Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Yes the cerlage is when they sew the cervix up. And they typically do it between 12-14 weeks no further than that unless it's an emergency like with my son. But I'm going to ask can we do it my 12th week maybe 12wk 3days. That reminds me I'm going to ask can he give me antibiotic before and afterwards so that I won't catch an infection to another preventive method to ensure baby is fine. They take the cerlage out about 37 weeks.

Yes the wait begins :coffee: oh geez I wish I could sleep the entire time. I know I will this weekend just sleep in and do nothing at all. 2dpo :happydance: time is really going now. I'm very sure that you'll get that BFP the week I go to the ob!

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. Remember I told you about the friend I had that we stop being friends after my miscarriage. Also how she was being very short when I text her anything? Well she texted me Tuesday night and asking did I send something to her house for the baby bc she received something and didn't know who it was from. Okay listen to this, they moved last month and I haven't been to their new apartment and moreover I don't have their address. Ummhhh sounds strange right? Oh wait before then on her birthday (in May) I wished her a happy birthday but she replied back to me who is this (leading me to believe she deleted my number out her phone? Right wouldn't you think the same?) but now she has my number and knows who I am now? Okay so then she asks did I want to see the baby and of course I'm a sucker for babies and kids, so I said yeah I would love to see her. She sent two pictures of the baby then said I can come over anytime during the week because they are always at home. So i said okay I'll let you know ahead of time. :wacko: so yeah I don't know how to feel about it all, my DH said she still wants to be friends, I just don't know, what do you think??

Anywho I use to drink Dr Pepper like it was water and eat ice like it was food until I got pregnant with my son and DH made me stop. I had terrible headaches from caffeine withdrawal. So I understand but just do it how you are cut back slowly & don't go cold turkey like I did bc it was awful for me. Keep it up I pray to God that he show favor this cycle and I pray that his plans will be done!!! :hugs:
Well I am so happy to hear that you will be getting the cerlage! It sounds painful, but it will be worth it to keep you and baby safe! I think around 12 weeks sounds like a great plan! Do they check the stitching(?) periodically to make sure it all stays in tact until 37 weeks? I need to look up the procedure, so I don't ask so many silly questions. Lol. It sounds like a good plan though, and taking antibiotics is a good measure too! :hugs:

Yep, the wait is on!!! So I think I said I ovulated Sunday, but I meant Monday :haha: But yes, I am 3DPO now! We are making last minute plans to go go home to Colorado next week. I think we would leave Sunday and come back Friday. I'm not sure yet. On one hand it will be a good distraction from testing too often, but on the other hand I really wanted to be able to have a BFP the next time we saw family so I could surprise them somehow. :shrug: Oh well, it will happen when it happens. I'm SO excited to see my family nonetheless. DH and I have been so homesick lately! But yes, I hope I get that BFP around the same time you have your scan! There would be celebrations all around!

Hmmm that is very interesting news about your friend! It does sound like she may be coming around though. That is really strange that she thought you sent her a gift even though you don't have her new address. And as far as the phone number thing goes, the only thing I can think of for why she has your number now is that maybe she saved it in her phone when you texted her in May?! It is weird that she didn't have it to begin with- I would have thought she deleted it or something, but is it possible she got a new phone? Interesting...and maybe she asked about the gift as a segway to have a reason for texting you out of the blue? Yeah, I honestly don't know what to think! I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt and hope their intentions are good, but I don't know her or how she usually thinks and acts. I say, go with your gut! It may be helpful to see her in person and figure out where your friendship stands (and of course seeing the baby is definitely a perk!!!) Hmm... yeah that's a confusing situation!! Do what you feel is right to do! I hope it works out for the best! Keep me posted. :hugs:

I had an awkward situation with a friend too yesterday! We were on the topic of babies, and as always I subtly mentioned I wanted one. I didn't tell her I was TTC, but she just said "Ew, you guys are trying that again? Why would you want babies?" and then went on and on about how babies are "gross" and it's a bad time for me to get pregnant. Ugh, it was totally insensitive, and I was offended. I just sat there not saying anything. I don't feel the need to explain my decision to anyone, ESPECIALLY her. It's not her decision to choose when is the right time for ME and DH to have a baby. Anyway, I am still a bit annoyed, but I am just going to brush it off and clearly not mention it again. :dohh:

Yes, caffeine withdrawal headaches are awful! I went cold turkey for the last two days (but it was more because I kept forgetting to buy more coffee at the grocery store). I am going to cut back slowly though, so when I get pregnant the withdrawals from quitting won't be so bad! :haha: Anyway...only 11 days until your scan, and X number of days until I start testing! :happydance::happydance: Thank you for your prayers! I continue you to pray over you and your pregnancy as well! Positive thoughts all around! :hugs:
Ummmm that's crazy babies are not gross! Yeah some propel can be very insensitive about that whole topic. Yes I agree you don't and shouldn't have to explain anything to her especially after the miscarriage and all that stuff. So I'm sorry that it was a uncomfortable experience. :hugs:

Oh 3 dpo : happydance: I'm excited! Yeah 11 days into the scan. Omg yesterday I was losing my mind. I kept thinking what if something happens and I kept going to the restroom to check to check to make sure I wasn't bleeding :wacko: I hate feeling like that but it's a scary time the first 12 weeks! Oh and I'm pretty sure that my ob will be checking the cerlage every so often. At 16 weeks I have to go every week to see him until I get the cerlage out! So knowing I see him every week is rewarding because I'll get to see the baby more often, that's how I take the bad situation and make it positive!!
Oh goody you guys get to see your family! How lovely! My mom and aunts went to Texas now I wish I would've went with them! I didn't go because for one I'll miss my DH I can't help it! Lol!! But I hope you guys have a safe, fun wonderful trip! Oh yeah it's okay that you won't be able to tell them this holiday but Labor Day is next, then Thanksgiving, I can think of tons of cute announcing things for thanksgiving!!

Now about this friend thing! I'm like you try to give people the benefit of doubt but I when I asked her did she erase my number she avoided the question so I assume that she did! But I've seen her do other people like that, and she does that to get an reaction out of people. She really has a kind heart but some thing are questionable and this is one of them. I do feel like that was her way to get me to come over. I will go but it won't be this week nor next week. I'll just wait a few weeks then go. I don't plan to stay long. I mean not trying to be close in friendship as we were because clearly we aren't that good of friends as I thought. Any who when that happens I'll be sure to tell you maybe I'll get online on my phone while I'm there to let you know!!! :haha: I just don't like drama and I refuse to be stressed out over that situation.
Yeah, it was definitely uncomfortable, especially since I hadn't seen her in a while. I know, babies are such a blessing! If she doesn't want one, I respect that, but that doesn't mean she has to disrespect my decision to start a family. It was just the way she kept talking about it that got under my skin. I have another friend that also doesn't want to ever have kids, but she is at least respectful of our different opinions! Lol sorry, I really am done ranting about this. I just wish I could share my joy and passion with others about wanting to start a family...Oh well, luckily I can do that here with you!! :hugs:

Ahhh I know, 3dpo; it's going to be a long wait! Awww Brittany, I'm sorry that it can be such a scary time! I know it is hard not to worry, I would be doing the same thing and checking myself every time I went to the bathroom. I feel like women who have never experienced a loss get to go along through their pregnancies without a worry in the world, and it is so hard knowing that a little bit of that comfort was taken away from those of us who have experienced a loss. I have so much faith that this is your sticky bean though! Keep thinking positive, healthy thoughts! This pregnancy is different, and you will have your take-home baby in 8ish months! Enjoy the moments (easier said than done, I know). You are healthy and strong, and your little one is too! :hugs: I know your first scan will offer so much relief! It is also great that you will get to have regular scans after 16 weeks! That is definitely something to be positive about! :hugs:

Yes, we are SO excited to see friends and family! I'll take some wondfos in case I want to test a few days early, but I will just look forward to when I can announce it to them the next time. We want to do it in person, so that could give us an excuse to make another trip out there. :haha: And you're right, there are other holidays coming up too! I'm sorry you didn't get to go to Texas with your mom and aunts; hopefully next time you can all go!

