Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

First bad news, my DH let our Yorkie out in the backyard and he wasn't out there 5 mins and some how he got out and we can't find him. This happen Monday. We put up flyers everywhere. I've been so worried and crying. My DH feels terrible. It's sad but I just pray whoever has him bring him back or take very good care of him.

On better news AF should show in about 7 or 8 days. I take clomid cycle days 5-9. I'm super excited. Yes I know that this will be our month if BFPs and we will bring our babies home. So have you been taking OPK tests? My OB just told us after I finish my last pull of clomid wait two days then baby dance the next 4 days. We go by that but after the 4th day we BD every other day for about a week in case ovulation is late. But I'm pretty sure that everything will work out for us. I don't think I'm going to test with OPKS because I wanna try to be stress free.

I'm sorry the past two weeks been hectic for you and I understand exactly how you are feeling. I'm actually thinking about if I do become pregnant this cycle in going to sit a year out on getting my second degree and then pick back up after that year.

I'm not feel good today, it's mostly sinuses and allergies with the fresh cut grass and all that. I have bad allergies in the Spring. I actually prefer the fall lol. Well I hope to hear good news from you soon with ovulation and the BFP!!!
Oh no!!!! I am so sad to hear that your Yorkie is missing! Oh my goodness, I would be an absolute wreck! I lost one of my doggies for a day before, and I was crying like crazy too. Luckily, someone found her and took good care of her for the night until we found each other again. It is a scary thing, because our dogs are still our babies! Aww, I'm sorry your DH is feeling bad about it too; it's not his fault, unfortunately dogs can just be sneaky sometimes. I am praying that your baby is fine and makes it home safely!!! I'm sure you've probably already called around to local animal shelters, but if not, give that a try! That's how I knew someone found our fur baby last time!! I'll keep you all in my prayers, and definitely keep me posted!

On to your good news though, I am beyond excited for you! AF is not far away at all, and then you can officially start trying again! YAYYYY!:happydance: Your BD plan sounds really good! We typically try to BD every other day before ovulation, but we we may try to amp things up a little bit this month. I am using OPKs, and so far all have been negative. From what I read, it looks like O should take place between 5-12 days after the last dose of clomid. I guess we'll see. It makes sense that you want to opt out of OPKS to reduce your stress. I feel confident for both of us!!

Yes, i've been exhausted with how many hours i've been putting into school, work, and internship BUT today was actually a pretty good day. (I didn't even cry! Lol.) I'm so close to being done, and I just need to keep pushing through! I'm sorry you have also had so much going on, and that you have not been feeling well! Allergies are never fun at all. I'm actually the opposite and get more allergies in the fall than in the Spring (i'm weird). I hope you feel better though soon. We will get through this! I know what you mean about possibly sitting out a year of school if you get pregnant this cycle; I would probably do the same thing! It's a special time, and I know you will want to focus all of your energy and strength on getting baby here safely! Eeeek I'm crossing my fingers and praying that it happens for you on your first cycle back to trying!!!

Talk to you soon! :happydance::hugs:
Great news we found him.. I'm so thankful!!

I was actually thinking of skipping this cycle because I was so stressed out and worried. Also I i did go get the zinc but I started taking it probably a week and half ago. Pretty late but at least I have it and take it along with my prenatal. So AF is 4 days away and I have notice since I been taking a zinc my ovaries idk but I have been feeling them. So fingers crossed for us.

I'm almost done with school, I have 2 finals left and today I finished up on the rest of my assignments. Other news I can't remember if I told you but my DH doesn't have to go back to NC for training they changed his location to Nashville, TN which is like 2 hours away from home and he gets to come home every weekend YAYYY!!! I'll be happy when he finishes, not much longer..

Anywho I have 2 weeks until my birthday and I can't believe I'll be 25 years old, geez where has the time gone to LOL but it's a blessing!!! Anywho more great news, I think we are finally getting close to deciding to buy our first home. We have came to an agreement on the location that was the first step LOL but we still have some time our least not up to December and we will be searching for the perfect home, I'm so happy and blessed for the opportunity to actually live out our dreams, most people don't.

