Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Yep AF is still a no show, that's kinda raising my thoughts uhhmmm I want think too much of it bc as soon as I think or get excited she'll so her ugly face. But CD29 I still have a few days before she suppose to come.

Oh yes school for me starts the 2nd or 3rd week of August. So I see you'll have tons of free time like I do lol! All I've been doing is browsing the Internet all day everyday looking up baby things and watching youtube videos and thinking of how I'm gonna do my next video.

Yes procrastination is what we have but your right we do get it done. Like I've been procrastinating on finishing these lessons and I suppose I'll sit and do tons of them tomorrow and do laundry while DH is at work. I'm such a home body I love being at home just relaxing watching youtube :haha: story of my life!!
Hmm still no AF? Does it still feel like she might come? Do you think you will test again before your appointment if you don't come on? My fingers are still crossed for you!!!:dust:

Lol, I know I have no idea what I am going to do with even more free time!!! That is all I have been doing too, getting on the internet and looking up TTC and baby things! Lol what are we going to do with ourselves?! ....I will keep my eye out for your next video! :)

That is funny, that sounds exactly like the story of my life. My husband will come home from work and ask me to go to the grocery store with him and then tease me because I haven't been out of the house for a few days. :haha: I go outside to water the garden? Lol. I'm even running out of laundry to do! Haha well yes, I'm sure you will be able to get some lessons done this weekend! :)
I'm not sure if I'm ready to test bc I feel like she is about to show at any min and I don't wanna waste any test. I'm sure Monday that they probably do a test on me to make sure I'm not. I'm really excited about what is going to happen and my DH is thrilled.

I don't know what we are going to do :dohh: lol. Well I guess keep looking up baby stuff. I gotta get back in my exercise routine bc this past week I haven't workout at all and I can tell the difference in my body. Well I'm sure we will find something to do to keep busy one way or another. :haha:

Oh yes doing my training I haven't started yet :haha: because I'm too busy watching lifetime :haha: but I have started on laundry and I'll be finish in no time. I think I may go to the store later, I'm like you I'll stay at home all day and when DH gets in and want to go some where he say babe you really been in the house all day?? Yep I have! :haha:

Well I think I may order some first response digital opks for this up coming cycle. I might wait until after Monday so I can know what direction to go. What cycle day are you now?
That makes sense to wait until your appointment! You are right that they will likely do a test when you get there! Only two more days! I'm excited for you guys for whatever the next step may be! :happydance:

Lol yep, I guess we will just have to keep busy looking at things on the internet! :haha: Yeah, I still haven't gotten into a regular habit of exercising or doing yoga. DH said he wanted to do yoga with me though...now we just need to actually do it! I'm sure you will get back on track with your exercise; you've had a lot going on this past week! Oh by the way, I really liked the cup of popsicle sticks with workouts written on them. I saw that when I watched your video- what a great idea!

I know, I am still procrastinating on finishing some of my school work too, so I totally understand! :haha: Nice, I like watching lifetime! I've been watching some of How I Met Your Mother today. Lol, right, what is wrong with staying in the house all day? It's so dang hot here that I would rather stay inside with my AC!

I never did end up buying OPKs, and I'm not sure if I will or not. We are a little tight on money as my financial aid has not come yet. Do you get your first response digitals online for cheaper? I'm on CD9 right now, and I don't have a clue when I will ovulate. If it is true that you alternate ovaries that you O from every month, then I am thinking my O date and cycle length won't take so long this month! I guess we'll see!

I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes and you can see what direction to move in!!! Yay! :hugs:
CD9 time is really going for us! I'm not sure about if alternate ovaries when you ovulate :dohh: but it makes senes and that's why we ovulate on different days each month. Yes they are way cheaper online than the store. In the store it cost like $60 but online maybe 20.

Oh I understand about being right on money. When I first started this job we use to get paid every week then they changed it to every two weeks now it's back to every week. It's throws me off with bills and me having to budget my money for bills and such. One thing I can say was my financial aid helped a ton when I was in school, for saving wise and paying up car insurance for several months. This time when I go back I plan to save as much as I can so when I have the baby and is off work I'll have plenty saved!