Hmm that is weird that your friend dodged the question about whether or not she had deleted your contact. It's just so strange that all of a sudden she has her baby and after months of not really talking she wants you to come over. I can see why you think it is questionable. I really hope that she has good intentions though and wants to make things right between you two. It's always so hard to know what people like her are thinking! Does she know you are pregnant? It's definitely good to not stress yourself out over it and avoid the drama as much as possible. With that said, I agree a short trip over there wouldn't hurt. I hope it works out for the best, I'll be looking for your update if you decide to go in a few weeks! :hugs:

Do something relaxing for yourself today (even if that is taking more naps!) You deserve it! :happydance:
Yeah I understand. You are completely right some people don't want kids but we still should respect each other's feelings! Oh your not ranting at all!!

I'm so happy you get to get away. I could've left but I wanted to stay honestly I feel like I'm too early in the pregnancy to do anything out of the norm! So most def next trip I'll be going hopefully I'll know the gender and maybe can shop without them seeing! Who am I kidding they are so nosey lol!!

As for my use to be friend, I do find it all odd! But owell, and yeah I'll go in a few weeks. No she doesn't know I don't plan on telling her. Only way if she finds out if DH tells her husband when they have training next week. I just don't feel the need for her to know especially how she treated me!! I hope that doesn't sound bitter, does it? I'm not though I just am now cautions on who I call me friends and allow to get close to me and all in my business like that!!
My thoughts exactly! Hopefully when I actually get pregnant she will be nice enough to respect that it is actually happening! :)

Yes, I'm excited to get away! I feel like I have been depressed this summer being far away from home and not having much to do to keep me distracted. I'm a baby. Lol. Also, I just found out that we may be pushing the trip back to the end of July. That would actually be perfect, because then we can get paid before we go AND if I had a BFP I could share the news!!! My fingers are crossed! :cloud9: Yes, I totally know what you mean about not wanting to do anything out of the norm so early on. It can be good to be cautious, but yes it will be great when you get the chance to go again! Haha that is funny about your family :haha:,it's good that they are nosey, it means they are just as excited about your pregnancy and everything as you are! :hugs: Ohhhh baby shopping! I want to get you/make you something!! Hmm, I need to get my creative juices flowing. :winkwink:

No, I do not think you sound bitter at all! You are far from what I would ever consider bitter! You have consistently been there for her, and I think it is absolutely fair to keep that to yourself considering how aloof she has been with you. It makes sense you would want to be cautious on who you allow into the intimate details of your life! If you find later that her odd behavior turns out to be good intentioned or that she tries to make amends, you still have every right to consider whether or not you want her to be part of that or not. That is your call to make. Good friends should always be the ones to pick you up, not bring you down. :hugs:
Happy 4th of July!!!! :happydance:

Yes I agree I hope things become different when you get BFP with your friend. Some people just don't understand. Well even though you are pushing the date back on when y'all are leaving that's actually good. Like you said you guys will get paid and it will give you a chance to test for BFP. I think that you will get it and be able to share the wonderful ,great news with you family. I'm sorry you had been feeling down this summer because you miss your family. Well on the bright side in a few weeks you guys will be home to see them!! :happydance:

Well as for me, my DH was off last night and we went over his mom house to grill. We had lots of food and had a good time. I was so tired I slept until 11am this morning. Now I moved into the living room and I'm being lazy. I haven't been feeling 100% of myself today, I have a headache and feel nausea. So I been taking it easy. I read that eating pork it takes a long time to digest. Last night we had ribs, hot dogs, smoke sausages, hamburgers etc. so I'm thinking that's what's going on. I haven't been really eating pork besides bacon in the morning. I normally stick to bake or grilled chicken. Well hopefully I feel better soon.

I'm happy you don't think I'm being bitter. I agree that it should be my choice if I want us to be friends again. But honestly I just don't see it. I have so much going on and I don't feel the need to make time for people that I have to question. After all at this point my main concern is this pregnancy and me starting and finishing nursing school so I can help DH provide for our family. I just want good positive people around me at this point. But I'll still do a short visit and that is all.
Thank you! I hope you and your husband had a Happy 4th of July too!! :happydance: We ended up taking a walk with our dog and watching fireworks from the top of the bleachers at a school nearby. It was romantic, because we were the only ones there and we could see firework shows in 4 different directions. They weren't really close, but it was still great! What did you guys do?

