Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

That is great that you both drink so much water! I'm sure it is good for you to stay hydrated for baby now too!! I am trying to drink more water instead of drinking so much coffee...I just love my coffee SO much!:dohh: But I'm cutting back so it is easier to give up when I get pregnant!

You are too sweet to do that!:hugs: Hopefully I won't need them next cycle! I'm praying I will jump on the baby train soon! Either way, thank you!! You are so kind. I'll have to send you a thank you gift for you and baby...which I will do either way. :haha: I know, I am really trying to take a page out of your book this cycle and relax!!! You let it happen, and it did! Lol no, its not TMI. I have been trying to lay down after BD, and DH waits a minute after releasing before he gets up...Woohoo, so hopefully that helps!!

Ok that makes more sense about the gender reveal parties :haha: I would definitely want DH and I to be the first ones to know the gender! It would be special no matter what, but I know I will be eager to find out!! Aww I love the box idea!!! How sweet, it is going to be so exciting!!!!:happydance:

Yay, you have your first appointment!! July 15th isn't too far off, and you are right that by that time you will be able to hear the heart beat and see your little munchkin!! Pregnancy is so beautiful, ahhh its amazing! I am so thrilled for you! Yes, I am sure there is no other way to describe it other than instant joy and love! :cloud9:

Yes, I can't imagine how thankful and blessed you must feel! I am so glad you are at peace with everything, because I know this was exactly how it was meant to be! It truly is a blessing! It brings tears to my eyes too!! God is good! I am just SO SO happy for you!!! :hugs:

How are you feeling by the way?! Do you feel any slight changes yet?!

As for me, yes I am done with school for awhile!!! :happydance: I am on CD13 now...temps still haven't spiked, so I am just waiting to O. I was feeling a little concerned yesterday, because I had some pink spotting. I had this last month too and several other times over the last few months. It usually seems to be after BD, so I was looking up irritation to the cervix. I had a polyp removed from my cervix a few years ago, but I have read that they don't usually grow back. The spotting usually only lasts a day, but I'm such a worrier! It could just be nothing, but I always get nervous when anything seems "off" regarding my reproductive organs. I just want to be healthy and be able to have a healthy pregnancy - that is what I am praying for!!
Yes I pray that you shouldn't need them after this cycle! Yes you are gonna hop on this baby train ASAP! I'm very hopeful and praying for you too. Oh yes you most def would be a great mom and your DH is be a wonderful dad. I'm happy that it's wasn't TMI :haha: but sounds like y'all are all over it. CD13 yayyy, hopefully those ovaries are gearing up and getting those eggys ready.

I'm happy you get the gender reveal parties now. And yayy school is out for a while well August for us both! Now to occupy our time :coffee: what shall we do?? Well my plans is get on here, Pinterest, YouTube, and watch movies! :haha:

Yeah my appointment isn't to far off, I'm looking forward to it. Then my Ob loves getting plenty of ultrasound pictures so I'm looking forward to that and I'll upload pictures so you can see, I'm happy to share these moments with you! And the only other things I notice differently was my breast were extremely sore and tender but then got my BFP and now it hurts bad, I can see my veins on them and I feel like a tight ball in the lower pelvic abdomen area. I'm a stomach sleeper, so it's been uncomfortable so I toss and turn all night, the many trips to the bathroom every hour on the hour, also I get up between 3-5am to eat cause I feel like I'm starving to death! NO COMPLAINTS!! Im happy to have all of that going on as long as baby is happy and snuggled in tight I'm happy to do whatever it takes.

So I'm going to remind you everyday to do at least 30 min of yoga and drink a bottle of water!! I'm gonna tell you everyday!!
No definitely not TMI- I'm almost TOO open about things, and I don't get embarrassed very easily. :haha: Thank you for your kind words! Ahhh yes, I hope I can join you as a bump buddy soon!!! :happydance::happydance:

Lol I know, what are we going to do with our time?! I am going to run out of movies and TV shows to watch! Lol. I'm sure we will do just fine enjoying our free time though!! Hahaha ok, ok, I give you permission to get on me about doing yoga and drinking more water! :haha: You'll be my inspiration!

Aww I can't wait to see your ultrasound pictures! How lovely!!! That is also so fun that you are already noticing changes in your body! Isn't it crazy how quickly it all happens?! It's beautiful. Rest assured that your little munchkin is snuggled in tight!:hugs: I hope you are able to get some sleep and relaxation time in, and lots of yummy food for you and baby!!! :haha: It is going to be an amazing journey for you all, and I am so happy I can be here for the ride to celebrate!
Yes I'm very lucky to have you, even tho we haven't met feels like I've known you for years as we say before other people that's close doesn't know half the stuff we tell each other.