Oh yes two days away! I'm excited I can't wait until Monday. I'm looking up what suppose to happen and what questions should I ask! For the most part in ready to get it over with and start the process I pray this cycle will be the cycle we finally get BFPs!!

Yes it's so hot outside geez I hate to take the dogs out. I much rather stay cool than be hot on any day! I bet it's 3x hotter there than it is here! Oh speaking of hot, so I might be going out of town to Texas for the Fourth of July but when I look at the days my mom is going it's too close to ovulation I'll literally will be coming back CD13 I'm like nope I don't wanna go we bd lol!! I'll just see how Monday goes!
I know, time is going by fast! I am already so excited about moving this cycle along! I am ready to BD a lot and look for any sign of O!! I'm ready to do this!!

That is a much better deal to get the OPKs online! I will definitely be buying them online as well if I end up getting opks. Yeah, financial aid has been a life saver while I've been in school. Out-of-state tuition is OUTRAGEOUS, but luckily I didn't have any loans before I moved here. The thing that messed me up this month was that I was supposed to receive a summer loan disbursement, but apparently I wasn't enrolled in enough classes. One of my classes was cancelled, and they lowered the amount they were offering me, but then they wouldn't disburse it, because I was supposed to be taking two more credit hours. It's a long, frustrating story. Ultimately it is my fault, but I still feel like I was deceived!! So now I have $4,000+ tuition for my summer class, and no way to pay my that tuition OR my bills. I applied for a private loan through my bank, which I didn't want to do...so I am really hoping it gets figured out soon!!! I had budgeted all of my finances for the summer assuming I was getting that money, so I have been incredibly stressed trying to figure it all out. UGH. Anyway...That sounds difficult to have the frequency of your pay day change so much too! It definitely can throw you off! That is smart that you are putting money aside for baby! We are planning to do that too (once we know what is going on with all of this craziness)! :baby:

Yayyy I can't wait to hear how it goes! That is great that you are going in so prepared! I wouldn't know what questions to ask:shrug:, it sounds like you are all over it though. I am praying (A TON) for you to get that BFP soon! You and your husband truly deserve it! You are going to be such amazing parents! :hugs:!

Lol, yeah, even my dog doesn't like spending too much time outside! Yes it's so hot outside here. A "cool" day is between 100-105 degrees. Yuck. Ohhh Texas huh? That would be fun! What part? Aww I totally know what you mean about the poor timing in terms of TTC. How long would you be gone? If it is a short trip it might still be OK timing wise! Can your husband not go because of work? Aww well definitely keep me posted!!

:dust: (for good measure:haha:)
Oh yes is understand the whole limbo with school. Out of state tuition is ridiculous, I wanted to go to school out of state but that tuition is too high. I didn't have any loans until mu last year of school and I'll be on loans for this second degree. I pray I find a job after this second degree to pay the loans off for the second degree at least.

Geez that's hot :haha: I wouldn't want to be outside either. My dogs go do there business and run back to the door :haha: Yes DH has to work and he will not take off for nothing unless it's an emergency. I'm going with my Mom, aunts, sisters and cousins IF I go. It's in Dallas my other Aunt lives there. But we suppose to leave the July 2 and come back July 6. So like CD9-13 that's really close and what if I ovulate early, I guess everything depends on Monday if she puts me on a schedule for ultrasounds or femara or clomid. :dohh: this may be a trip I have to miss.

Well it's okay, DH and are planning to go to Nashville in September to go to the Dallas Cowboys vs Tennessee titans game so we will be there the entire weekend!

However I'm praying that this cycle God will show us more favor and allow us to get BFPs.

I just got my BFP!!! :happydance:
I just cried like a baby and praised GOD and gave him all the glory because I trusted him and I trust him to allow me to make it all nine months!!

DH is here so he about to see the sign!!


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It's say we love you dad!!!