Yes, we are officially going on our trip now from the 24th-29th. It will be so great to see family! Ahhh it would be SO great if I could get a BFP this cycle before we go! I have everything crossed and i'm praying! I would be beyond excited if this happens for us this month!

I completely understand your concerns about your old friend. I think it's fair that you want to be more focused on your pregnancy and future than spending time with people that aren't positive and supportive. I was actually having this same conversation with my DH last night about the friend I mentioned, and I said the exact same thing about wanting to only surround myself with good people and positive friendships. It's interesting how much things change as we get older, isn't it?

I'm glad you had a great night at your MIL's house! It sounds like it wiped you out! I'm sorry you were feeling a little off yesterday.:hugs: I'm glad you are taking it easy. I didn't know that about pork taking longer to digest, but I can definitely see how a delicious meal like that would cause some indigestion. Yep, nausea, headache, and indigestion- you're definitely pregnant! Your body is still going through a lot of changes, so at least you can look at it as a positive sign that everything is progressing. I hope you feel better soon though!! Keep taking care of yourself and getting good rest. Sleeping in and lounging in the living room isn't being lazy when you are pregnant:winkwink:

Feel better!!:hugs:
Oh sounds like a wonderful, great relaxing way to watch the fireworks. DH had to work so me and fur babies just laid around watching movies. I could've went over my dad's or MIL house but I wanted to rest. So I did just that and :sleep:

Yayy so it's official the date is set for you guys. Now our wait continues :coffee: I think this is your month. It's perfect timing and you can share the amazing news with your family!! Everyone in my family doesn't know only people that know are my mom and sisters, MIL and a cousin and Aunt. I'll announce after this first scan maybe or I'll wait til 12 wks. I def feel preggo, these headaches come everyday and subside by evening afternoon. I'm more hungry than normal and the sleeping is picking up. But still no complaints :cloud9:

So now how many dpo are you? When do you plan to test ?? This is exciting :happydance:

Seems like we both are thinking the same about the friend thing! Well when we grow up we realize things before that we didn't at first. But it's not that we are losing friends, we just realize we wasn't even friends to begin with. God put people in your life for reasons and seasons so just learn what we can and keep moving on.
Well it sounds like you still had a good evening with your fur babies! We wanted a relaxing evening as well. We thought about going to the actual firework displays, but we were being old farts and didn't want to fight the crowds. :haha: So yes, we pretty much did the same thing all night laying around up until we went on our walk!

It really would be perfect for so many reasons if we got our BFP this cycle!! He/she would be a March baby like me and would have been conceived on our anniversary, I would get to be bump buddies and only a month behind my favorite BnB girl (you of course), we could tell our family in person in a few weeks, and I don't know...it would just be so amazing to finally start our family!!:cloud9: I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high, but I am hopeful! We had great timing, and ahhh I have been waiting for this moment long before we even started TTC.

I'm 5dpo now, and honestly I'm already going crazy to test! I'm trying to hold off as long as possible, but I don't know how long that will last! :dohh: I'll keep you posted!

Awww I think it is special that only several of your close family members know about your pregnancy so far! I'm so glad they can share and celebrate this time with you! Only 9 days until your scan!!!:happydance: I know your little one is snuggled tight in there. He/she is trying to reassure with the fatigue and hunger! :hugs: I'm glad the headaches aren't lasting the full day for you. How far along are you now? When does morning sickness typically start- six weeks? I'm glad everything is feeling "normal" at least in the sense of feeling pregnant!! :happydance: Yayyy baby! :baby: Also, did I mention that once your bump starts showing that I want to see those pictures too?:haha:

I completely agree with what you said about growing up and learning! My thoughts exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself! :hugs:
Old farts :haha: you are silly but that's how we are well I am I hate large crowds!

