Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Yayyy congratulations on the new job!! Also congrats to your DH promotion!!! You are right life is good!! Now everything is falling into place and it'll be great timing for BFP!!! Oh this is such great news!!!

Well as for me, yes my ob gave me something called promethazine. It works but it made me so drowsy and sleepy. I took one last night about 8pm and I slept until 9 this morning. So at least I got rest and am feeling better. I'm not too thrilled about taking any meds while preggo but if it helps me at least eat stay hydrated. So that's always good. Yeah this is the time for all these symptoms to kick in, but for the most part I'm just taking it a day at a time.

So how many dpo are you now? Time is going by pretty fast and next week will be here before we know it.. :happydance: all this is so exciting!!

Oh yeah so the girl I was talking to you about, well next months marks a year since she gave birth to her son but he was a stillbirth. She did name DH and I godparents, so they are celebrating his birthday and asked would we like to attend. I talked it over with DH and he agreed that we will go. I'm happy DH will go, it's less confusion and drama when he comes!! But idk it's all pretty strange and fishy to me!!
Thank you, we are both pretty pleased with the job situation! DH insisted that I don't work too much though, because he doesn't want me to overdo it. :haha: The shifts can be kind of weird...Saturdays are 14 hour days (8am-10pm), but I'm only scheduled one of those this month.

Ohhh I am so glad you woke up feeling better today! I know it can make you feel uneasy taking medication, but it is definitely important that you feel well enough to get some food and liquids down.:hugs: I haven't really heard of Promethazine, but I'm sure it's safe! Will you be taking it daily or just as needed? Keep hanging in there. I'm always glad to hear that you are taking it easy. :hugs:

I'm 8dpo today. I tested this AM with a BFN. I was expecting that, but I just want to keep telling myself that it's too early and that it could take awhile. I keep praying that I will get my BFP this month, but I also get more and more nervous as I get closer to when AF is due. I guess all I can do is be patient and wait it out!

Your scan is in less than a week!!! YAYYY next week really will be here before we know it! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hmm that is interesting! I mean, that is nice of her to invite you and your DH to the birthday celebration. It is almost as if she is realizing that she made a mistake in letting your friendship slip to begin with. Goodness, I don't know what to think! I think it will be a good thing that both you and your husband will be going. It will definitely be less confusing and awkward with your DH there. You are also being very mature in taking the high road with all of it. You're an amazing person, and if she doesn't realize that, it is definitely her loss. I hope it all goes well!!!:hugs:
I'm really excited for you guys with these new jobs opportunities. And I agree don't over do it. That's exciting that means better income and more to save for :baby: everything is lining up in place and I'm sure that you will get that BFP!!!

Yes girly it's still to early but I understand POAS is so hard to stop lol. But how are you feeling? Any symptom spotting? I can say honestly I don't remember having any before I got BFP, I guess that makes everything more complicated huh??

I've heard of the meds. Only because my sister took it with my youngest nephew and the twins. Of course I asked her before I took it and she did warn me that it would make me sleepy but I would feel better! Which it did but it took a while for the drowsiness to go away. I just woke up again from the post earlier and I feel so much better and well rested!

I guess I'm trying to give her the benefit of a doubt but I am still a little guarded with her. I guess bc I don't know her true intentions. But I only agreed to go because we are the god parents and I know how it feel to lose a child. But I just want think to much into it. Plus my DH is the type to take negative awkward situation and quickly change the mood. My DH doesn't play lol :haha: so I am a bit relieve that he will come with me.
Thank you, we are excited too! I can't wait to start saving for our little one! :cloud9: It feels like everything is falling into place. I will definitely make sure I don't overdo it with work, especially once school starts back up. :)

