had anything like that to my knowledge!! When I was little, my aunt taught me to sew. I would sew my little monkey stuffed animal clothes all the time. Lol. It's been a long time since I have used a sewing machine though...I need to buy one! My sister is amazing at sewing and knitting. She is actually in school doing costuming and such. She will have to teach me. It would be a fun thing to pick up for our little ones while we are waiting for them to arrive. :)

Lol yes, it's a strange cycle. However, I think I also have more time on my hands to recognize that it is a strange cycle. When I'm in school, I don't think about it as much. The times when I thought about it I was usually just hoping it wouldn't fall on a week of exams. :haha: I bet you are right that AF will come when I stop thinking about it so much! I'm CD 30, so I'm not really that late yet I guess. Since my MC, my cycles have been 28 or 29 days (with the exception of the first month after my MC, which was wonky). The waiting continues :coffee: Lol I keep cheering that I can know one way or the other. The last days in the TWW always make me crazy and seem to drag on. It's OK though, I'm ready for whatever happens!
I'm really excited we will be leaving tomorrow evening. Oh the relaxation I can't wait. I just took the last of clomid so I'm all ready. I'll pack my preseed I'll give that a try this cycle. I'm gonna stop thinking bout it as well I just know we need to try to bd everyday this week coming or at least every other day.. Oh yeah you are right given my history that's why it's a 40% chance, I hope that statement is true that you become more fertile after taking bc! I would so excited and thrilled, I just don't wanna go to a RE but if it comes down to it I will but I'm hoping this cycle is my cycle!!

Oh yes I would love to get into the hang of sewing that will take so much of my time. Well I know I'll be making my own baby book as well as browsing online finding great deals on baby things.

My cycles are 30-31 days only when I'm using fertility pills other than that she is a big no show. Well I hope she doesn't cone during your finals either. Speaking of school I'm all signed up for school I start Aug but I'm only taking two classes. I need a total of 4 classes before I start the clinical in nursing. I'm really excited to start that new journey and looking forward to finishing to have a good paying career and also doing something I enjoy!! How sweet!!!

Well I got to get to my workout I normally do them at night. So far it's been a bit challenging but I'm pushing through, I know my results will be worth it all..
That's great! I hope your husband has a great birthday, and that you both have an excellent getaway! Woohoo, I can't wait to see what this cycle brings for you. You are going to be in the TWW before you know it. Silly question, but is preseed used as a lubricant? I know it helps with conception, but I didn't know if it was intended to be used a safe alternative to lubricants...I've never used it. Can you buy it at the regular grocery store. You guys will have a fun week did - I'm sure that won't be a problem. ;)

Yes, I double-checked what I said about it being easier to conceive after coming off birth control. Maybe that was another reason your doctor suggested to go on the pill for awhile. You can see the info on the myths and facts page of this website (listed as a fact), and I'm sure it is on other sites as well. You have an excellent chance of conceiving this cycle. As I've said before- you are doing everything right!!! I have everything crossed for you, and I'm cheering you on and praying for you as well! :happydance::hugs:

Aww a baby book?! Like a scrap book or what kind of book? Oh yes, I keep telling my DH that I'm going to be crazy about finding great deals on baby things!! I love budget shopping. :haha:

That is awesome that you are already signed up for classes in August! I am so excited for you! Is there an entrance exam to get into the clinical nursing program, or do you just need to have completed the required prerequisites before hand? Either way, I know you will have no trouble achieving this goal! It sounds perfect for you :)

As for me, I'm still over here waiting on some answers for this cycle. :coffee: I'm driving myself a little bit crazy, but I know all I can do is wait. I'm on CD31 right now. One minute I am obsessing and hoping for a positive hpt and thinking I might be having "symptoms", but the next minute I feel like AF is coming and think it's all on my head. :dohh: I don't know why I do this to myself! I wish AF would just get here already. Lol. Oh well. Hopefully by the time you get back from your trip I will have some answers! :)

Good for you that you are pushing through your workouts! Do you go to the gym or workout outside? I need to figure out something to do at home, because it is way to hot to do anything outside. (That, and I am probably just making excuses for me being lazy) Lol. Anyway, I'm glad everything is going well with you!! Have fun and be safe on your trip!!:hugs:
I'm excited to see what this cycle brings. Preseed is a lubricant that suppose to make you CM more :spermy: friendly. I've read and have experience with clomid it dries your CM and it's not fun at all. It happen the first two cycles on clomid and it was not good. So preseed helps but now I just use it just bc I have no clue if it helps with getting pregnant, I've seen on youtube girls swear by it and read on here some girls say it help them conceive so of course I'm all in it can't hurt.. I not sure if it's at grocery store but then again I believe it will be because so many other things they sell for sexually wellness. But I know walmart, target, walgreens and cvs has it for sure.

I'll go check that page out while I wait on DH to get home from work.

Baby book- I had bought one with my son and I like it kind of but I felt like I could've made it myself and it would come out so much better than just buying a book. So yeah it's like scrap booking, I'm not very artsy but I can create a few things that will come out well.

School- yeah I have to take these 4 classes and take the entrance exam. So I plan on taking the test next spring and by then I'll be finishing with the classes and ready to go into the program. I'm excited for a career change and better opportunities.

Hummm CD31?!! Well I guess I'll have to wait until I get back to see if AF shows or possibly BFP:happydance: either way still good! New cycle or pregnant AHHH I'm so excited soon we will be MOMS to our take home babies!! I'm praying for us and I have so much faith we can do this!!!

I'll get on here later and while we are gone just to check on you... Talk to you soon.
Thanks for the information on preseed! I have heard a lot of women on here using it, but I never really knew too much about it. Maybe I will look into it for next cycle instead of using lubricant. I usually try not to use any lubricant as much as possible (especially during O time, because I know it isn't good for the spermies), but BD is definitely no fun when CM is dry! At least there is a solution to that side effect of clomid for you! ;)

Aww the baby book sounds so sweet!!! I have a ton of scrapbooking stuff, but I am so scared to use it and screw things up! lol. I'm not very artsy either, but i enjoy being crafty when I get the hang of things! :)

The school situation all sounds very exciting! I bet you are thrilled to be looking into new opportunities that you are passionate about. I Know you will do great!

Yep, CD31, but I have no idea when I ovulated. I have ovulated late before. The cycle I miscarried I ovulated on CD25. I'm still cramping off and on, but no spotting or AF in sight! You're right, either AF or BFP will be good news! Lol.

I'm excited for us to be moms again too! Yes, we can do this!!!!! I have so much faith in us too!:happydance::happydance:

Enjoy your vacation!
So I should've been updated. Ughh we didn't to to the casino but however we did go out for drinks and out to eat and movies. His birthday morning I got up early to cook him breakfast. Overall it was a great turn around since we didn't get to go.

Oh and you welcome about the info on preseed.

What new? Has AF shown? Have you tested again?

Me, I am on CD12 and I think I'm a late ovulater bc my CD are like 30 or 31 days long so according to this website I should or may ovulate June 8 which is CD 16 I don't know I think I will bd every other day until cd 14 then I will bd everyday from cd 14-17 I think that should cover all bases..

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