Enough rambling but how is it going with your cycle? Anything new?? Prayers are coming to you and stay positive, take those prenatals and drink water.. We will be moms soon enough!!!
Yayyyy thank goodness you found him! I am delighted to hear that!!! :happydance::hugs::happydance:

Yayyy AF is close (how often do we say that?Lol), but it's a great thing because you get to start TTC! That is interesting that you are noticing changes in your ovaries with the zinc - I hope they are good changes! I keep forgetting to pick up since at the store, but I have definitely been drinking water and taking my pre-natals.

I am pretty sure O day was yesterday! I had a positive OPK a few days ago, and I had some major ovulation pains yesterday. I am just waiting on three sustained temperature increases to confirm, but I feel pretty confident counting yesterday as O day. ALSO, we BD'd the last three days, which is more than we usually do during my fertile window. Fertility friend categorized the probability of this pattern resulting in conception as "high" (compared to "good," which is usually what my charts are labeled). So, that increased my confidence for this month! It's the small things. :haha:

YAYYY I am so excited for you that you are almost done! Good luck on your finals; I know you will do great! Eeek you are so close! I still have several presentations, papers, and finals, unfortunately. Either way, we are both almost done with the semester! :happydance: I also have my national licensing exam this upcoming Saturday. I'm freaking out, but I DID pass my comprehensive exams (which means I can graduate!).

Ohhh no, I don't think I knew that your husband's training got moved to Nashville. That is great news!! Awww I'm excited for your birthday! I know what you mean about time going by so fast! I am also thrilled to hear that you and your DH are looking at buying a house! Will you be staying in the same city? My DH and I are also looking at moving (although not buying a house yet)! We will probably move back to our home-state by the end of the year :happydance: You are right, not everyone gets to live out their dreams, and I am so happy that you and your DH are getting to create the happiness you both deserve! :hugs:

Sending prayers your way! Let's both get those BFPs this cycle! I'm feeling positive for both of us! :hugs:
I get on here and start typing then start doing other things, I get logged out and have to start over LOL.

Yes I'm thrilled to have found my Yorkie, thankfully he runs so fast no one could catch him. And plus he doesn't let anyone touch him unless it's me or DH. He has been by my side since, he doesn't go outside unless I go out first.

Any who this is such an excited time for us. So me great things happening. Congrats on passing your comprehensive exams and I'll be thinking of you on Saturday. I know you will do great. I'm anxious to see what the next few weeks will become of, I'm just waiting on AF, lol we do say that a lot. But this week she should show and I'll be ready to start this cycle of TTC after 7 long months Im ready for this. I know you are so ready for this too. So Im guessing you are 4 or 5dpo today, what do do you plan to test for hpt??

We are looking to move to another city but w are still in the same state just about an hour from where we are now, I'm ready for a change. That's cooks that you guys will get to move back to your home state. We are just taking a step at a time about buying a house we want to make sure it's exactly what we want.

Well I'm praying for us as always qnd hugs to you passing this exam Saturday then you will get BFP soon after!!!
AF showed today :happydance: :happydance: I'm happy I can start this cycle but oh how I hate the cramps, oh I can't wait to get off to get back in my bed lol. It's going to be a long day.
Aww yes, I hate getting logged out and having to start all over with a post-I totally know what you mean! Lol.

Aww that's so cute that your fur baby has been cuddle up to you since he's been home! Poor little guy must have been scared! I'm still just so glad he is home!

Yayyy your officially CD2 then now!!! I am so excited for you!!!! Let the baby-making begin! :hugs: It would be SO amazing if we both got our BFPs this cycle!!!:cloud9: It's definitely been a long journey for both of us, but I have faith that it will happen for us soon!

I'm 7DPO today. I'm going to try and hold out testing for a few more days, but who am I kidding, I always test early! :dohh: I had a check-up with my OB this week. We aren't monitoring my follicles or anything, but she did a pelvic exam and asked about the side-effects I've been having. To be honest, the side effects have not been fun. I keep telling myself that it will be worth it though!!! My OB stated she didn't feel any cysts, but said something a little concerning about my uterus possibly being enlarged? She didn't really confirm one way or another though...she was trying to feel around, but I was in so much pain that she had to keep reminding me to breathe. Anyway, I scared myself looking stuff up on google, but I'm trying not to worry about it. I have another appointment next month to check again.

In other news, I'm just trying to keep working on schoolwork. I had my licensing exam this morning, but I won't get my results for another 6-8 weeks! :coffee:

Awww I'm excited for you to take the step to buy a house! Definitely keep my posted! Are you guys already looking at houses, or do you have to go through the bank process first? Good luck!!!