It really is hard to stop POAS once you start!:dohh: I am going to try to be better than last month at least. :haha: I've been feeling pretty good. No real AF cramps yet, but I have been keeping track of mild cramps/twinges and lower back ache just to have for my record. I try not read too much into symptoms, but the only thing that I suppose could be noteworthy is changes in CM. 1-3dpo I had really thick, creamy CM (which I noted around the same days in my BFP cycle). Since then there has still been some creamy CM (probably normal for me), but then yesterday and today I noticed some very light spotting on two occasions (not red) when I was checking my CP. I think it is likely that it was from BD a few nights ago, since sometimes I do spot after that. I'm not going to attribute it to implantation or anything, but it was definitely something I took note of :shrug: Today I also had some globby (ew) CM. Anyway, that was probably more information than you needed. :haha: But who knows, it could all go either way, but I figure if I track everything then I will start to know my body better if we don't conceive this month so I will know what is actually normal for me. But yes, it's all complicated, isn't it?! Everyone and every pregnancy can be so different.

As far as the meds go, I am so so glad that it made you feel better! It's no fun to be even more sleepy and drowzy, but I'm sure it is better than the terrible nausea. Oh good, I'm glad you were able to talk to your sister about taking them. It's always helpful to know someone personally that has taken medicine and went on to have three healthy little ones! YAY I hope today is another day of feeling better and rested! :hugs:

That definitely makes sense that you are guarded with your friend while also trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. I think it is understandable to be cautious. After being named the god parents and all that you have been through with this friend, and everything you and your DH have been through yourselves over the past two years, it is very admirable and sweet that you are going to support her. You have such a big heart. I hope things go better than expected! That is great that your DH is the kind of person that can change the mood in a room and create a more positive environment; that's a good quality to have! My husband is a big goober, so he's always trying to break the ice by making people laugh. :haha:

Anyway, I hope you are having a great day! Your scan is SO soon! I can't believe it! It will be here before you know it. :happydance::hugs::cloud9:
Humm sounds like good signs huh? If you had these when you got BFP that cycle! It's all so crazy how our bodies work. But it's good that you are noting everything so you can be more aware of things. Also yes things are moving in the right direction!!

Yes my scan is coming faster than I thought. I guess since I have slept the past few days it's been going pretty fast. Oh yes my sister actually has 4 kids in all. So I ask her bc she us an experience Mommy :haha: but I'm off work today too and I return tomorrow. It's been nice but I still feel queasy :wacko: but I know it means good things going on and baby is fine! This brings joy to my heart!

My DH is the same he like to make people laugh and she is the type if person to just sit there with a sour look on her face like she is mad at the world. Idk but we shall see how this goes!

POAS is awful hard to stop. I started using opks to get it out my system :haha:! Next week will be here soon. When do you plan to test or think you will get your BFP?? I'm still praying!!!
I hope they are good signs for me! I don't really want to read too much into them yet though. I'm trying to be as patient and rational as possible. :haha: My BBs have also been starting to hurt, but again I know this can be a sign of both AF and BFP. Some months they will hurt like crazy before AF comes, and then other months they never get sore. So, it's definitely not a reliable sign for me. Lol. All I can do is wait.

I know, time really has been going by a little faster it seems like! It will be so exciting! :cloud9: Haha yes, sleeping a lot can help make the time go by faster because every time you wake up you are that much closer! :haha: Aww your sister has four kiddos? How wonderful! I can see why you ask for her opinion! One of my sisters is the same way. She only has two kids, but she is a trained doula so she knows a lot about pregnancy. I will definitely be hitting her up with questions a lot. Well, I'm glad you have the day off today so you can store up some more energy before heading back to work tomorrow. Yes, everything you are experiencing sounds normal and like your little one is healthy and growing stronger everyday! :cloud9::happydance::hugs:

Lol, I just pictured in my head the look you described on her face. :haha: Yep, I know that look! It will be good for DH to be able to break the tension.