Best day of my life!! I'm sticking around on this forum to cheer for you now!! And you kept saying you thought I was :haha:!!

Thank God and I'm still praying for you!!


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I can't even contain my excitement right now, so I can only imagine how you must be feeling!!!! I want to jump up and down, and hug you, and cry tears of joy!!!! I was just getting on here before class to wish you good luck with your appointment, and this is the BEST NEWS EVERRR!

I can't believe it! I mean I CAN believe it because I knew it was going to happen for you, and you have been doing everything right, and trying hard, and we have both been praying... BUT AHHH!!!

I wish you could see the smile on my face right now, and I wish I could see the smile on yours!!! Brittany, you're pregnant!!!! That is a STRONG bfp too!!! I am BEYOND excited for you and your husband. This is amazing! I am shaking because I am so excited!! I just cannot even convey enough through words how happy I am for you! God is good!!!

Ahhh, I have to get ready for class, but I will be on here again later tonight!!! I'M SO UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS RIGHT NOW! I am praying for a happy, healthy nine months for you and your little munchkin. I know it will be! You have been blessed with your miracle baby, and I still look forward to being here to chat throughout your pregnancy!! :hugs:

YAY! I am going to go jump up and down and yell with excitement! Congratulations again!

Yes it was a strong line, the test line came up before the control line! I was so happy and cried tears of joy I immediately got on my knees and prayed and thanked God!!
It's was truly crazy I just took the ovulation test just to see what it would be and it turned up positive that dark and I remember reading it could also mean possible pregnancy! So I ran out quickly to get test before DH came home and sure enough BFP!!

I'm so happy and I can see you smiling and jumping, I wouldn't wanna share my experience with no one but you! You have been truly amazing as a friend and my biggest cheerleader :haha: I'm happy I have you!!

Well we will chat more when you get out of school!!
Oh my gosh, and I didn't even realize you posted your message two days ago!! I thought it was from yesterday, since I wasn't on yesterday. (I had to finish up my schoolwork and then I had dinner with a friend!! I started reading over your first post, and then I saw "Guess what", so I quickly scrolled down and realized AHHH BFP!!!!

Yes, that line was so strong, I would bet that it came up before the control line! That is amazing, and I think it is a great sign! I already know that this baby is the stickiest little bean ever! He or she is here to stay!
Ahhh I am just so happy for you and your husband! What an amazing blessing!

That is awesome that you used an opk first! I was reading about that the other day! Your tests were unmistakeable bfp, it's amazing!!! :cloud9: You made my day...and week!!...and month too! :haha:

Awww, so tell me about how your DH reacted!! I bet he loved the sign!! Did you get to make the exciting call to the RE and say "Guess what? I don't need to come in because I'm pregnant!!"

:hugs: I am so happy I can be here to share in your excitement! I have been looking forward to this day for so long! YAYYY!! :happydance::cloud9::happydance: So what next?! Have you told family? Your Ob/gyn? There is so much for you to look forward to!!! You are starting a new, amazing chapter! :hugs:
Okay so this how I told him. After I rush to take the test I quickly made the sign bc he was on his way home! I put the sign on the mirror in the bathroom and closed the bathroom door. So he got home I was acting like I was watching a movie, it took him to long to go in the bathroom so I said I saw a spider can he kill it :haha: so he went in and saw the sign his face light up and he ran to hug me, he kept saying I knew it I knew it! :haha:

Yes I did call the RE and said "umm I know I'm suppose to call 24 hours ahead to cancel an appointment but I'm already pregnant and I don't need to come! They congratulated me and said best wishes!
Oh yes our family knows :haha: we said we wasn't going to announce until 12 weeks but so much for that! Lol but they are thrilled and excited just like us!