Anyway, I have everything crossed for you as you move into this cycle!!! Sending big hugs and baby dust your way!:hugs:
Also, I keep forgetting to tell you that I have been keeping updated on your youtube videos!! I always enjoy watching them :) I'm excited to see more!

ps. the giraffe diapers are SOOO cute!

I have been thinking a lot about possibly starting some videos, but I am just so camera shy! Lol.
I'm happy that you are still watching my videos. You should make videos I'm very shy but making the videos are easy to me. Also it will be great memories of everything. I plan to record everything this next pregnancy and parts of delivery and such.

Anywho tomorrow I will start clomid.�� I'm super excited. My DH was home this weekend but he is gone again he will be back Friday and home for a week and my bday so just in time for ovulation!! I'm excited for us. I'm over the moon happy with everything. Your are 8dpo today, I understand about the testing early, who am I kidding I probably will be testing early too. But I'm saying to I don't wanna test until I'm 16dpo I know it's pretty late but that when I have gotten BFP in the past. So here is to us waiting!

Oh yeah I pray every goes the way you want it to go as far as your exam for your licenses and also with your ob visit. Based on the things you said your ob said and wasn't to concern with it all then I'm taking it to be optimistic and to think positive about it all, I'm sure everything is perfectly fine.

Well about the side effects, I'm not looking forward to them because I have hot flashes, mood swings (luckily DH won't be here for that part). But I'll deal with them the best way I can. This week I'm going to the gym everyday and taking my prenatal and zinc and of course getting that water down as much as possible. And most importantly reading my devotionals and staying positive and relaxed.

I got some diy projects I will start on during my tww. Well I feel like I'm rambling on and on. Well Im thinking and for you girly! :hugs:
I agree that videos are a good way to capture memories. I just tried to do my first Vlog, and I sound SO awkward!!! :rofl: I'm trying to navigate youtube, and how to edit etc. I'll let you know if I end up not being to embarrassed to post it. LOL.

Yayyy are you on day 2 of clomid today? I'll look back at the date of your last post. I hope the side effects aren't too bad for you this time around! Oh yes, the mood swings. I started out as very tearful and emotional, and now I've just been more irritable. Poor DH has definitely noticed, but thankfully he has been incredibly supportive still. Anyways, it sounds like your husband will be home for perfect timing of BD! :happydance: Yayyy your birthday is SO soon too! Let the fun begin!

I'm 10dpo today, and I got a BFN. I have absolutely no will power to wait! I always try to wait to test, but I can never resist with all the cheapies I have! I'm trying to not obsess about it too much, but I guess we'll see how it goes. :shrug:

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, as always! I genuinely appreciate it.

I'm glad you are taking care of yourself and finding something fun to do during the tww!!! What kinds of projects do you have planned? I can't wait until I'm done with school, so I can start doing all the things I want to do! Anyway, hang in there! I'm sending tons of positive thoughts your way! :hugs:
I'm over filled with joy knowing that you are making memories (videos) that you will reflect on later.

This moods swings this cycle has been actually the best I've had. Well I've been emotional but in a good way, tears of joy that's all. I take my last pills tomorrow:happydance: and the DH will be here too!! I'm actually looking forward to my birthday this year. Growing up I've always had horrible birthdays and then in 2012 when I went into labor with my son it even made me hate my birthday even more. But I'm so thankful and grateful that I've changed my attitude about it, it's a blessing to live each year and I will take it for granted again!!

Anywho you are 12dpo today, did you test?? I'm thinking you may be like me get BFP around 16dpo, which is so late I know people getting them early as 10dpo, I wish I did LOL owell. Hang in there chicka I'm still cheering for you!
That is great to hear that you haven't experienced negative mood swings on this round of clomid. Tears of joy are definitely always better than tears of sadness! I'm always such a sap anyways that it can be hard to tell what is hormonal and what is not sometimes. Lol. But that is great!!! Do you typically just experience the side effects while you are taking the pills, or have you had cycle where some of the side effects extended beyond the days you took your last pill?