Haha I know, if I had opks I would be using them to get it out of my system. I will probably go count my wondfos to see how long I need to make them last. I am pretty sure I have one or two FRER that I am saving for later too. I will probably test again tomorrow...if I don't break down and test again this afternoon. The cheapies are just so tempting! FF estimates that AF will be here sometime between Saturday and Thursday (I think), so hopefully I will know one way or another by then!! Thank you for your prayers, I'm praying too!!!:hugs:
Today was a day for us. We (DH and I) stayed home today and slept in all day! I'm feeling for the most part okay. I do feel a little sick every now and again but for the most part I've been "I guess feeling how I'm suppose to"! So my ob office sends friendly emails and texts to remind you when your appointment is, so they had the wrong doctor listed, so of course I called to correct it but my appt now is later that day at 1:45pm :( geez now I got to wait a bit longer :haha: however DH still will get to come so I'm happy about that! Time is flying it'll be Tuesday before I know it and I'm still confident that everything is going to be alright!!!

Now I agree the symptoms of AF and BFP are so close it's so hard to tell. But just reflecting back on some things you notice about your CM this cycle and the BFP cycle sounds a promising. I never got ECM or anything like that "weird" :haha: but I guess my body did it, but I did have a little after I got BFP for a couple of days. Ummhhh is all I said. But I wish we could just know the moment at ovulation if we are or aren't instead of having a long dragged out TWW :coffee:

Oh cool is that, your sister is a doula! I would love to have a family member trained. Well I have several nurses in the family so I guesssss they'll have to do :haha: but seriously I bet that will be lovely to have her throughout your pregnancy that is starting this cycle :happydance: I believe it!!!

Are you looking forward on your first day at work tomorrow? Well tomorrow I have to work 10hrs :wacko: and Saturday only 5hrs! I wish you all the luck and happy feelings and positive thoughts on this new journey that you're about to intake on!! :happydance: good luck girly :hugs:
I am glad you were feeling relatively well today, or as you said "feeling how you are supposed to" :haha: That is sweet that you and your husband were able to sleep in together all day! I'm sure the rest is great for both of you! :hugs: Aww boo, I'm sorry your appointment is a little later, but I'm glad you don't have to wait too much longer!! Wait, is your appointment on Tuesday?! I kept thinking it was on Monday...but maybe that is because one of my friend's birthdays is that day. Oops, I'm sorry I've been off on my countdown! :dohh: Either way, it is SO soon and I'm with you and know everything will go exactly as it should! :hugs::cloud9:

Lol, yeah I don't know what is up with my body. :shrug: I got another BFN today (10DPO). I'll be honest, I've been having an "off" day. I have been so excited and optimistic about this cycle being "the one", but now I have AF-like cramps and I'm still not seeing anything on my tests. I feel like I should be able to see at least a squinter! I know you said your test was negative on 10dpo, but was there a shadow or anything? Mine still seem stark white. :cry: Ugh, I wish we just knew after ovulation whether to expect AF or BFP too! That would be so nice. I'm trying not to get too down yet, but I've just been feeling sad. I know I will be gutted if AF comes. DH has been supportive as usual- he could tell I was upset about having cramps even though he doesn't know exactly where I am in my cycle. It's OK, it will work out however it is supposed to. Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully I will be in higher spirits.

Yes, I think it is pretty cool that she is a doula too! She LOVES babies and has been one of the few people that have been supporting us in wanting to start a family right now. She can't wait for us to conceive. :haha: Nurses are nice to have in the family too! My mom is a nurse as well. Now I just need to get pregnant so I can ask them all questions! Thank you for your optimism, it helps to read your post after a day like today. :hugs:

I'm definitely looking forward to work tomorrow! It will be a nice distraction too. We can work with kiddos between 5-17, and they are usually split up by gender. Tomorrow I work with a group of older boys, so hopefully all goes well!

Thank you again for everything! You honestly always put a smile on my face! I'm so glad to have you. :hugs: Good luck with work tomorrow! That is a long day! Make sure you get plenty of food and water to keep you going, and take breaks if you need them!:hugs: :hugs::hugs:
Oh yep, I was reading back on your posts and you definitely said July 15th. I bet it was because of my friend's birthday that I thought it was the 14th. :dohh: I'm excited for you though!!! Only 5 more days!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Oh I'm sorry that today was off for you. But I hope this help mines were stark white at 10dpo and at that point I gave up too bc I felt like you, I should have a squinter or some hence of a line but nope nothing nada! I pulled the test apart and held it up to the light an many directions hoping to see something and nope!! So with all that being said I still say just wait a little bit longer!