I haven't made my ob appointment yet because according to last AF which was May23 I am 4 weeks 3days. Typically when you are this early you don't see anything on an ultrasound, and at 5 weeks you see the heartbeat but don't hear it to around 6 weeks or after. Some ob won't do an early scan but I know mines will. So I wanna wait until I'm 6 weeks so I can hear and see the little munchkin heartbeat!! So maybe the second week of July I will set the appt to go!!
Oh yeah another story to tell sorry if I'm rambling on and on but I wanna give all the details :haha:

My Aunt called the next day, she had told my mom last week she had a dream that I had a little girl! But anywho so she called and said I was in walmart and I saw a picture and God told me to get it for you, and said I had a dream you had a little girl. She said the picture frame is what you put your first ultrasound picture in! I was so filled with joy bc I feel like it was my confirmation from God letting me know this is our time and everything is going to be alright! So I went ahead and told her and she was so excited and started praying and saying this is a special pregnancy! I know it is too :happydance:

So what Cd are you? I have some opks that I could send you if you like? I suppose you can private message me so I can send them sooner than later!!
Haha that is great!!! What a special moment!! I can't imagine how ecstatic you both are. It's such a beautiful thing. You have such a beautiful relationship with your husband, and you two are going to have such an amazing journey into starting your family! Awww I just love it, I'm getting all sappy and teary just thinking about it!

I don't think I could make it until 12 weeks to tell my family either! Lol. I'm glad you are able to celebrate this amazing time with them! :cloud9: Wow, isn't it amazing that your life can change so much in just a matter of a few days?!?! :cloud9::happydance::hugs:

Yeah, I have heard it takes awhile to get into an ob until your a little farther along. That is OK though, because I'm sure the time will fly by and by then you will get to hear that beautiful sounding healthy heartbeat! What a blessing! I'm so happy for you! I'm sorry I keep saying that over and over again, but I am!! I look forward to hearing about all of your milestones! :hugs: And maybe, just maybe I will be shortly behind you ;)

:happydance:<<<still me over here dancing!
Oh yes I can't wait our lives did a 360 in matter of a few days! But no complaints, I knew it would happen as soon as I got my degree! Now I have the time to enjoy this time!

Thank you soo much and I know we are overly excited and filled with joy right now! I do pray that that your BFP is right around the corner and we will get to go through this experience as bump buddies! I look forward to everything!

I'm still in disbelief and shock but all I can do is be thankful!
Oops I think I cross-posted with you earlier, and I never saw the story about your aunt! AH that warms my heart! I really do believe it is a sign that God is saying yes, this is all meant to be! This baby is special; he/she is your miracle baby and here to stay! Awww you should definitely put your first ultrasound picture in it! I also want to see the picture!!!! Hmm it will be interesting to find out the sex of your baby now! Sounds like you have one prediction for a girl so far! Boy or girl, I know having your little one is a blessing! I know you talked about doing a gender reveal party! Aww I love that we can talk about your pregnancy now! It's such a beautiful, amazing thing!

Aw yes, when I said that your lives are going to change I mean that it is going to change in the best way possible!:cloud9:It really is perfect timing! You have time to enjoy your pregnancy and be stress-free. Your body is ready, you are healthy, and your baby will be healthy! Everything is perfect!:cloud9:

I am praying everyday that I will conceive this month!! I am going to try hard to have good timing with BD, etc.! I am on CD 11 right now, and I am already trying to make sure we BD a lot! DH hasn't been using POM at all...I thought maybe he was going to sometimes pull out and sometimes not, but so far he hasn't at all. :haha: I am SO ready for this. It would be beyond amazing to be bump buddies with you! But either way, I am here to cheer you on during your journey! I am so happy for you!

As for sending the OPKs, you totally don't have to do that! I don't want you to have to spend money on sending them to me! I may O soon anyway, and you could always use them for your next pregnancy! (Although, I don't know how long they are good for until they expire). Hmmm well if I don't conceive this cycle, maybe I could take you up on the offer next cycle. I have a PayPal account and I could definitely send you money for them!!!!