Anyway, I am so glad that your cycle is off to a great start and that your husband will be home with you soon! :cloud9: I am so happy to hear that you are looking forward to your birthday this year. I hope 25 is our best year yet!!! It sounds like you have had some difficult birthdays, especially the last few years as it falls a few days before the date of losing your son. I remember reading a quote about grieving and how grief never truly goes away, it just changes. I think that is true in a lot of ways; the sadness is still there but the happier memories become a focus too. I hope you have a wonderful birthday this year! I will be celebrating with you from over here!

As for me, I am pretty sure AF will be here this afternoon or tomorrow. I had a huge temp drop this morning with a little spotting, which is what I have found as a pretty consistent indicator of AF's arrival. I had a very convincing evaporation line that I may have believed if I weren't so "skilled" at taking hundreds of tests with BFN. Lol. (I'm trying to laugh, but really I just want to cry). Anyway, I'm going to go curl up under my covers for a while, so I can stop being such a debbie-downer and then jump back on the horse for next cycle!

Sending hugs and prayers your way that your cycle leads to a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!:hugs::happydance:
I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling sad. I totally understand and this part of the cycle is always hard, then those evil evaporated lines m, I've a a few those and they got me really good.

I agree that grief never goes away it just changes, I've learned to cope with it but I know I will end up in the bed crying then I'll make myself happy again or my DH will make me get up on our son's birthday.

Well when I first started clomid my side effects would last way longer than me taking the pills. This cycle is strange to me because once I started taking them I felt my ovaries the first two days and it hurt. Now I don't feel anything and I took my last pill today.

Well :hugs: i hope you feel better.
How are you?? Did AF show?? Or BFP?

As for me I'm on CD15 and I'm not sure when I ovulated because I been feeling my ovaries over a period of time now. But I'm trying to not focus on that right now.

I took my last two finals yesterday and Tuesday and I pass them and pass my classes with B's I'm kinda bombed I wanted A's but owell.

Other news is next week is my husband last week in training in Nashville and then he will be home for good. I plan to go with him this weekend when he leaves (he wants me to come) so I agreed. Other great news I been looking into programs for first time home buyers and its s class coming up in May that we will take. I really need to educate myself on all the outs and ins on that stuff. So hopefully everything will work out perfectly so we can buy our first home soon.

Well I'm hoping today is a good day for you. It's my son's birthday and I'm happy/sad at the same time but I will try to have a good rest of the day. :hugs:
I am the worst friend EVER! How are you doing!? I want all of your updates! I am so mad at myself, because I had planned on getting on here on the 26th to wish you a happy birthday, and again on the 30th to let you know I was thinking of you and your son. Anyway, I truly feel awful. I hope you had an amazing birthday, and that you are doing well!!! I've been thinking about you so much lately, even though I have been MIA! Also, Happy Belated Mother's Day!

These last few weeks have been crazy (not that it's an excuse). My last two weeks of school I had two 20 page papers in four days, several finals, and I was still working 50 hours a week between Internship and work. I was a wreck with not eating or sleeping. On the bright side, I'm DONE! I graduated with my Master's degree on Monday (Well technically I have to finish Internship through the summer, but I still walked). My parents and in-laws came into town this weekend for my graduation, so I have been still going non-stop until today when family left. Anyway, I'm blabbing, but I just wanted to fill you in on all of my craziness. I should be back on here more regularly now! But I hope you always know you can email me anytime if you can't reach me on here!

So where are you at in your cycle? How has clomid been? I will need to go look back at the dates! I keep praying for your BFP! I know it will happen soon! I'm around ovulation time on my 2nd cycle of clomid, and my OB told me that we will be upping my dose to 100mg of clomid next cycle if still no bfp.

I hope to hear some exciting news on your end! It honestly feels so weird when I don't touch-base with you for awhile! I told my DH tonight that the first thing I needed to do with my free-time was get on here to see how you were doing! I apologize again, and I look forward to hearing how everything is going on your end! As always, I'm sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!!!:hugs:
You've been one busy Lady. Well first congrats on finishing everything and good luck finishing your internship. I know you were filled with love and happiness all around with your family and in laws.

Thanks for birthday wishes and Mother day wishes. Everything was great. I think today will be CD1 for me. I'm cramping and tired and very moody right now. But I'm not sure if we will go another round of clomid or not. I kinda am taking it hard that AF is about to show so I'm considering going to see a fertility specialist. Also I have some concerns about my cycle last month when AF came it was heavy and (TMI) I had some blood clots it was a lot and it was big sizes. So I'm going to see if this time if it does the same. I'm worried only because I had the hemorrhage when I was pregnant with my daughter and I don't want the same thing to happen again.