Yes I agree that it will be such a wonderful timing to get BFP! I am praying and cheering for you still! We are in it together! Yes it will be perfect we will be very close in timing. Well based on my last cycle I'm 6 weeks exactly today :happydance: but yep the symptoms I'm experiencing are def pregnant related. From my last post to this I took a nap (felt like a power nap) I order Chinese food ( which I rarely eat) guess I can blame it on pregnancy :haha: but I'm so excited I really pray that this is Gods plan and you get BFP this cycle :happydance:

Oh yes I will indeed post bump pictures! Im sure I will be an early shower I was showing at 3 months with my son. So I'm sure the bump will come sooner than later. I'm actually plan on taking maternal photos once I get a big bump, I never got the chance to with my son. A lot of things I didn't get to do but I will be able to do those with this pregnancy for sure! And yayyy I'm counting down the days! It'll be just a blessing to see munchkin all snuggled in tight and of course get a DD!!
Hahaha its true. We both enjoying going out and having a good time every now and then, but mostly we are homebodies. I'm not a fan of crowds either!

Thank you so much!! I'm praying so much that it is in God's plan for me to get a BFP this cycle too. I'm so glad we have each other to wait out this next week and a half! :hugs: Awww 6 weeks today!?! That is so exciting! :cloud9: Haha you were craving Chinese food, eh? Sounds yummy! I'm glad you got your nap in today! I took a nap the other day before it was even noon; at least you have a reason for napping, mine really is just laziness!!:haha:

Woohoo, I'm glad you are an early shower because that means more bump pictures! :happydance: Ah it will be so cute! Yes, you will definitely have to get maternity pictures done too when you are further along. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to do them with your son :(

Yes it will be a beautiful, amazing blessing to see your sweet munchkin on that scan! :cloud9: The wait needs to go by a little more quickly, because I can hardly contain my excitement!! :happydance::happydance::hugs:
Oh yes I so excited for you. It's makes it that much more special to visit family with exciting news! You are going to be a wonderful Mom! :hugs:

Oh yes I was craving it the other day but we ate something else and I was just craving it. So what the heck might as well. It was yummy. I finally got up to start doing laundry :wacko: every little thing I do makes me exhausted. My DH said he wants me to get in a habit of just relaxing and staying off my feet. Oh he will be an amazing Dad, he fully understands that I'm high risk and how important it is to stay relax. So when he is at home he does everything for me! It makes me want to cry (probably hormones) because I know he wants everything to be okay and so badly pray this is home take home baby! I have faith and fully trust in God!!

Yep indeed more pictures. And also more ultrasound pictures too.
Aw thank you!! You are going to be a wonderful Mom too!! :hugs:

Your DH is so wonderful! You both make such a great team and will be amazing parents together! That is so sweet that he wants you to stay off your feet as much as possible and gets tons of rest! He knows it's important to take care of you and the little one! :hugs: :cloud9: He's a good man! Yes, definitely take it easy, especially if you find yourself getting exhausted easily. If you have a lot to do, take lots of breaks in between. I'm so glad to hear that you are staying relaxed and trusting that God will protect over you guys. You will definitely get to take your munchkin home 8 months from now! :hugs:

I hope you are doing well today! A week from tomorrow and you will be at your ultrasound! AHH so exciting! Does DH have time off that day to go with you?

As for me, DH had the day off today so we ran some errands, did some gardening, and we worked on a coffee table that we started trying to stain and refinish this week. ALSO, I got a call yesterday to go in for a job interview tomorrow!! I'm nervous, but really excited!:happydance:...And as far as TTC goes, I'm still feeling good about this cycle! I'm 6dpo, and feel like I will probably cave and do a test around 8dpo. I think I need to get at least one test out of my system. :haha:

Anyway, I hope all is well!:hugs:
Oh yes was great well I didn't do much but sleep :haha: but DH was off last night so we stayed up watching movies and we cook breakfast for diner it was so yummy. We bought a waffles maker last night and I love it. Oh yes DH will be off for the scan!!

I tested at 7 and 10 dpo and both negative. So I think once you get it out your system you'll be fine. But I'm happy you guys spent the day together and got some things going. Oh yayy an interview and good luck with it. Where do you have one at? Don't be nervous I'm sure that you will do great.