Now even though I toss and turn every night since I found out, I've been taking naps right after I get home from work since last week. I sleep at least 3 hours :dohh: I'm not a nap taker unless I'm tired. Oh and food it seems like at night when I'm hungry the most. But I've been reading up on that and I've went and got tons of fruits and healthy snacks. Although I had changed the things I eat last cycle so it's not too hard to keep going.

It is amazing how fast your body changes. It's a unforgettable feeling and and it feels the same like with my son. When I had my miscarriage I didn't feel pregnant at all. But this time I really do. I've been relaxing and just laying around after I get home from work. I currently have my nephew and we are watching that Leggo movie and eating popcorn and of course I'm browsing the internet!

Oh I had a question about your temping, so when you have a spike that means ovulation is about to happen? Or already happen? So then does your temps stay high until when? Sorry I'm still interested in it all still. These past cycles what CDs do you normally ovulate around?

Remember water today and yoga at least 30 min :happydance:

:dust: :dust: :dust:
I know, it is so wonderful to have each other! You've been there for my ups and downs, and it means so much to me! :hugs:

Aw, I'm sorry you are tossing and turning at night. I have heard that is normal in first and third trimester, and then it seems like second trimester everything is so much easier! I know it's definitely worth it though! :) I am glad you are getting some naps in! Your body is going through so many changes, so naps are a great way to rest!! At least you have an excuse too- I already like my naps and I'm not even pregnant yet! I think when I fall pregnant I will pretty much go into hibernation for 9 months :haha: Yum, and it sounds like you have some great healthy snacks! Good for you!!

Yes, I bet it is an amazing feeling to really feel and know that you are pregnant!! :cloud9: I am so glad you are taking care of yourself and enjoying some relaxation time! That is fun that you get to hang out with your nephew! How sweet. How old is he? I have three nephews and two nieces. I miss being able to hug them all and have fun with them!!

Oh and as far as temping goes, your temp spikes right after ovulation. Usually fertility friend won't mark your O day until there have been at least three consistently high temps, but yes you can usually see a pretty clear spike the day after ovulation. Temps remain in the high range after ovulation, and then they drop the day AF arrives. If you are pregnant, then the temps remain in the high range and do not drop. To be honest, I am not quite sure what CD I ovulated for the last few cycles. I wasn't very good about tracking it between February to June. The cycle I miscarried (December-January) was the first full month I was tracking my BBT, and I O'd on CD25. Last month I didn't start charting until the middle of my cycle, so that probably isn't a very good reference point either. Judging by my CM, I feel like I have had ovulation as early as CD13. But I have been very good about charting this month, so I am sure I will be able to identify O when it occurs. I've also studied numerous charts and read all the free lessons they provide, so I feel good about it! It seems like my CM has been close to EWCM, so I think I could be close! Sorry that explanation was all over the place! :haha:

Alright, I am going to go do my yoga and guzzle a glass of water!! :happydance:
Yeah going into hibernation for 9 months sounds great :haha: I've read also that women have restless nights in 1st & 3rd trimester. Well I'm kinda unsure how to calculate the due date I'm not sure if I told you this already if I did I'm sorry ahead of time if not I'll proceed. But the doctors go by your first day of last cycle and they go by 28 day cycles well everyone isn't 28 days I'm 31. So according to my calculations my due should be between Feb27 (base on a 28 cycle) or March 2 (base on 31) however I'm kinda anxious to go get my first ultrasound bc I'll know the due date as long as it falls between those days I'll be completely relived.

Oh okay I understand better about the temps. Maybe I can try that for baby #2. I only want 2 kids. How many would you like to have??

I'm happy you are on your yoga and water! Keep it up, I actually need to look up some yoga for myself on what positions are safe.

My nephew is 5. I also have a nephew that is 2 and I have twin nieces that are 1! I love being an aunt (they call me tete). I've always had a love for kids even when I was little I would always volunteer to babysit! That why I'm so grateful that I can be a mom thanks to God!!