As for your pregnancy (because I can't talk about it enough:haha:), I am sure it is still hard to believe; but believe it girl because you are PREGNANT! Shout it from the roof tops, soak it in! Ahhh yes, there is so much to be thankful for! I'm SOOOOO happy for you! Right when I found out, I immediately told my DH that you were pregnant because I was jumping around the house with joy! He was excited for you too! :haha:

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:<<< Yep, I'm going to be doing the happy dance for awhile!
Aww yes BD a lot! Well at least once a day and tell him drink plenty of water to restore those swimmers!! CD 11 ahhhh your so very close in the range of ovulation. I don't even know when I ovulated this cycle :dohh: but according to my last AF and how long my CDs which are 31 it's saying the due date is March 2 but if you go off only 28 CDs it's Feb27!! And no POM is great and looks and sounds like he now is completely on board with it all! Yayyy I'm excited I can't wait until the next few weeks you tell me you got your BFP! Until then I'm cheering still get that eggy!!!

Oh and whenever you want me to send the opks you don't have to send me any money, I just wanna give them to you! I just a helpful person and doing out the kindness of my heart!!:hugs:

Of yes the dream my aunt had was heart filling! I'm very interested into knowing what the gender is now too. And we are still doing a gender reveal party as well! I've been on Pinterest like crazy and coming up with so many ideas.
Yep, CD12 now! Hopefully I will O "on time" or at least not so late this month. Luckily, DH drinks water like a fish. I definitely should drink more water though. I don't know if it helps anything on my end, but I need to drink more water anyway! We BDd a lot in the last few days. We will probably skip tonight, because we are driving out of town to meet some family for dinner and probably won't be back until really late. I'm praying I can jump on the baby train with you soon!! :happydance:

Awww that is so exciting that you will be expecting a February or March baby!!! I can't wait until your first dating scan!! You are going to have a beautiful, healthy, happy baby in 9 months! How amazing!!!! :happydance::cloud9::hugs:

You are so sweet to offer to send my your opks!! I would still want to pay you for them though!! Lol. I will let you know closer to next cycle if it seems like it will be AF or BFP. Hopefully BFP!

Ok, so I have a silly question about gender reveal parties. I have seen some parties where the parents are revealing the gender to their friends and families, and I have seen some parties where even the parents are finding out the gender for the first time. How does that all work?! Does a close family member or friend have to find out from the doctor in order to surprise the parents? I don't know what the norm is. Lol. I've been to a lot of baby showers, but I haven't been to a gender reveal party yet! I see pictures of them on Facebook, and I've watched youtube videos where people reveal the gender! Pinterest is the best! I bet you are finding some amazing ideas! How fun!!!
Yes drink more water and it does help on your end too because it helps with the CM, helps improve it for those swimmers. That's great he drinks water already, DH does too we go through cases and cases of water fast!!

Oh and I still want accept any money for them! :haha: because the are wonfo and they are cheap so nope i won't accept :hugs: I pray you hope on this baby train soon like this cycle!! I believe and I have faith! Just keep bd and relax. I know it's easy said than done but this cycle I did take my own advice and worked out and bam it happen. Some else I did was lay down like 10-15 after bd to ensure the swimmers stay in, this may be tmi :haha: but when DH would release the swimmers he would push all the way to make sure they are in then wait a min then get up!

Oh and about the gender reveal I've seen both. But in the case when the parents don't know they would go get a scan and tell ultrasound tech to write it down and seal it in an envelope, they give that to who ever is baking the cake and they make the inside either pink or blue! Now in my case DH and I will find out and we will reveal to family and friends by putting either purple or blue balloons in a box and after they read the riddle we will open the box and they'll see the balloons. I think it's really up to the parents on what they wanna do!!

So my first appt will be July 15 :dohh: well bc he is booked up so far and a lot of his patients are having babies so it's a busy month for him. I'm actually okay with that because by then we should see the baby and see and be able to hear the heart beat! That's all I'm looking forward to is hearing that lovely sounds it's like music and you instantly fall in love!

I'm so thankful and grateful. I wake up now every morning thanking god over and over again! It's just a blessing, just thinking about my history brings tears to my eyes but it's like I'm at peace this time because he has given me reassurance and I'm putting all my trust and faith into him!!

Oh today is your last day of school right? Geez time is flying!

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