:babydust: :babydust: :happydance: :happydance:

(P.S.) remember you brought to my attention that this year was the year of the horse and that's our year?? Look at the many blessing that are coming in our lives.. Your BFP is right around the corner and then a job interview. Then we have great men what more could we ask for? #thankful and grateful :happydance:
Mmmmm I LOVE waffles!!! I always love breakfast for dinner too!! Yummy, I'm jealous! I'm making meatloaf tonight, corn, and pasta tonight :haha: Not very healthy probably, but oh well.

Oh good, I'm so glad that your husband will be going to your scan with you!! It will be a great moment for you two to share! :cloud9:

Lol yeah you are right, I will probably be fine once I get it out of my system. I am feeling really optimistic (hopefully not too much), and I can't wait to finally see a bfp! I know I won't probably get it until later though. You had negatives and then got a BLAZING positive, so that will give me hope if I test too early and see a bfn.

Oh and the job interview is at a place that works with at-risk youth doing respite care. It is inpatient care kind of like a group home, only it is short-term (typically they go for the weekend). I would be support staff teaching behavior management, watching them at the group home, cooking meals, taking them on outings to different places around town, etc. I did similar work during my undergrad at my internship and I really working with the kiddos. Thank you! I'll let you know how it goes!!

Ahhh you are so right, this is shaping up to be such a wonderful year already! :happydance: I know there are only good things in store for both of us! Yes, we have SO much to be thankful for! Our amazing husbands and budding families are definitely at the top of the list! :cloud9:I tested at 7 and 10 dpo and both negative. So I think once you get it out your system you'll be fine. But I'm happy you guys spent the day together and got some things going. Oh yayy an interview and good luck with it. Where do you have one at? Don't be nervous I'm sure that you will do great.

Sounds like an awesome job. Good luck again.

Yeah I was in total doubt I was going to get a BFP this cycle. I actually got a BFN 5days before I got that strong BFP! I would think it would have been faint but it was clearly negative! But ummm it's strange how these things work and our bodies!

Today isn't such a good day so far but I won't complain. I'm feeling really sick and I want to sleep. When I get home I will just sleep. I called my ob and he sent something for me to take bc I have been (tmi) vomiting and feeling bad, the headaches as well. I'm really thankful because it's all good signs of a healthy pregnancy growing. :happydance: I don't have much longer til I'm off work then I'm crawling right in bed!!
Thank you again! I'll be leaving here to head to my interview in about an hour. I'll get on later to let you know how it goes!

Yeah, I'm sure it would be rare for me to see a bfp this early, but I've turned into a POAS addict the last two months! Our bodies are definitely strange and they do things on their own schedule, so I will just have to be as patient as possible. That's crazy that yours went from bfn to a blaring positive within only a few days! Your baby was snuggled in extra tight from the very beginning :hugs:

Oh no, I'm so sorry you have been feeling so ill! I know you aren't complaining, so don't ever worry about that! :hugs: You're right it just means everything is healthy and progressing! Aww I'm still sorry that you have been feeling so poor these last few days. Have you been throwing up pretty frequently or did it just start? BIG HUGS to you! I hope whatever your ob prescribed will help you feel better very soon! :hugs: Definitely get some good sleep tonight when you are off of work, and continue to take care of yourself! I'm sending healing thoughts your way! :flower:
Good vibes on this interview!!

I just started feeling this poorly this morning. I've been fine until this morning. But I'll get some rest now since I'm home! Hopefully when I wake up you'll be all settled in from you interview!!

Thanks for the hugs and healing thoughts! :hugs:
Thank you! I got the job!!! :happydance: I start on Friday! I'm so excited!! Also, I forgot to mention that my DH was promoted to be General Store Manager, effective immediately. Life is good! Now we are just praying for our little :baby:!!

Boo, I'm sorry the sickness came out of nowhere! I guess it's about that time in your pregnancy that the nausea begins. I'm glad your home and resting now! Did your ob give you an anti-nausea or something of the sort? I hope it is working for you and that when you wake up you have a settled tummy and feel rested. :hugs: I'll be thinking about you!:hugs:

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