As always I'm praying for you and lots and lots of :dust: :dust:
Well I hope you are able to get some good sleep soon!! Hmmm that sounds tricky trying to determine your estimated due date. I have always heard they based it on the first day of your last LMP, but I never gave it much thought that those dates are based on a 28 day cycle instead of a 29, 30, 31 or even 35 day cycle. I was playing around with those dates on babycenter.com's due date calculator (which is probably what you were doing too)...It seems like putting in your LMP (which I just looked back on the thread to find) seems pretty accurate. It predicted that you would get a positive hpt on June 20th, and you got a strong bfp on the 21st! Another thing you could do is play around with the dates you think you may have conceived on and enter those into the calculator! Did you put in a certain date to get the March 2nd EDD? I'm really not sure, but I will definitely do some more research on how different cycle lengths play into EDDs!! I would guess you are a little over 5 weeks now! EEEK so exciting! Your tests were SO strong, so I think you will find that your dating scan will be exactly where it should be! :happydance: I wish I knew more at the moment; it's definitely confusing! I think you can rest assured though that everything is moving along perfectly!

No temp rise yet today, but I feel like I may see one tomorrow! I have EWCM, so I will definitely BD tonight. We BDd yesterday morning and several other times before that. I actually enjoy temping! It's a great method...the only downfall is that it doesn't really show you when you are gearing up for O. It's helpful in confirming after O has happened, but OPKs are definitely better for making sure timing is right for BD. Hmmm, I think I want 3 children. DH only wants two. I used to want four, so I feel like three is a good compromise :haha: Two is a great number too though! Have you thought about what kind of age gap you want between your kiddos, or are you just going to let it happen when the time is right? I haven't really thought much about it.

Yes, I did my yoga yesterday and drank plenty of water! I'm so sore today! I thought I may have been feeling O pains this morning, but my whole body hurts so I can't tell what is what :haha:I am going to do my yoga today once DH gets home to see if he wants to join! I feel like reporting back to you about doing my yoga will help be be more accountable to make this change in my exercise routine! :happydance: Yes, you should definitely look into some yoga for you and baby! I bet there are some prenatal yoga videos on youtube if you didn't want to buy a DVD!

Aww that is adorable that they call you "tete!" It sounds like you have lots of little ones to love on! How sweet!!! My nephews are 4, 6, and 8 and my nieces are 2 and 13. I've always love kids too, I am so glad you have your own on the way!!! :happydance::hugs:

I am already SO ready to be in the TWW! I am feeling really good about everything, and it would be such a blessing to get a bfp this month! I can't wait to join you in the next chapter of this journey! I am praying for you everyday too! I feel so confident that you will have a healthy pregnancy! Everything is just perfect, and God knew this was the right time for you! :hugs: I am still over the moon about you being pregnant!! It literally warms my heart! :hugs:
As a side note: My husband and I were at the grocery store yesterday and this little girl was talking to her Dad and she said "Daddy, guess what?!" She was adorable, and I smiled and looked at my husband and said "Aww, Daddy guess what?" to mimmic the little girl who I thought my husband had noticed as well. He turned to me and said "REALLY?" .... He thought I was telling him I was pregnant. :rofl: I was like NO, I was just admiring how cute that little girl was, and I just had AF two weeks ago!

Men. :dohh: He proceeded to tell me that when I'm pregnant that I should not tell him in the grocery store. :haha:
I have to do a little more research myself about the EDD. But I was thinking I turn 5 weeks tomorrow but I may be further alone than that because I did have a strong BFP on last Saturday 6/21. Hmmm I'll just look that up and play with the dates more.

I'll also look into prenatal yoga on youtube as well. That's great you are sticking with it and I'll keep cheering you on. I'll try to make DH do yoga with me too :haha:

Awww how sweet and funny at the same time. He really thought that you was telling him. yeah men are so funny about there timing especially with this TTC stuff.:haha:

I'm very confident that you will be on this train this cycle! And we just keep believing and
praying!! :hugs:

Oh yeah I am on baby center to get EDD but if you go onto American Pregnancy Assoication website and put in LMP as 5/23/14 and #cds as 31 it say EDD is March 2!! I think it's Feb 27 because I think I ovulated on June 6. Tell me what you think??
Hmmm, the more possible dates I put in, the more confused I get! :dohh: I was leaning towards the 27th, but then I was thinking that maybe americanpregnancy.org is a more reliable predictor since you can put in your cycle day. Then I put your O day in as the day of conception, but I suppose conception could occur within a few days after O. I know it isn't based on implantation, but the egg could have gone without being fertilized for a day? There are so many factors! However, I feel like most doctors would ask about LMP and date it off of a 28 day cycle (even though that isn't necessarily accurate for everyone!). I definitely think the range we are talking about it accurate, and I think it may be closer to the February date because of your strong bfp! I can't wait for your scan- I am so curious now!!! :happydance:

Yes, I had day two of my yoga yesterday and it felt amazing! DH joined me, and he enjoyed it too! :haha: It was definitely easier the second day, and it felt great to stretch some of my sore muscles from the day before. My plan is to continue this DVD until it seems "easy" and then try one of the ones I have that is more challenging. Also, there is one pose called the "Have a happy baby pose" that makes me giggle every time. Maybe you can do that one for your prenatal yoga :haha: But in all seriousness, it really is SO relaxing. Let me know if you end up finding one! Are you going to continue working out while pregnant? I don't know what the "rules" are about exercise during pregnancy. :shrug:

Lol yes, the grocery store incident was funny. He keeps asking if I'm ovulating, and then all of a sudden he thinks I'm pregnant?! They are definitely silly when it comes to TTC stuff!

I still haven't confirmed O yet. I'm on CD16 now. I feel like it has to be soon though! :shrug: We have been BD almost everyday though, so I feel like I am ready whenever it happens!! Our Wedding Anniversary is tomorrow, so I feel like it would be special timing to conceive for our one-year anniversary! :cloud9: I guess we'll see!

Keep getting your rest, and don't work too hard! :hugs:
Oh HAAPY EARLY ANNIVERSARY :happydance: :happydance: I love to see couple making the best of their relationship and especially marriage!!! Yes that would be awesome if you guys make a baby on your anniversary :happydance: I'm excited!!

Now about this EDD, now that I played with as well I too confused myself and I'm actually like you thinking that Feb is the correct due date. Just thinking back on everything and I marked the days when we BD and I'm sure I must have conceived on June 6 or 7th. Either way I'm thinking the same because that BFP was very strong and if that is the case then I'm 5 weeks and 1day. I can't wait to my scan either. It's seems so far away but I bet I comes so fast.. :happydance: oh yeah speaking of anniversary our anniversary is Feb 25 so the due date is two days after ours. Yayy.

All of this is so exciting to me. I'm glad you enjoyed yoga and your DH did to. Last night I feel asleep as soon as DH came home :haha: but as far as exercise I have read it was fine to do but don't do anything that will over work yourself. My only concerns is because I'm "label" as high risk I not sure if I should be doing soo much, but I think yoga is fine because it's basically stretching and such, well I'll look up so prenatal videos and see how it goes!!

That story was funny. I laughed out loud and my fur babies looked at me like this lady is crazy.:haha: but our men can be so silly when it comes to all of this but it's amazing that I think they are secretly into all of it :haha:

My DH was off this morning and he doesn't ever have a Saturday morning off, I was so shocked when I woke up and he was still in the bed I thought I was losing it :haha: but we've been lazy today. I'm thinking about getting out and going to get my rings clean today, they need a good shining up. What are your plans for today??
Thank you!!! :cloud9: We still don't quite have our plans figured out for tomorrow yet. I know we will look through all of our pictures and watch our wedding video and reflect on how much we love each other....because we love to be mushy and talk about all of our memories together all the time. :haha: We will definitely get out of the house and spend the day together doing something fun....and of course BD at some point! :winkwink:

Yes, I think those dates sound accurate!! Who knew there were so many factors to consider when calculating an EDD before a scan?! I think that sounds about right though; it will be so amazing to know for sure after your scan!! I hope these next two weeks go by fast!! I can't wait for you to be able to see your healthy munchkin!! I look forward to the picture! I also look forward to your future bump pictures!! :happydance:

Aww that is so special that your little one will be born so close to your anniversary! That will be the most wonderful anniversary gift ever!! :cloud9:

That makes sense about the exercise! I would definitely think you wouldn't want to overdo it! You're right though, prenatal yoga could be healthy! It's definitely relaxing too!

Haha aww well I am glad you got some sleep last night, and what a pleasant surprise to wake up with your husband still home!! I hope you have an amazing day off together! :hugs: Lazy days are my favorite, especially when I can spend them with DH.

I'm about to head to lunch with a friend, and then I am going to go pick up a card and some things for DH! That is funny that you mentioned getting your rings cleaned! I've been meaning to do that for SO long. I was going to take them in earlier this month, but I'm weird and wanted to make sure I had them on our anniversary! :haha: I will do that soon though- thanks for reminding me I needed to do that!