Oh yes I don't have long at all. I'm counting down now. At first I wasn't because I thought it would take longer, but we are here. Oh yeah you did think it was the same day as your friend.

Oh I'm taking plenty of snacks and stuff tomorrow. DH wants to have a date night after work. I work from 9am to 7pm so it's enough time to go get dinner and a movie like he wants. I hope I have the strength to do it.

How exciting about work! I love younger kids like preschool and under. Well honestly because I'm a shorty "5'1 if that :haha: " so the highest grade I have worked with was 3rd graders. Everyone else is taller than me and I'm so nice I think the older kids would try to run over me :haha: but I know you'll do great!

Yes nurses are great I have a handful in my family from my mom and aunts and me sooner than later! But yes I can wait until you tell me BFP this cycle!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :happydance:
It is really reassuring to hear that from you considering your BFP was so bright only a few days later! I'm feeling in a little better spirits today, thank you! I had a temp spike today, so that at least gives me some piece of mind knowing that AF won't come today. That is one more day in the running. :haha: I'm trying to be cautiously optimistic, but I don't want to get my hopes up. All I can do is wait it out. :coffee:

Yes the countdown is now 4 days!!! :happydance: It did seem like it was really long to wait when you first scheduled your appointment, but now it is almost here! :cloud9: You pretty much just have to get through the weekend and Monday, and it sounds like you will be busy so it will go by even faster!! :happydance:

I'm glad you are taking plenty of snacks today! I hope you have a stress-free day of feeling well and having energy to get your through! Aww a date night sounds lovely! That will be a nice treat after such a long day! Hopefully you are feeling up for it!! Do you work Sunday too or just tomorrow? Anyway, have fun!! :hugs:

Hahaha oh my goodness, I am the EXACT same way. I always say I have a little person complex, because I am also short (5'2") and look young. I'm also too nice sometimes, so I get scared of the kids walking all over me. I guess I just have to be assertive. I am definitely most intimated by working with the older boys. It will be challenging. I'm with you- give me a bunch of little ones to corral and I will do just fine! I think it is assumed that the younger ones are harder because they have more tantrums etc., but I feel more confident dealing with tantrums than teenagers that always talk-back. Haha it will be interesting!

Aww it will be so great when you are a nurse! I'm so excited for you to take that next step in school! You are going to do AMAZING! :hugs:

I really hope that you are enjoying your first day :happydance: I'm sure you are doing great!!

Ahh yes I just got to make it through this weekend. I'm going to deep clean this weekend. It's a mess from this week of doing nothing :haha: but at least DH tried to clean the kitchen (he put all the dishes in the dish washer) :haha: but that shall be the task!! Today has been an okay day. I kinda got ticked off today and was ready to quit but I calmed down bc it'll be soon when I can take my leave from work so I'll stick it out until then.

A high temp spike yayyy :happydance: I pray it stay up then that means BFP right?? Yep I'm sure this is your cycle!!! ❤️

Yeah guess we are some shorties :haha: it's okay because we are the best! And you took the words right out my mouth, teenagers talk back too much ughhh I hate it! It's so disrespectful (my mom didn't play that) when kids talk back it makes others not want to do things for them because they are disrespectful! That's one thing DH and I agree on with our kids manners and education is number 1!!! I sound like as they say "a southern" respect your elders and say yes and no sir or ma'am, give your seat up when a older person comes in the room! Lol it's funny but I do all those things!!