Well I pray this cycle you get BFP so you won't have to go on a higher dosage of clomid..

Well I'm going to go sleep since I'm in a Debbie downer mood. And my poor DH just goes in his man cave because I snapped at him. I feel so bad but when AF comes or when I take clomid my hormones are all over the place, I'm happy then mad it's craziness and I hate I feel like that because it's not me. So :hugs:
Thank you for the congratulations! It was definitely nice to have family in town. I'm always so sad when they leave! I am so happy that your mother's day and birthday went well!

Have you taken a test yet?! I hope the cramps and moodiness are a false alarm and that AF stays far away!!!! Keep me posted! I'm praying for you, and I have everything crossed! How many dpo are you today if AF stays away?

I am sorry to hear that your last AF was weird. Could it have been a side-effect of taking birth control right before? Sometimes it seems like changes like that to our body can have a pretty big impact on AF. My last cycle was very similar, actually! I know it causes a lot of stress when our bodies do something different, so I definitely understand your concern. Hopefully your OB or a fertility specialist can answer some of those questions. I understand wanting to go to a RE in order to get more specific information about how the clomid may affect your past history. I will keep you in my prayers that everything unfolds well!!

I am also sorry to hear that you are feeling down today. That feeling of thinking that AF is coming definitely causes me to want to hide under my covers and sleep too. Sometimes we just need to allow ourselves those days. In your case, I am praying that AF does NOT come and that it is just hormones. If she does come, you know I’m here to vent about it. It’s the worst feeling every cycle. It’s such an emotional roller coaster that so many people in our lives do not understand. Let me know if you need anything!!! I’m sending big hugs your way, and of course still hoping that this cycle could be it for you!!!:hugs:

The hormones on clomid are awful, aren’t they?! Our poor husbands. You are right though, the “craziness” is not you, and I am sure your husband knows that too! It does not make it any easier when we are having all these crazy symptoms, but we are lucky enough to have amazing, loving, supportive husbands who at least try to understand! Honestly, that is why I am so scared to up my dosage of clomid!

In the end, all of this will be worth it. Know that I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way! I look forward to the day that we both have healthy babies in our arms and we can reflect on this crazy journey that got us to that point. It will happen. We are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. :hugs:
Trying not to get my hopes up, but I took these today. I saw *something* on the blue cheapie immediately, and on the pink wondfo within 5 minutes. I saved the FMU and ran out to get a FRER. I've had terrible indent lines on the FRER, but this one seems faintly pink. It's not photographing well though.

I'm trying to be calm and wait patiently for another hold.

How are you doing today?! Did you ever get AF or a BFP?! If AF came, did you start clomid again or decide to wait? I hope you are doing well! :hugs:


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Here is today's FRER with FMU! It is definitely pink, and it is darker than yesterday! I've taken a total of 4 FRER and a ton of wondfos and there are lines!!!EEEEK!!!! I'm praying for a sticky bean! My OB/GYN approved for bloodwork next week, so I will get a draw on Tuesday and Thursday to see what the numbers are! I'm cautiously optimistic, but of course DH and I are over the moon as well. :happydance::cloud9:

I hope you are doing well! I am praying for your BFP this month!!!! :hugs:


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Yayyy I'm so excited for you and over the moon happy and thrilled. It's really late here it's midnight and I thought of you actually I been meaning to get on here before now. But you have to give me details on what exactly happen when you told DH..
:happydance: :happydance:

As for me AF did show but she was supper late. It was day 36 and I was so confused because I was getting those evil lines but I knew I wasn't. Anywho well I started my clomid yesterday as today is actually Tuesday. This time around I'm going to make sure we baby dance when we are suppose to. Last cycle we missed the two most important days 14 and 15 :( but we had been so busy and tired. But Im ready to get back in the game!!

So how have you been feeling?? I'm praying for you and you keep your faith and know God will take care and in 9 months well 8 months you will see a healthy and happy baby!!! I'm so happy for you I'm just smiling for ear to ear. BEST NEWS EVER!!! Well you are getting you blood drawn this morning then again Thursday? Well you will have to update me on everything. I'm so anxious to know it all!!

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