Enjoy your time with DH today!! Talk to you soon! :hugs:
Happy anniversary and I know whatever plans you guys have it will be filled with joy and happiness. I want you to enjoy yourselves and lots of BD :haha:

I don't have much to say I have this lingering headache so I think I will just sleep in today well I already did that given it's already afternoon. So I guess I'll be going back to bed and I'll cook dinner for us later.

ENJOY!!!!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY again!!! :happydance: :happydance:
Thank you, our Anniversary was wonderful!! We made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, cuddled, and BDd. Then we actually spent all day at the water park before going out to dinner. We've been talking about going to the water park since we moved here, and it was too hot to go hiking or do much of anything else unless. It may sound unromantic, but we are goofy like that. :haha:We had SO much fun! Then we got dressed up and went out to a fancy, romantic dinner! We are both sunburnt and sore from walking up so many flights of stairs at the waterpark, but it was a great day!

I'm sorry to hear that you had a lingering headache! It's all those hormone changes. Headaches and migraines are the worst- I get them too. I hope you are feeling better today though!! :hugs:
Oh it sounds like you guys had a wonderful time at the water park. We don't have water parks here unless we go to magic springs Arkansas. But I'm happy you guys enjoyed yourselves. :happydance:

My headaches are coming and going and today I stayed in bed sleeping all day, well besides getting up eating like a hippo :haha: But no complaints at all. Just taking it a day at a time. My DH came home and was telling me that a coworker that's in the navy with him just had a miscarriage today and she is nine weeks. Geez I got sad bc I know the feeling and it's a scary thing. But I just will pray for her. :cry: I remember back then when I got pregnant my first time with my son, the thought if a miscarriage never crossed my mind, I was so unaware of how these things happen everyday. But I just keep praying over myself and pray munchkin is snuggled in tight!! :baby:

Sorry about that but it's a very sensitive topic for me and I just can't wait to become a nurse to help others! I feel like I went through it all just to be a blessing to others.

So what CD are you now? I see BD is all covered. Do you think ovulation is approaching or came yet???
That would be a far drive for you to go to Arkansas to go to a water park! Haha. We didn't have one close by back home either, so we were excited to finally live near several water parks! I've always enjoyed them more than amusement parks...maybe because I'm a chicken when it comes to rollercoasters and such. We really did enjoy ourselves though, and when its 110 degrees you can't be outside unless you're in water! :haha:

Aww, are there safe medications to take for your headaches? I can't remember if its tylenol that is safe and not ibprophen? Or if doctors really advice to stay away from all of it. I hope those headaches go away for you soon though! Keep drinking plenty of water! Haha well I am glad you are able to eat like a hippo! I'm sure that makes your body and baby very happy!! Have you had any food aversions or specific cravings yet? I'm glad you have been getting some (probably very much needed) rest! :hugs:

Ugh, that is so sad about your husband's coworker's baby. I understand completely about it being a sensitive topic. It breaks my heart every time I hear about early losses. :cry: It's so sad that we live in a world where it's almost taboo to talk about miscarriages and other complications, especially when it is a time when women and families could really use the support. I think it is truly amazing and inspiring that you want to become a nurse so you can help others. I know you will touch SO many hearts with your kindness and strength. I am sorry to hear about this. It's such a scary thing! I know what you mean, I never knew how common it was until I joined these boards and until I experienced a miscarriage myself. I never thought it would happen to me, but it did, and I feel like I will always have a piece of me that will continue to worry about my future fertility etc.. I am always praying over you and praying that your little one is snuggled in tight. I truly believe he/she is!! This is your take-home miracle baby. :hugs:

I am CD18 now, and I still think I am waiting to ovulate! :dohh: I was really hoping I would have Od by now, but I'm trying really hard not to stress over it. I felt stronger cramps in my lower abdomen today, so if I don't O soon I will be totally confused! I have read that starting b-complex can sometimes lengthen your cycles, so I am wondering if that is what happened last month and this month. I am doing more research. As long as my lp is long enough, I feel like I still have a good chance this cycle. We definitely have BD covered. I think we may skip today, and then bd tomorrow to make sure there is enough spermies after yesterday:haha: Anyway, yep, just still waiting (and obsessing) over here!
I think Tylenol is safe to take, well I know. I have a list of things I can take but me being me I refuse to take anything but my prenatal, progesterone everyday like I was told to. He also has me talking baby aspirin but I take that every other day but I'm not to comfortable taking it. I take it because that's another precaution to prevent miscarriage, it's suppose to help thin the blood so no blood clots forms, which I don't have blood clots but I know it's just a preventive method so of course I'm gonna take it but just every other day!