Anyways I hope your day is filled with joy and I hope it's everything you wanted it to be today!!! :happydance: can't wait to hear the details!!!
Aww yes, my first day was GREAT! I honestly think I am going to love it! I was nervous about working with the older boys, but they were actually really well behaved! It was all really laid back. We only had five boys; I just cooked them dinner and hung out with them while they played a few video games and watched movies. A few of them hung out with me and tried to assist me in the kitchen while I was making me dinner, and they all thanked me afterwards! It was fun! I don't even know how to explain it but they just warm my heart! I'm sure there will be rough days too, but I think I have the heart and patience to work with these kiddos. :hugs:

Did you end up going on a date night tonight? Aww that is sweet of your husband to help out with the dishes. :hugs: My DH isn't very good at dished, but I will give him a break since he does most of the cooking. :haha: It sounds like you have a productive weekend of deep cleaning ahead! I always say that my house reflects however I am feeling at any given moment. When I'm super busy or exhausted everything is a mess, and then I love the feeling of being able to clean it all back up and feel relaxed. :haha: You're pregnant, so you have to give yourself a break if you have a messy house every now and then! :hugs:

Oh no, I'm sorry that you had a rough day at work! What happened? I hope it all got sorted out! Yes, your leave won't be too far away, so hopefully everything can go smoothly until then! :hugs:

Lol, yes we are awesome shorties!:haha: I feel the EXACT same way about respect, good manners, and good morals being important to teach our kids. I love the "southern" way. I was born in Georgia...I'm not sure if I have mentioned that. I didn't live there long, but my dad moved back there and remarried so I still feel a strong admiration and respect for my southern "roots". Honestly, we sound so similar in that regard. I am HUGE on respect. I think we are both going to raise some pretty awesome, well-behaved kids if I do say so myself. :thumbup:

Ahhh yes, I hope the temp spike was good and that my temps stay high! I am really praying for this! I ended up using two wondfo hpts today...I'm pretty sure I held my first test up to the light for three hours today. I could see a shadow in the right place and the right width, but it was only visible with my phone flashlight behind it. I know I sound so crazy, but it was there and none of my other wondfos had it. The only problem is that I couldn't see it well enough to determine if there was color or not, so I am still considering them BFNs. I'm sure it is very likely it was an evaporation line or something, but I still enjoyed obsessing over something. :blush: Harumph. I'll probably test again tomorrow. I keep praying!!!!!!

Edit to add: ^^That test was definitely nothing, because I got another BFN today. Oh well!

:hugs: Keep hanging in there with work! Wish you, your DH, and your little one the best as always!
I think it is safe to say that I am out this month. I was feeling out yesterday after another BFN, and as the day went on I tried to prepare myself more and more for the fact that I didn't think it happened this month. I started spotting really lightly yesterday afternoon, my temp dropped significantly this morning, and the spotting has gotten a little heavier throughout the day.

I know AF will be here tonight or tomorrow. I would be lying if I didn't admit that I am totally bummed. I had really high hopes and felt really good about everything, but I know it doesn't always happen immediately right when we want it to.

I will have a good cry, and then pick myself up to try even harder next month. I know it will happen for us eventually. Thank you for being so supportive throughout everything!

How are you doing?! I hope things are going great on your end! Only two days until your scan!! :cloud9::happydance::hugs:
Ughh I wrote you back then it all disappeared! :wacko:

Well first I'm so happy that you enjoyed your first day at work! I knew it would be everything you ever wanted! Yayy :happydance:
Secondly I'm sorry AF tried to show her ugly face. But do what you need then let's get ready for this next cycle! Perhaps I can send this opks now?? But yes our bodies do what they want and when they want all the time! So positive thoughts and we know that you are capable of conceiving so that's all the matters, now we can work towards that. I'm still going to be here no matter what :happydance:

Sorry I didn't write back sooner. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well at all. I think because Saturday I was out all day and I was so tired from that. Oh wait yes we did get to go to the movies Friday but dinner that was a no go, I was pooped! Now Saturday I end up going over to the friend I was telling you about? She texted me Friday evening asking would I come over Saturday. So I agreed and went over. It was strange at first because I didn't know how the attitudes and mood of everything was going to be. But it was normal and it was like nothing ever happen. So I went along with it, I did buy the baby a few outfits. She was happy about that because she said she needed them. Then later that day when our DHs got off they came over and my DH got to see the baby. When we left from there we went to see my cousin and his wife that was in town with there first baby. So if course I had to see the baby and chat with them until about 10pm! Then home to :sleep: Sunday I slept in all day I had morning sickness all day and headaches! So sleep is all I did.

Sorry if that was a lot to read! But yes my scan is tomorrow and I'm super excited and very confident that everything is fine and baby measuring were he/she is suppose to be. I have put all my trust in God and let all my fears go because I know God is in control! ❤️

I'm at work and I'm so sleepy and I kinda feel sick. I'm just watching the clock until it's time to go home at 3pm! How is your day today? Do you have to work? Hope that you are feeling much better!!
That's always a pain when the computer deletes everything you write :dohh:

Yes, I am glad everything is working out with work so far! It feels good to be working again! Yep, AF came with terrible cramps and all this morning. But honestly, today I am just trying to look forward to next cycle. I obviously wish this cycle wouldn't have been a bust, but I am ready to keep trying until it happens! So, CD1 today, and I'm ready to do this! I think I would like to use OKPs this cycle, especially since I will be going out of town right before ovulation time. I want to make sure I'm not missing it! As I mentioned, I would be more than happy to send you money! Or if it is too much of a hassle to send them, I can just get them online!! But yes: new cycle, new attitude. I'm going to continue to be positive about trying to conceive our little one. :hugs: Thank you so much for all of your support! I hope you know how much it means to me; you are always able to lift my spirits :hugs: I'm glad I can be there for you as your pregnancy progresses too! :cloud9:

No need to apologize for not writing back sooner; I know we both get busy! It definitely sounds like you have had a lot going on these last few days! I am glad you were able to go to a movie with your husband on Friday night! What did you see? Aww and how sweet that you got to see TWO babies this weekend! :cloud9: I wish I could cuddle with some babies! :haha: It sounds like everything went surprisingly well at your friends house! I am so happy to hear that! That was very sweet of you to buy her little one some outfits, and I am glad there wasn't any tension between you two. Saturday definitely sounded like a busy busy day for you; I'm glad you didn't have much to do yesterday so you could reenergize a bit! I hope work is going better for you today too!!

Well darn those headaches and morning sickness, but at least it is a good sign that your pregnancy is going well! I'm glad you are able to let go of your fears and trust in God. I've been praying that he will watch over you all! I feel confident that your ultrasound tomorrow will be absolutely, positively PERFECT! AHHHH I am so excited and happy for you! If you have time to update after your appointment, I would love to hear how it all went and see the scan! Have fun and enjoy every second of seeing your little munchkin! :hugs::cloud9::happydance:

Also, go home and get some good rest after work today! I hope you start feeling better this afternoon. :hugs: I'm glad to hear everything is going well (aside from feeling sick). Are you off for the whole day tomorrow? I don't work again until Friday (the agency is typically only open on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) except for when we have the summer program going, so it looks like I have most of the week off! :haha: Take care and enjoy your scan tomorrow!!! :hugs:
I'm happy that you are ready for this new cycle but I hate those cramps they can be such a pain. But again it'll be no probably to send the opks at all. Also it's a gift so I will not :nope: accept any money :hugs: so private message me is I can send them off this week so you will have them.

Oh yes this weekend was an eventful and pretty nice. It was nice chatting with her but I'm still thinking I should keep my distance as we haven't talk like that since Nov of 2013 (my miscarriage) but it's no hard feelings, I'll respond to calls and texts if she texts but if not owell life goes on.

Oh I didn't realize that your job was only the weekends, that's still awesome because you still have classes and of course time with your DH. I'm happy everything working out for the best!