CD19 today for you, time has came by so quickly it's amazing. I just praying that God will show favor to you this cycle and we can experience this remarkable journey together.

Oh yes I was sad to hear the news but she already has 4 kids so at least she knows there is not anything wrong major and sometimes miscarriages happens. But I still don't wish that experience or feeling on no one. But I'm at peace about this pregnancy, like I've said before it seems like a stronger pregnancy with all the preggo related symptoms that I have been having!

Oh it's July :happydance: I have 14 days until my appointment gets here. I know I will be relieve once I see and hear the heart beat! And see the measuring is right were it's suppose to be and they give me my EDD! I'm really pumped I wish my appointment is sooner but I'll just wait patiently! :happydance:
I totally understand that you're cautious about taking any medications. I know I will be the same way! That is good you are taking baby aspirin as a preventative measure every other day though- I never knew that was helpful in preventing miscarriages! Good to know. How is your head feeling today? I hope those pesky headaches go away soon!

Yep, CD19 today! I think I may be 1DPO today too!! My temp went up this morning, but fertility friend won't confirm O yesterday until I have two more days of higher temps. So I'm hoping that my temp stays up and that yesterday was O day! I will keep BDing until I know for sure. I'm praying that this will be my cycle that we conceive our little one!! I'm trying to stay optimistic and relaxed :cloud9:

Yes, I am so sad to hear that news too! I am glad that she has been blessed with wonderful kids, but I agree that I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone!!! My thoughts and prayers are with her. I am so glad to hear that you are at peace with this pregnancy. I'm glad you feel like it is a stronger pregnancy; your body knows it too! I trust that God will be watching over you, your husband, and your baby! :hugs:

YAYYY only 14 more days!! :happydance:The countdown begins! Ahh I know how excited I am, so you must be over the moon! I look forward to the relief and joy you will have when you get to see and hear your little one! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Only two more weeks, I hope it goes by before you know it! :hugs: So at the scan do they do betas too, or how does that all work?!

Also, I watched your latest video! I love seeing how happy you are - you are glowing!!! You are amazing, and I am so glad you have been blessed with this pregnancy! Also, I love that you are will be coming up with preventative measures you will take to maintain a healthy, happy pregnancy for you and baby! :hugs: I look forward to seeing your next videos!
My headaches are coming and going, it's not too bad I can't and won't complain. But yes I'm indeed over the moon filled with joy! But they'll take my blood for blood work they do a ultrasound, he probably want a detail one to look at my cervix. We probably discuss what's next and probably schedule when we will have the cerlage put in.
Oh thank you my mom said I'm glowing too! But I was going to make my next video today to talk about all the preventive steps to maintain this pregnancy but of course I'm soo tired from work (even though I don't do anything) I'm so tired! It's like a must, I have to take a nap. I feel bad but just thinking about it my body is working hard to create a little person :baby:

I can't wait til you can confirm and be in the two week wait. Looks like we will be waiting together huh? You to get BFP and me going to the doctor. I'm praying for you still!! Come on get that eggy boys!! :haha: but in all seriousness just keep relaxing doing yoga and drinking water! :happydance:
I'm glad the headaches aren't too unbearable! I've been trying to cut my coffee intake down, and I've had a headache for two days too. :haha: Oh well, it will be worth it.

That's great! It sounds like there are a lot of great things that are going to come out of your first appointment! I'm sure the scan and bloodwork will be wonderful!! How far along do they typically do the cerlage? That is where they essentially sew up the cervix, right?

Yes, you are definitely glowing! :hugs: Well I look forward to seeing your next video whenever you get around to it! It's good to get those naps in! Yes, your body is working very hard to create a little person, so it makes all the sense in the world that you would be exhausted! I say if you can fit in a nap everyday, definitely do it! :haha:

I know, we do get to wait together, huh?! I'm definitely feeling more confident that O happened on Sunday. I'm counting today as 2DPO. My temp stayed up today, so tomorrow my crosshairs should definitely show up on fertilityfriend. :happydance: I hope I catch that egg! I'm drinking a lot of water and taking my vitamins, and I skipped yoga the last two days but I will get back to it today! Our wait continues :coffee: Now we have to figure out a way for time to go by more quickly so you can have you scan and I can have a possible BFP!

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