My scan is at 1:30 tomorrow so I'll probably be there by 1:15 to turn in the paperwork. I did my paperwork already because I hate filling out tons and tons of paperwork for no reason it say the same thing over and over and none of my information has changed lol ( can you tell it really bothers me to fill out paperwork). So I think this appt may be a little long because we will have the ultrasound then we will sit and talk with my ob ( I bet he will be so surprise to see me) to go over the plans and to ease my concerns as always. DH will be coming so that means he is driving and I can come and update right after my appt. *im not sure if we have a time difference or not but as soon as my appt is up I will updating and showing pictures*
Yes, I'm ready to get on with this cycle! :happydance: I'm also trying to look at the bright side about last cycle: it was actually a fairly normal length and I had a normal length LP! I also feel like I have a better idea of what is "normal" for my body before AF. Thank you so so much for offering to send me the opks. That is so sweet and generous of you! :hugs: I'm really excited to use them this cycle! I sent you a private message. Let me know if it worked, because I'm not very familiar with the private messaging on here. Lol. Anyway, thank you again!!!!! :hugs:

I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend! Yes, that is a long time since November to not really have talked to her! I understand still keeping your distance and seeing how it all goes! I hope it all works out for the best! :hugs:

Yep, it is kind of weird that the job is only weekends, but I really don't want too many hours anyway. Typically the shift is 4-10 on Friday, 8-10 (14 hours!) on Saturday, and 8-4 on Sunday. I don't think I will want to work all three during school, because I would like to have at least one day off from school and work....and of course DH wants me to not be too overwhelmed and wants to spend time with me. :haha:

Yayyy you are probably already on your way to your scan! (I think I am likely three hours behind you, but I'm not positive). Lol yes, paperwork is the worst! You would think that doctors would be able to have your history and information on file in one large database so you wouldn't have to fill out the same thing everytime! :dohh: Anyway, I'm excited for your scan! I know it will all be great! I'll be here jumping up and down waiting for your update:haha:

Yes I got the private message! Also you are more than welcome. I'll send them off tomorrow. I have self labels made so you'll have our address. ( well it's his mom address that were all our mail go, we order a lot of stuff in the mail and it won't fit in our apartment mailbox, either way I will get it!)

I'm happy it was a pretty normal cycle & not long or weird ones. Those can be a pain to just sit and wait on either BFP or AF. So we are looking forward to this cycle yayy. So where are you now CD3?

Soo my scan was great! Baby is measuring perfectly! I'm exactly 7 weeks! Due date Feb 27,2015! So I was right on point with everything. We saw and heard the baby heart beat, it was 137 and beating so strong! It was music to my ears. I was so nervous before getting there but I prayed and I instantly felt better. So next step I oh back in two weeks then we will schedule surgery. Then I'll be going every two weeks until 16 weeks then every week! He said maybe we can relax after that, then he said well we are pretty much the same so I'm not going to let up from seeing you :) ! I have an amazing doctor and I love it. So here is a picture!


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How wonderful!!!! :cloud9: Look at your little munchkin in there! How perfect! I am so thankful that went so well! I knew it would. :hugs: Awww what amazing news: you and the little one are healthy, baby is snuggled in tight, you got to hear a healthy beautiful sounding heartbeat, and you have your estimated due date!! You must be overflowing with joy! :cloud9: I know I am smiling ear to ear over here! I am so incredibly happy for you all!

Yay, exactly 7 weeks with a February baby! :hugs: I love your doctor too! I'm so pleased that he is so passionate about making sure you and baby are healthy and safe. So in two weeks you have another ultrasound and are scheduling the cerlage? The plan sounds great; it honestly warms my heart to hear that everything is going so smoothly! :hugs:

And thank you again (I can't help but to keep saying it!). That sounds great; I can't wait to send you a gift too! I'm on CD2 today since yesterday was the first day of "full" flow :blush: I am going to try to relax a bit and keep myself busy this cycle. I know I said that last cycle, but I found myself obsessing over TTC everyday. I want to temp, use opks, and be healthy, but I also want to sit back and relax. I am also going to try and wait until at least 10dpo until I test this time too, because I always end up stressing out from testing too early ! :dohh: Woohoo, I really hope to join you as a bump buddy soon!:happydance:

Ah, well I am THRILLED that everything went so well at your appointment today. It made my day to hear that! :happydance: Now you can go sit back, relax, and celebrate this amazing news with your husband! :hugs:

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